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Beef banned in Maharashtra, 5 yrs jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale

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be specific while you are referring to south Indians, kerala and TN dsn't make complete south India , as i said earlier most hindus in TG/A.P and karnataka loathe even the sound of someone consuming beef..

he has created an account to troll , look at the username of this fool and why do you think this dck represents entire kerala here , we have many mallu members here and i have mallu friends in real life do i need this fck to tell me what they are. Let him bark around for some time and vanish when he gets tired.

Not selecting BJP is secular. And selecting BJP is communal?? lol Height of sikularism.

Sikularism is biggest threat to harmony and peace of India. People of India realised this, and that is why Congress has been eliminated from India. Congress is the biggest propagator of sikular policies for its vote bank, and has done everything to weaken the country.

Glad, BJP is not going to follow Sikular path. Remember one thing - Secular does not mean offending Majority.

Kerala people also want BJP in their state , don't believe what this fool says prob is kerala minorities don't vote for BJP overwhelmingly . They are already tired with commies and congies for messing their beautiful state.
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You know kerala is the only state which has never elected a single BJP MP from the entire state, not even once,even in Hindu majority districts. So you can discern the mentality of folks living in Kerala. We are inclusive, have a proud secular tradition.

With 50% minority population spread over the entire length of the state , there not much chance that BJP MP will get elected but Kerala is alo home to Muslim League and Kerala Congress MPs....but they are "secular".
be specific while you are referring to south Indians, kerala and TN dsn't make complete south India , as i said earlier most hindus in TG/A.P and karnataka loathe even the sound of someone consuming beef..

Don't generalize and put entire keralites in one bracket.Am a mallu nair and hate beef, i don't know which holy book says not to eat beef or if it really is a sin, it's just that from childhood I have grown an aversion towards it and same can be said for most of my immediate family. And of course there are many who do eat it but don't go judging them or their religiosity on the basis of what they eat or not people should be free to have whatever they deem fit.

With 50% minority population spread over the entire length of the state , there not much chance that BJP MP will get elected but Kerala is alo home to Muslim League and Kerala Congress MPs....but they are "secular".

Kerala Congress (Christians) + IUML (Muslims) of the ruling United Democratic Front are essentially religious parties. So claiming we're secular because we kept BJP out sounds moronic. Kerala owes its comparatively better religious tolerance track record to majority of people from all faiths who are well educated, mind their own business and don't feel threatened by others not a particular political party or parties. If you compare the number of shakas RSS has in kerala even some North Indian states would fall short.
@jamahir, can you read my post number 473 and tell me what you think. Can you also tell us how much halal food or even beef is available in your city.

In Lucknow the main problem (even bigger than cow meat not being available at a lot of places) is that there are only a few halal eateries so all food is not for traditional muslim families. Even international restaurants like McDonalds and Pizza Hut have mainly vegetarian menu and where there is chicken-it is not halal. Dominos sells a few pork pizzas btw as well but no beef.

generally, the modern bistros do get halal meat, i always ask before i order... but some local ones called "hindu military canteen" don't seem to bring halal, though i have never been to such places... also, i have never been to dominos and mcdonalds.

beef is available, i suppose buffalo... it is cheaper than mutton, though the shops ( for raw ) or push-carts ( for kababs ) are at greater distances than mutton/chicken/fish.

there are some big companies like godrej which sell meat in packets, and they are halal... you would be interested in this particular product... ( Lucknowi Chicken Seekh Kabab ). :D

When Turkey was breaking up-the caliphate being destroyed Gandhi stood with the minorities and stood for the khilafat movement - now what does a Hindu have to do with khilafat (Islamic Ummah)?

the turkey usmaniya empire was a monarchist empire and not really the leader of a real islami ummah... its breaking up was a conspiracy between britain and france and more to do with the modern successor of the crusades... besides, usmaniya empire had become weakened i think by the mullahs, just like with al andalus.

I think Pakistan should have a special law for hindus and for the ashes to be disposed off after burning

this is a major issue, the disposal of human dead, every religion having its rituals, mostly either eating up space ( burial grounds ) or consuming resources and polluting rivers.

i would say a modern common scientific method must be promoted to dispose the passed away... something that will contribute to society and the wider ecology even after the death of a person.

there is of course organ donation but what if more efficient contributory method is found?? humanity has to get more scientific.
Don't generalize and put entire keralites in one bracket.Am a mallu nair and hate beef, i don't know which holy book says not to eat beef or if it really is a sin, it's just that from childhood I have grown an aversion towards it and same can be said for most of my immediate family. And of course there are many who do eat it but don't go judging them or their religiosity on the basis of what they eat or not people should be free to have whatever they deem fit.

That was a reply to a mallu who claimed most of the south Indian hindus and almost all hindus of kerala eat beef. I knw tat a few mallu hindus eat beef but not sure what percentage it is, so, can't rebuke affirmatively when a keralaite said almost all keralaites eat beef..
Simple as that is " No one tell not to eat beef in Sanata dharma, only it says dont kill the Cow's and buffalo's" its the truth...
Time to bring Polygamy back !
Banned in Maharashtra, beef dries up in Goa too

Panaji : Banned in neighbouring Maharashtra, beef is in short supply in Goa too with shops selling it closed for the third day on Wednesday.

A spokesperson for the Goa Meat Sellers Association said the shops were closed because of issues related to short supply of the meat and harassment by animal rights activists.

