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B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

It is not that BD has become a Bhutan and Burma has become a China. Newspapers speak only gossips when our military never declares a single purchase or procurement. It seems our airforce is comparatively weak, but then our army and navy is much strong and well-trained. Airforce seems weak because it has a few new purchases, but Burmese airforce is weaker than us.

Including training jets, helicopters and other auxilliaries, BD has a total of 200+ planes. How many planes do you think Burma has? Pakistan fought the 1965 war against India with only 125 planes. So, why it is comparison of planes and not of spirit of our troops?

No Burma certainly didn't become China,but a war with Burma now will cause a significant damage to our defence forces and also our economy.

Talking about BAF inventory,among those 200+ planes,we both know that at least 80% are more than 30 years old.We are certainly not going to fight them with now obsolete F-6s,are we?

The Burmese have the same type of air crafts that we have in our inventory.But the difference is they have more in number.You may say they have poor record on maintenance,but recently they have improved efficiency with the help of Russian/Ukrainian help.Besides they have access to Israeli expertise.
Our fighters have gone under upgrade,so did theirs.

Do you think its is practical that a secretive military regime like Myanmar will publish how many air crafts it has in its inventory?Or people willBesides they buy many sophisticated arms through black market,and its a well known secret,we know about this long before these media reports were published in Bangladeshi media.

now about the comparison,its according to Janes defence.

bd-burma1.jpg (image)

This is a comparison of India-Bangladesh military strength.Point to note here is that we have 83 fighters.


Even if we have similar number of jets, we are stronger because we have well-trained and more number of pilots even if the spirit factor is not considered. Number of trained pilots are very important. It is because when a jet returns to its home base after a sortie, immediately another pilot can then fly the plane after the plane is re-armed. A human body gets tired, and needs rest and sleep, but not a plane. It will fly immediately. On the other hand, Burma may need mercenary pilots to fly.

Sir,Let us not talk about,"who has more courage than whom".These things are not counted when making strategy for war.Yes,it certainly can change the fate of the battle.
We do have trained pilot and Burma too have trained pilot.And they do have the courage to fight for their country too,just like we do.
Its a mistake to underestimate the capability of your enemy.

That our navy is strong was proved last year. About our 200,000 troops, how it is weaker than the Burmese 400,000 troops? Is it because of less number? A war is about strategy and bravery, not only about the number of troops. If it is so, then since historical times a nation would have imposed its hegemony to a weaker neighbour just by declaring its number of troops.

When with the mobilization of only 3000 troops, our BDR officers declared recently that they were ready for any eventuality, did it bear any meaning to you when Burma has mobilized 50,000 troops? It is certainly a Muslim spirit. If an individual is devoid of this spirit, well it is his personal choice. But, our troops are not devoid of this spirit.

You have wrongfully assumed BD to be a weaker nation comparing to Burma. A war is not TV game, it is between two groups of living people. Only the stronger-hearted one can finally win. Muslims are supposed to fight like Muslims and win. This is why America is not winning in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Sir, I am younger than you and have seen less of this world,but I have learnt a few things.

1.Spirit only does not win any war.
2.One should never underestimate his enemy.that's the biggest mistake we can make now.We need to know more about their strength and weaknesses,and then prepare accordingly.
All this intel and preparation,is also a part of war.We can't just jump in with war cries all around,only to find ourselves as the losers.

Yes US is not winning,but perhaps you can see the misery of the muslims in Iraq and Afganisthan.

And yes,Why do we forget the palestinians.They are muslim and they have courage.But they lack Fire power.So the result is they are being massacred.

I do not assume my country to be weaker,but ill prepared for a war now.We should try to avoid war always,no matter what.That's why diplomatic efforts should be taken first,and at the same time keeping the army on stand by.

But if they leave with no other option,then we will have to fight to save our motherland.
No Burma certainly didn't become China,but a war with Burma now will cause a significant damage to our defence forces and also our economy.

1.Spirit only does not win any war.
2.One should never underestimate his enemy.that's the biggest mistake we can make now.We need to know more about their strength and weaknesses,and then prepare accordingly.
All this intel and preparation,is also a part of war.We can't just jump in with war cries all around,only to find ourselves as the losers.

I do not assume my country to be weaker,but ill prepared for a war now. We should try to avoid war always,no matter what.That's why diplomatic efforts should be taken first,and at the same time keeping the army on stand by.

But if they leave with no other option,then we will have to fight to save our motherland.

The whole discussion of this thread has been started on this premise that Burma has mobilized its troops in our border and BD population have to defend itself from a Burmese onslaught. But, you are talking from another perspective as if I am the one who is proposing an offence by a weak and crying BD against a superpower and boasting Burma.

I think, if my country is attacked even by the USA, we must protect it from that in the same way that the Vietnamese protected their country, or we protected our country against Pakistan. There is no question we count and tabulate their hardwares, weapons, planes and tanks, then get panicked and ask them to become our overlord.

