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B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

Finally, India had to request its DEAR FRIEND Israel to provide satellite-taken GPS locations in X, Y and Z-axis of the Pakistani targets. These data were tallied against the data of Howitzer locations. Military officers with functional knowledge in 'Dynamics' and higher algebra/trigonometry then calculated the exact distance, height and angle of the Pakistani targets, and fired their howitzers. This is how Pakistan had to abandon the Kargil hope.

Well, Thats what friends are for :smitten:
But I believe India has its own satellite for similar tasks.
If wars were won just by emotion and hot blood then the whole world scenario would have been completely different.

Dropping your arms and going on your knees on the face of the adversary is definitely not an option, but taking the attack to deep burmese cities wont be a cake walk either. They are far advanced in terms of arms and may be stratergy.

The best solution is to dissolve the tension with some smart diplomatic moves and prepare for future such attacks in a smarter way.

Allahu Akbar.
This is what Indian bigots like to think of us. Not only Burma, we can take over your big country, too. It is not emotion that propels us, rather,we are propelled by bravery. We have shown it time and again- history will attest to it. This is why our forefathers were the dominant force in the eastern part of Hindustan for more than 550 years.

Do not you see the Muslim bravery in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq? You bigots may think Bangali Muslims have one hand and other Muslims in your west have ten hands. Time will tell again we have more than ten hands. Do you think we cannot take over Burma because they have 400,000 troops? Our less than 70,000 BDR troops are good enough to do that job.

Haven't you seen how with only 3,000 of their troops in the Burmese border, BDR officers were declaring that they were ready for any eventuality, while Burma has deployed more than 50,000 troops. Number is your passion, but bravery is our strength. So, respect our bravery. We fight to die, and the bigots come not to die, but to kill. How then, they can win over us for whom a death is no different from a life?
Well, Thats what friends are for :smitten:
But I believe India has its own satellite for similar tasks.

Yes, India may have this GPS location technology now, but it was not there during Kargil operation. However, I must admit India did a superb military job. On the one hand, howitzers could not be taken to a higher ground, on the other hand, it could not do the precise attacking due to shortage of leg length.

Only after that operation, I came to realize the importance of higher mathematics in modern warfare and why science students are usually recruited as trainee officers in all branches of military.

By the way, you may read Dr. Stephen Hawking's writings to know how earth's gravitational waves may deter a satellite to get the exact 3D co-ordinates of a point. So, this preliminary data is corrected to neutralize the effects of gravitational waves.

This is how the exact location is pinointed. Indian officers certainly knew how to correct the data by manual calculation. Without this correction, the shells might have gone a few km away from the targets.

Sorry, I have derailed the thread.
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This is what Indian bigots like to think of us. Not only Burma, we can take over your big country, too. It is not emotion that propels us, rather,we are propelled by bravery. We have shown it time and again- history will attest to it. This is why our forefathers were the dominant force in the eastern part of Hindustan for more than 550 years.

Do not you see the Muslim bravery in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq? You bigots may think Bangali Muslims have one hand and other Muslims in your west have ten hands. Time will tell again we have more than ten hands. Do you think we cannot take over Burma because they have 400,000 troops? Our less than 70,000 BDR troops are good enough to do that job.

Haven't you seen how with only 3,000 of their troops in the Burmese border, BDR officers were declaring that they were ready for any eventuality, while Burma has deployed more than 50,000 troops. Number is your passion, but bravery is our strength. So, respect our bravery. We fight to die, and the bigots come not to die, but to kill. How then, they can win over us for whom a death is no different from a life?

Cool Down Sir...

I never questioned your or your forefathers bravery or your preparedness to sacrifice life for protecting your motherland.

If you read my post after taking a glass of cold water, you would figure out what exactly I meant. I am not saying that you can not protect. What I am saying that its confirmed that they have a bigger army much bigger than yours. So, if the war happens both side will lose significantly in terms of soldiers, arms and ammunition. So, its better to dissolve the current tension using diplomacy, and be prepared for future such attacks in a smarter way, so that when Burma or anyone attacks you, you guys will be better prepared.

