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Beautiful pictures of Iran

hi jinx wonder y every thread involving u end up as race related issue... maybe in 10 years time u will look back and realise how ignorant and racist u were.. god bless..
Coming back to topic!

Cyrus the Great!! One of the greatest Persian Kings!!

hi jinx wonder y every thread involving u end up as race related issue... maybe in 10 years time u will look back and realise how ignorant and racist u were.. god bless..

maybe shes digging for an well defined aryan boy, but shes is messed up breed already lol. esp punjabi is not aryan at all she should be ashamed being punjabi. maybe shes going to question her parents one day one of them who is not punjabi that he/she didnt breed to another aryan so that her life would have been more dignified lol
maybe shes digging for an well defined aryan boy, but shes is messed up breed already lol. esp punjabi is not aryan at all she should be ashamed being punjabi. maybe shes going to question her parents one day one of them who is not punjabi that he didnt breed to another aryan so that her life would have been more dignified lol

Bangladeshis are not aryans are they? BUT I LOVE THEM!! ;);) I have been really nice to Al_Zakir , brotherbangladesh and all others.. ;)

But I am not very found of Biharis!! :D:D
maybe shes digging for an well defined aryan boy, but shes is messed up breed already lol. esp punjabi is not aryan at all she should be ashamed being punjabi. maybe shes going to question her parents one day one of them who is not punjabi that he/she didnt breed to another aryan so that her life would have been more dignified lol

dont worry she is only 19 and has her whole life in front of her..i am sure she will learn that humanity and treating others nicely is not based on looks and how fair u look... in future she will have kids and god forbid they r not disfigured or disabled...because even if they are i am sure she wiil love them more than anything in this world... looks can be lost anyday jinx all it takes is an accident..but the person in u will always be the same... like i said she will come to realise it one day..the sooner the better and that day she will regret all her sarcastic and racist remarks...
jinx pls read this
Most beautiful wedding of the year: Scarred soldier marries his sweetheart | Mail Online

..pls do keep posting more pics..they r wonderful...:toast_sign:
dont worry she is only 19 and has her whole life in front of her..i am sure she will learn that humanity and treating others nicely is not based on looks and how fair u look... in future she will have kids and god forbid they r not disfigured or disabled...because even if they are i am sure she wiil love them more than anything in this world... looks can be lost anyday jinx all it takes is an accident..but the person in u will always be the same... like i said she will come to realise it one day..the sooner the better and that day she will regret all her sarcastic and racist remarks...
jinx pls read this
Most beautiful wedding of the year: Scarred soldier marries his sweetheart | Mail Online

..pls do keep posting more pics..they r wonderful...:toast_sign:

i think she has some inferiority complex and lacking of practical life which is making her so racist, because every posts of her is related to some sort of her racist views. she is attracting other racist people too.
Coming back to topic!

Cyrus the Great!! One of the greatest Persian Kings!!


Thanks for posting this. I am sure you know that the charter of human rights was first written in persian empire and in time of this greatest king.
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Nima Joon do you like the Iranian singer Andy?

he sings that song 'che khoshgel shody am shab'

He is a great singer, i like him quite alot. in afghanistan and tajikistan alot of people do listen to his songs.
the Shiias are the most patriotic of Pakistanis, i often find. Their allegiance is to Pakistan.

(Quaid e Azam is a fine example ;))

fanatics of any faith or sect are undesirable.....

i didnt know that, i always thought he was sunni. interesting!
i think she has some inferiority complex and lacking of practical life which is making her so racist, because every posts of her is related to some sort of her racist views. she is attracting other racist people too.

i think you need to differentiate between racists and race related talks. some people love to talk about politics, some military, some economics, some social affairs and some talk about race related issues. what is wrong with that?

I am quoting one of your posts here

"^^ this iranian racist sick fcuk is even a bigger loser than you lol(about his arab women comments)"

It was YOU who started personal attacks first.. not me.. I really don't want to add you to ignore list as you shared Bihari Kebobs recipe with me..:P but you just don't stop with your Anti-Iranian propaganda...

Well I honestly think Iranians girlz are much much prettier than Indian girlz.. ;).. if that bothers you then it is not my problem hammy :rofl::rofl:

We from sub continent think Iranians are handsome and good looking and infact they are, the same goes to Iranian who thinks people from Indian sub continent are good looking too... My gf is an Iranian and I still get some more hits from her other friends too.. :). Exotic???
And in any standard I am a below average skinny dark skinned guy from Bangladesh... :rofl::rofl::rofl:

This would be my last post to you.. I really don't have to argue with Indians.. I really don't.. You guyz (i.e. Indians) provoke me in every thread and when I retaliate back.. then you guyz start crying aloud "Racist Racist".. Look at your own attitude in this and other thread.. if you don't agree with my views (like the background of Pakistan thread).. all you have to do is either reply back politely OR ignore me.. Hence you guyz can't ignore me.. then I will take the first step and ignore you. Here is the receipt that you are on ignore list.. :wave::wave:

And from now on I am taking zero tolerance towards anyone (especially Indians) who provoke me just for argument/enjoyment sake and then yell "RACIST RACIST!" and will add them straight to ignore list!!

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i think you need to differentiate between racists and race related talks. some people love to talk about politics, some military, some economics, some social affairs and some talk about race related issues. what is wrong with that?


Because of the attitude of some stalking members on this forum.. I have greatly reduced my number of posts and I don't even take part in most threads now.. except for the few...

I was busy in this thread because it is one of the non-political threads... and even here some people don't leave me alone.. :cheesy::hitwall:
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