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Beef banned in Maharashtra, 5 yrs jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale

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I'm not claiming any social norms at all, just that there has always been a culture of tamas and rajas in our land.

a ban on anything is vidharmi, a seeker should be free to chose on his own what path he follows... no nirvana/moksha or bust BS please... every idea in Hinduism is diametrically opposed to any fascist ultimatums, religious or not.

think it's wrong ? don't eat it.. simple o_O

See, There was freedom for you in a sense that no Hindu would have come at you with a machate, if you would have been a beef eater in 500BCE;

but it is also a fact that had you been a beef eater, you would have been boycotted by Hindus and would have become an outcaste, a chandal.

As I said you may eat beef as much as you want and I have no problem with that. But don't give lame arse excuse like it was a social norm long long time ago. At that long long time ago, people would have expelled you from civilization for doing so.
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When all other countries government help promoting Burger, coke, coffee inside and outside the country, like USA, then why not India?

US wanted to acquire coffee and tobacco farms in Cuba, that was ' to be' the biggest money making industry for USA but Russia went there first, and US lost that industry for a while and in return they used hoppers and other insects to destroy the farms. Some say Cuban missile crisis was basically for Coffee and Tobacco. Now after cold war, US has promoted both Coffee and Tobacco. They are the leaders.. Similarly, europeans promote their wine business. But Muslim world is a loss to them because of Islam. Now they want to convert them to Christianity etc.. so that their business gets profit.

This is corporate war.
Sorry but that is a ridiculous argument.

This has nothing to do corporate profits, Before this beef was legal, and it did not transform every hindu into a beef eater.

This has nothing to do with corporate tobbaco, US or cuba... It is very simple, government has no right to tell anyone what to eat and what not within the legal framework of available legal meat products.
Beef eating made you an outcaste, so Chandal it is.

Asuras were gods of Persians with whom Vedic-Hindus had a religious schism. Persiand adopted Asuras as +ve dieties and Devas as -ve and vice versa. I has a discussion/rant match with a periyar freak a month ago on this issue.

I am well aware of Ahura Mazda, but that is Etymology, not Religion.

Bhagwat Gita defines the Asura vitha or (Asura nature) thus,

Chintam aparimeya cha pralayantam upasritha, Kamopabhoga parama etavad iti niscitah,
asa pasa satair baddhah Kama Krodha parayanah, ihante kama bhogartham anyayenartha sancayan;

it means,

Overwhelmed with infinite worries, they think gratification of the sense is the ultimate goal of life;
Tied by all kind of plans, overcome by Lust and anger, aiming to accumulate illegitimate wealth to satisfy their greed and lust.

You will find many of the Hindus here who support Beef eating falling into this category. The modern day Asura, their life defined by greed, lust and plans for self gratification.
Sorry but that is a ridiculous argument.

This has nothing to do corporate profits, Before this beef was legal, and it did not transform every hindu into a beef eater.

This has nothing to do with corporate tobbaco, US or cuba... It is very simple, government has no right to tell anyone what to eat and what not within the legal framework of available legal meat products.

The government has right, because if not, the corporate will fund government to do that. This way or the other its a round circle. I am sure you might have watched 'the good shepherd'. That just give a light flash how they work.
1.) I will quote you as it pleases me loser

2.) Those studies have been highly controversial and some of the points of criticism have been highlighted in the article you gave me.

3.) Red meat is very nutritious, especially if it comes from animals that have been naturally fed and raised. It’s a great source of protein, iron, B12, Zinc, Creatine and various other nutrients.

your quote shows your intelligence level

This is the quote from what I posted:

“Our study adds more evidence to the health risks of eating high amounts of red meat, which has been associated with type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and certain cancers in other studies,” says lead author Dr. An Pan.

And now from your own post:
3.) Red meat is very nutritious, especially if it comes from animals that have been naturally fed and raised. It’s a great source of protein, iron, B12, Zinc, Creatine and various other nutrients.

It very evident to every practicing Hindu - "What you eat effects your body, mind and sole".

As per your quote your animal can become colostrol free by eating naturally
fed then why dont you your self eat natural food to become free from diseases which comes to you by consuming animals.

You brain is full of garbage get it clean good bye.
I'm not claiming any social norms at all, just that there has always been a culture of tamas and rajas in our land.

a ban on anything is vidharmi, a seeker should be free to chose on his own what path he follows... no nirvana/moksha or bust BS please... every idea in Hinduism is diametrically opposed to any fascist ultimatums, religious or not.

think it's wrong ? don't eat it.. simple o_O

LOL. "culture" of Rajas and Tamas :lol: .... do you even know what that is ? .... not its not a good group :P
The government has right, because if not, the corporate will fund government to do that. This way or the other it a round circle. I am sure you might have watched 'the good shepherd'. That just give a light flash how they work.
I am not sure I understand what you are saying.....
Genetically Indians carry oldest genes outside Africa hence there is no PROOF as Aryans coming from some where from out of India.

