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BDR renegades running Bangla ULFA camps?


Mar 3, 2009
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BDR renegades running Bangla ULFA camps?

At least 25 Jamaat-e-Islami fanatics turned Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) renegades could be manning uncharted camps of the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) in Bangladesh.

Senior BDR officials had during a routine border meeting in the Meghalaya sector of the Indo-Bangladesh boundary disclosed at least 25 BDR rebels were still at large. They suspected these men could have sneaked into Northeast India, but indicated they were equally likely to have been lying low in ULFA camps, particularly in the jungles of the Chittagong Hill Tracts.

The BDR officials confirmed that the hardliner Jamaat – it was a ruling ally of Khaleda Zia’s Bangladesh National Party that lost the elections to Sheikh Hasina’s Awami League last December – had infiltrated heavily into the BDR to virtually make it the mentor of most Northeast militant outfits including the ULFA.

These hardliners were behind the BDR revolt last February 26 that left at least 50 persons dead. Many mutineers surrendered the following day, but many more absconded.

“There’s a strong possibility that these men could be running the ULFA camps, now that the Sheikh Hasina government is wielding the stick. Many of the outfits top leaders are also believed to be elsewhere in Asia,” an Intelligence officer told HT here on Sunday.

Assam Police chief GM Srivastava had on Saturday claimed ULFA commander-in-chief Paresh Barua “is now in China” apprehending a crackdown. Among the top guns in Bangladesh is ULFA general secretary Anup Chetia. In a Bangladesh jail since 1998, Chetia has sought political asylum in that country.

According to Border Security Force officials, stricter vigil along the 4,095 km Indo-Bangladesh border negated the chances of the BDR renegades having sneaked into India. However, the encounter death of Dima Halam Daogah (Jewel) ‘foreign secretary’ Frankie Dimasa early Thursday morning contradicted this theory.

Frankie, according to Assam Police, had taken shelter in Guwahati after creeping into India from Bangladesh, where he had been exploring the possibility of DHD-J militants setting up bases or investing in real estate as in Nepal.

The ULFA’s top leaders run a chain of hotels, departmental stores and other businesses in Bangladesh. They are also believed to hold 60 per cent stakes in tea estates in the adjoining country.
BDR renegades running Bangla ULFA camps?[/URL]

At least 25 Jamaat-e-Islami fanatics turned Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) renegades could be manning uncharted camps of the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) in Bangladesh.

Good! let's take over Assam.......:smokin:
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This is just another BS propaganda story.

These 25 BDR soldiers were probably the hardcore killers that have received sanctuary in India courtesy of RAW for their role in the mutiny. They are now being used to divert attention and create another false threat scenario. The Pilkhana massacre will now gradually be linked to Duad Ibrahim, ISI and Islamic militants while the true culprits RAW will be exonerated.
Indians through their stooge Awami govt in Bangladesh are Judge, Jury and executioner. Same play book as WOT with slightly different indian deception twist.
BDR renegades running Bangla ULFA camps?

At least 25 Jamaat-e-Islami fanatics turned Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) renegades could be manning uncharted camps of the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) in Bangladesh.

The ULFA’s top leaders run a chain of hotels, departmental stores and other businesses in Bangladesh. They are also believed to hold 60 per cent stakes in tea estates in the adjoining country.

Greatest liers of the world. Even Hitler and Israel are failed. There are lot of circumstantial evidences that RAW was involved on it and now they have given blame on Jamatee !!
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Good! let take over Assam.......:smokin:

Indians through their stooge Awami govt in Bangladesh are Judge, Jury and executioner. Same play book as WOT with slightly different indian deception twist.

Two total different perceptions!!! :rofl: Both are welcome!!

Hasina made the life tought for jamatis. I think recently many of them were arrested for massacre but this is only start. And nw they are in BDR. I guess these are the lnks behind mutiny.
Two total different perceptions!!! :rofl: Both are welcome!!

Hasina made the life tought for jamatis. I think recently many of them were arrested for massacre but this is only start. And nw they are in BDR. I guess these are the lnks behind mutiny.

No all the links can be found in India.
Just try once and you will learn lesson for whole life.:smokin:

It is already an ongoing process in Assam. It will continue until entire NE is out of Indian control. Look at the map. It naturally belongs to Bangladesh. Let nature play its role.
Just try once and you will learn lesson for whole life.:smokin:

@ How many years and how many areas you will fight ?

@ You have problem in Kashmir where you have deployed more than 5 lacs of security forces.Occupying Kashmir illegally defying UN Security Counsil Resulations and claiming unitarilly that "Kashmir is a part and parcel of India".

@ You have problem in Assam, Mizuram, problem in Manipur, problem in Tripurra where your lot of Security forces are deployed for more than a 65 years.

@ You have a recent insurgency problem in West Bengal, Orisha, Bihar and many other 9/10 provinces about the Moabadi.

@ You have a problem in Karella in southern sides.

@ India itself is a problemetic Country.

@ So long you had been doing good but now the time has come for the disintregation of India. You know what happened in USSR. It suddenly erupted same might happen to India any time. So, concentrate on these matters first. Oil your own machine.

@ Remember one thing," For each and every action there is an equel and opposite reaction". This had been proved long time ago." Ap lok khudba khud, marte marte khatam ho jhaoge, samje janab, akhand Bharat ki jio ho, Bande Materam".
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It is already an ongoing process in Assam. It will continue until entire NE is out of Indian control. Look at the map. It naturally belongs to Bangladesh. Let nature play its role.

Historically Bangladesh belongs to West Bengal, all the capitals were in West Bengals, East Bengal only provided necessary RAW materials and contributed to GDP while the owners of the vast lands busked in the glory of Calcutta!

Get ready to again occupied by evil Hindu elites of Calcutta! :lol:

WTH these Bangladeshis are talking. We North eastern are pure Indians. And we gonaa kick you out of NE india. How dare you think it is a part of Bangladesh!
WTH these Bangladeshis are talking. We North eastern are pure Indians. And we gonaa kick you out of NE india. How dare you think it is a part of Bangladesh!

@ " Ham kushnehi karenge ham suraf deekhte rahjainge, Bharat khudba khud tot jai ga".

@ You remember the great saying in Bengali, "Kangaler kotha bashe holai fhole", I am sure you understand this since you are Dada Mushai.
@Md Akmal,
How idiotic u r..........ur people are being tortured in Myanmer, The rohangias Muslims of Bangladesh is being driven out . Bangladesh shud be part of India whole NE india, thn we can see some real nice tidy Bengal desh
( not bangaldesh)
Good! let take over Assam.......:smokin:

before the partion there were a possibility that assam, current bangladesh and the west bengal form a new country but didi't happens due to hindus protest .
but we didn't try any thing to take the control lets the ulfa do it and give them some support. china is also there to take control of aunachal we can form som ekind of covert co oparation in this regard. a big india is creating problem for its peace loving small neighbor from birth . let cut it couple of pieces and divide among ourselves. :pakistan::china::sniper:
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