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Beef banned in Maharashtra, 5 yrs jail, Rs 10,000 fine for possession or sale

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Even here in Germany, I know a lot of people who are pure vegetarian!!

Actually India is following US model of culture which is having no culture and limitations.

I am not anti Hindu, I am against everything that limits personal freedom based on ANY irrational argumentation like those legends and fairy tales told by some members here about cows in this case....

I believe in religious freedom... but DONT force your views on others.

where is any irrational argument here ?? for whatever the reasons may be cows are revered in this nation, not jst by hindus but i saw even jains and buddhists respecting it, apart from hindu organisations various jain organistaions and ngo's like PETA were supporting this move. do u have a problem with jains too now ??

how does this move effect a religion anyway ?? Is cow meat consumption mandatory in any religion does religious freedom mean one religion kills and consumes cows, even after knowing a large part of there fellow Indians consider it to be holy?? I U must visit hyderabad in days after eid u wl see cow meat thrown on the middle of the road in muslim majority areas in order to irritate hindus, is it what u call as religious freedom ?? If not how is this move against religious freedom ?? we are not forcing our views on anyone.. we are expressing our religious concerns and it is well within our right to do so, govt has maharastra has considered our concerns to be valid and addressed them . people still have various meat options to chose from, no one is objecting to it.. No one dies if cow meat is banned from the meat market..
Now this just too funny. Do you know what Self Contradictory is :devil:

1. I am against everything that limits personal freedom based on ANY irrational argumentation

2. I believe in religious freedom

:lol: ........ but I doubt if you can see the IRONY in this.

Then educate me master, how are they contradictory?

So you support common civil code????? and will not oppose Hindus from converting Abrahmics??????

Agreed then you are a good Abrahmic!!!!

I do support a common civil code for everyone..

Funny is what hypocritical idiots who will cry at any point for their adherence to constitution for the service of this country who will die to let ppl have free speech but it takes a law to scrap that mask off ugly dictatorial face in the facade of liberalism by the usage of labels.Anti majoritarianism,liberalism,communism take your pick these hypocritical nonsense for ideological hatred is useless against me.

Yeah keep evading my point... you were probably one of those bashing PETA a couple of weeks ago.
Then educate me master, how are they contradictory?

I do support a common civil code for everyone..

So you also supports conversion of Abrahimcs to Hinduism???? When you will do that ??????
So you do not believe in the bible ? :azn:

No I do not believe in many things written in the bible...

A 2000 year old book is simply not "up to date"

So you also supports conversion of Abrahimcs to Hinduism???? When you will do that ??????

I do not support any of these mass conversion events Abrahamic to Dharmic or the other way round... just a testimony to the education level of those people...
There was someone who said,

Any nation that starts out like US, ends up like India.

Inspired by statue of liberty. Don't worry Sardar Patel's Statue of Unity will attract more tourists and hope people try to change.
LOL. Seriously ?

Religion is what limits personal freedom based on irrational arguments.

Great genius... but you do realize that there is a difference if religious beliefs are forced upon you by the government and religious beliefs which YOU ON YOUR OWN chooses to believe in?
No I do not believe in many things written in the bible...

A 2000 year old book is simply not "up to date"

I do not support any of these mass conversion events Abrahamic to Dharmic or the other way round... just a testimony to the education level of those people...

But abrahmics are doing it since Centuries!!! Now what is the problem if Hindus do now????
I don't think you are allowed to pick and choose or cherry pick what you like and don't like :P

Why not? Who told me or you that I am not allowed to do so? I have my own brain to decide whats right and wrong... I dont need to listen to religious leaders like in the dark ages...
Inspired by statue of liberty. Don't worry Sardar Patel's Statue of Unity will attract more tourists and hope people try to change.

Actually Statute of Liberty was a GIFT from France. It was not an American Idea.
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