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Beef banned in Maharashtra, 5 yrs jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale

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How can that be ????? Smartest are of course are the Abrahmics.

But you can pick your share from that Basket! Dont you and it is what you are doing????????

Exactly, so do not enforce anything by law. If you do not like it, make a separate market for it. Do not go there!

Would you please elaborate, in history, when do Hindus have done MASS CONVERSION?????????

You quoted specifically that part of my post. This will also enhance my knowledge.

I did not write anything about conversion, I only meant Hinduism is so vast that there are lots of streams and followers including eating habits.
Exactly, so do not enforce anything by law. If you do not like it, make a separate market for it. Do not go there!

Yes this forum is special prerogative of Siculars. Hence common public is not allowed!!!!

Exactly, so do not enforce anything by law. If you do not like it, make a separate market for it. Do not go there!

I did not write anything about conversion, I only meant Hinduism is so vast that there are lots of streams and followers including eating habits.

Check you highligted that portion of my post !!!!

Be aware what you are replying,

Raul_AD said:
What you are saying does not apply to Hinduism it never converted any body. Its Abrahimc Prerogative.

Accept it, it is because of Hindus you are allowed to have free will, still people like you create Sicular Voices to Hurt General Hindu Sentiments. Just like what you are doing on this Thread.

You Disguise common Man as Sicular Hiding your Communal Agenda, and it is it, which we Hindus Hate.
Now you become the tekedhar of Hindus?

Hinduism is very vast, with cultural differences. You can't put everything in one basket.
Well whatever it is, its effecting an individuals preference in his food habit. Of the Indian govt is playing some kind of PSYWARfare as you mentioned then it is really a concern that they would do such a thing on its own populace, its nothing like the enemy is going to benefit from people in India eating beef and I am not talking about milk producing cows.
Anyways, its all fine unless someone comes between me and my steak or a burger or parota and fry. :p

Point is not about who is eating beef, point is about who is seeing you eating beef. When some one watches you eating beef it gets promoted, let's forget the Hollywood movies, we cannot ban it but we can ban the advertisement. Because Hindu started eating beef not out of taste but just because it is a fashion neglecting their local dishes and cuisine and giving more importance to westernized ones. Similar is the case with Rum. Hinduism allows intoxication for certain people who can control themselves and do limited. But people in India do not drink in limit nor does the rum suits Indians. Bhang is some thing which is local drink and TERMED as inferior. So those who produce Bhang their business has been taken over by the Rum owners, due to immense marketing from the west. Our approach is wrong because if we start marketing local drinks that is also unethical, because intoxication of any type is unacceptable in the society, unless until one becomes ascetic.
If this logic makes you understand then its well and good.
North india is becoming more religio facist than it already is.
Yes this forum is special prerogative of Siculars. Hence common public is not allowed!!!!

The common public have different taste at different part of the world.

Would you please elaborate, in history, when do Hindus have done MASS CONVERSION?????????

You quoted specifically that part of my post. This will also enhance my knowledge.
There is some miscommunication , i think
North india is becoming more religio facist than it already is.

1. Maharashtra is not in North India.

2. Banning Cow slaughter, which is basic demand of religious Hindus, does not make North India Religio-Fascist.

3. Even Religio-Fascism would be an improvement over Political system of casteist-nepotism popular in North India.
A trailer of things to come from the mighty BJP.

1. Maharashtra is not in North India.

2. Banning Coe slaughter, which is basic demand of religious Hindus, does not make North India Religio-Fascist.

3. Even Religio-Fascism would be an improvement over Political system of casteist-nepotism popular in North India.

Well, you can ban it for Hindus, but why everyone? Muslims are not supposed to drink Alcohol or consume pork. In Pakistan it is illegel for Muslims, but perfectly fine for non-muslims.
as i said earlier consumption of cow meat is a choice and not a religious obligation for any religion in India, unless it is an obligation, I dnt see why u r trying to make it in to a hindu vs rest issue. as I said in an earlier post if hunting, consumption of peacock or even trading its feathers is banned in India, while peacock feathers are widely used in hindu, jain temples and sikh gurudwaras. whle it is consumed by many tribes , aren;t we supressing there religious freedom too ?

So something has to become a religious obligation first? See, thats exactly the problem... Its my freedom to chose.... and that must not be limited by the religious beliefs of others.

What if some religion was against using cars, would that count too?

Cows are in no way threatened of extinction since they are domesticated animals unlike peacocks.

