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B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

It might be very possible.The Burmese diverted all the fund from development to defence.And with that money,you can get a lot of sophisticated weapon.And what's worrying me is the involvement of Israel in it.

Do they have self propelled 155mm Howitzers or towed ones?
If they have155mm self propelled howitzers,they can fire deep onto our territory,without even coming near to the border,or coming under our firing range.These have operational range of 200+ km.

I dearly hope that the news of us getting PLZ-45 is a true one.If inducted,we might be able to target Sitwee base from land.

Bangladesh, China, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are the four confirmed operators of PLZ-45 Howitzers. Its range is 39 km. There are other types of howitzers with maximum range of 40 km. NO HOWITZER HAS 200 km RANGE. There was one newspaper gossip a few days ago that said, the Burmese artillery can hit even Chittagong. It is just a gossip. Even C-802 missiles have a range of 200 km range and C-803 is probably 300+. BD has C-802, if not the other type.

India very successfully used its Howitzers in the Kargil war to dislocate Pakistan army from the mountain top. It was hell of a job. Because of other nearby mountains, India had much problem to place its Howitzers in effective positions. When placed very near to the target because of mountains nearby, the shells would not hit the target. Either these will fly over the objects, or they will remain short of targets.

Finally, India had to request its DEAR FRIEND Israel to provide satellite-taken GPS locations in X, Y and Z-axis of the Pakistani targets. These data were tallied against the data of Howitzer locations. Military officers with functional knowledge in 'Dynamics' and higher algebra/trigonometry then calculated the exact distance, height and angle of the Pakistani targets, and fired their howitzers. This is how Pakistan had to abandon the Kargil hope.
LieDune ........ Yes indeed, Racist ..... No, that would be you, Sir.
Obviously you dont get the meaning of Strawman, i believe.
I didn't know that Shakespeare was born in the land of LCA and ARJUN laboratories.:chilli: And why the heck did I need to go to Balore to become Brain Surgeon or Bangalore to ride LCA space craft :cheesy: when my ancestors beat Right brothers by 100 years on flying the similar one? So, racist against the Chauvinist Bull Shytters, hell Ya but 'Big no' to my type of Dalit, asprisya, compriente strawman?
Well those sweet words were needed to get those passed in the congress. Even they have to put this kind of words for the assistance to Israel. They will change the phrase as soon as BD change phrases means if there were a war with Burma. You can legitimize any war if USA was behind you.. :rofl:
Professor Iazdani,

Many of your types were lured by 'Epar Bangla-Opar Bangla Ek' (United Bangladesh) carrot before 71s war was engineered later to be seen 'Death stick' right before the break up of united PAK. The murder of those intellectuals still remained mysterious along with many other historic like Liakot Ali Khan, Malcolm X, Kennedy's one. Imagine it before falling into the same trap, sir ! :mod:
Maybe you can let us know link for this looted AMMAMENTS in "Daily Itefaq".
Please do not fall into traps by those who are trying intensely to derail this thread from that of war like situation in Burma border to an anti-India and anti-RAW phobia. There are other threads for that.
NASAKA denies troop deployment, BDR brings back 11 captured fishermen
A daily Ittefaq reporting

The Daily Ittefaq - October 22, 2009

Read also the bdnews.com reporting on the same subject

Thu, Oct 22nd, 2009 1:36 am BdST

Cox's Bazar, Oct 21 (bdnews24.com) – Bangladesh Rifles questioned Myanmar about the latter's reported troop build-up along the shared border at a flag meeting Wednesday.

Lt Col Mozzammel Hossain, commander of 42 Rifles Battalion, who led the talks for Bangladesh, said

The two-hour meeting was held in the southern Myanmar town of Moungdaw from 11am.

Hossain told bdnews24.com after his return, "We asked about their army deployment at the Bangladesh-Myanmar border."

"They completely denied it."

He said Nasaka claimed they were conducting normal activities along with erecting a fence to stop border crime.

They also said any other contention was "a figment of Bangladeshi media".

A number of Bangladesh newspapers and foreign news agencies have reported escalating tensions in recent days, with Myanmar mobilising heavy forces along their side of the border and Bangladesh replying with similar action.

The reports have also suggested that Myanmar was trying to push thousands of the Muslim minority Rohingya population into Bangladesh as they did in 1991-92.

Hossain quoted Nasaka's Sector 6 commander Lt Col Ne Meu, leading the Myanmar delegation, as saying, "No extra army deployment has occurred at the borders. We are only performing our regular activities."

"We are erecting barbed wire fencing in compliance to international border laws. It is to stop illegal immigration and smuggling,"

"The situation at the Bangladesh-Myanmar border is normal. Both border forces have a warm relationship. But Bangladeshi media is raising false allegations against Myanmar," Meu was reported to have said.

