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Beautiful pictures of Iran




Asal sultani

Abi natereki
you are certainly exposing true iran, thank you, good effort KIU, it will certainly help the shia fanatics in our country who have unconditional allegiance towards iran

it shows how people there take religion as they appear lol
just say you like chubby women with manly faces, no need to call me racist:woot:


No need to get mad at Hammy.. He is from Bihar (a state in India) and he is in London for his studies. He told us where he studies, Iranian hold deep racial prejudice against Biharis and some Iranians bully him. You know some pro-shahi Iranians can be extremely racist becasue of the Aryan theory and stuff..but that shouldn't give Hammy any reason to hate All Iranians and Iran in general.

He jumps in every Iranian thread, he wants to get some Iranian threads closed.. and he harasses those members who are fully or partly Iranian.. ask Ahmed or Abi..

He should act LIKE A MAN! and confront his bullies instead of taking out his frustration online on Iran and Iranians.. but most Biharis are physically not well built and are skinny.. so I doubt he would ever be able to confront his bullies in real life!
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passing jugemental remarks and speaking disgusting lies again and again, it that included in the aryan theory?? i hate to comment u in the first place.
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Nima Joon do you like the Iranian singer Andy?

he sings that song 'che khoshgel shody am shab'
you are certainly exposing true iran, thank you, good effort KIU, it will certainly help the shia fanatics in our country who have unconditional allegiance towards iran

it shows how people there take religion as they appear lol

the Shiias are the most patriotic of Pakistanis, i often find. Their allegiance is to Pakistan.

(Quaid e Azam is a fine example ;))

fanatics of any faith or sect are undesirable.....
Should we even question the patriotism of Pakistani people coz of there sects or religion?
And here I was thinking that Lebanese look diff

I travelled to Lebanon once. A Lebanese friend of mine based in Beirut once joked that just by looking at some of the girls there, you will know by the design of her nose, and other physical features --- which doctor and which clinic she got the surgery done by


lovely country by the way....good people, the Lebanese.

Nima, post some pictures of Western Iran.....what are some main cities there

I am quoting one of your posts here

"^^ this iranian racist sick fcuk is even a bigger loser than you lol(about his arab women comments)"

It was YOU who started personal attacks first.. not me.. I really don't want to add you to ignore list as you shared Bihari Kebobs recipe with me..:P but you just don't stop with your Anti-Iranian propaganda...

Well I honestly think Iranians girlz are much much prettier than Indian girlz.. ;).. if that bothers you then it is not my problem hammy :rofl::rofl:
and Iranian boyz are much much handsome as compared to Bihari boyz looooool! (again that is my personal opinion).. you can disagree Hammy! ;)
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