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Beautiful pictures of Iran

Tabriz, East Azerbaijan PROVINCE, IRAN

Sa'at Tower

Maqbaratoshoara - Mausoleum for poets, mystics and famous people located in the surkhab district of Tabriz in IRAN

Pars Tower

Shah-goli Park





A village nestled in the Alborz Mountains
Tabriz, East Azerbaijan, IRAN






Behnam house - displaying the traditional residential architecture of the area

Statue of IRANIAN Hero of Azerbaijan, Sattar Khan

I believe your are under some serious misconceptions. Azeris in Iran are extremely proud of their Iranian nationality. As an Iranian of Azeri roots I can attest to that personally. Pan-Iranism was founded not by the Fars, or the Lurs or etc.., but by us Iranian Azeris. I would never wish to be of another nationality or another people even if I were to be re-born!

As for Tabriz, it is Iranian and proud of it. From where have you heard that Farsi conversation is found offensive by the Tabrizi? Have you been there? Tabriz is more nationalist than Tehran. Have no doubt, any attempt to take Tabriz by any power would face one of the fiercest resistance in all of Iran.

As for the map you posted. I do wish for it to become a reality as I want both North and South Azerbaijan to be united once more, united and part of the true Motherland-- Iran.

I you wish, I will write it all in Azeri for you as well if you're unconvinced about where our loyalty lies.

On a side note, I don't subscribe to the Turk theory. Its only linguistic. We are a Causcassian Iranic people. Not Turk. There is only Irane Bozorg.

I will leave you with a note, and that to, from an Azeri and in Farsi (our other tongue!) so that you remember!

Payande bad khake Irane ma! Payande mani to javedan! Ey Iran, jane man fada ye khake pake mihanam! Elohi Ameen!

(May our Iran be eternal! May you last eternally! O' Iran, may my life be sacrificed for your pure soil! With the Lord's blessings )

Cut the crap you lier.

Necə Azərbaycanlısan axı, danış görüm onda mənə öz dilimizdə. Yaşasın Bütöv Azərbaycan, Quzeylə, Güneylə.

Iranian Azeris are under occupation of you liers who claim Armenians as brothers and friendliest nation.

And lastly see this. What our Southern brothers think.

Yes, this is within borders of "Iran"! In Tabriz.

"Azerbaijan is ours, Afghanistan is yours (Fars)"

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Tabriz Iranin azerbaycandi olub va olacaqdi, biz her zaman Iraniyik, ama beli sizde bizim qardashlarimiz siz. Biz bizim olkemiz, vetenimiz cox severix. Yasha bakili qardashim.

yaşasın tabriz
payende iran!

Furthermore, to remind you again, Azeris are not Turks. During the course of Iranian history, Azeris and Fars have helped each other to rescue Iran from all lashkars to keep Iran independent. Sattar Khan and Shahriyar, amongst other Azeris, were proud Iranian nationalists. Myself, like millions of other Azeri-Iranians, am proud of my nationality. So, please do not speak on my behalf ever. We have always lived in a free Azerbaijan unlike your deluded self whose people have spent much time in Soviet occupation. If you can, then do go ahead and just 'try' to take Tabriz. There are enough of us 'liers' in East Azerbaijan alone to halt you, ranks upon ranks. Azerbaijan wholly belongs to Iran and Iran wholly belongs to Azerbaijan, so to any of you who wish to divide Iran, do get a life! Now take yourself to a racist Pan-Turk forum and write jokes about Iran and then talk to a few other hateful deluded anti-Iran Azeris to make yourself feel better.

Yaşasın Iran, zendehbad mardoom
iranians and azris are fighting in this thread hhhhhhhhhhhahahaha keep it on brothers lol, its like one woman pulling the hairs of another woman lol
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why she's banned?

aww man shes banned ? that sux i liked her insightful posts on race/ethnicity and history -I liked also having atleast one other pakistani around who appreciated that civilization in pakistan did exist prior to the arab conquest of sindh.I hope ban is a temp one.
i cant undertand why she was banned? she was/is a good lady, respectful. she was brave enough to put her ideas forward without any hesitation and fear. hope the ban is temporary. by the way, her rate of posting was amazing lol, in a very short time, over 1000 posts. lol
i cant undertand why she was banned? she was/is a good lady, respectful. she was brave enough to put her ideas forward without any hesitation and fear. hope the ban is temporary. by the way, her rate of posting was amazing lol, in a very short time, over 1000 posts. lol

lol yes funny that the girls on this forum have a huge post count i saw even emo girl got a huge post count in a short time.Well lets hope the ban is lifted soon.:cheers:
Iranian Azeris are under occupation of you liers

It is amazing to see you call the Azaris of Iran under occupation while the Azaris are happy in Iran. It reminds me of Pashtoon Nationalists of Afghanistan who claim that Pakhtoons of Pakistan are under occupation and call NWFP as their own territory, on the interent these nationalists call pakistan as Porkistan sarcastically, this is nothing but shame, while Pakistani Pakhtoons are very happy in pakistan. These ethno Nationalist ideas are not good, you dont see any country which has purely one ethnic group, in today's world we all live in multi ethnic countries. loving your ethnic group and establishing cultural/linguistic ties with them is absolutley fine, but if you talk of breaking up other countries based on ethnicities then that is totally wrong. We persians(tajiks) of Afghanistan love Iranians(if i am specific then the persians of iran), we love people of tajikistan, we love people of Samarqand and Bukhara because they are also persians(tajiks), we love persians of Pakistan(a minority in that country), we always are in close cultural/linguistic contacts, but that doestn mean we are spliting each others' countries because of ethnicities. so try to take things easier.
man what the hell are you talking about?
nobody here is fighting
he said smtg and we answered him

pasban couldn't be more friendly!!!!!
You're just pissed off b/c Iran and Turkey aren't allies and you love them.

i think you already know what i'm talking about......lets stick with pictures or infos about Iran. None of this political or nationalist crap. Iran defence forum has plenty of that already, it shouldnt be brought over here.

Promote your country......post the places; post some ladies (sorry abi!) :lol:
i think you already know what i'm talking about......lets stick with pictures or infos about Iran. None of this political or nationalist crap. Iran defence forum has plenty of that already, it shouldnt be brought over here.

Promote your country......post the places; post some ladies (sorry abi!) :lol:

I agree , last thing we want to see here is ZakAli vs Kermanshah here. Post some pictures dudes, they were really nice :)
I agree , last thing we want to see here is ZakAli vs Kermanshah here. Post some pictures dudes, they were really nice :)

OYE!!! Kamran sahib!

I agree. I do miss Zakali though. He is future COAS of Azarbaycan defence forces.
i think you already know what i'm talking about......lets stick with pictures or infos about Iran. None of this political or nationalist crap. Iran defence forum has plenty of that already, it shouldnt be brought over here.

Promote your country......post the places; post some ladies (sorry abi!) :lol:

Brother, you keep repeating the same thing like a broken record over and over again!

Who is going in whose thread and talking smack? Who is claiming the other's territory? Who is inciting hatred and hostility against the other?

These yellow wolves or grey donkeys and their 19th century racial ideologies are a menace to themselves and the peace and prosperity of the region. They'd better wise up and see the wonders these views have done for papa saddam and his fellow pan-Arabs. At least Turkey is starting to see light by slowly rejecting Ataturkism and that pan-turkist fabricated history crap. Zakali and his president are still a long way off!

No matter... here are some pictures of the sport of my youth... koshti.








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