Again, defending is one thing and taking the war into another country is completely different. if you refer to the post I replied, I said that even if you protect your land successfully( inshallah) it would be tougher to beat and then get into Burma's territory.

Hope I made myself clear now.

Again, about attacking and taking over my country, well We are waiting.
Hi Leon,

Please note that my comparison of ULSHAN Class was with Type 54C Class or La Fayette class or Shivalik class. In that context even PN didn't possess a modern Frigate. On the top of that our ULSHAN seemed lack VL MICA or Albatross missile and Tetral or Simbad type of systems. If we could give it a make over by replacing Otobreda, putting more SAM systems in B section as force-multiplier and Tetral or Simbad type on the Halo hanger along with electronic upgrade as per with Shivalik type then we will have a pretty good guided-Frigate in our inventory. The whole up gradation might cost around $20-30 Million and if we try to go for all of our corvettes and Missile/Patrol boats then we could get a package deal that would bring the cost significantly down. For financial thing, we can exchange/trade our Garment products with EU countries or skilled labor off with Korea; CHN etc with their high-tech defence materials that fit our needs like clever Indians have been doing with Ruskies for years.

Why are you after Ulsan class? Is it because it bought by last AL govt and decomissioned by BNP-Jamatis from their narrow mindedness. :woot:
Why are you after Ulsan class? Is it because it bought by last AL govt and decomissioned by BNP-Jamatis from their narrow mindedness. :woot:

Discussion that taken place on Ulsan class is a healthy one. Fact that you are only obsessed with mujib coat and considering anything and everying under the sun relative to Awami politics, shows where things need to be fixed.
Yes, exactly living in India, as per the member. I think he has sorceress's stone.

The person who is paying for the service is a Indian newspaper based in Canada - though living in India - mind you!

Owner, Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Billing Contact:
DawnNet SysAdmin (ID00387376)
207 Bank Street, Suite 202
Ottawa, ON K1P 2N2
Phone: +1.6138672532
Email: dawn.net.sysadmin@gmail.com

As this is a very intelligent RAW operating, the phone number 613-867-2532 is directed to India.

Cool! India is way advanced!

That is wat people do as it is difficult to pay or transfer small amount of money from the sub continent. they rather ask any of their friend living in west to pay couple of hundred dollar on their behalf.
Those contact address mean nothing as long as mizzima site has India all over on it.
Professor Iazdani,

Many of your types were lured by 'Epar Bangla-Opar Bangla Ek' (United Bangladesh) carrot before 71s war was engineered later to be seen 'Death stick' right before the break up of united PAK. The murder of those intellectuals still remained mysterious along with many other historic like Liakot Ali Khan, Malcolm X, Kennedy's one. Imagine it before falling into the same trap, sir ! :mod:

No mystery. Ask Nizami... Everything is in his stomac.
Cool Down Sir...
Again, defending is one thing and taking the war into another country is completely different. if you refer to the post I replied, I said that even if you protect your land successfully( inshallah) it would be tougher to beat and then get into Burma's territory.
Time is so different now-a-days. Otherwise, BD could have impose war on Burma at will. You have to see the map of Burma from a satellite and see its population in Arakan as Bangali Muslims. They are our very ill-mannered ( yes, a little more than us) cousines in Arakan. They have been living there for many centuries after they have migrated from Arabia and Bengal proper long before Burma annexed Arakan in 1784.

Now, about map. Burma mainland is completely separated from OUR Arakan by the Arakan Range of mountains. This Range is the reason that Arakan maintained its independence. However, when Bengal was already occupied by the British and Muslim power was vanquished there, the Burmese occupied this independent land in 1784 fully knowing that there would be no troop contingent from Bengal to support their brethren there. Their assumption was correct.

Arakanese Muslims desparately want to join their cousins in BD, we are also eager to join them. But, the days are not 1784, it is 2009. BD cannot move without fearing its effects on international relationships.

When former BD President Sheikh Mujibur Rahman met his Burmese counterpart, where I do not know, he emphatically told him that wherever Bangla speaking people lived, Bangladesh regard it as its own.

