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Beef banned in Maharashtra, 5 yrs jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale

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Beef banned in Maharashtra, 5 yrs jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale
Well than Maharashtra people should start eating monkeys.
Beef banned in Maharashtra, 5 yrs jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale
Well than Maharashtra people should start eating monkeys.
Adnan Sami,shoaib akhtar,wasim Akram and all other Pakistanis in India can eat pork freely.
South Indians have a strange obsession with cows.
North Indian Religio-Language Fascist hyper-nationalists have a stranger obsession with cows.

Excellent :tup: .......... Finally Hindu voices are being heard.

you can never try your cow-belt tricks in South. we are more progressive and tolerant. Even Hindus eat beef south.

eating beef in south India and west India is not suited for the people also. Beef digests well in cold places. In coastal region if you are eating beef, you are half beef :P , well it is a fact. Good , as a health point of view.

Fool, most folks in South eat beef. We don't want you Cow-belt Taliban laws here.
Most Hindus eat beef in Tamil Nadu, Everyone in Kerala eats. Glad I don't live in f**ked up North.
Try to clean up your polluted cities and roads before trying to teach us what to eat or not to eat.

The funniest thing is the same Gujaratis, who banned alcohol & beef, come to the beautiful & clean state of Kerala as a tourist. I guess they don't mind the local beef eating. Anyone remember where recently plague reappeared, yes same dirty Surat/Gujarat. I even heard Gujarati's mention the Surat as a very dirty city. I was all the while laughing when the Gujarat was held up as great Modi land. Bull Shit.
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Take your cry to Vatican you converted clan!!!

you Hindi Leper need no bring your filthy laws to south India. We eat what we want.

I am having a logical discussion. But it is based on my faith since we are talking religion and philosophy.

Hinduism do not believe in "tolerance", it believes in Mutual respect. A Far noble idea, enshrined in our collective psyche and our civilizational values.


That is not Mutual Respect. That is Tyranism of Majority over Minority. Also all Dalits who constitute 50% of India eat Beef.

Nobody accept north-east ethnic population apart from converted clan of followers of Abahamic religion eats beef in India, right from Kashmiri Brahmin to South and what can be said about the coward Mallus. Of which 50% of them got Converted themselves to Abrahimc Religions and remaining 50% are self haters Hindus.

So it is none of my concern about a small population sitting in insignificant state of stupid sicular kerallian thinks. India is concerned about 80% of Indians who are Hindus and what they think.

Now Get Lost.

Hello Hindi leper : All dalits eat beef, Most hindus in south eat beef. Beef eating is catching with rest of Hindus also in south. Now go back to your RSS world, dirty leper. North India is the most polluted and dirtiest of India. Anyone been to Surat, Agra or Delhi.. you will never want to go back there. Don't compare those places with Kerala.

You fool whole clan of Cow and Bulls are noble to Hindus. But not buffaloes. Get it clear. Get Lost to Middle east where your Abrahmic Religion was born.

We in south India will eat cow/bull/Rat whatever, none of your business.
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Red meat may raise Alzheimer's risk Medical News Today

Red meat may raise Alzheimer's risk

Last updated: Sunday 25 August 2013 at 2am PST
Alzheimer's / Dementia
Nutrition / Diet
Neurology / Neuroscience

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MNT featured Academic journal

Eating too much red meat, which raises brain levels of iron, may heighten the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, researchers from the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at UCLA reported in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.

As background information, the authors explained that iron can accelerate the damaging reactions of free radicals. Over time, iron builds up in brain gray matter regions and appears to contribute to the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and other age-related illnesses.

Alzheimer's disease has been an exceptionally challenging enemy to defeat. Its number 1 risk factor is aging - something none of us can prevent.

Most scientists and specialists agree that Alzheimer's is caused by one of two proteins:

  • Tau
  • Beta-amyloid
As we get older, these two proteins either disrupt signaling between neurons or kill them off.

Team leader, Dr. George Bartzokis and colleagues believe there is a third likely cause of Alzheimer's - iron accumulation.

Professor Bartzokis and team compared the hippocampus and the thalamus using sophisticated brain-imaging high- and low-field strength MRI instruments. The hippocampus is a brain region that is damaged early on in Alzheimer's, while the thalamus is only affected during the late stages.

In early stage Alzheimer's, iron has built up in the hippocampus but not the thalamus
The MRI scans showed that iron builds up over time in the hippocampus but not the thalamus. They also saw an association between iron accumulation levels in the hippocampus and tissue damage in that area.

Most scientists concentrate on the accumulation of beta-amyloid or tau that cause the hallmark plaques associated with Alzheimer's, Bartzokis explained.

