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Beef banned in Maharashtra, 5 yrs jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale

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Some of my people moved exactly because they wanted to live in a state where they were free to go to their mosques or places of worship. Where they weren't killed for their religious beliefs. Gujarat and Mumbai are examples.

Who said none of the Pakistanis accepted us. Its come to a point where we don't accept the other Pakistanis and seek to do away with them. I do not believe those parts are Indian. Now what? lol.

Again I stand by the point I made. In a secular democratic country people, particularly minorities are not told what and what not to eat. It is like me saying I don't drink so the Hindus in Pakistan should not be allowed to drink either. A secular country supports and protects its minorities.

No Shia is killed in India when they go to pray in their mosques. No Ahmedi has to hide his identity in the fear of being killed for blasphemy. Muslims block main roads during namaz and no one stops them. India gives Haj subsidy to its Muslims while Pakistan does not. Muslim OBCs are given reservations in education and jobs. India is not a perfect place , we do have our share of problems and we are trying to overcome our shortcomings. At least the Muslims of Gujarat are still living in their homes and their lives are back to normal, while the Pandits of Kashmir were thrown out of their homes and are still living as refugees in their own country.

Your muhajir identity tells that there can be any one of the two cases that either they have not accepted you or you have not accepted them. Former seems more probable.

Indian secularism means equality before law irrespective of one's religion and respect for every faith , India has also banned Salman Rushdie's literature that is hurtful to the religious sentiments of the muslims. In this case cow slaughter which hurts the religious sentiments of Hindus is banned by one state, even though there is no blanket ban over the entire country. India pampers its minorities more than any other country can think of.
Beef eating made you an outcaste, so Chandal it is.

Asuras were gods of Persians with whom Vedic-Hindus had a religious schism. Persiand adopted Asuras as +ve dieties and Devas as -ve and vice versa. I has a discussion/rant match with a periyar freak a month ago on this issue.

Jan 25 - Language Martyrs Day (Anti-Hindi Agitation Tamilnadu) | Page 5

For creating friction between Hindus siculars are trying since past 100 years by creating Aryan and Dravidian divide which never existed never as per Vedas, Upnishadas, Shruti, Puranas. Its colonial creation.
No Shia is killed in India when they go to pray in their mosques. No Ahmedi has to hide his identity in the fear of being killed for blasphemy. Muslims block main roads during namaz and no one stops them. India gives Haj subsidy to its Muslims while Pakistan does not. Muslim OBCs are given reservations in education and jobs. India is not a perfect place , we do have our share of problems and we are trying to overcome our shortcomings. At least the Muslims of Gujarat are still living in their homes and their lives are back to normal, while the Pandits of Kashmir were thrown out of their homes and are still living as refugees in their own country.

Your muhajir identity tells that there can be any one of the two cases that either they have not accepted you or you have not accepted them. Former seems more probable.

Indian secularism means equality before law irrespective of one's religion and respect for every faith , India has also banned Salman Rushdie's literature that is hurtful to the religious sentiments of the muslims. In this case cow slaughter which hurts the religious sentiments of Hindus is banned by one state, even though there is no blanket ban over the entire country. India pampers its minorities more than any other country can think of.

Yeah and please add to that water buffalo meat is exempted and allowed to be sold.
@haviZsultan you reading ?
Google RED MEAT you will get it. Dont act like a cry baby.

No dumbass, you cant prove what you said.. its your fault.

Besides, red meat is very nutritious, especially if it comes from animals that have been naturally fed and raised. It’s a great source of protein, iron, B12, Zinc, Creatine and various other nutrients.
Very well then. Muslims are singing Vande mataram and are very happy. They have no food problems and no one killed them during gujarat and mumbai. Hence proved Muslims are the Rana Pratap's of India. Good night. Stay at it spark.
No dumbass, you cant prove what you said.. its your fault.

Besides, red meat is very nutritious, especially if it comes from animals that have been naturally fed and raised. It’s a great source of protein, iron, B12, Zinc, Creatine and various other nutrients.

so is milk
For creating friction between Hindus siculars are trying since past 100 years by creating Aryan and Dravidian divide which never existed never as per Vedas, Upnishadas, Shruti, Puranas. Its colonial creation.

Humans did not originated in India so everyone has to come to India from outside.

The basis test to whether they were invaders or note is in whether they got assimilated in India or not. Greeks came to India pretty late but you could not tell who is their descedent India. They adopted Indian culture. Same with Huns,sakas, Kushans, Scythians. I do not consider them to be invaders.
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No dumbass, you cant prove what you said.. its your fault.

Besides, red meat is very nutritious, especially if it comes from animals that have been naturally fed and raised. It’s a great source of protein, iron, B12, Zinc, Creatine and various other nutrients.

See this happens if you leave Hinduism
See your self what is Red Meat about There is TONS of material on Web
I am quoting one for your reply, this is research material now never quote me again.

Risk in Red Meat?
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A new study adds to the evidence that eating red meat on a regular basis may shorten your lifespan. The findings suggest that meat eaters might help improve their health by substituting other healthy protein sources for some of the red meat they eat.


Past research has tied red meat to increased risks of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. The studies have also pointed to an elevated risk of mortality from red meat intake. But most of these studies were done over limited periods of time, had design flaws, or were done in populations with diets other than that of the typical American.

