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B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

Dealing with neighbour Myanmar

Abu Rushd

But once the war cloud evaporated Bangladesh failed to take any lesson from that incident where Myanmar junta analyzed every aspect and rapidly took necessary steps to fill the gap. From 1991 onward Myanmar didn't keep any stone unturned not only to increase its armed manpower but also acquired a huge number of relatively modern equipments.

Very good analysis by the author.

Our selfish and power hungry leaders kept on plundering country's wealth,not giving importance to defence.I just hope,at least this time our leaders will wake up.

Important thing to note that,the Junta have achieved a lot through Israeli friendship.Now that's another bad news for us.

But I disagree on the point that Burma is our friend.Burmese people may be our friend,but not the Junta.So we can expect more hostility from them in near future as long as Junta is in power.
As usual, the US recommendation for BD has been sweetened with words like 'terrorists' etc. instead of a possible attack from Burma or another neighbour. It is good that USA is now extending assistance with naval ships at a time when BD urgently needs it.

Since 1971, USA has extended more than $5 billion worth of assistance to BD in various sectors. Now, the latest assistance in the naval sector is another important milestone to this continuous process. Long Live BD-USA Friendship and Down With Burma.

By the way, some pro-Burmese were eagerly pointing fingers at RAW. But, when I pointed out that a war is needed to kick out RAW from Burma, they keep mum. I was expecting this from these Burmese. Their mask is open now.

Well those sweet words were needed to get those passed in the congress. Even they have to put this kind of words for the assistance to Israel. They will change the phrase as soon as BD change phrases means if there were a war with Burma. You can legitimize any war if USA was behind you.. :rofl:
Maybe you can let us know link for this looted AMMAMENTS in "Daily Itefaq".

What he is refering to is some article which said that in 1971 after Gen Niazi surrendered to Gen Arora, Indian Army supposedly took away the surrendered Pakistani weapons to India.

It is a load of cr@p. Captured weapons/ammunitions are generally destroyed/scrapped. A few may be used as war trophies after rendering ineffective as per rules and sanction obtained but no one would have carted all that junk back to India across the riverine terrain of BD.

What is known is that the Mukti Bahini retained and used all weapons that fell into their hands.

And anyway why is he lamenting for those weapons now after 40 years? To fight Myanmar?
Please deny to be provoked, and stick to the topic, please.

Don't you note that when you, Leon, MBI Munshi & others are almost going to unearth & establish that the indicated pro-active 'War effort' (with Myanmar) is most-likely a trap, few came in as if from the hornet's nest to provoke you to go off-topic, and disturb the thread ?

or Is it a mere co-incidence ?

No you are right. When we get close to the truth the Indians and the imposter BD's throw us of track with personal insults and stories of 71.
Well those sweet words were needed to get those passed in the congress. Even they have to put this kind of words for the assistance to Israel. They will change the phrase as soon as BD change phrases means if there were a war with Burma. You can legitimize any war if USA was behind you.. :rofl:
Yup! This is how america gets the paperworks done. But, someone in this forum has already criticized that these are all 'Fishing boats.' I wish America not to forget the inclusion of fishing nets with these fishing boats.
When we get close to the truth the Indians and the imposter BD's throw us of track with personal insults and stories of 71.

Did you say Truth? .... As in when you prove your theories? .... hard to find this trait with your clan in this forum..... Personal Insults, yes, they do that too at every turn.
Dipu Moni smells interference in Bangladesh-Myanmar issue

Star Online Report

Foreign Minister Dipu Moni on Wednesday said a vested quarter has been trying to tarnish the Bangladesh-Myanmar bilateral relationship, creating problems to serve their own interests.

Briefing the journalists at her secretariat office, she also alleged that a part of the media has been publishing some news items, which might create misunderstanding between the two neighbouring countries.

She also urged the country people to restrain them from doing such sorts of works for the sake of the country.
War like situation is getting tense to a real one. If one party doesn't step ahead with the tune of mediation then war might be a real possibility. May Almighty help all the rightous people, amen.

Burma stations three warships along Bangladesh border
by Mizzima News
Wednesday, 21 October 2009 18:07

Dhaka (Mizzima) – The Burmese military has brought in three warships at its border town of Maungdaw, amidst reports of escalating tension between Bangladesh and Burma over their long-standing maritime dispute.

The medium and small sized warships have been stationed since October 19, on the Sai Tin River, east of Maungdaw town and about 20 miles southeast of the Bangladesh-Burma border, a local resident as well as sources of the military based on the border said.

The warships number 110, 308 and 552 of the Sittwe and Danyawaddy Navy Bases have come from Sittwe through the Mayu River and have finally been positioned on the Sai Tin River near Maungdaw town.

Local eyewitnesses said, the ships had artillery in the front and rear and had a crew of about 60 each.

However, sources said, three warships that were earlier positioned near the disputed maritime zones have returned and are now being stationed between Sittwe and Yathethaung.

Since the beginning of October, both Burma and Bangladesh have reinforced military and navy forces along the land border and maritime borders. But, neither country had officially announced the reason for the increased security.

Burma stations three warships along Bangladesh border
Efforts apparent to strain ties with Myanmar: FM
Wed, Oct 21st, 2009 8:01 pm BdST

Dhaka, Oct 21 (bdnews24.com)—Foreign minister Dipu Moni has said a vested quarter was trying to blight relations with Myanmar to create conflict and take advantage of the outcome.