Neither we count their strength nor we count our deaths. If it is a war imposed on us, as it may be with Burma, then we must fight and survive. The alternate is slavery and extinction. So, I am not going to accept your indirect proposition that we fulfill the Burmese demands and accept their regional overlordship.

A war will certainly ruin our present and future economic prospect. No one wants a war. But, a war imposed on us, must be challenged. And I do not buy those arguments about the enemy strength. It only means that we beg the invader to wait for another 20 years, during which time we build our economy and raise a strong military and then ask the enemy to come and fight. Is it workable? It is just the opposite, an enemy would attack when its rival is in a weak position, isn't it?

So, as a nation, we must have cotingency plant to defend ourselves in any situation. If an enemy attacks us, we must repulse them at once and take the war to its land. This is how many nations of the world have survived and without this spirit many other nations have ceased to exist anymore. They have lost their identities. Arakanese Muslims are just one such group. And, I will not want my nation to face such a dire prospect in the face of an invasion by Burma.

Personally, I am happy to note that our BDR and military are doing less research on WHAT BURMA HAS BOUGHT IN THE BLACK MARKET AND ISRAEL, and, instead, are doing best to accept a Burmese challenge with whatever weapons they have in their hands. So, here comes the SPIRIT factor, like true Muslims. The shortage in weapons will be compensated by the flowing of bloods when needed, you can rest assured of it.

This is why Burma has shown flexibility in the BDR-NASAKA flag meeting. NASAKA has also released 11 of our fishermen. Considering the prevailing situation, this is a very important gesture by Burma.
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For someone fond of asking respect, you certainly don't dish out any to us, odd, isnt it?

I read and re-read your sentence, twice, atleast.... Why is that it looks as though a glue-sniffing 15-year-old wearing cowboy hat penned this.

Let me quote a passage from the first Surrealist Manifesto of 1924: "I could spend my whole life prying loose the secrets of the insane. These people are honest to a fault, and their naiveté has no peer but my own."
Do not expect my prophecy to be true, but better you fear it in your NE in the near future. Yes, only the very lunatics will try it and will also do it. You are missing so many information on your NE because of govt news blackout. In BD, we only see reports of arresting a few of these lunatics, but many more cannot be pinpointed or arrested.

And what I said in my previous post was in the context of India attacking BD, and not the opposite. So, does it prove I am also a lunatic from an asylum? Cheer up, buddy!
We dont want any retiring ships for our navy anymore. Its not a dumping yeard. BD should go for advanced frigate this time around, brand new type 45 may be.

I hope you know which one is type 45, these ships cost more than a billion and not for sale. How much money you got for that?? Lets see you can get type 45?
That is wat people do as it is difficult to pay or transfer small amount of money from the sub continent. they rather ask any of their friend living in west to pay couple of hundred dollar on their behalf.
Those contact address mean nothing as long as mizzima site has India all over on it.

Other than refuting all the evidence contrary to your belief what other evidence proof do you have India is even in the picture! Sorcerers' Stone ??

May be I barking at the wrong tree! Implicating India has become passion of one country and some people in other country - only two countries that have Jihadis in common.
Dont you think its better to dissolve the current situation using diplomacy and then better prepare for a later date when you can actually do that?

We are peaceful nation that desire peace however our hostile geographic location has made us immune to outside aggression. If you recall that we are not the source of this standoff. We are being pulled into this agitation. We always prefer friendly relation with all nations and our national motto is “Friend to all, enemy to none”. I also prefer a diplomatic solution to this BS episode because we have better things to focus in home front however it’s the ignorant Burmese trying to impose the war on us. It’s staging an aggressive behavior as if we do not exist. It must be out of frame in this respect.

As I have said before and I am saying it again that if brumes impose the war on us than we shall take the war into their back yard because we have enough man power that will die laughing on enemies face. No one can subdue UMMAT-E-MUHAMMAD (S.A.A.W)with force because we Muslim live by the creed of martyrdom (shahadat). You can not scare a man who wish to die for the cause of Islam. :agree:

You may have remembered when only few of our Jawans took out 90 of yours without any hesitation. It was because they embraced death before making a kill so therefore if the war imposed on us than we will take the war to them Insh’Allah. :smokin:

Lastly, I do not think Burmese has enough balls to attack us because it knows the aftermath consequences. If war break out than whole eastern subcontinent will be pull into this quagmire. Hence, I see other ill force behind this staged episode to implement ill agenda though Bangladeshi Muslims knows better Alhumdullah. :tup:
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Other than refuting all the evidence contrary to your belief what other evidence proof do you have India is even in the picture! Sorcerers' Stone ??

May be I barking at the wrong tree! Implicating India has become passion of one country and some people in other country - only two countries that have Jihadis in common.

Mizzima site itself claim that they are located in India.
Just go to contact page of that site.:cheers:
And what I said in my previous post was in the context of India attacking BD, and not the opposite.