A research team led by Dr. Frank Hu of the Harvard School of Public Health set out to learn more about the association between red meat intake and mortality. They studied over 37,000 men from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study (beginning in 1986) and over 83,000 women from the Nurses' Health Study (beginning in 1980). All the participants were free of cardiovascular disease and cancer at the start of the study.

The participants filled out food frequency questionnaires every 4 years. The scientists also gathered information every 2 years on a variety of other health factors, including body weight, cigarette smoking and physical activity level. The study was supported by NIH’s National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), National Cancer Institute (NCI) and National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). It appeared online in Archives of Internal Medicine on March 12, 2012.

Almost 24,000 participants died during the study, including about 5,900 from cardiovascular disease and about 9,500 from cancer. Those who consumed the highest levels of both unprocessed and processed red meat had the highest risk of all-cause of mortality, cancer mortality and cardiovascular disease mortality. After adjusting for other risk factors, the researchers calculated that 1 additional serving per day of unprocessed red meat over the course of the study raised the risk of total mortality by 13%. An extra serving of processed red meat (such as bacon, hot dogs, sausage and salami) raised the risk by 20%.

The researchers estimated that substituting 1 serving per day of other foods—like fish, poultry, nuts, legumes, low-fat dairy and whole grains—for red meat could lower the risk of mortality by 7% to 19%. If the participants had all consumed fewer than half a serving per day (about 1.5 ounces) of red meat, the scientists calculated, 9.3% of the deaths in men and 7.6% of the deaths in women could have been prevented.

“Our study adds more evidence to the health risks of eating high amounts of red meat, which has been associated with type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and certain cancers in other studies,” says lead author Dr. An Pan.

Since this was an observational study in which people reported their own food intake, it's possible that the associations seen may be due to other factors. When the researchers accounted for known risk factors in red meat—like saturated fat, dietary cholesterol and iron—they still couldn't account for all of the risk associated with eating red meat. Other mechanisms may be involved, or other unknown factors may affect the results. Further study will be needed to fully understand the connection between red meat consumption and health.

—by Harrison Wein, Ph.D.

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Fine,Eat beef as much as you want.I do not have a problem with that.

But don't claim that there was religious or social norm of beef eating ever in History. Beef Eating was fastest way to become a chandal in India.

And these strictures were not limited to beef, there were a dozen more meats that were prohibited.
I'm not claiming any social norms at all, just that there has always been a culture of tamas and rajas in our land.

a ban on anything is vidharmi, a seeker should be free to chose on his own what path he follows... no nirvana/moksha or bust BS please... every idea in Hinduism is diametrically opposed to any fascist ultimatums, religious or not.

think it's wrong ? don't eat it.. simple o_O

Not good in warm places and with tropical climate. It cause stomach problems due to heat and IBS

5. Cut back on red meat, cheese, milk, and ice cream. Red meat (beef, pork, lamb) and dairy products are high in saturated fat. So eat less red meat (especially red processed meat, such as bacon), and choose fish, chicken, nuts, or beans instead. If you do eat red meat, choose lean cuts and keep the amounts low
Fats and Cholesterol | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Bad” fats—saturated and, especially, trans fats—increase disease risk. Foods high in bad fats include red meat, butter, cheese, and ice cream, as well as processed foods made with trans fat from partially hydrogenated oil.

In June, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine released new nutrition guidelines for cancer prevention in The Journal of the American College of Nutrition. There were few surprises: drink less alcohol, eat more vegetables, and consume less red meat. One guideline, however, seemed to run counter to everything we love about summer eating: “Avoid grilled, fried and broiled meats to reduce the risk of cancers of the colon, rectum, breast, prostate, kidney, and pancreas.”

The above data is as per the eating habits of Americans, not Indians.
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Humans did not originated in India so everyone has to come to India from outside.

The basis test to whether they were invaders or note is in whether they got assimilated in India or not. Greeks came to India pretty late but you could not tell who is their ancestor in India. They adopted Indian culture. Same with Huns,sakas, Kushans, Scythians. I do not consider them to be invaders.

Genetically Indians carry oldest genes outside Africa hence there is no PROOF as Aryans coming from some where from out of India.

Academically heated debate going on between Aryans immigrated from India to other parts of Asia and Europe or from Some other place they come to India.

There is linguistical link between Indian languages (Sanskrit and languages derived from it) with European and Russian Languages.

Which West is not able to digest that they also derived from Sanskrit.
1.) I will quote you as it pleases me loser

But most of these studies were done
over limited periods of time, had design flaws, or were done in populations with diets other than that of the typical American.

2.) Those studies have been highly controversial and some of the points of criticism have been highlighted in the article you gave me.

3.) Red meat is very nutritious, especially if it comes from animals that have been naturally fed and raised. It’s a great source of protein, iron, B12, Zinc, Creatine and various other nutrients.
Not good in warm places and with tropical climate. It cause stomach problems due to heat and IBS
true, too much red meats is a bad idea, spl in warm tropical climates..

but meat here is generally prepared with spices that'll kickstart/overdrive our system to digest it anyway ;)

a pinch of sattva, a hint of tamas.. 8-)
true, too much red meats is a bad idea, spl in warm tropical climates..

but meat here is generally prepared with spices that'll kickstart/overdrive our system to digest it anyway ;)

a pinch of sattva, a hint of tamas.. 8-)

yes agree but still beef is not in our traditional diets hence ulcers form.
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