It was an indirect threat, there is no doubt about it. Only after his death, the Burmese govt started to punish our dark-skinned cousins by expelling them from their ancestral lands. BD economy was always weak and the leaders were without hard balls (you perhaps know women do not have any balls). So, the Burmese kept on sending their Muslims to BD. 500,000 or more are in BD now.

Now, time is ripe for either their repatriation to Arakan or the annexation of Arakan by BD. I will prefer the second option. There is no future of Burma and there is no future of our cousins in the Union of Burma. Burmese Junta keeps on exloring oil and gas in Arakan to build an army that kills only its own population.

When BD keeps on developing, our cousins there are living in poor conditions. It is time the situation is rectified by the concerned parties with blood sheddings, if needed. Arakanese are eagerly seeking our help. They are for a separation from Burma.

BD govt must enact an Arakan policy and its military must enact a doctrine to support that policy.
Time is so different now-a-days. Otherwise, BD could have impose war on Burma at will. You have to see the map of Burma from a satellite and see its population in Arakan as Bangali Muslims. They are our very ill-mannered ( yes, a little more than us) cousines in Arakan. They have been living there for many centuries after they have migrated from Arabia and Bengal proper long before Burma annexed Arakan in 1784.

Now, about map. Burma mainland is completely separated from OUR Arakan by the Arakan Range of mountains. This Range is the reason that Arakan maintained its independence. However, when Bengal was already occupied by the British and Muslim power was vanquished there, the Burmese occupied this independent land in 1784 fully knowing that there would be no troop contingent from Bengal to support their brethren there. Their assumption was correct.

Arakanese Muslims desparately want to join their cousins in BD, we are also eager to join them. But, the days are not 1784, it is 2009. BD cannot move without fearing its effects on international relationships.

When former BD President Sheikh Mujibur Rahman met his Burmese counterpart, where I do not know, he emphatically told him that wherever Bangla speaking people lived, Bangladesh regard it as its own.

It was an indirect threat, there is no doubt about it. Only after his death, the Burmese govt started to punish our dark-skinned cousins by expelling them from their ancestral lands. BD economy was always weak and the leaders were without hard balls (you perhaps know women do not have any balls). So, the Burmese kept on sending their Muslims to BD. 500,000 or more are in BD now.

Now, time is ripe for either their repatriation to Arakan or the annexation of Arakan by BD. I will prefer the second option. There is no future of Burma and there is no future of our cousins in the Union of Burma. Burmese Junta keeps on exloring oil and gas in Arakan to build an army that kills only its own population.

When BD keeps on developing, our cousins there are living in poor conditions. It is time the situation is rectified by the concerned parties with blood sheddings, if needed. Arakanese are eagerly seeking our help. They are for a separation from Burma.

BD govt must enact an Arakan policy and its military must enact a doctrine to support that policy.

Thanks for the excellent post. You definitely amaze me with the knowledge of history you have.

All said and done, my question is still unanswered. Do you think with the current military strength of both the coutries, it is possible for BD to defend now and also annex Arakan? Dont you think its better to dissolve the current situation using diplomacy and then better prepare for a later date when you can actually do that?
All said and done, my question is still unanswered. Do you think with the current military strength of both the coutries, it is possible for BD to defend now and also annex Arakan? Dont you think its better to dissolve the current situation using diplomacy and then better prepare for a later date when you can actually do that?

I agree x 100

You are spot on that.

With the current state,its going to be hard for us to defend our own territory,forget annexing Arakan.
Our leaders made the mistake of not realising Burmese military ambition,that's why we are lagging behind them now.Whereas in 1991,we were stronger than them.
Thanks for the excellent post. You definitely amaze me with the knowledge of history you have.

All said and done, my question is still unanswered. Do you think with the current military strength of both the coutries, it is possible for BD to defend now and also annex Arakan? Dont you think its better to dissolve the current situation using diplomacy and then better prepare for a later date when you can actually do that?
BD govt may not want a war, but BD military wants one, at least a showdown that proves the necessity of maintaining a strong military. Burma does not also want a war, because it will expose the junta to an adverse situation, which may topple it.

