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Beef banned in Maharashtra, 5 yrs jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale

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The Hindu farmers and dairy producers themselves are selling these mostly older cows to cattle smugglers. Why don't the Hindutva government tackle the problem from the beginning ? Why don't the Hindutva brigade solicit funds from Hindus and buy these uneconomical cattle from these farmers and put the in pension yards. Why target slaughterhouses ? Most of Indian "Beef" is actually Carabeef from water Buffaloes. Why don't the Hindutva brigade also voluntarily stop using leather products since they are mostly from cows.

Cow byproducts are used by many Indian industries to produce consumer products. Listen to Rajiv Dixit.

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Yes. It will liberate our minds.

Breaking with these ancient taboos that have outlived any purpose will liberate us to think of the future rather than the past.

And Yes, eating beef is one of these.

wtf ! No idea what you are rambling on about.

"Black magic", "Sacrifice" ?? Are you high on something?

So according to you a cow, ox , or bull hast to sacrifice its life, so that you become liberated, intellectual and look into future plans? o_O
This is very similar to olden times ' jahiliya ideology' , superstition, who used to sacrifice goats etc for knowledge and prosperity.

Bhagwan Krishna said, no sacrifice of cattle for all these excuses must be allowed. :)
Some Hindus do in fact eat beef, especially the lower castes and people from South India.
So according to you a cow, ox , or bull hast to sacrifice its life, so that you become liberated, intellectual and look into future plans? o_O
This is very similar to olden times ' jahiliya ideology' , superstition, who used to sacrifice goats etc for knowledge and prosperity.

Bhagwan Krishna said, no sacrifice of cattle for all these excuses must be allowed. :)

I never heard BK say any such thing and neither did you.

And yes I have no problem for a cow, ox or bull to sacrifice its life to feed me. Cannot think with an empty stomach. Obviously I would like it done humanely.
Some Hindus do in fact eat beef, especially the lower castes and people from South India.

There is a study going on where government regulates what should be available in market according to the climate and season and natural vegetation in developed countries. If you want I can furnish you with the link or you can go back few pages and see it. :)
Red Meat does not suit people living in warm places. Hence should be regulated, under whatever excuse

I never heard BK say any such thing and neither did you.

And yes I have no problem for a cow, ox or bull to sacrifice its life to feed me. Cannot think with an empty stomach. Obviously I would like it done humanely.

go back few pages, there are so many links nd quotes. And Forget links and quotes, go and read Bhagwad Gita ;) to get your facts correct.
There is a study going on where government regulates what should be available in market according to the climate and season and natural vegetation in developed countries. If you want I can furnish you with the link or you can go back few pages and see it. :)
Red Meat does not suit people living in warm places. Hence should be regulated, under whatever excuse

go back few pages, there are so many links nd quotes. And Forget links and quotes, go and read Bhagwad Gita ;) to get your facts correct.

Man you can give me a 100 reasons why red meat is bad but I still love it. I like to eat fresh raw beef in steak form.
Main sher aadmi hoon isliye sheron ki tara kacha gosht khatahoon.
Man you can give me a 100 reasons why red meat is bad but I still love it. I like to eat fresh raw beef in steak form.
Main sher aadmi hoon isliye sheron ki tara kacha gosht khatahoon.

Sher toh wild boar(pig) bhi khata hai , tum bhi khaoge? :omghaha:

Till you are in Pakistan or any country, you can eat whatever is allowed and available in Pakistan and in respected country you are in. :)
There is a study going on where government regulates what should be available in market according to the climate and season and natural vegetation in developed countries. If you want I can furnish you with the link or you can go back few pages and see it. :)
Red Meat does not suit people living in warm places. Hence should be regulated, under whatever excuse

go back few pages, there are so many links nd quotes. And Forget links and quotes, go and read Bhagwad Gita ;) to get your facts correct.

yes, reading your posts where govt. controlled what you eat.... if you don't know there is already govt. sponsored institutions in every state that decide and ration food, if you are interested you can go and check it out... the place is called prison.
yes, reading your posts where govt. controlled what you eat.... if you don't know there is already govt. sponsored institutions in every state that decide and ration food, if you are interested you can go and check it out... the place is called prison.

Go through previous posts, you will find link to such research.
Maintain calm
does saudi arabia allow the sale of pork too ??

Not sure but are you ok with banning foods based on religious belief so tmro if Christians want to BAN on Goat or Muslims want to ban on Chicken what do be your reaction? Should the banning not be based on some scientifc reason like health concerns and other stuffs
Ever heard about difference in minimum collateral damage and maximum collateral damage?

minimum or maximum , don't you think its important on how you lived rather than how long you lived?

I also eat meat, alternative years as it's cold here but I do not eat it in India, as there is already a lot of other things to eat. Yes, when I go to hills I eat, but once in two months. BUT NO BEEF!

And NO, banning food is NOT racists..

There is a system being developed in Developed countries, which will regulate the food and ban non seasonal food, because according to a study, it does not suit the humans to eat non seasonal food or something that which is non climatic. The government will regulate the food. But yes, you can eat it occasionally (dishes).

So you will trust your politicians who is changed every 5 year (if full term in office) more than yourselves, I pity you..... last time I checked there was not an honest politician or in that case a healthy one......

if people were so smart enough, there wouldn't be heart attacks, diabetes and BP. Every one knows the health of Indians.

EHP – Climate Change and Food Security: Health Impacts in Developed Countries

Right you are an exception, you are smart enough to trust your elected politicians... wait where are they from .... right again from not so smart people....

The philosophy of min. collateral damage is practised by yogis who perform Gyan Yoga. Please go through what it is. We Hindus, are bringing law, to practice min collateral damage.

Red meat contributes to global warming, If you go through previous posts @MokshaVimukthi has shared links :) that is more damage.

Soil erosion etc are caused by afforestation and. even if you feed cattle you need plants more than HUmans need. lol :omghaha: this means more nonveg = more cattle per day being raised and slaughtered.Hence more vegetation to feed them lol.

You can practice minimum or maximum but in the end you will............

Go through previous posts, you will find link to such research.
Maintain calm

Check the number of posts in this thread and you will find who is calm and who is screaming.....
Isn't meat made in labs a reality or just a few years away, so just chill, or its just that people are hellbent of slaughtering poor mute animals?
Yes. It will liberate our minds.

Breaking with these ancient taboos that have outlived any purpose will liberate us to think of the future rather than the past.

And Yes, eating beef is one of these.

:lol: ...... become a Aghori and liberate your mind further :lol:

There is a separate thread on how to liberate your mind. LOL.

Not sure but are you ok with banning foods based on religious belief so tmro if Christians want to BAN on Goat or Muslims want to ban on Chicken what do be your reaction? Should the banning not be based on some scientifc reason like health concerns and other stuffs

Go back a few pages and scientific reasons is also mentioned. Take you pick and be happy, ok ?
Sher toh wild boar(pig) bhi khata hai , tum bhi khaoge? :omghaha:

Till you are in Pakistan or any country, you can eat whatever is allowed and available in Pakistan and in respected country you are in. :)

Mainay khaya hai...

Islamabad mein bohot wild boars hai, hum rifle ley kar shoot kartay they un ko.
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