For a long time, Bartzokis had been saying that the breakdown starts off much further "upstream".

Communication between neurons is disrupted when myelin, a fatty tissue that coats nerve fibers, is destroyed, promoting the accumulation of plaques. These amyloid plaques then destroy more myelin - a self-perpetuating cascade of destruction. The more the signaling is disrupted, the more the nerve cells die, and the classic signs of Alzheimer's appear.

Myelin is produced by oligodendrocytes. Oligodendrocytes are a type of brain cell. Bartzokis explained that oligodendrocytes, along with myelin, have the highest iron levels of any brain cells.

"Circumstantial evidence has long supported the possibility that brain iron levels might be a risk factor for age-related diseases like Alzheimer's," says Bartzokis.

Too much iron promotes oxidative damage
Iron is vital for cell function. However, too much of it encourages oxidative damage, something to which the brain is particularly susceptible.

Bartzokis and team set out to determine whether high tissue iron might cause the tissue breakdown associated with Alzheimer's. They focused on the hippocampus, an area of the brain that is involved in the formation of memories. They compared the hippocampus to the thalamus, which is relatively unaffected until the very late stages of the disease.

Their MRI technique was able to measure how much brain iron there was in a protein that stores iron - ferritin. The study included 31 Alzheimer's patients and 68 healthy individuals of the same age (controls).

Measuring iron in the brain is not easy if the patient has Alzheimer's, because the amount of water in the brain increases as the disease progresses. The more water there is in the brain, the harder it is to detect iron, Bartzokis explained.

Bartzokis said "It is difficult to measure iron in tissue when the tissue is already damaged. But the MRI technology we used in this study allowed us to determine that the increase in iron is occurring together with the tissue damage. We found that the amount of iron is increased in the hippocampus and is associated with tissue damage in patients with Alzheimer's but not in the healthy older individuals - or in the thalamus. So the results suggest that iron accumulation may indeed contribute to the cause of Alzheimer's disease."

The team added that the build up of iron in the brain could be the result of some modifying environmental factors, including how much red meat the person consumes, or their intake of iron dietary supplements. Another factor that can raise iron levels in the brain is having a hysterectomy before the menopause.

In an abstract in the journal, the authors concluded:

"The data shows that in AD, Hipp damage occurs in conjunction with ferritin iron accumulation. Prospective studies are needed to evaluate how increasing iron levels may influence the trajectory of tissue damage and cognitive and pathologic manifestations of AD."
Iron imbalance linked to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
Researchers from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, reported in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease (March 2013 issue) that an iron imbalance caused by prion proteins collecting in the brain is probably the cause of cell death in CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease).

The authors added that certain proteins found in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's also regulate iron. They suggest that "neurotoxicity by the form of iron, called redox-active iron, may be a trait of neurodegenerative conditions in all three diseases."

Study leader, Neena Singh, said "There are many skeptics who think iron is a bystander or end-product of neuronal death and has no role to play in neurodegenerative conditions. We're not saying that iron imbalance is the only cause, but failure to maintain stable levels of iron in the brain appears to contribute significantly to neuronal death."

Written by Christian Nordqvist
You mad?
@jamahir, can you read my post number 473 and tell me what you think. Can you also tell us how much halal food or even beef is available in your city. @Syama Ayas can help too. Its a simple question. Please a reply off with that dirty cloth of Indian nationalism on the head. A genuine one.

I just have one simple question for other "Indians", the original Indians, Hindus, not us muslims. There is a law called the blasphemy law that exists in Pakistan. It has been used to oppress minorities but at times muslims as well. People blame others of being blasphemers and they suffer severe persecution as a result. Also Hindus forcibly converted cannot be converted to hinduism back again-because blasphemy law applied there too. Rinkle Kumari a Hindu and Rimsha Masih a christian suffered because of this law.

Do you guys support this law?
North Indian Religio-Language Fascist hyper-nationalists have a stranger obsession with cows.

you can never try your cow-belt tricks in South. we are more progressive and tolerant. Even Hindus eat beef south.

Fool, most folks in South eat beef. We don't want you Cow-belt Taliban laws here.
Most Hindus eat beef in Tamil Nadu, Everyone in Kerala eats. Glad I don't live in f**ked up North.
Try to clean up your polluted cities and roads before trying to teach us what to eat or not to eat.

The funniest thing is the same Gujaratis, who banned alcohol & beef, come to the beautiful & clean state of Kerala as a tourist. I guess they don't mind the local beef eating. Anyone remember where recently plague reappeared, yes same dirty Surat/Gujarat. I even heard Gujarati's mention the Surat as a very dirty city. I was all the while laughing when the Gujarat was held up as great Modi land. Bull Shit.