"we can take over your big country"

You know what, i always suspected Mrs.Rosemary could have done a better job of teaching us kids those grammer thingy in school. Cheer's.
Mizzima site itself claim that they are located in India.

Yes, i argued the same with my pop. Just because HUJI is in Bangldesh, does not mean state of BD is involved in anti indian acts.

Wont listen!! .. Thick a person, he is.
Mizzima site itself claim that they are located in India.
Just go to contact page of that site.:cheers:

Mailing Address:

Flat No. 1, 63C,
Ibrahimpur Road,
Jadhavpur, Kolkata-700032


P.O. Box. 311,
Chiang Mai University,
Chiang Mai - 50202

Are you going to implicate Thailand too? Why only India?


Mizzima maintains a head office in Delhi, India and a news bureau in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Mizzima has over 30 employees reporting from five countries: Bangladesh, Burma, China, India and Thailand.

Other co-conspirators include China and Bangladesh as well.

All these countries should be questioned for their support for Burma, especially Bangladesh.
Mailing Address:

Flat No. 1, 63C,
Ibrahimpur Road,
Jadhavpur, Kolkata-700032


P.O. Box. 311,
Chiang Mai University,
Chiang Mai - 50202

Are you going to implicate Thailand too? Why only India?

Other co-conspirators include China and Bangladesh as well.

All these countries should be questioned for their support for Burma, especially Bangladesh.
Oh, you took them seriously, is it? ...As it turns out there’s no minimum level of logic required in order to be immortalized in BD section of this Forum.
Mailing Address:

Flat No. 1, 63C,
Ibrahimpur Road,
Jadhavpur, Kolkata-700032


P.O. Box. 311,
Chiang Mai University,
Chiang Mai - 50202

Are you going to implicate Thailand too? Why only India?

Other co-conspirators include China and Bangladesh as well.

All these countries should be questioned for their support for Burma, especially Bangladesh.

I was not talking about the conspiracy rather talked about the location of that news organization. These few media service run by mostly refugee and they pray for war everyday. Even I saw in blog site where Rohingyas were wanting Burma to attack BD so that BD get invloved on their cause.
No Burma certainly didn't become China,but a war with Burma now will cause a significant damage to our defence forces and also our economy.

Talking about BAF inventory,among those 200+ planes,we both know that at least 80% are more than 30 years old.We are certainly not going to fight them with now obsolete F-6s,are we?

The Burmese have the same type of air crafts that we have in our inventory.But the difference is they have more in number.You may say they have poor record on maintenance,but recently they have improved efficiency with the help of Russian/Ukrainian help.Besides they have access to Israeli expertise.
Our fighters have gone under upgrade,so did theirs.

Do you think its is practical that a secretive military regime like Myanmar will publish how many air crafts it has in its inventory?Or people willBesides they buy many sophisticated arms through black market,and its a well known secret,we know about this long before these media reports were published in Bangladeshi media.

now about the comparison,its according to Janes defence.

bd-burma1.jpg (image)

This is a comparison of India-Bangladesh military strength.Point to note here is that we have 83 fighters.


Sir,Let us not talk about,"who has more courage than whom".These things are not counted when making strategy for war.Yes,it certainly can change the fate of the battle.
We do have trained pilot and Burma too have trained pilot.And they do have the courage to fight for their country too,just like we do.
Its a mistake to underestimate the capability of your enemy.

Sir, I am younger than you and have seen less of this world,but I have learnt a few things.

1.Spirit only does not win any war.
2.One should never underestimate his enemy.that's the biggest mistake we can make now.We need to know more about their strength and weaknesses,and then prepare accordingly.
All this intel and preparation,is also a part of war.We can't just jump in with war cries all around,only to find ourselves as the losers.

Yes US is not winning,but perhaps you can see the misery of the muslims in Iraq and Afganisthan.

And yes,Why do we forget the palestinians.They are muslim and they have courage.But they lack Fire power.So the result is they are being massacred.

I do not assume my country to be weaker,but ill prepared for a war now.We should try to avoid war always,no matter what.That's why diplomatic efforts should be taken first,and at the same time keeping the army on stand by.

But if they leave with no other option,then we will have to fight to save our motherland.
Hi Leon,

Thanks for summing up the whole military episode very nicely. Icing on the cake would be to point out that Burmese are fencing and mining their side of the border areas, so whoever is thinking that BD-MIL can snatch Arakan form them, are actually living in a foolish paradise, because we don't have paratrooper division to ex-filtrate in their territory and no expeditionary tank division, no over whelming fire-power, no guarantee on a decisive win on NAVAL battle to hold the sea route for troops to land in enemy area. Having considered these simple things, I say a big 'NO' to any perpetual war. But (A big But) if we are attacked and Burmese starts firing at us indiscriminately then we would fight back, because it would give us moral ground to thwart the aggressor. So, I agree with the essence of Zakir Vhai's post as well. We don't want to burn all the bridges and need to be mindful that Burma is the only gateway for BD to save itself from becoming the next Palestine, thanks.
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