Nobody can say an army is stronger only because it has a greater number. Our total men in arms (militias) is also much higher than the Burmese number. However, number is but only one factor, there must be many other factors to decide the outcome of a war. I would like to state only a few of these here.

1) Burma may not mobilize more than 60,000 of its troops in BD border. If they do so, some Union States may declare independence in case the war lingers.
2) There is Arakanese Mountains that separate mainland Burma from Arakan. Therefore, the supply routes are very limited. It will be a nightmare for Burma to safeguard its supply routes for ammunition and logistics. BD, with the help of Arakanese, will certainly destroy their supply routes.
3) Arakanese are Bangali Muslims. There is already an independence movement in Arakan. Burmese army cannot tackle this internal rebellion in time of a war. Our DGFI has certainly assets in Arakan among our brothers..

So, a war is against the interest of Burma. This is the reaon why after all these troop build up in the border, Burma has suddenly about turned in the BDR-NASAKA meetings held yesterday. I have posted these newspaper reports somewhere above. NASAKA, in a goodwill gesture, has also released 11 fishermen they had captured a few days ago from our sea territory.
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RN type 23 are for sale as RN moving for type 45. These 23s are still capable ships and with some upgrades can meet BD needs for some years. These will give us opportunity and time to design and build our own frigate as we have gained considerable expertise in shipbuilding and design. Only things we have to get are weapons, sensors, radars systems etc. For which Turkey could be an excellent partner.

By the way Chile bought 3 type 23 for $350 million which includes all upgrades and refit.

We dont want any retiring ships for our navy anymore. Its not a dumping yeard. BD should go for advanced frigate this time around, brand new type 45 may be.
I agree x 100

You are spot on that.

With the current state,its going to be hard for us to defend our own territory,forget annexing Arakan.
Our leaders made the mistake of not realising Burmese military ambition,that's why we are lagging behind them now.Whereas in 1991,we were stronger than them.

It is not that BD has become a Bhutan and Burma has become a China. Newspapers speak only gossips when our military never declares a single purchase or procurement. It seems our airforce is comparatively weak, but then our army and navy is much strong and well-trained. Airforce seems weak because it has a few new purchases, but Burmese airforce is weaker than us.

Including training jets, helicopters and other auxilliaries, BD has a total of 200+ planes. How many planes do you think Burma has? Pakistan fought the 1965 war against India with only 125 planes. So, why it is comparison of planes and not of spirit of our troops?

Even if we have similar number of jets, we are stronger because we have well-trained and more number of pilots even if the spirit factor is not considered. Number of trained pilots are very important. It is because when a jet returns to its home base after a sortie, immediately another pilot can then fly the plane after the plane is re-armed. A human body gets tired, and needs rest and sleep, but not a plane. It will fly immediately. On the other hand, Burma may need mercenary pilots to fly.

That our navy is strong was proved last year. About our 200,000 troops, how it is weaker than the Burmese 400,000 troops? Is it because of less number? A war is about strategy and bravery, not only about the number of troops. If it is so, then since historical times a nation would have imposed its hegemony to a weaker neighbour just by declaring its number of troops.

When with the mobilization of only 3000 troops, our BDR officers declared recently that they were ready for any eventuality, did it bear any meaning to you when Burma has mobilized 50,000 troops? It is certainly a Muslim spirit. If an individual is devoid of this spirit, well it is his personal choice. But, our troops are not devoid of this spirit.

You have wrongfully assumed BD to be a weaker nation comparing to Burma. A war is not TV game, it is between two groups of living people. Only the stronger-hearted one can finally win. Muslims are supposed to fight like Muslims and win. This is why America is not winning in Iraq or Afghanistan.
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Not only Burma, we can take over your big country, too.

So, respect our bravery.......

For someone fond of asking respect, you certainly don't dish out any to us, odd, isnt it?

I read and re-read your sentence, twice, atleast.... Why is that it looks as though a glue-sniffing 15-year-old wearing cowboy hat penned this.

Let me quote a passage from the first Surrealist Manifesto of 1924: "I could spend my whole life prying loose the secrets of the insane. These people are honest to a fault, and their naiveté has no peer but my own."
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