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Beef banned in Maharashtra, 5 yrs jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale

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Who hate their existence as Hindus, and sees what ever Hinduism is for as derogatory.

Hope you understand what I am saying.

Maybe they are progressive and evolved over time.

There exists in most religions, people who blindly follow the practices and customs which are prehistoric which maybe influenced by a book/books or passed through to them from culture.

They may be having some issues with other people doing the professor job of religion as if they act like they have some deep knowledge on the faith and they will put their views on to them.

Vedic times indeed had lot of practices which is not adaptable to the present society, we conveniently forget and reject it and keep hanging on stuff like these... Cows are holy....... they are like mother ......gau maata etc.

Sorry dude ... I dont want 500+ million mothers in India and more abroad.

I am happy with one and only mother of mine.

For me its humans and other creatures named animals, birds, fishes etc.

I am a Hindu by birth and i am happy to stay like this.

Rest of u attain lots of value points in death charts when they tally who to enter heaven and hell.

I will stay in hell, for me freedom to choose atleast while living in earth is ultimate.

Regards. ( no more posts hence dont quote).
because back then all we had were cows !

they provided us with all sorts of dairy products and helped till the land... in a perfect sustainable organic model ! .. makes complete sense to ban cow slaughter if you're living thousands of years ago.

the ancient vedic text is not a diktat from a dharmic god. :coffee:

Fine,Eat beef as much as you want.I do not have a problem with that.

But don't claim that there was religious or social norm of beef eating ever in History. Beef Eating was fastest way to become a chandal in India.

And these strictures were not limited to beef, there were a dozen more meats that were prohibited.
Bhai Saheb dont get irretated take it easy if some thing you dont know then take the help of Google Uncle.

Again, learn how to discuss properly first.

You made a point so YOU have to bring evidence to support it.. otherwise its just the usual brain fart coming out of you.
South Indians have a strange obsession with cows.
It's not about obsession, it's about freedom of choice, I have no problems if people choose to eat beef, it should not be governments call......

I don't think the government has any right to determine if people can eat beef, lamb, chicken fish etc.... it's not for them to decide...

there are many more important things that government could focus it's energies on rather than such issues.
Fine,Eat beef as much as you want.

But don't claim that there was religious or social norm of beef eating ever in History. Beef Eating was fastest way to become a chandal in India.

And these strictures were not limited to beef, there were a dozen more meats that were prohibited.

Asura or a Chandal.

Yes go ahead.....

LOL.... are you under the impression that I need your permission ?
It's not about obsession, it's about freedom of choice, I have no problems if people choose to eat beef, it should not be governments call......

I don't think the government has any right to determine if people can eat beef, lamb, chicken fish etc.... it's not for them to decide...

there are many more important things that government could focus it's energies on rather than such issues.

When all other countries government help promoting Burger, coke, coffee inside and outside the country, like USA, then why not India?

US wanted to acquire coffee and tobacco farms in Cuba, that was ' to be' the biggest money making industry for USA but Russia went there first, and US lost that industry for a while and in return they used hoppers and other insects to destroy the farms. Some say Cuban missile crisis was basically for Coffee and Tobacco. Now after cold war, US has promoted both Coffee and Tobacco. They are the leaders.. Similarly, europeans promote their wine business. But Muslim world is a loss to them because of Islam. Now they want to convert them to Christianity etc.. so that their business gets profit.

This is corporate war.
Maybe they are progressive and evolved over time.

There exists in most religions, people who blindly follow the practices and customs which are prehistoric which maybe influenced by a book/books or passed through to them from culture.

They may be having some issues with other people doing the professor job of religion as if they act like they have some deep knowledge on the faith and they will put their views on to them.

Vedic times indeed had lot of practices which is not adaptable to the present society, we conveniently forget and reject it and keep hanging on stuff like these... Cows are holy....... they are like mother ......gau maata etc.

Sorry dude ... I dont want 500+ million mothers in India and more abroad.

I am happy with one and only mother of mine.

For me its humans and other creatures named animals, birds, fishes etc.

I am a Hindu by birth and i am happy to stay like this.

Rest of u attain lots of value points in death charts when they tally who to enter heaven and hell.

