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Beaking News: Bangladesh roadblock protest sparks clashes

Exercise in falsehood by state and incumbents

THE state and the Awami League-led incumbents seem to have resorted to falsehood over the killing of Biswajit Das, a tailor who has punched and kicked, hacked and stabbed, to death by some members of the Bangladesh Chhatra League, an associate organisation of the ruling party for students, during the countrywide road blockade programme of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party-led opposition alliance on Sunday. While video footages of the brutality by the BCL leaders and activists were aired by private televisions channels on Sunday, and even the photographs and identities of the perpetrators were published by different newspapers over the next two days, the police filed a case accusing unidentified people of killing Biswajit. Subsequently, however, according to a report front-paged in New Age on Tuesday, the investigation officer of the case said the police were examining photographs of the incident published in different dailies, to identify the youths involved in the killing and had ‘started drives to arrest the killers.’ The BCL leadership, meanwhile, claimed that they had no relationship whatsoever with the assailants although media reports confirmed that they are members of the ruling party’s student front, and a key AL leader insisted that the ruling party would not take any responsibility for the killing and, by extension, the killers. Worse even, while eight people have been arrested in connection with killing, as claimed by a minister, they don’t include the ones caught in photographs and video footages punching and kicking, hacking and stabbing Biswajit.

Such exercises in falsehood by the police and the political incumbents—needless to say, these are directly correlative—spring very little surprise, though. Ever since it assumed office in January 2009, the AL-led government has virtually given leaders and activists of the lead ruling party and its associate organisations, especially the Chhatra League, a licence to engage in whatever crime they wish to. Such indulgence has, in turn, sent a clear message to the police and other law enforcement agencies to leave the troublemaking BCL operatives alone. As such, there have been cases galore whereby BCL leaders and activists have literally gone away with murder, sometimes of opposition leaders and sometimes of people of their own ilk. What, however, is more worrisome is that the incumbents seem to have decided to keep employing weapon-wielding operatives of the ruling party and its front organisations to repress the opposition, in cahoots with the law enforcers. Simply put, any course correction from the incumbents looks unlikely to come by, at least at this point in time. Such obstinacy bodes ill for the country as it gets pushed to the brink of yet another round of sustained political uncertainty and concomitant social and economic disorder.
Given the largely successful countrywide road blockade programme on Sunday and hartal (general strike) on Tuesday, the opposition political parties seem to have been able to gain considerable public sympathy and even support for its political stance, although they need to realise that they risk losing such sympathy and support if they continue with the violence and vandalism witnessed in the past few days. In such circumstances, if the incumbents believe that the opposition will cede ground in the face of excesses and atrocities by leaders and activists of the ruling party and its front organisations, with significant help from the law enforcers, they may be completely estranged from the reality on the ground. Hence, they would do well, both in their own interest and the greater interest of the country and the people, to listen to the call from different quarters, local and foreign, and seek peaceful resolution of the current impasse.

New Age | Newspaper
This hartals causing damages to the poor people should be stopped. Leaders supporting these heinous crimes should be prosecuted.
This hartals causing damages to the poor people should be stopped. Leaders supporting these heinous crimes should be prosecuted.

Awami League with rental power plants subsidy damaging life of poor, middle class, industry, export everything. Awami League looted thousands of crore from banks. Billions from stock market. Killing innocent people in broad day lught. What do you suggest for people should to Awami League?

As editorial recognizes blockade and hartal had broader support from public, that means people are willing to make short term inconvenience to get rid of Awami opperession, wholesale looting and killing.

Given the largely successful countrywide road blockade programme on Sunday and hartal (general strike) on Tuesday, the opposition political parties seem to have been able to gain considerable public sympathy and even support for its political stance
Awami League with rental power plants subsidy damaging life of poor, middle class, industry, export everything. Awami League looted thousands of crore from banks. Billions from stock market. Killing innocent people in broad day lught. What do you suggest for people should to Awami League?

As editorial recognizes blockade and hartal had broader support from public, that means people are willing to make short term inconvenience to get rid of Awami opperession, wholesale looting and killing.

i watched some bus driver crying on the news after his bus was set on fire in front of old dohs, the man has lost everything and possibly in debt. He put all his life savings into it and possibly took loans to buy that bus. What do you suggest? if the opposition want to set things on fire, then they should do so to government facilities or awami league neta houses; not to regular poor tax paying Bangladeshis. The justice system should be above party politics.
This hartals causing damages to the poor people should be stopped. Leaders supporting these heinous crimes should be prosecuted.

Your #6 post say just opposite

"This tuesday hartal is going to be badass."

You have to decide you are pro jamaat or anti jamaat
Your #6 post say just opposite

"This tuesday hartal is going to be badass."

