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Beautiful pictures of Iran

I would like to put forward a request to the Admins/Mods to clean this thread from page 5 until the current page Especially those posts with photos of women. Is Pakistan not supposed to be a majority Muslim nation. What about the people on this forum? What is the meaning of this?

Second that :)
Iran... Ey Khorram Behest-e Man (My Green Paradise)


Ey Iran... Khak-e dastat behtar az zar ast (the soil of your valleys are better than gold) :)

Iran is amongst the few countries of the world which possess all types of climate and terrain. Hence, it is a varied and diverse land. You can drive from deserts into snow and from arid plains into forests.





I would like to put forward a request to the Admins/Mods to clean this thread from page 5 until the current page, cleaning it of all unrelated photo posts. Especially those posts with photos of women. Is Pakistan not supposed to be a majority Muslim nation. What about the people on this forum? What is the meaning of this? Other than that this whole thread has been derailed by the users, "Nima", "jinxeD_girl" and "Truthseeker". It would be best if all their posts were removed from this thread al together.


But Abu Zulfiqar wanted to see some Iranian people.. and we posted the pictures of them... Are you trying to say that the Iranians living in USA, Canada, Europe, Australia etc DON'T represent Iran? :undecided::undecided: I didn't know that.. :eek::confused:
oh **** the hizbollah crew have arrived!

Abi you convinced them to join eh?
desperate people
oh **** the hizbollah crew have arrived!

Abi you convinced them to join eh?
desperate people

One thing I noticed about Iran and Iranians.. and I mentioned that in some other thread long time ago... is that they take everything to EXTREMES!! Either they get extremely westernized as during Shah time (my parents passed through Iran before 1979 by road from Kuwait to Pakistan and they told me Iran was very modern.. and every second shop used to sell Alcohol)... or they get extremely Mullahised... Why don't you guyz take middle of the path road like Pakistan?

It is human nature that anything which is FORCED... people dont like it... they force Islam on Iranians.. and many Iranians are getting away from Islam.. on the other extreme... in U.S.A... or even in India.. as very famous Indian Muslim actress Shabana Azmi said in this video that people hurl insults on them for being Muslim and they say YES I AM MUSLIM AND WHAT YOU WANT TO DO ABOUT IT!

"I have been raised in a very liberal bohemian family where religion has not played any part at all. For me being a Muslim really was about Urdu, eating Biryani and wearing Gararas on Eid, so the cultural aspect was being Muslim otherwise I am not religious the religion didn't matter... After the riots following the demolishing of Babri Mosque.. I suddenly had people saying that you are a Muslim and hurling it as an accusation... and it was because of the self consciousness that I never before experienced it was very traumatizing.. and what it made me do is made me ping my heels and say YES I AM MUSLIM AND WHAT YOU WANT TO DO ABOUT IT!"
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Well I must admit I am so impressed with how clean all the streets and cities are in iran simply amazing cities:tup:
Iran is a beautiful country. Too bad they have lost their original Avestan religion and culture, which was very close to the Vedic culture of India.

Map of Vedic India:

One thing I noticed about Iran and Iranians.. and I mentioned that in some other thread long time ago... is that they take everything to EXTREMES!! Either they get extremely westernized as during Shah time (my parents passed through Iran before 1979 by road from Kuwait to Pakistan and they told me Iran was very modern.. and every second shop used to sell Alcohol)... or they get extremely Mullahised... Why don't you guyz take middle of the path road like Pakistan?

It is human nature that anything which is FORCED... people dont like it... they force Islam on Iranians.. and many Iranians are getting away from Islam.. on the other extreme... in U.S.A... or even in India.. as very famous Indian Muslim actress Shabana Azmi said in this video that people hurl insults on them for being Muslim and they say YES I AM MUSLIM AND WHAT YOU WANT TO DO ABOUT IT!

"I have been raised in a very liberal bohemian family where religion has not played any part at all. For me being a Muslim really was about Urdu, eating Biryani and wearing Gararas on Eid, so the cultural aspect was being Muslim otherwise I am not religious the religion didn't matter... After the riots following the demolishing of Babri Mosque.. I suddenly had people saying that you are a Muslim and hurling it as an accusation... and it was because of the self consciousness that I never before experienced it was very traumatizing.. and what it made me do is made me ping my heels and say YES I AM MUSLIM AND WHAT YOU WANT TO DO ABOUT IT!"
YouTube- pt.1 ]

well alcohol is native to Iran!!!!
The first ever evidence of wine making is from Iran!
People were also making beer in Iran THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO

Many people believe that the syrah grapes of south eastern france were taken there from Shiraz, Iran.
Even today, NO MATTER what city in Iran, people make their own alcohol at home! Almost all young people have an alcohol dealer :D You just call him and in less then 30 mins you can have anything from Corus light to ...
I drink more in Iran than I do here :woot:

But I agree with the whole extreme thing. It's because of our culture though. We're no india where religions teach you to be peacefull etc... We have always been concerned with expanding and at the same time b/c of our geographical location we have always been attacked by others. We're always on our toes. We have never experienced long term peace so we always do what we do best, disagree, fight, make revolutions etc...
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