How can that be ????? Smartest are of course are the Abrahmics.

When the Abrahimcs come up against Mass Conversions??? I have still to see Them!!!!

Sickularism is the nicest vail used to pursue their agenda.

Neither I buy your BS

Yup, obviously your parents and teachers failed so hard in educating you that you cannot even comprehend my statement :tup:

You are the prime example of a narrow minded religious idiot.
Yup, obviously your parents and teachers failed so hard in educating you that you cannot even comprehend my statement :tup:

You are the prime example of a narrow minded religious idiot.

Come up with something good. This is the last tactic Siculars use from saving face in a a debate.
Come up with something good. This is the last tactic Siculars use from saving face in a a debate.

WOW You made "sickular" out of secular! You are so smart! Your parents must be so proud of you :lol:

Besides, just read my previous posts and and then think about what you just wrote... and if you still dont get it think again... but not too hard! It might hurt your brain.
There are many reasons behind this decision.. Cow and and bullocks were seen among many household cattle in villages of Maharashtra. My very own family still have about 3 cows and two bullocks but nothing compared to the roughly 20 nos 15 to 20 years back.. The consumption of synthetic fertilizers making the land more and more infertile. Need not to say the effect on food grains. Use of cow-dung as fertilizers would save quite a lot for farmers. Many in villages have resorted for LPG. about 450 rs can be be saved every month is bio gas is used.. There were many biogas unit in my childhood.. but less number of cattle making cow dung unavailable for biogas units. Milk of cow is quite healthy compared to buffalo milk.. It has less fat and more nutrients.. Poor farmers can not afford tractors and diesel. Bullocks would help them in agriculture..

Its not only the religious sentiments of many government have taken care of, it is also the economic consideration of poor government taking care off.

But then only the slaughter would be prohibited, while the opening articles says that the possession or sale is prohibited, that then includes beef that was bought from other states. This however shows that it has mainly religious reasons and that is the problem, because of the seperation of religion and state! How can the state bring a law that is taken to account just one religion, when India has religious freedom? Moreover, how can they allow the slaughter of some buffaloes, only because it's seen as less quality beef? Isn't that showing the inconstancy of the law itself?
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They f**ed up the entire budget session. That's not a problem for them. But beef ban has to be high on priority. All hail Bharatiya Joker Party.
your country
your party
your rules

there is a silver lining here. beef meat is not good for health anyway.
WOW You made "sickular" out of secular! You are so smart! Your parents must be so proud of you :lol:

Besides, just read my previous posts and and then think about what you just wrote... and if you still dont get it think again... but not too hard! It might hurt your brain.

Listen you CONVERTED JOKER, YOUR CLAN CONVERTED JUST FOR FEW FREE BYES. Your Clan Thrown its Culture and Religion for few bucks and you asking integrity of me and my family SHAME ON YOU AND YOUR CLAN WHICH CANNOT RESIT BRIBE OF FEW DIME.

Listen you CONVERTED JOKER, YOUR CLAN CONVERTED JUST FOR FEW FREE BYES. Your Clan Thrown its Culture and Religion for few bucks and you asking integrity of me and my family SHAME ON YOU AND YOUR CLAN WHICH CANNOT RESIT BRIBE OF FEW DIME.


Keep proving my point :tup:

Oh and yeah... I can quote you whether you like it or not... Writing in capital letters wont do anything you fundamentalist... welcome to the 21st century :D
But then only the slaughter would be prohibited, while the opening articles says that the possession or sale is prohibited, that however includes beef that was bought from other states. This however shows that it has mainly religious reasons and that is the problem, because of the seperation of religion and state! How can the state bring a law that is taken to account just one religion, when India has religious freedom? Moreover, how can they allow the slaughter of some buffaloes, only because it's seen as less quality beef? Isn't that showing the inconstancy of the law itself?
in my opinion it should be all or nothing kind of a law to avoid confusion
I don't envy the Indian law makers and enforcers

this is complicated stuff and yes I support religious sentiments
flip it the other way
imposing Muslims to buy meat from same place where pork is sold or mixed together. in same tray or using same cleavers and knives.

secularism is good only if it also respects the sentiments of faith.
no Muslim, Christian or Atheist should feel religiously hurt by this ban.

ok thats enough of me advocating Indian legislation.
(oh did someone mention 2 butchers caught selling dog meat in Karachi?.. double yuk!!!)
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