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Beautiful pictures of Iran

oh **** the hizbollah crew have arrived!

Abi you convinced them to join eh?
desperate people


What are you talking about? Also the purpose of this thread is to display imagery concerning Iran. The video you pasted is not even mildly related to the tread. Contribute what is relevant to subject. Create your own thread and do not de-rail this one.
But I agree with the whole extreme thing. It's because of our culture though. We're no india where religions teach you to be peacefull etc... We have always been concerned with expanding and at the same time b/c of our geographical location we have always been attacked by others. We're always on our toes. We have never experienced long term peace so we always do what we do best, disagree, fight, make revolutions etc...

Your insight into Iran is tainted by your evidently biased views. Iran has found itself throughout its history as an island in troubled seas. That being said, your conclusions are vastly incorrect. Iranians are not an expansionist people and your views don't do not correspond to Iranians as a whole. Seems as if your entire purpose is to build enmity towards Iran. I have been reading your previous posts as well. I will attempt to avoid you altogether for the remainder of my time here.

Moreover I will continue with further posting on centred on the topic of the thread and answer no more to your attempts to dislodge it.

What are you talking about? Also the purpose of this thread is to display imagery concerning Iran. The video you pasted is not even mildly related to the tread. Contribute what is relevant to subject. Create your own thread and do not de-rail this one.

oh buzz off
go to shia chat or smtg abdul
Your insight into Iran is tainted by your evidently biased views. Iran has found itself throughout its history as an island in troubled seas. That being said, your conclusions are vastly incorrect. Iranians are not an expansionist people and your views don't do not correspond to Iranians as a whole. Seems as if your entire purpose is to build enmity towards Iran. I have been reading your previous posts as well. I will attempt to avoid you altogether for the remainder of my time here.

Moreover I will continue with further posting on centred on the topic of the thread and answer no more to your attempts to dislodge it.

wtf are you talking about?
Every single Iranian empire was expansionist, are you denying that?
just b/c the mullahocracy today says "we're not expansionists" it doesn't mean we weren't in the past.
If Iran isn't thinking aboiut expanding it's is because she is too weak to do so.
wow the scene above is just like a cafe in north london i was in last week , heated argument between Iranian exiles , and some new age iranian students , but lucky here you guys cant punch each other while they could so some of them ended up in jail , and funny thing is when police arrived stupid pigs arrested me and my friends first for the ''obvious'' reasons , any ways to sum up , why not try to find common ground in between you , forget religion for a second and enjoy your great heritage and amazing food , be happy and live long .
wow the scene above is just like a cafe in north london i was in last week , heated argument between Iranian exiles , and some new age iranian students , but lucky here you guys cant punch each other while they could so some of them ended up in jail , and funny thing is when police arrived stupid pigs arrested me and my friends first for the ''obvious'' reasons , any ways to sum up , why not try to find common ground in between you , forget religion for a second and enjoy your great heritage and amazing food , be happy and live long .

why the police arrested you???:rofl::rofl::rofl:
long issue dude , if you look like a iranian , or a afghani on a pakistani passport you some time get into trouble because of fake ayslum seeking claims , but this time it was the usual , its Pakistanis , they must have been the one fighting lol
Seems as if your entire purpose is to build enmity towards Iran. I have been reading your previous posts as well.


Yeah that is what Nima is trying to do.. but not intentionally though.. ;) According to him.. ONLY Armenia is Iran true friend among all its neighbors. We have told him that majority of Pakistanis love Iranians and consider Iran brother country to such an extent that when USA was deciding to bomb Iran few years ago.. Pakistan refused to allow its territory against Iran because of Public pressure.

Nima hates Arabs, he has been banned from Afghan forum.. he bad mouths Turkey and Turks...

with such attitude he isn't doing any favor to Iran and Iranians in general.. he is further isolating Iran... if some Iranian is not Muslim. that doesn't mean that you have to dislike all your Muslim neighbors with the exception of Armenia... ;)
^ Armenia is not a muslim country but a deep Christian country , full of bloody gypsies . llol

That is why Nima loves them.. bcoz that is the ONLY NON-MUSLIM country Iran borders with.. ;)

I have met some Armenians in real life ... very lovely and nice people.. Kim Kardashian is also Armenian..

Yeah that is what Nima is trying to do.. but not intentionally though.. ;) According to him.. ONLY Armenia is Iran true friend among all its neighbors. We have told him that majority of Pakistanis love Iranians and consider Iran brother country to such an extent that when USA was deciding to bomb Iran few years ago.. Pakistan refused to allow its territory against Iran because of Public pressure.

Nima hates Arabs, he has been banned from Afghan forum.. he bad mouths Turkey and Turks...

with such attitude he isn't doing any favor to Iran and Iranians in general.. he is further isolating Iran... if some Iranian is not Muslim. that doesn't mean that you have to dislike all your Muslim neighbors with the exception of Armenia... ;)
and obviously you have no idea about the relationship between Iran and Armenia just like I was ignorant about your relationship with Turkey. It's not me saying, talk to Armenians or the hezbollahi Iranians here and they will confirm.
lol! I can't find that thread.. but i did find this...

"Well it's kind of obvious that Iran and Turkey are enemies in a way" :lol::lol:

how is that insulting Turks?
1/4 of Iran are azeri turks
heck my own grand father was Qashqai (turkish speaking tribe)

Iran and Turkey though have been enemies for centuries. Half of Turkey used to be Iran not too long ago so you can imagine how much we have fought over the years. Today we are divided over many things as well. We are staunch supporters of Armenia, they're the biggest enemy of Armenia. We are the enemies of Israel, they're allies of Israel. They're trying to create unrest in Iran through the Turkish speaking tribes as well which is another source of division.
i don't think Nima is Iranian, it is clear from his posts that he is trying to create a rift between Pakistani members and Iranian members. Can mods please clear this thread up?
oh **** the hizbollah crew have arrived!

Abi you convinced them to join eh?
desperate people

oh **** the hizbollah crew have arrived!

looool :rofl::rofl:

You remind me exactly off my pro shah friends but they call those people baseeji.


Absolutely beautiful shot, mind telling us the location of this place?

Inshallah next time i go to Iran hopefully i can explore a bit more and get to see places like Tabriz, Shiraz and maybe Kish Island.
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