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Beef Ban Brings Back Memories of Dogra Rule.

Thats the best she could do after her entire family was beaten by kashmir police numerous times and rot in jails for months.

She herself cry of molestation and illegal detaining by kashmir police.

What a revenge :lol:


Someone was pretty hard up .....

Its like someone concocting a story of the Hyderabad khala being a honey trap for the ISIS.
Not me sir but her along with brainwashed jockers who claimed there is 8 lakh military deployed in kashmir.

Bro, you are a Kashmiri so I would not try to educate you.

There is nothing that happens there which is not known and allowed by New Delhi.

Its a waiting game. Where the only losers are successive generations of young Kashmiri Sunni Muslims.

I've seen how they live. Its not pretty.

But then I have Pandit and Dogra friends. And any residual vestige of sympathy dries up pretty quick.
A pet of the Indian state.

Who breathes because we allow it.
What about him.
You are out of mind.

Aap ki yehi baatein hamara dil jeet leiti hein. :)
Okay lets have fun. You probably did not know that Sialkot was part of Dogra belt... from your reply I guess you do not know much but love to talk. Come on give me substance or give up. From experience I suggest not to challenge a Dogra our women will slap you around. Give it up
india ra india keep on ban the beef why lets eat beef it s yummy

if you dont eat bee f i understand just dont force the otherpeople from religion not to eat that is not a good sign
What about him.

He is either going to die. With a bullet making a mess of his brain as it oozes mingled with blood, lymph and shards of bone on to the soil of Kashmir.

Or he is going to sell his soul for Indian rupees, reform, and join politics. Maybe even become the leader of a "separatist" party and meet Pakistani officials in a "brazen show of defiance" LOL

You really are a kid man. Lots of growing up needed. Pity I have neither the time nor the inclination to take you under my wing and tutor you.
Bro, you are a Kashmiri so I would not try to educate you.

There is nothing that happens there which is not known and allowed by New Delhi.

Its a waiting game. Where the only losers are successive generations of young Kashmiri Sunni Muslims.

I've seen how they live. Its not pretty.

But then I have Pandit and Dogra friends. And any residual vestige of sympathy dries up pretty quick.
There is a reason why a Kashmiri origin Muslim proposed the two nation theory
What about him.
Lol wani aa malnourished rat hiding in forest.Buddy I have heard his brothers are no more is it true ?

These are Dogras,why do think 1% people ruled over 99% ancestors of wani


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He is either going to die. With a bullet making a mess of his brain as it oozes mingled with blood, lymph and shards of bone on to the soil of Kashmir.

Or he is going to sell his soul for Indian rupees, reform, and join politics. Maybe even become the leader of a "separatist" party and meet Pakistani officials in a "brazen show of defiance" LOL

You really are a kid man. Lots of growing up needed. Pity I have neither the time nor the inclination to take you under my wing and tutor you.
Haters gona hate.
Kashmir will not be a piece of cake, you have more resources and strength compared to freedom fighters.
Still you are suffering remarkable loss.

Lol wani aa malnourished rat hiding in forest.Buddy I have heard his brothers are no more is it true ?

These are Dogras,why do think 1% people ruled over 99% ancestors of wani
View attachment 257814
Interviews of Dogra war Mujahideen
Have a look little dogra fan.
Lol wani aa malnourished rat hiding in forest.Buddy I have heard his brothers are no more is it true ?

I heard the old man was picked up for questioning as well.

Haters gona hate.
Kashmir will not be a piece of cake, you have more resources and strength compared to freedom fighters.
Still you are suffering remarkable loss.

Its because the gloves have not come off the hammer yet.

If you have family there, pray it never does.
As far as I know (I would be happy to be corrected by more knowledgeable folk), Arabia never had cows native to the land. Camels yes. Horses too.

Neither Iran, to which it spread next.

So where did the practice of cutting cows come into the theology from?

Surely could not have been native to the land of its birth or origin. So was it ever a part of the original religion, or an geographical/regional adaptation that came later?

If it came later, then its not really Islam, is it? Because from what I've learned over the years, what came first was the final word. Never-changing.

Its a serious question, and I would prefer potentially butthurt bigots to take cognizance of my signature.

It is rule of thumb in shariah " Everything in itself is halal if it's not stated otherwise by Shariah (Quran. hadees, Ijma, Qiyas).

Slaughtering cow is directly derived from Quran. So there is no need to look for other sources

And [recall] when Moses said to his people, "Indeed, Allah commands you to slaughter a cow." They said, "Do you take us in ridicule?" He said, "I seek refuge in Allah from being among the ignorant." (67)

They said, "Call upon your Lord to make clear to us what it is." [Moses] said, "[ Allah ] says, 'It is a cow which is neither old nor virgin, but median between that,' so do what you are commanded." (68)

They said, "Call upon your Lord to show us what is her color." He said, "He says, 'It is a yellow cow, bright in color - pleasing to the observers.' " (69)

They said, "Call upon your Lord to make clear to us what it is. Indeed, [all] cows look alike to us. And indeed we, if Allah wills, will be guided." (70)

He said, "He says, 'It is a cow neither trained to plow the earth nor to irrigate the field, one free from fault with no spot upon her.' " They said, "Now you have come with the truth." So they slaughtered her, but they could hardly do it. (71)

(Al Quran surah Baqra Verse 67 to 71)

Will write more about it not have enough time now.

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