Academically heated debate going on between Aryans immigrated from India to other parts of Asia and Europe or from Some other place they come to India.

There is linguistical link between Indian languages (Sanskrit and languages derived from it) with European and Russian Languages.

Which West is not able to digest that they also derived from Sanskrit.

In Asia minor (Turkey), there is a 3400 year old peace treaty written in sanskrit, a treaty between Hitties and mittani.

Indo-Aryan superstrate in Mitanni - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These kind of evidences do point strongly towards an major migration into India in pre-Iron age era.Though a point should be noted that population of India and for that matter World was so sparse that no invasion was required at that time. Also IVC has declined 1000 years before such migration.

Current English alphabets are not European but Phonecian which shows another migration, one of semitics.
I am not sure I understand what you are saying.....

watch the good shepherd, you will understand :)

If some one is doing adulteration or breaded ones and you find food delicious, and you want to eat it more knowing it will cause problem, and say it's my wish and government has no right then it's wrong. Every country's government decides and has more hold on private food corporation and is asked to prepare food according to the standard for quality. If in summer something must be reduced to avoid its consumption, government will stop it. But not in USA because in USA corporates fund government to promote their brand and food. It is a big discussion, and requires another thread.
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In Asia minor, there is a 3400 year old treaty written in sanskrit, a treaty between Hitties and mittani.

Indo-Aryan superstrate in Mitanni - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These kind of evidences do point strongly towards an major migration into India in pre-Iron age era.

Current English alphabets are not European but Phonecian which ahows another migration.

Yes this is migration of Hitties and Mittanis is second wave of Migration after the migration of Asuras towards Iran. Migration of Asuras towards Iran is very well mentioned in Vedas.

The writings found carries same sequence of Gods as been shown in Vedas such as Mitra, Varuna etc.
See, There is freedom for you in a sense that no Hindu would have come at you wiith a machate, if you would have been a beef eater in 500BCE;

but it is also a fact that had you been a beef eater, you would have been boycotted by Hindus and would have become an outcaste, a chandal.

As I said you may eat beef as much as you want and I have no problem with that. But don't give lame arse excuse like it was a social norm long long time ago. At that long long time ago, people would have expelled you from civilization for doing so.
just when did I ever say it was a social norm back then ? o_O

everyone should try a beef fry and porrota once before they die !
your quote shows your intelligence level

Are you retarded in some way? Or are you not capable of comprehending basic English?

I pointed to this paragraph of the very article you posted:
But most of these studies were done over limited periods of time, had design flaws, or were done in populations with diets other than that of the typical American.

Now tell me, do you understand what it means? Do you know about the scientific method?

It very evident to every practicing Hindu - "What you eat effects your body, mind and sole".

No shit Sherlock! YOU DONT SAY!

Thats the thing about metabolism...

As per your quote your animal can become colostrol free by eating naturally

You just brought the word stupidity to whole new levels...

Tell me: When exactly did I say that?
Are you retarded in some way? Or are you not capable of comprehending basic English?

I pointed to this paragraph of the very article you posted:

Now tell me, do you understand what it means? Do you know about the scientific method?

No shit Sherlock! YOU DONT SAY!

Thats the thing about metabolism...

You just brought the word stupidity to whole new levels...

Tell me: When exactly did I say that?

I gave you link from The Journal of the American College of Nutrition. and Uni harvard in the page before this, about red meat and all.
Are you retarded in some way? Or are you not capable of comprehending basic English?

I pointed to this paragraph of the very article you posted:

Now tell me, do you understand what it means? Do you know about the scientific method?

No shit Sherlock! YOU DONT SAY!

Thats the thing about metabolism...

You just brought the word stupidity to whole new levels...

Tell me: When exactly did I say that?

Living is denial on the level of Pakis.. Good for you. You cant even comprehend what you have written - good for you.

This not single report there are TONS of researches on the web if you do not want to accept the truth that is your problem not mine.

Do you understand how to read a report???? Well sorry to say you dont posses that mental capability.

You are pi$$edoff because I told about your reality YOU ARE A CONVERTED CLAN, and this what sulking you.
I gave you link from The Journal of the American College of Nutrition. and Uni harvard in the page before this, about red meat and all.
Thanks, but anything where I dont have to subscribe or pay for ?

Living is denial on the level of Pakis.. Good for you. You cant even comprehend what you have written - good for you.

This not single report there are TONS of researches on the web if you do not want to accept the truth that is your problem not mine.

Do you understand how to read a report???? Well sorry to say you dont posses that mental capability.

You are pi$$edoff because I told about your reality YOU ARE A CONVERTED CLAN, and this what sulking you.

