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Beautiful pictures of Iran

Thanks for posting this. I am sure you know that the charter of human rights was first written in persian empire and in time of this greatest king.

Yeah i know that.. I posted that in some other thread.. That is why I said, one of the greatest persian kings :D
Coming back to topic!

Cyrus the Great!! One of the greatest Persian Kings!!

Not one of, THE GREATEST
He united the median and persian tribes and started the Persian empire
Freed the Jews from the Babylonians and returned them to Israel, in fact he is referred to as a Messiah in the torah.
Created the first charter of rights.
Believed in equality between men and women (women at the time even got pregnancy leaves and pay!!!!!!)
How low have we sunk from those days :undecided:

all the pics are awesome, really shows Iran is doing well!!

we're not doing well, without oil we we would be nowhere thanks to the backward Islamic Republic. But it's not too late, Iran still has a lot of oil and the second largest nat gas reserves on the planet after Russia. With a change in the system we could become a top 10 economy withing a couple of decades.
He is a great singer, i like him quite alot. in afghanistan and tajikistan alot of people do listen to his songs.

Thanks for reminding me, I forgot to answer Abu Zolfiqar!
@ zulfiqar
I personally don't really like his music (too happy for my taste) but as Ahmad said, he's really popular in Tajikistan and AFG. He's actually SUPER popular in Tajikistan but I never figured out why!
watch this
They're acting like he's the king of England!!
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I know they were hideous :partay:

In Iran girls look a million times better than in the west!
here they all look like tyrannies

Women are beautiful wherever they are. :agree:

One of the most admiring from iran for me is Sheila Khodadad


and she is with indian costume

the world's most funniest costume fusion EVER, from Mosaferi az Hend. :)

OMG she is too beautiful with the bindi in her forehead.
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Iran looks truely amazing and the architecture is splendid. I really should have gone this summer with a couple of my Iranian mates who invited me :(

Hammy can you seriously cut the b/s, you remind me of so many Pakistani's i see here in the U.K constantly talking **** about Iranians. Honestly despite living in a city with a fair Pakistani population, most of my closest mates are Iranian lads whom are polite, well-educated, open-minded, extremely respectful and i couldn't speak anymore highly of them.

Whats with the pics of Iranian girls?! As we are on this topic of Iranian women, to all those who like them should seriously spend some time with Iranian lads, honestly the stuff they say about their women is hilarious and will completely put you off them:P
ahhh yes. Iranian women. Very very nice.

Iranian food also very good.

certain factors keep me from answering that question honestly :D

include chai and mittay in that list.
Women are beautiful wherever they are. :agree:

One of the most admiring from iran for me is Sheila Khodadad

she's :undecided:

btw earlier I said Iranian women in the west look like "tyrannies" but I meant tranys, too lazy to go and edit it.
I would go to Iran - Iraq-syria-turkey in few years and see how things being presented here look in real life.
I would go to Iran - Iraq-syria-turkey in few years and see how things being presented here look in real life.

what is being "presented here"?
And I don't see pics of turkey, syria and iraq

btw, you won't go to Iran so don't lie. Just say what's on your mind
I would like to put forward a request to the Admins/Mods to clean this thread from page 5 until the current page, cleaning it of all unrelated photo posts. Especially those posts with photos of women. Is Pakistan not supposed to be a majority Muslim nation. What about the people on this forum? What is the meaning of this? Other than that this whole thread has been derailed by the users, "Nima", "jinxeD_girl" and "Truthseeker". It would be best if all their posts were removed from this thread al together.

I would also like to let you guys know that I saw saw the user, "Nima" was banned from the Iranian military forum for being an exiled impostor, posing as a true Iranian. If you wish to see a link, I will post it, but I don't know whether linking to other forums is allowed.
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