Another BDR officer, Maj Abu Nayeem, said, "Mention of the 'Rohingya push' during the meeting was deemed as not courteous by them, they said that there is no group termed 'Rohingya' in Myanmar. They requested Bangladesh to refer to illegal immigrants as 'Myanmar citizens' or 'Myanmar Muslims'."

Nayeem also said Nasaka handed over nine Bangladeshi nationals to BDR. "Of them, seven are from Naikhangchhari and two from Ramu."

BDR also informed Nasaka that about 89 Myanmar nationals were waiting to be repatriated after jail terms here. The list was handed over to the Myanmar border officials.

Nasaka in return handed over a list of 53 Bangladeshis in their jails.

Lt Col Mozzammel Hossain said they would make the exchanges at a suitable time.
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FM sees attempts to strain ties with Myanmar :: Politics :: bdnews24.com ::

Wed, Oct 21st, 2009 8:01 pm BdST

Dhaka, Oct 21 (bdnews24.com)—Foreign minister Dipu Moni has said a vested quarter was trying to blight relations with Myanmar and called on them to stop such instigation.

"There may be provocation by some quarters to strain relations between Bangladesh and Myanmar. Their motive is to capitalise on the sour relations," Dipu Moni told reporters at the foreign ministry Wednesday.

She pointed a finger at the media too.

Local newspapers as well as foreign news agencies have reported escalating tensions in recent days, with Myanmar deploying troops on their side of the border and Bangladesh replying with similar action.

The reports also suggested that Myanmar was trying to push thousands of Rohingya refugees into Bangladesh as they did in 1991-92.

"Some sections of the media are publishing alarmist stories about tensions on the Bangladesh-Myanmar border," said Dipu Moni.

"This type of report may exert influence on both sides of the border," cautioned the foreign minister, who recently met her Myanmar counterpart in Colombo.

She said the Bangladesh ambassador in Yangon, his defence attaché, and the Myanmar envoy in Dhaka had all rejected the reports of Myanmar troops mobilising along the border.

"They assured me that there was regular movements of troops going on across the border," said the minister.

"The Myanmar foreign minister also told me the same," she said.

Dipu Moni last week told reporters that the government had "no information" on unusual troops movement at the border.

The Myanmar military junta has, however, recently moved to erect more fencing along the border.

Dipu Moni has said that Myanmar was erecting the barbed-wire fencing on their side, after consulting Dhaka, in order to curb border crimes.


The foreign minister said there is no pressure from the US government to sign a Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA).

"We have some concerns for some sections of the TIFA. They understand our concerns," said Dipu Moni.

She said the two countries were trying to bridge the gap.

The minister said, "We are also looking into whether we can expand trade and investment through other agreements other than TIFA".

PM's China visit

Dipu Moni said prime minister Sheikh Hasina was keen to visit China which Bangladesh considers a good friend

"There is an invitation from the Chinese government. Our Prime Minister is sure to visit China at a mutually convenient time," she said.
Bangladesh, China, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are the four confirmed operators of PLZ-45 Howitzers. Its range is 39 km. There are other types of howitzers with maximum range of 40 km. NO HOWITZER HAS 200 km RANGE. There was one newspaper gossip a few days ago that said, the Burmese artillery can hit even Chittagong. It is just a gossip. Even C-802 missiles have a range of 200 km range and C-803 is probably 300+. BD has C-802, if not the other type.

India very successfully used its Howitzers in the Kargil war to dislocate Pakistan army from the mountain top. It was hell of a job. Because of other nearby mountains, India had much problem to place its Howitzers in effective positions. When placed very near to the target because of mountains nearby, the shells would not hit the target. Either these will fly over the objects, or they will remain short of targets.

Finally, India had to request its DEAR FRIEND Israel to provide satellite-taken GPS locations in X, Y and Z-axis of the Pakistani targets. These data were tallied against the data of Howitzer locations. Military officers with functional knowledge in 'Dynamics' and higher algebra/trigonometry then calculated the exact distance, height and angle of the Pakistani targets, and fired their howitzers. This is how Pakistan had to abandon the Kargil hope.

Bangladesh did not yet receive PLZ-45,its due at 2011.And BTW yes,I mixed up radius of action with range of gun.

C-802,is an anti-ship missile.It won't be used to attack land targets,unless modified.Even the Burmese have C- 802 in their possession.But I heard it to be an older version of C-802.But they may have upgraded it by now.
Can't read idune's post because he is currently illuminating my ignore list. Anyway, I did a 'WhoIs' on the site and the results are:

liedune, is an apt name.

you indiots do not even know how to read DNS record and which prefix means what.