You have to decide you are pro jamaat or anti jamaat

quit trolling, i am pro BNP; not jamaati. And yes i am criticizing the actions of my party.
i watched some bus driver crying on the news after his bus was set on fire in front of old dohs, the man has lost everything and possibly in debt. He put all his life savings into it and possibly took loans to buy that bus. What do you suggest? if the opposition want to set things on fire, then they should do so to government facilities or awami league neta houses; not to regular poor tax paying Bangladeshis. The justice system should be above party politics.

I can understand and sympathisize for his loss, but there is greater cause. Without secrifice its not possible. Besides, there are many thousands who lost everything because of awami looting from stock market. No one shed any tears then. Now all the sudden there are lots of humanitarians popping up. Unfortunately BNP leadeship is not ready to make secrifice to go after Awmi League thugs.
I can understand and sympathisize for his loss, but there is greater cause. Without secrifice its not possible. Besides, there are many thousands who lost everything because of awami looting from stock market. No one shed any tears then. Now all the sudden there are lots of humanitarians popping up. Unfortunately BNP leadeship is not ready to make secrifice to go after Awmi League thugs.

niccolo machiavelli famously said in his book that "nationalists should be prepared to go to hell". Its always for the greater cause.............
I can understand and sympathisize for his loss, but there is greater cause. Without secrifice its not possible. Besides, there are many thousands who lost everything because of awami looting from stock market. No one shed any tears then. Now all the sudden there are lots of humanitarians popping up. Unfortunately BNP leadeship is not ready to make secrifice to go after Awmi League thugs.
What greater cause? What help did you kamlas get by destroying a bus? Stupid uncivilized students and idiots should be stripped and beaten with a baton in the middle of street. If you really want to prove something, go to pm office and try breaking a glass or two :)
I can understand and sympathisize for his loss, but there is greater cause. Without secrifice its not possible. Besides, there are many thousands who lost everything because of awami looting from stock market. No one shed any tears then. Now all the sudden there are lots of humanitarians popping up. Unfortunately BNP leadeship is not ready to make secrifice to go after Awmi League thugs.

So you want more such roadblock,protest,clashes,killing for greater cause.
So you want more such roadblock,protest,clashes,killing for greater cause.

Our very existence as an independent state is at stake. We don't want the fate of Sikkim to befall upon us, so what greater cause could be there?

Our very existence as an independent state is at stake. We don't want the fate of Sikkim to befall upon us, so what greater cause could be there?

Dont want the fate of Sikkim? Are you implying that WE Indians want YOU in our country? Last time I checked, we were busy trying to kick your illegal Bangladeshi kind OUT of our nation :sniper:

So yeah, dont flatter yourself :drag:
What greater cause? What help did you kamlas get by destroying a bus? Stupid uncivilized students and idiots should be stripped and beaten with a baton in the middle of street. If you really want to prove something, go to pm office and try breaking a glass or two :)
Greater cause was to free up 180 million people from tyranny. Greater cause was to achieve real independence. Remember, those killers were tyrant, looter, deceiver and rapist AWAMY's supporters not Pro-Striker's one. And there was no factual probe that pro-strikers burn and destroyed properties but in contrary there were enough that secret service's people, Pro RAWAMY's goons did it to buy hedge in GOVT'S favor. RAWAMY rapist Leaguers have history of burning travelers by gun-powder, killing by Lath-Baita and what not. Infect they came to power through the most heinous killing that anyone could imagine. Yes, I support hanging of RAWAMYS by their balls but it in order to it that would require more and more sacrifices. Perhaps 100 of thousands of death, perhaps another civil war, perhaps out sider's intervention. But it has to be done as there isn't any alternative for 180 million people's existence. History also tells us that no great achievement has come without big sacrifice. In that context, 100 or 2000 vehicles are nothing; 6% so-called economic growth is nothing as its fruits aren't trickling down to the greater masses. So, get ready to see more blood, more destruction and more chaos.
Greater cause was to free up 180 million people from tyranny. Greater cause was to achieve real independence. Remember, those killers were tyrant, looter, deceiver and rapist AWAMY's supporters not Pro-Striker's one. And there was no factual probe that pro-strikers burn and destroyed properties but in contrary there were enough that secret service's people, Pro RAWAMY's goons did it to buy hedge in GOVT'S favor. RAWAMY rapist Leaguers have history of burning travelers by gun-powder, killing by Lath-Baita and what not. Infect they came to power through the most heinous killing that anyone could imagine. Yes, I support hanging of RAWAMYS by their balls but it in order to it that would require more and more sacrifices. Perhaps 100 of thousands of death, perhaps another civil war, perhaps out sider's intervention. But it has to be done as there isn't any alternative for 180 million people's existence. History also tells us that no great achievement has come without big sacrifice. In that context, 100 or 2000 vehicles are nothing; 6% so-called economic growth is nothing as its fruits aren't trickling down to the greater masses. So, get ready to see more blood, more destruction and more chaos.

Those 180 million were the ones who voted that piece of ****.
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