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Beautiful pictures of Iran

The only good thing tht comes from bihar(india) is bihari kebab lol sad most indians dont even eat them.
About beauty of india.Dont want to be racist.
But is tht a joke?
and Iranian boyz are much much handsome as compared to Bihari boyz looooool! (again that is my personal opinion).. you can disagree Hammy! ;)

by your racial theory, show me your damn picture and i would comment on you.

iranians boyzz are nothing as compared to germans, british because iranians are dark then europeans and thats the reality etc etc as per your judgement.

many beharis are very fair as per your judgement, so you have no idea at all about beharis. punjabis may be very dark and brown but that doesnt lower their beauty. its all god gifted. i maybe more fairer than you because i am very fair and i am 5 feet 9, many iranians maybe shorter than me.

i am a proud behari because we are know as intelligent beings and behari community in pakistan is known to be far more educated and patriotic then any other community. btw i never go into who is beautiful and whos not, iranians which i have experienced look no different then many arabic people, i find syrians and moroccons more beautiful then iranians, they look fairer than iranians in the first place.

beauty lies in the eyes of beholder as what you said earlier.
Hammy no boy talk make u look like a talib.
Take it easy brother.There are beautiful and ugly people in every race or country.And about 5.9 thts not a very tall height im 6.
Happy hunting
The only good thing tht comes from bihar(india) is bihari kebab lol sad most indians dont even eat them.
About beauty of india.Dont want to be racist.
But is tht a joke?

really, now please explain what good comes out of punjab, sindh, balochistan where you belong etc etc, i dont wanna go into racism anyway. and do you know about beharis in pakistan anyway?? i guess you have no idea at all.

two months old baloch prime minister jamali was eventually replaced by shaukat aziz
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Hammy no boy talk make u look like a talib.
Take it easy brother.There are beautiful and ugly people in every race or country.And about 5.9 thts not a very tall height im 6.
Happy hunting

thats what i say, read jinxed girl comments, and btw how many people are 6 foot lol. normally even in britain i dont seen many 5 feet 9. and when did i say its a very tall height, you can be 6 feet 4 to be taller but that doesnt count to be very charming, rather gigantic simply.

iranians girls in the north look like afghanis and you know how we think about afghanis here.
by your racial theory, show me your damn picture and i would comment on you.

iranians boyzz are nothing as compared to germans, british because iranians are dark then europeans and thats the reality etc etc as per your judgement.

It is not about dark or light skin.. it is about well defined facial features!! As I said before many Iranians, Latinos, Mediterranean people are tanned but they look very exotic and beautiful. On the other hand even many light skinned Indians don't have what it takes to be attractive.. :cheesy:

And I am not into Germans, British because they are extremely light skinned.. extemely light skin with freckles is a NO NO!! for me!

i am a proud behari because we are know as intelligent beings and behari community in pakistan is known to be far more educated and patriotic then any other community. .

sure you are and according to you in some other post you and your family were kicked out of Bangladesh (East Pakistan).. ;)

You even made lots of racist comments about Punjabis too.. I don't have time to quote them here..

Go and google "Biharis" in google image search and see how attractive Biharis are!! :wave:

Happy Googling!!
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sure you are and according to you in some other post you and your family were kicked out of Bangladesh (East Pakistan).. ;)

You even made lots of racist comments about Punjabis too.. I don't have time to quote them here..

Go and google "Biharis" in google image search and see how attractive Biharis are!! :wave:

just like any other pakistan including punjabis and pathans in pak army ;), beharis were kicked out because, we were patriotic and supported the amry and thats why many educated people were killed their and its a shame that instead of being saddened by how many of pakistanis died their you take joy by posting it.

just google the contributions of beharis in pakistan aside other urdu speaking people.

how many neurosurgeons you have in pakistan?? people in karachi say that shaukat aziz was behari too, i dont his exact ethnicity.(its always you who start racism in the first place and as mods dont ban you i have the freedom to answers your comments too.)
just like any other pakistan including punjabis and pathans in pak army ;), beharis were kicked out because, we were patriotic and supported the amry and thats why many educated people were killed their and its a shame that instead of being saddened by how many of pakistanis died their you take joy by posting it.

just google the contributions of beharis in pakistan aside other urdu speaking people.

how many neurosurgeons you have in pakistan?? people in karachi say that shaukat aziz was behari too, i dont his exact ethnicity.(its always you who start racism in the first place and as mods dont ban you i have the freedom to answers your comments too.)

This thread is about Iran and Iran.. take your Bihar and Bihari kebobs to some other thread..
stick to the topic please!! :azn:;)
and who brought beharis here in the first place, to exhibit how racially inferior i am.

please dont show signs of regret, you are far more superior intellect than i am ;) as you belong to superior aryan race lol.

now keep beating about the bush lol. wanna know the recipe of behri kebabs now lol? u liked it arnt u
and who brought beharis here in the first place, to exhibit how racially inferior i am.

please dont show signs of regret, you are far more superior intellect than i am ;) as you belong to superior aryan race lol.

now keep beating about the bush lol. wanna know the recipe of behri kebabs now lol? u liked it arnt u

I love Bangladesh!! :D:D:bounce:
I love Bangladesh!! :D:D:bounce:

hitler wanted to produce a superior aryan race, like the superman, you should be careful when u try to pick your boyfriend and breed next generation, the man should be carefully picked, white colour, blue eyes, blond hair, not shorter than 5'9" (as the SS had the rule of ignoring germans less then 5'9") belong from atlantis and not iran lol works in an IT company probably in Iintel, and lastly, he should taste good lol.

btw are you white, blond hair blue eyes, it is important too lol, i think your race is impured by mixing of punjabi race lol.

if the iranians would have tried to join the SS, they would have been killed or kicked in the first place lol.
hitler wanted to produce a superior aryan race, like the superman, you should be careful when u try to pick your boyfriend and breed next generation, the man should be carefully picked, white colour, blue eyes, blond hair, not shorter than 5'9" (as the SS had the rule of ignoring germans less then 5'9") belong from atlantis and not iran lol works in an IT company probably in Iintel, and lastly, he should taste good lol.

btw are you white, blond hair blue eyes, it is important too lol, i think your race is impured by mixing of punjabi race lol.

but i still love Bangladesh! It is time for you to make peace with Iranians (who bullied you), bengalis (who kicked you out) and Punjabis (who make fun of you!) :azn:;)
but i still love Bangladesh! It is time for you to make peace with Iranians (who bullied you), bengalis (who kicked you out) and Punjabis (who make fun of you!) :azn:;)

where is my answer??

iranian bullied me??, can u explain it what u mean??
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