"There may be provocation by some quarters to strain relations between Bangladesh and Myanmar. Their motive is to capitalise on the sour relations," Dipu Moni told reporters at the foreign ministry Wednesday.

She pointed a finger at the media too.

"Some sections of the media are publishing alarmist stories about tensions on the Bangladesh-Myanmar border."

"This type of report may exert influence on both sides of the border," cautioned the foreign minister, who recently met her Myanmar counterpart in Colombo.

Dipu Moni said the Bangladesh ambassador in Yangon, his defence attaché, and the Myanmar envoy in Dhaka had all rejected the reports of Myanmar troops mobilising along the border.

"All of them assured me that there was regular movements of troops going on across the border," said the minister.

"The Myanmar foreign minister also told me the same," she said.

A number of Bangladesh newspapers and foreign news agencies have reported "escalating tensions", with Myanmar deploying troops on their side of the border and Bangladesh replying with similar action.

The reports also suggested that Myanmar was trying to push thousands of Rohingya refugees into Bangladesh as they did in 1991-92.

The minister last week told reporters that the government had "no information" on unusual troops movement at the border.

The Myanmar military junta, however, has recently decided to erect further fencing along the border.

Dipu Moni has said that Myanmar was erecting the barbed-wire fencing on their side after consulting Dhaka, in order to curb "criminal activities".


The foreign minister said there is no pressure from the US government to sign a Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA).

"We have some concerns for some sections of the TIFA. They understand our concerns," said Dipu Moni.

She said the two countries were trying to bridge the gap.

The minister said, "We are also looking into whether we can expand trade and investment through other agreements other than TIFA".

PM's China visit

Dipu Moni said prime minister Sheikh Hasina was keen to visit China which Bangladesh considers a good friend

"There is an invitation from the Chinese government. Our Prime Minister is sure to visit China at a mutually convenient time," she said.

Efforts apparent to strain ties with Myanmar: FM :: Politics :: bdnews24.com ::
Dealing with neighbour Myanmar

The above figures clearly show that only Myanmar has increased military power and arms racing compared to its neighboring countries. Nevertheless, increasing the military power also means increasing the military spending. In 1987 Myanmar spent 252.56 million US$ for defense which was increased to 555 million US$ by 2002. But in the other fields Myanmar remains as a backbencher till now. All the societal factors show how poorly this country is equipped to manage her other burning problems. Here comes the warning of Prof. Khanal. And Myanmar Junta obviously has forgotten that, 'Security means development. Security is not military hardware, though it may include it, security is not military force, though it may involve it, security is not traditional military activity, though it may encompass it. Security is development and without development there can be no security.'

In pen and paper US government has imposed a ban on armament export to Myanmar regime. To them short of a democratic system can't be accepted or expected! But in reality Myanmar is one of the big arms importer from the very friendly countries of USA. Even some sophisticated US armaments are also in their inventory! Already Israeli 5.56 mm MA- 1/MA-2/MA-3/MA-4/MA-11/MA-12 rifles are inducted as the standard small arms of Myanmar Army. M-845, P-155 mm and Soltam 155 mm Howitzers are in the service with Myanmar Artillery.

Some other sophisticated electronic equipment for Air Force is also bought from Israel. Israeli engineers we-re engaged to refurbish Chinese origin F-7s and these fighter aircrafts were to get Elta EL/M - 2032 air to air radar, Rafael Python Mk. III and Litening laser - designator pods. It is well assumed that without the blessing of USA Myanmar can't procure Israeli armaments. Recent reports indicate that they have even acquired UAVs ( Unmanned Air Vehicles) from Israel. Simultaneously they are procuring armaments and equipment both from Chinese and western sources like Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Switzerland and France. Many a times they imported western arms through Singapore. All other relevant data show how Myanmar Armed Forces are building their might through a well organized and calculated manner. Their effort in this regard must be saluted so far nationalism is concerned.

The New Nation - Internet Edition

Myanmar is probably getting all the info about our troop build up near border,with the help of their UAV.The news of Burma having an UAV was discussed in *************** ,a year or two ago.

They have 155mm howitzers,and their personnel were trained in Pakistan for that.

Their F-7s have undergone upgrade too.Apart from those already mentioned,it is also reported that they have been enabled to fire R-550 magic short range AAMs.
Myanmar is probably getting all the info about our troop build up near border,with the help of their UAV.The news of Burma having an UAV was discussed in *************** ,a year or two ago.

They have 155mm howitzers,and their personnel were trained in Pakistan for that.

Their F-7s have undergone upgrade too.Apart from those already mentioned,it is also reported that they have been enabled to fire R-550 magic short range AAMs.

One more things that makes people worried is that there artillary locating radar capability. I have read somewhere( can not remember the sourse) about receiving advanced artillary counter battery radar capability from israil. That will put our artillary( 90% towed) just sitting duck for there artillary fire. Our infantry will be completely useless just as we have seen sino-viet war with chineese artillary vs vietnameese artillary.

Burma stations three warships along Bangladesh border
by Mizzima News
Wednesday, 21 October 2009 18:07

Mizzima News website says its specialized in Myanmar related news. But its the indian site based in Kolkata. That gives further proof about indians are behind these instigations. And indians even trying to be Myanmar media mouth piece. Hope Myanmar realize sooner than later that indians will only use them as pawn and lead to destruction.

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