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Beef banned in Maharashtra, 5 yrs jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale

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There are 800+ different breeds of cows and many more in the cow family, so how to determine which is Holy and which is not... or are they all holy ?

Neither Vedas mention to kill Gours or any other Cow Clan - Case Closed.
Yup, all holy. Including the Neel Gaaye, which is actually related to the horse family.

Ok. Texas longhorn, Zebu, Belgium blue, scottish highland are all rare variety holy ones.

Infact the holy Ankole Watusi has 6 foot horns..

Its sad they dont know in that part of the world that its holy, the tribes use it for food too.

I strongly feel for the billions of citizens 280 other countries for this lack of knowledge and the sin of killing and using them for meat will surely be punished by the almighty..
Only 1/3 rd of the people from my country is free from this sin. Yippeee....
@SpArK is a christian??
Naah..he's a hardcore hindu, secular like all other mallus here and a non vegetarian. i guess i must be the only mallu on this forum who is a pure vegetarian. When it comes to Kerala never make assumptions on the basis of one's eating habits.

I remain vegetarian for one year and for next non veg. Alternate, because weather here is cold and it becomes necessity sometimes to consume meat that also rarely, but NO BEEF.
I agree. The secular model is best for each and every country. Even Pakistanis should understand it. Its impossible to impose religion. For example what will you impose when there are differing views. For example the beard, some say its a must, others optional. Some say hijab is necessary and others not. There are views that clash sometimes for Sunnis and Shias.

Btw it is interesting to note that in Kenya there is a law that all meat that is in restaurants will be halal-meaning cut in the muslim way. Otherwise muslims can't eat that meat. Kenya has 11% muslims and India 14%. You might call it minority appeasement but some countries go so far with it to protect minority interests. Even Gandhi. When Turkey was breaking up-the caliphate being destroyed Gandhi stood with the minorities and stood for the khilafat movement - now what does a Hindu have to do with khilafat (Islamic Ummah)? But he still supported the muslims over it. That is why when anyone insults Gandhi I feel he is insulting a great fellow.

In Lucknow the main problem (even bigger than cow meat not being available at a lot of places) is that there are only a few halal eateries so all food is not for traditional muslim families. Even international restaurants like McDonalds and Pizza Hut have mainly vegetarian menu and where there is chicken-it is not halal. Dominos sells a few pork pizzas btw as well but no beef.

I believe its all about personal choice.

I think Pakistan should have a special law for hindus and for the ashes to be disposed off after burning. I believe they have to be sent to the ganga or I am not sure. Depending on the type of Hinduism I believe there are differential beliefs. But in any case the security and safety of minorities is a nations concern which it should take very very seriously. Such laws can exist in a Hindu Rashtra but not in a secular republic.

Also do note some laws are very difficult to implement. The next post talks about a halal restaurant that sells beef in Lucknow- despite some states having a ban on illegal slaughter houses there are still there. So whats the point of having a law that will (very deliberately) be broken?
bhai, minority appeasement is a bigger problem here that this religious food bans nonsense.. then we're talking about meritocracy vs quotas for jobs that need the best of the best.. not some tribal naga or whatever who didn't make the basic score, and not some "khan" just because of what faith they follow..

muslims are not really a 'minority' in that sense, even at whatever percentage they clock in, that's a huge mass of people because India is a billion + population.

any mcdonalds, kfc, pizza hut etc you go to has a board that says "halal", and 90% restaurants have halal anyway because 99% butchers are muslims lol :laugh: ..at least in delhi, bit surprised Lucknow mcdonalds are not halal, I've been to some, just never bothered checking. This kind of "appeasement" does not bother me, strict hindu veggie people often ask/it is displayed that meats are fried in a separate oil in most places of mass consumption.

tbh I think halal is kinda barbaric, we can do it much better now, remove pain and suffering for the beast and make sure it's still all "hygienic"

anyway, there is nothing in our holy books that says we, as "hindus" are prohibited from consuming any meat or whatever... just that our life force stays at a lower plane of existence and will be more inclined to search for pleasures of the flesh/ ego satisfaction and all the other worldly rubbish than sit in silence, meditate, and look to liberate ourselves from the endless cycle of birth and death. There is no concept like haram or the commandments
Neither Vedas mention to kill Gours or any other Cow Clan - Case Closed.

Issue is day today life is not dictated by vedas or people has made it compulsory..

