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Beef banned in Maharashtra, 5 yrs jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale

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Nobody is interested what happens out of India. In India it is of concern because of Hindus.

Hope you get the point here.

But a sin is a sin. Wherever it is.

So can a hindu eat it outside India? No right?

That will be good for all of the Indians, hope it happens soon!!!!

Since Indians dont have the power to choose what to eat and his culinary habits are dictated by self prophesied religion caretakers and enforcers of a religion , it is indeed good.
Lol. Look at this guy. How can I be only one. My parents were born in Lucknow and we still consider it a part of our land. So you will have to kick out the family left there or kill them which is pretty much what you have tried.

Let me explain to you clearly. Muhajir is a weak term used to refer to people who migrated. These migrantscould be from any place. It could be Madras, Lucknow, Agra, Meerut, Rohillakhand, Deccan or Bihar. So our real identity is Lucknowi or if we go to home villages and towns barabanki, rohilla etc.

My knowledge of Lucknow too is limited at best but I am speaking from what I saw when I went there or stayed there for some time. Perhaps things are changing. Its Tunday Kebab btw.

Anyway you said it yourself. The law is one that is meant to be broken and we muslims will break it. What is the point of making it illegal then? This kind of thing-regulating what you eat does not happen in a secular country and I stand by my words. Kenya is one example I gave. Don't change the topic.

Its surprising that rather than addressing the content in post number 473 the Indians are more concerned over my identity. lol.

So you claim to know more about my city than me because you spent 'some time' here. Your halfwitted replies display your ignorance.


Your considerations does not matter to anyone other than you, your ancestors migrated to an utopian land of Islam because they didn't want to live in a secular democratic state. There was no partition violence in Lucknow as such which would force anyone to leave. People like your ancestors left out of their own will, partly because of their hatred for hindus .

Its none of our problems if Pakistanis have still not accepted you and you have to live with a label of muhajir, there are many sindhis in India and they don't have any such issues or migrant labels attached to them . You are still a 'migrant' in your own country after six decades and you invoke your ancestors' Indian identity in every thread because of your identity crisis.

In case you didn't know every state in India can enact their own laws on subjects which come under the State list. In this case we are talking about Maharashtra and you jumped in with your concocted stories of Muslin persecution in Lucknow.
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I am not sure about that .AFAIK Maharshtra is a North Indian state .Not South Indian.You guys were always lookeddown on us .Not vice versa.ThatMadrasi term is the best example for that.
It their state govt choice.Centre cant do anything aboutit.

There has been two expulsions in India since independence; one of Kashmiri Pandits from Kashmir, another of Brahmins from Tamil Nadu. I think no one can claim to be less racist than other.
Ok. Texas longhorn, Zebu, Belgium blue, scottish highland are all rare variety holy ones.

Infact the holy Ankole Watusi has 6 foot horns..

Its sad they dont know in that part of the world that its holy, the tribes use it for food too.

I strongly feel for the billions of citizens 280 other countries for this lack of knowledge and the sin of killing and using them for meat will surely be punished by the almighty..
Only 1/3 rd of the people from my country is free from this sin. Yippeee....

LOL. Since you insist on making a fool of yourself by flashing your Ignorance and Prejudice is full glory, there is nothing more to be done, thatn laugh at your idiotic reasoning.

All the best in inventing your own version of Hinduism :lol: ................. and remember , when in doubt, ask Ralph Griffith for more lesson in "Hinduism" :P
I am not sure about that .AFAIK Maharshtra is a North Indian state .Not South Indian.You guys were always lookeddown on us .Not vice versa.ThatMadrasi term is the best example for that.
It their state govt choice.Centre cant do anything aboutit.

North India, South India is relative. To us Anything South of Rajastan is South India. Madrassi isn't a discriminative term at all. Indian is named after a river that flows primarily through pakistan like Madrassis are named after a city. So if you have a problem with the word Madrassi, you should have a problem with the word Indian.

Also we never look down upon South Indians, in fact, we say they are intelligent people. You guys on the other hand shoot off Sadar jokes, call us brutes, stupid, and a whole host of other things.

Their state is passing a law that infringes on human rights, so it is the Centre's problem.
But a sin is a sin. Wherever it is.

So can a hindu eat it outside India? No right?

Since Indians dont have the power to choose what to eat and his culinary habits are dictated by self prophesied religion caretakers and enforcers of a religion , it is indeed good.

Those are self hateing Hindus!!! What can be done for that!!! Hope Good sense will prevail with time.

Jai Shree Ram!!!
Dear Sir the Chokidars are in Jail for doing that !!! What else you expect for them????