I support your desire for the freedom.
I just have one simple question for other "Indians", the original Indians, Hindus, not us muslims. There is a law called the blasphemy law that exists in Pakistan. It has been used to oppress minorities but at times muslims as well. People blame others of being blasphemers and they suffer severe persecution as a result. Also Hindus forcibly converted cannot be converted to hinduism back again-because blasphemy law applied there too. Rinkle Kumari a Hindu and Rimsha Masih a christian suffered because of this law.

Do you guys support this law?

We support prohibition of Beef buying and selling and cow slaughtering.
We support prohibition of Beef buying and selling and cow slaughtering.

:hitwall: That was not the question. The first Indian who replies is beating around the bush, great. Though the mallu named wine and stake said he eats beef and there are divisions amongst Indians whether they want the law the Hindutva's still not forgetting the idea of "eat what I eat or die"
Fool, most folks in South eat beef. We don't want you Cow-belt Taliban laws here.
Most Hindus eat beef in Tamil Nadu, Everyone in Kerala eats. Glad I don't live in f**ked up North.
Try to clean up your polluted cities and roads before trying to teach us what to eat or not to eat.

The funniest thing is the same Gujaratis, who banned alcohol & beef, come to the beautiful & clean state of Kerala as a tourist. I guess they don't mind the local beef eating. Anyone remember where recently plague reappeared, yes same dirty Surat/Gujarat. I even heard Gujarati's mention the Surat as a very dirty city. I was all the while laughing when the Gujarat was held up as great Modi land. Bull Shit.

There is highly advance research going on in most of the countries, where government decides what should be sold in the market, to maintain quality and nutrition in the food according to the climatic conditions. So that only seasonal food is consumed. Red meat is not good for body in warm places and tropical climate hence, if developed countries are going to follow a regulated diet by the government, India should adapt this system too. :)

Objectives:We investigated the potential impact of climate change on food security (nutrition and food safety) and the implications for human health in developed countries.

Results:Developed countries have complex structures in place that may be used to adapt to the food safety consequences of climate change, although their effectiveness will vary between countries, and the ability to respond to nutritional challenges is less certain.

Conclusions: Climate change will have notable impacts upon nutrition and food safety in developed countries, but further research is necessary to accurately quantify these impacts. Uncertainty about future impacts, coupled with evidence that climate change may lead to more variable food quality, emphasizes the need to maintain and strengthen existing structures and policies to regulate food production, monitor food quality and safety, and respond to nutritional and safety issues that arise.

For detailed research paper, open the link. EHP – Climate Change and Food Security: Health Impacts in Developed Countries

And we Indians get so fascinated by the west that we eat anything, even Goo, which comes from the west.

EHP – Climate Change and Food Security: Health Impacts in Developed Countries

:hitwall: That was not the question. The first Indian who replies is beating around the bush, great. Though the mallu named wine and stake said he eats beef and there are divisions amongst Indians whether they want the law the Hindutva's still not forgetting the idea of "eat what I eat or die"

He deliberately made this account with the name, any ways, this law is not going to be removed. And your question is not related to beef. Food should be regulated by government and many developed countries are making such system.
EHP – Climate Change and Food Security: Health Impacts in Developed Countries

see you guys later Bye :)
So you support the blasphemy law of Pakistan?

wine and "stake"... stake often at least in Canada and US applies to pork. So we should be more offended than any Hindu.
So how do you decide which is minimum and which is max?
eating rice, pulses, chapati, curd, and vegetables. this is how you minimize it. Neither you need big places for slaughter, nor special places to cook, nor too much gas. so less metal used and hence less demand, and hence less supply and hence less mining and hence healthy you and healthy earth :)

So you support the blasphemy law of Pakistan?

wine and "stake"... stake often at least in Canada and US applies to pork. So we should be more offended than any Hindu.
it is upto Pakistan, which Law they want to enforce, who am I to speak on that? I am concerned about Indian judiciary and law enforcement. Why would any country be disturbed if law changes in India. :P
you Hindi Leper need no bring your filthy laws to south India. We eat what we want.

That is not Mutual Respect. That is Tyranism of Majority over Minority. Also all Dalits who constitute 50% of India eat Beef. Get lost you fool.

Hello Hindi leper : All dalits eat beef, Most hindus in south eat beef. Beef eating is catching with rest of Hindus also in south. Now go back to your RSS world, dirty leper. North India is the most polluted and dirtiest of India. Anyone been to Surat, Agra or Delhi.. you will never want to go back there. Don't compare those places with Kerala.

We in south India will eat cow/bull/Rat whatever, none of your business.

@SrNair what were you saying about how Madrassis don't discriminate against North Indians?
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