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Beef banned in Maharashtra, 5 yrs jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale

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So you claim to know more about my city than me because you spent 'some time' here. Your halfwitted replies display your ignorance.


Your considerations does not matter to anyone other than you, your ancestors migrated to an utopian land of Islam because they didn't want to live in a secular democratic state. There was no partition violence in Lucknow as such which would force anyone to leave. People like your ancestors left out of their own will, partly because of their hatred for hindus .

Its non of our problems if Pakistanis have still not accepted you and you have to live with a label of muhajir, there are many sindhis in India and they don't have any such issues or migrant labels attached to them . You are still a 'migrant' in your own country after six decades and you invoke your ancestors' Indian identity in every thread because of your identity crisis.

In case you didn't know every state in India can enact their own laws on subjects which come under the State list. In this case we are talking about Maharashtra and you jumped in with your concocted stories of Muslin persecution in Lucknow.

Some of my people moved exactly because they wanted to live in a state where they were free to go to their mosques or places of worship. Where they weren't killed for their religious beliefs. Gujarat and Mumbai are examples.

Who said none of the Pakistanis accepted us. Its come to a point where we don't accept the other Pakistanis and seek to do away with them. I do not believe those parts are Indian. Now what? lol.

Again I stand by the point I made. In a secular democratic country people, particularly minorities are not told what and what not to eat. It is like me saying I don't drink so the Hindus in Pakistan should not be allowed to drink either. A secular country supports and protects its minorities.
Self hating? What is that? why is that?

Who hate their existence as Hindus, and sees what ever Hinduism is for as derogatory.

Hope you understand what I am saying.
Beef is not good for health Sirji, it is scientifically proven, if it is banned it is good for citizens.

Hope you will also reduce your colastrol.

Sirji, India is considered as the country with maximum number of vegetarians in percentages and in number wise.
Also considered as having the most people with diebetes,cholesterol and other diseases too...

Why is that? Explain this phenomenon.
Sirji, India is considered as the country with maximum number of vegetarians in percentages and in number wise.
Also considered as having the most people with diebetes,cholesterol and other diseases too...

Why is that? Explain this phenomenon.

Sugar production and sugar consumption :coffee:
Beef is not good for health Sirji, it is scientifically proven, if it is banned it is good for citizens.

Hope you will also reduce your colastrol.

Show me that report.

Beef, as almost every other food item has a limitation. Do you want to ban fat? Or sugar?

And do you know that people shi**ing, pi**ing and littering in the open in MH is much much much much much worse than your alleged beef problem?
Sirji, India is considered as the country with maximum number of vegetarians in percentages and in number wise.
Also considered as having the most people with diebetes,cholesterol and other diseases too...

Why is that? Explain this phenomenon.

This is why beef will bring more ills to Indians which are genetically more susceptible to old age illness like Diabetes, and Heart problems.

Show me that report.

Beef, as almost every other food item has a limitation. Do you want to ban fat? Or sugar?

And do you know that people shi**ing, pi**ing and littering in the open in MH is much much much much much worse than your alleged beef problem?

Yaar tu fir aa gaya!!!! Tere ko chain nahi padta hai!
They will do it, first they need to create jobs for those who are working there. These things are congress created and will take time to find a substitute. This does not happen in few months. It takes few years. But thanks for sharing. :)

But I am glad the "seculars" are raising this point :tup:

It works in our favour.
Sirji, India is considered as the country with maximum number of vegetarians in percentages and in number wise.
Also considered as having the most people with diebetes,cholesterol and other diseases too...

Why is that? Explain this phenomenon.

People have shifted from traditional food practice to unhealthy food practice. More of such cholesterol problem, heart attacks, BP, are urban diseases, in villages people don't get that and are much healthier.
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