So you want to save them for the sake of Siculrarism????
Why would I care.... I was trying to show what this thekedars of Gau Raksha do...
Any cow which provides milk must be protected more over goats gives milk too, but cannot substitute cow's milk. The best known reason is economic reason. If you do not want to follow what Vedas say.

Economic reason indeed . Cow doesnt give milk.

People only Steal the milk of cow which is meant for its baby cows and sell it too.. Very Holistic.
Ram Punyani is a carrer liar.


cow slaughtering is banned since the vedic age (ie atleast since 1500 BC)

yaḥ pauruṣeyeṇa kraviṣā samaṅkte yo aśveyena paśunāyātudhānaḥ,yo aghnyāyā bharati kṣīramaghne teṣāṃśīrṣāṇi harasāpi vṛśca - Rigveda

(The fiend who consumes flesh of cattle, with flesh of horses and of human bodies, Who slaughters the milk producing cow, O Agni, tear off the heads of such with fiery fury)

Do not kill the cow. Cow is innocent and aditi – that ought not to be cut into pieces. (Rigveda 8.101.15)

All of Beef eating instances in Vedas or otherwise is deliberate misinterpretations done by leftists to forward their agenda. It is very east to mistranslate sacrifice (which may mean many things) as slaughter.As the above shloka proves, even Rig Vedics reacted to slaughter of cows with homicidal fury.

And regarding rest of his rant, Shankara had almost zero role in making Buddhism disappear from India despite numerous internet warriors and others mentioning this countless time. By time Shankara was born, Buddhism was already marginalised except in Bengal and in Bengal it was Vaishnavism which dislodged Buddhism in 11th century not Advait.

However, kumarila bhatta (someone our carrer liar Ram Punyani does not know) did play a role in marginalizing Buddhism. In fact, Buddhist scriptures and inscriptions confess this fact.He defeated the Buddhists in numerous debates all over India and converted many kings back.I am quoting Buddhist historian Taranatha verbatim where he testifies that Kumarila Bhatta defeated many buddhist monks . Since Buddhists don't fabricate stories of their own defeat, I assumed this story to be true.The king was not named but he was said to be the ruler of Dramila country.

Regarding Pushymitra Sunga, again a strawman.The damage he did to Buddhist shrines was reapaired by Pushyamitra's sons, and some mild episodes of persecution were not unknown. Ashoka put a bounty on head of Jain monks because they drew Buddha sitting at feet of Mahavira. These instances does not flared up into full blown genocides because Indians does not has bloodlust seen in Desert cults.

Another somersault done by our carrer liar Ram Punyani is that on one hand he states that Buddha prohibited slaughter of cattles and on other hand he states that he readilt ate beef.

The logical fallacy of this should be evident to even a blind. Buddhism, since it's inception was always more permissive on foods that could be consumed. It never brought in culiniary taboos in Hinduism.
because back then all we had were cows !

they provided us with all sorts of dairy products and helped till the land... in a perfect sustainable organic model ! .. makes complete sense to ban cow slaughter if you're living thousands of years ago.

the ancient vedic text is not a diktat from a dharmic god. :coffee:
Those are self hateing Hindus!!! What can be done for that!!! Hope Good sense will prevail with time.

Jai Shree Ram!!!

Self hating? What is that? why is that?
North India, South India is relative. To us Anything South of Rajastan is South India. Madrassi isn't a discriminative term at all. Indian is named after a river that flows primarily through pakistan like Madrassis are named after a city. So if you have a problem with the word Madrassi, you should have a problem with the word Indian.

Also we never look down upon South Indians, in fact, we say they are intelligent people. You guys on the other hand shoot off Sadar jokes, call us brutes, stupid, and a whole host of other things.

Their state is passing a law that infringes on human rights, so it is the Centre's problem.
I remember a conversation with my friend
She said any place that doesn't come other South India is North India....
I mean we have East,West,North East and Central India as well lol
These doesn't come under either North or South :hitwall:
Economic reason indeed . Cow doesnt give milk.

People only Steal the milk of cow which is meant for its baby cows and sell it too.. Very Holistic.

LOL..... with this, you expect us to believe you used to have cows and had farms ? :lol:
Since Indians dont have the power to choose what to eat and his culinary habits are dictated by self prophesied religion caretakers and enforcers of a religion , it is indeed good.

Beef is not good for health Sirji, it is scientifically proven, if it is banned it is good for citizens.

Hope you will also reduce your colastrol.
Economic reason indeed . Cow doesnt give milk.

People only Steal the milk of cow which is meant for its baby cows and sell it too.. Very Holistic.

Before cow is milked, calf is allowed to drink, that's the traditional way. I think you never went to any Indian village, in my village they first allow the calf to drink 4'o' clock to 5'o' clock in the morning just after the sunrise.
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