1.) Look who is talking about denial... has not even answered A SINGLE POINT I made.

2.) If you already lack basic education and English skills, at least make use of the spell check feature on this forum... reading your brain farts hurt me in so many ways (none of which you should be proud of though).
Thanks, but anything where I dont have to subscribe or pay for ?

1.) Look who is talking about denial... has not even answered A SINGLE POINT I made.

2.) If you already lack basic education and English skills, at least make use of the spell check feature on this forum... reading your brain farts hurt me in so many ways (none of which you should be proud of though).

Here is something more for you:

New study links L-carnitine in red meat to heart disease - Harvard Health Blog - Harvard Health Publications

[URL='http://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/new-study-links-l-carnitine-in-red-meat-to-heart-disease-201304176083']New study links L-carnitine in red meat to heart disease
Posted April 17, 2013, 1:53 pm
Daniel Pendick, Executive Editor, Harvard Men's Health Watch

Is red meat bad for your heart? A new study suggests it is, but not for the reasons you might expect.

There’s long been a perception—not necessarily backed by strong evidence—that eating steak, hamburger, lamb, and other red meat ups the risk of heart disease. The saturated fat and cholesterol they deliver have been cited as key culprits. A team from a half dozen U.S. medical centers says the offending ingredient is L-carnitine, a compound that is abundant in red meat.

According to this work, published online in the journal Nature Medicine, eating red meat delivers L-carnitine to bacteria that live in the human gut. These bacteria digest L-carnitine and turn it into a compound called trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO). In studies in mice, TMAO has been shown to cause atherosclerosis, the disease process that leads to cholesterol-clogged arteries. We know that clogged coronary arteries can lead to heart attacks.

So, case closed—don’t eat red meat? Sorry, nutritional science isn’t that simple.

“The studies of red meat and heart disease in humans are conflicting,” says Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, associate professor of medicine at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “This new research was well-done and compelling, but it’s too early to decide that this molecule, TMAO, causes atherosclerosis in humans or that this is responsible for some of the associations of meat intake and risk.”

Dr. Mozaffarian, a cardiologist and epidemiologist, studies the health effects of dietary habits and other lifestyle factors in large populations. His team has previously pooled the findings of the best studies available on red meat and health and found that people who eat unprocessed red meat regularly have, at worst, only a slightly higher risk of developing heart disease. Unprocessed red meat includes virtually all fresh cuts of beef, pork, lamb, and the like.

“If you look at people who eat unprocessed red meat, there is a relatively weak association with heart disease,” Dr. Mozaffarian says. “It’s not protective—and healthier dietary choices exist—but major harms are also not seen.”

In the bigger picture, we do have pretty damning evidence about the harms of eating a particular type of meat. “Processed red meats—bacon, sausage, salami, deli meats—are associated with much higher risk of heart disease,” Dr. Mozaffarian says.

Research at the Harvard School of Public Health has shown that people who eat the most processed meats have a higher overall risk of death. The ultimate reason for this is not yet clear, says Dr. Mozaffarian, but it may be the huge doses of sodium delivered by all those low-fat deli sandwiches and salami-festooned platters.

And here comes other spoilers against the L-carnitine study: Processed meats generally contain less L-carnitine than does fresh red meat. Heart-healthy fish and chicken also contain L-carnitine, Dr. Mozaffarian points out—although five to 10 times less of it than red meat. “TMAO needs to be studied more in humans to understand the implications for public health,” Dr. Mozaffarian says. “This new research is very interesting but is not yet the final word.”

To further complicate matters, a study published online today in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings suggests that supplements of L-carnitine may help heart attack survivors reduce the chances of dying prematurely or reduce symptoms of angina (chest pain with exertion or stress).

L-carnitine supplements: “Think three times before taking”
There’s still a long way to go before we know the full story about L-carnitine and heart disease. Even so, the Nature Medicine report is very important, Mozaffarian says. It suggests that regularly eating red meat boosts the number of L-carnitine-loving bacteria in your gut. “It’s the best demonstration so far of two-way communication between ourselves and the bacteria in out gut: what we eat affects the bacteria, and what they do with what we eat can influence health.”

“Based on the Nature Medicine study, I’d be concerned about taking L-carnitine supplements,” Dr. Mozaffarian says. “There was no strong reason to take such supplements before the study, and now this well-done study suggests there may be harm. I would definitely think three times before taking an L-carnitine supplement.” The studies in the Mayo report were mostly small with short follow-up, and included only heart attack survivors.

Of course, there are reasons to avoid eating red meat that aren’t directly related to individual health. Cattle farming has devastating environmental effects, including production of greenhouse gases, water pollution, and deforestation. “Health effects in humans aside, red meat consumption is clearly bad for the health of our planet,” says Mozaffarian.[/URL]
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