"Shops are closed for three days now due to short supply and the ban in Maharashtra will only make things worse," Anwar Bepari told IANS, even as beef sellers across the state are due to meet Wednesday to discuss the shortage.

The shortage comes at the time of Lent, a holy period when Christians, who account for 26 percent of the state's population, tend to avoid the red meat.

Beef has been a subject of controversy over the last few months with the government cracking down on consignments of both, cuts of red meat and cattle for slaughter, being illegally transported into the state from Karnataka and Maharashtra.

Last month, animal rights activist Amrut Singh was brutally assaulted, allegedly by beef traders from Belgaum in Karnataka while he was tracking illegal transportation of beef from the neighbouring state to Goa.

Singh has in the past been instrumental in stopping several "illegal" consignments of beef from Karnataka and Maharashtra, in co-operation with the police.

Bepari now claims that such raids had bled the beef industry significantly, especially because the state-run Goa Meat Complex, the only slaughter house allowed to butcher cattle, is virtually non-operational due to renovation.

"We are meeting the Goa Meat Complex chief to sort this problem out. If cattle slaughter is allowed at the complex, then at least we can get a small, but legal supply of meat in the market," Bepari said.

Banned in Maharashtra, beef dries up in Goa too | TwoCircles.net
Who said they aren't??..
Syrian Christians are NOW divided into many sects like Syro Malabar Catholic,Orthodox,Evangelical,Jacobite etc etc ...That doesn't change anything..All are collectively called as Syrian Christians/ Nasranis..
You may be a scholar in Hinduism,Sanskrit or in twisting rig vedham,but don't poke your nose unnecessarily in matters, which you have ZERO idea..

Hehehe ... you are called nasrai because that is what Jews and the Arabs used to call christians. Jesus was also called "An Nasiri" by arabs since he came from Nazareth. His followers were called "Nasara" by arabs/muslims, which literally meant "followers of an nasiri".

The Jews used to call them Nazarene.

So you see ALL christians are called Nasranis since that is what Arabs and Jews used to call christians. It is nothing special about Syrian xtians.

Clearly your knowledge in history is zero too since half of what passes for history for you is Fairy tales and outright lies.

Wrong. Yes India is a Hindu majority country but south Indian Hindus have no problem consuming, letting others consume beef. So don't bring your tyranny down south.

FYI. : In Tamil Nadu, Dalits like beef. Other caste Hindus also savour them when they have a chance( I have several interesting stories). In Kerala everyone Iike beef

No they DON'T. There is a large section in Kerala who will be happy if beef is banned.

I have said Jewish traders+local Kerala population(check my earlier post)...
depends..Modern Malayalam script shares striking similarities with old Tulu script(Modern Tulu uses Kannada script for writing).,thats all...Some Northern Malayalam dialects like Kasargod Malayalam/Beary dialect has lot of Tulu influence...Beary language(a language spoken by Mangalore Muslims) is often called as a dialect of both Malayalam and Tulu....Tulu has more in common with Kannada than Malayalam or anyother Dravidian language...
Basically Malayalam is a mixture of 'Chera dialect of Ancient Tamil' and Sanskrit..

LOL .... You are Abjtku :P (don't remember the exact name)
Every discussion with Hindus goes down South really fast (no pun intended).
Not sure why there is a problem with beef its full of protein and necessary good stuff
Hehehe ... you are called nasrai because that is what Jews and the Arabs used to call christians. Jesus was also called "An Nasiri" by arabs since he came from Nazareth. His followers were called "Nasara" by arabs/muslims, which literally meant "followers of an nasiri".

The Jews used to call them Nazarene.

So you see ALL christians are called Nasranis since that is what Arabs and Jews used to call christians. It is nothing special about Syrian xtians.

Clearly your knowledge in history is zero too since half of what passes for history for you is Fairy tales and outright lies.
........ In early centuries, the word ‘Nasrani’ or 'Nazrani' was used to identify the Jews who accepted Messiah. Its literal meaning in Arabic, Persian,
Hebrew, Syriac etc. is Christian. It can be seen in a Persian manuscript that the term ‘Nasraya’ and ‘Christiana’ are used to identify for Syriac speaking Christian and Greek speaking Christian respectively.
Therefore the English word ‘Christian’ has its root in Greek language, the language of Christians (or gentile in Pauline Christianity) who came into early
Christianity from non-Israelite culture. The Christians from Jewish/Aramaic culture later
emerged as Syriac Christianity.
Early Christianity from Saint Thomas, the Apostle in the Malabar Coast was among traders whose language was Aramaic. These Christians of Malabar came to be known as Nasranis in the later centuries. Therefore in India, this word refers to the group of Christians that follow the traditions of St. Thomas, the Apostle. During the British occupation, they came to be also known as Syrian Christians erroneously...
I from a Syrian Christian community knows more about my history and culture than a total OUTSIDER like you...I could feel your love your love for Christians,but sorry...
Like I said earlier,spare us from your mental mastrubation..better stick to your own subjects like Hinduism,Sanskrit or Rig vedham..
You know kerala is the only state which has never elected a single BJP MP from the entire state, not even once,even in Hindu majority districts. So you can discern the mentality of folks living in Kerala. We are inclusive, have a proud secular tradition.

ok Not electing Bjp means secular ....What about electing Muslim league ,Kerala Congress ? ....
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