I will stay in hell, for me freedom to choose atleast while living in earth is ultimate.

Regards. ( no more posts hence dont quote).

Dont get excited. If people of land want to explore their cultural and feel proud about it so be it. How are you to force your sicular wishes on them??? After all the majority wants to do that let them do it. No body is forcing you to change your ways, all they want is to respect what they feel is close to their heart they feel some creature being killed for merely for food, which they sacred, then surely you are under scanner. If you cannot stop killing one breed of animal which majority reveres, it shows how selfish and egoist you are.

Hope you get my point.
Asura or a Chandal.

LOL.... are you under the impression that I need your permission ?

Beef eating made you an outcaste, so Chandal it is.

Asuras were gods of Persians with whom Vedic-Hindus had a religious schism. Persiand adopted Asuras as +ve dieties and Devas as -ve and vice versa. I has a discussion/rant match with a periyar freak a month ago on this issue.

Asurs of Vedas are not Dravidians, but Persians. Asurs (FYI, Asur in Rig veda means Lesser God, not Demon) and Devas were two competing group of Aryan dieties of Early Rig vedic time.In early rig vedic times, both Persians and Indo-Aryans had same religion.Father diety of all proto Indo-European cultures (Dyaus Pita) is same (Zeus,Indra, and Jupiter were hid derivatives), but even derivative dieties of Persians and Indo-Aryans are similar. Character of Ahura Mazada is similar to Varuna of early Vedas (he was an Asur in Rig veda, as explained earlier Asur in classical Sanskrit means Lesser God not Demon). The word Ahura of Persian is cognate with that of Asura of Vedas. Of these two groups,Indo-Aryans adopted Devas as their positive dieties in Vedas and relegated Asuras to lower status (Demon/Lesser god), and Persians in Avesta adopted Asurs as their positive dieties and relegated Devas to lower status(Demon/Lesser god); but not in it's entireity as Varuna who is cognate with Ahura Mazada of Persia is still a very respected and feared god of Vedic Pantheon, though lower in statud as compared with Indra; and Agni, who is priest of Indo-Aryan gods served same purpose in Persian religion. The religions of Aryans diverged as they migrated from Central Asia to Persia and India.Most of Deva Asura warfare stories are stories of internal civil strife between Aryans.

Some stories of Vedas have their mirror image in Avesta; Not all because Avestan texts are not as expansive as Vedas which are most voluminous literature from BCE era.

When Rig Veda was been written (Ony Rig veda has historical importance as Sam veda is collection of cetain Rig Vedic verses for liturgical purpose,Yajur vada contain sacrificial formulae, and Atharv veda contain magical enchantments) , Vedic religion has not even spread East and south of Gandak River when Vedas or even Early Brahmanas were being written. It spread to South India only during Early Upanishad- Late Brahmana era.This is enough to show the bankrupcy of "Dravidians were Asuras" tripe peddled by Satanic missionaries.

And today's Hinduism is only based on Vedic Hinduism and is not an exact copy.Being a polythiest Paganic religion it assimilated local beliefs, rather than wage a genocidal war like Semitics (both Chiristianity and Islam are Semitic religion) do. Shiva, one of the main and strongest god of Hinduism is a mix of Rudra of Vedic Hinduism and Pashupati of Indus valley civiization ( Dravidian). In Vedic Hinduism, there was no concept of rebirth. People after dying either used to go to Abode of Fathers (Heaven) or House of clay (Hell). Concept of rebirth which is part of basic philosophy of Hindusm developed pretty late ( in 400-600BCE time period). Also Cow as holy animal is a native concept ( Horse was most important animal of Rig vedic Era), so is peepul and Banyan trees which play an important role in sucontinent's ecology.Today's Hinduism is synthesis of Aryan and Dravidian concepts, with most of major philosophies developing in India after a a consolidated Hinduism was prevalent throughout the subcontinent.

Jan 25 - Language Martyrs Day (Anti-Hindi Agitation Tamilnadu) | Page 5
Again, learn how to discuss properly first.

You made a point so YOU have to bring evidence to support it.. otherwise its just the usual brain fart coming out of you.

Google RED MEAT you will get it. Dont act like a cry baby.
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