Maybe things might change and we have vedic rules soon.

Ram Punyani is a carrer liar.


cow slaughtering is banned since the vedic age (ie atleast since 1500 BC)

yaḥ pauruṣeyeṇa kraviṣā samaṅkte yo aśveyena paśunāyātudhānaḥ,yo aghnyāyā bharati kṣīramaghne teṣāṃśīrṣāṇi harasāpi vṛśca - Rigveda

(The fiend who consumes flesh of cattle, with flesh of horses and of human bodies, Who slaughters the milk producing cow, O Agni, tear off the heads of such with fiery fury)

Do not kill the cow. Cow is innocent and aditi – that ought not to be cut into pieces. (Rigveda 8.101.15)

All of Beef eating instances in Vedas or otherwise is deliberate misinterpretations done by leftists to forward their agenda. It is very east to mistranslate sacrifice (which may mean many things) as slaughter.As the above shloka proves, even Rig Vedics reacted to slaughter of cows with homicidal fury.

And regarding rest of his rant, Shankara had almost zero role in making Buddhism disappear from India despite numerous internet warriors and others mentioning this countless time. By time Shankara was born, Buddhism was already marginalised except in Bengal and in Bengal it was Vaishnavism which dislodged Buddhism in 11th century not Advait.

However, kumarila bhatta (someone our carrer liar Ram Punyani does not know) did play a role in marginalizing Buddhism. In fact, Buddhist scriptures and inscriptions confess this fact.He defeated the Buddhists in numerous debates all over India and converted many kings back.I am quoting Buddhist historian Taranatha verbatim where he testifies that Kumarila Bhatta defeated many buddhist monks . Since Buddhists don't fabricate stories of their own defeat, I assumed this story to be true.The king was not named but he was said to be the ruler of Dramila country.

Regarding Pushymitra Sunga, again a strawman.The damage he did to Buddhist shrines was reapaired by Pushyamitra's sons, and some mild episodes of persecution were not unknown. Ashoka put a bounty on head of Jain monks because they drew Buddha sitting at feet of Mahavira. These instances does not flared up into full blown genocides because Indians does not has bloodlust seen in Desert cults.

Another somersault done by our carrer liar Ram Punyani is that on one hand he states that Buddha prohibited slaughter of cattles and on other hand he states that he readilt ate beef.

The logical fallacy of this should be evident to even a blind. Buddhism, since it's inception was always more permissive on foods that could be consumed. It never brought in culiniary taboos in Hinduism.
Ok. Texas longhorn, Zebu, Belgium blue, scottish highland are all rare variety holy ones.

Infact the holy Ankole Watusi has 6 foot horns..

Its sad they dont know in that part of the world that its holy, the tribes use it for food too.

I strongly feel for the billions of citizens 280 other countries for this lack of knowledge and the sin of killing and using them for meat will surely be punished by the almighty..
Only 1/3 rd of the people from my country is free from this sin. Yippeee....

Nobody is interested what happens out of India. In India it is of concern because of Hindus.

Hope you get the point here.
Ok. Texas longhorn, Zebu, Belgium blue, scottish highland are all rare variety holy ones.

Infact the holy Ankole Watusi has 6 foot horns..

Its sad they dont know in that part of the world that its holy, the tribes use it for food too.

I strongly feel for the billions of citizens 280 other countries for this lack of knowledge and the sin of killing and using them for meat will surely be punished by the almighty..
Only 1/3 rd of the people from my country is free from this sin. Yippeee....

Any cow which provides milk must be protected more over goats gives milk too, but cannot substitute cow's milk. The best known reason is economic reason. If you do not want to follow what Vedas say.
I'm not racist at all, In fact I am as happy when I met a South Indian as I do when I met a North Indian, I consider them family. The problem is many South Indians don't think the same and look down upon us. Seriously, you need to realize there are different ways of thinking than your own. Imposing 5 years in jail is becuase someone likes beef is honestly quite stupid and an infringement on rights by the state.

PS. Punjabis are the least racist Indians.

I am not sure about that .AFAIK Maharshtra is a North Indian state .Not South Indian.You guys were always lookeddown on us .Not vice versa.ThatMadrasi term is the best example for that.
It their state govt choice.Centre cant do anything aboutit.
Cow Piss gold.jpg
cows sold by goushala.jpg
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