Administrative contact is mostly used for technical/business contact person who's credential has been used for domain registration. Who is running actual site content and from where does not show up in "whois" query.

Simple click on "contact us" would tell the story. Primary contact of of this business in Kolkata and secondary contact in Thailand.

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No , you are a deceptive manipulating indian. Your hegemony game plans has been exposed numerous time and again. Your lie stands exposed.

And dont forget he is a RAW agent. We all are in the RAW payroll, we are here not to discuss but to divert some patriotic discussion using some troll :rofl:
No , you are a deceptive manipulating indian. Your hegemony game plans has been exposed numerous time and again. Your lie stands exposed.
Your repeated efforts to pick Idune on his grammatical errors reminded me the infamous Chutki/Joke of Vanu about the Indians. When Vanu's son's girlfriend showed up at his home to meet him, Vanu got annoyed and told her to come back I hour later. Vanu's reasoning was that being an Indian Gynecologist (his wife's doctor) miscalculated the exact time of his son's birth and he was born an hour later than the promulgated time to him.:woot: Since then his son was always I hour late on everything and never could make up that deficiency.:chilli: Similarly we, the Muslim Bangladeshis kept UNARJ on horse for hundred years (1757-1857) whilst your Maleu types conspired with them on how to master pimping to ousted us. So, we fell short on UNRAJI SKILL that gap couldn't be fulfilled as of yet. :cheesy:
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Lastly burma is no china and we are no sikkim so let burma attack and we shall take the fight to their ******* cities. A country of 58 millions will not be spare by 150 millions hard core Muslims. Allahu Akbar

If wars were won just by emotion and hot blood then the whole world scenario would have been completely different.

Dropping your arms and going on your knees on the face of the adversary is definitely not an option, but taking the attack to deep burmese cities wont be a cake walk either. They are far advanced in terms of arms and may be stratergy.

The best solution is to dissolve the tension with some smart diplomatic moves and prepare for future such attacks in a smarter way.

Allahu Akbar.
indians are desperate here to derail this thread. Dont even bother answering these pesky irritants. Fact that these indians are desperate shows we are right on target with info and analysis.
Hi Leon,

Please note that my comparison of ULSHAN Class was with Type 54C Class or La Fayette class or Shivalik class. In that context even PN didn't possess a modern Frigate. On the top of that our ULSHAN seemed lack VL MICA or Albatross missile and Tetral or Simbad type of systems. If we could give it a make over by replacing Otobreda, putting more SAM systems in B section as force-multiplier and Tetral or Simbad type on the Halo hanger along with electronic upgrade as per with Shivalik type then we will have a pretty good guided-Frigate in our inventory. The whole up gradation might cost around $20-30 Million and if we try to go for all of our corvettes and Missile/Patrol boats then we could get a package deal that would bring the cost significantly down. For financial thing, we can exchange/trade our Garment products with EU countries or skilled labor off with Korea; CHN etc with their high-tech defence materials that fit our needs like clever Indians have been doing with Ruskies for years.

We as usual opted for Chinese,HQ-7 or FM-90.MICA definitely has an edge over HQ-7.We lack the range and efficiency of MICA in FM-90.In fact our ground based SAMs also lack the ability to target high altitude threats.

About replacing oto breda,I remember watching a military documentary about an US destroyer,where they showed the accuracy of oto melara gun.The scenario was,the SAM system failed,so as the last point of defence,the gun came to action.It did have 100% success rate in that exercise.So I don't think it is too wise to replace it,in case the SAMs fail or are jammed by the threat.

Since we just finished the SAM upgrades,I don't think any new upgrades in regard to SAM will be done.We have to wait and see what the new frigates,which the Govt. is supposed to buy,have in them.
I hope we don't go for Chinese on this matter at least.
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Bangladesh did not yet receive PLZ-45,its due at 2011.And BTW yes,I mixed up radius of action with range of gun.

C-802,is an anti-ship missile.It won't be used to attack land targets,unless modified.Even the Burmese have C- 802 in their possession.But I heard it to be an older version of C-802.But they may have upgraded it by now.
Yes, I know C-802 and C-803 are anti-ship missiles, but these can also be modified to attack any target. I quoted it only to emphasize that these missiles have 200 km range, but not the howitzers.

As far as I know, BD already have stocks of PLZ-45.
RN type 23 are for sale as RN moving for type 45. These 23s are still capable ships and with some upgrades can meet BD needs for some years. These will give us opportunity and time to design and build our own frigate as we have gained considerable expertise in shipbuilding and design. Only things we have to get are weapons, sensors, radars systems etc. For which Turkey could be an excellent partner.

By the way Chile bought 3 type 23 for $350 million which includes all upgrades and refit.
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