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B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

Any independent source will do, if you can.

Indian army taking armaments from defeated Pakistan army can be seen as war booty not looting.But there were reports of Indian army looting Industrial machineries from Bangladeshi factories.
But the problem is no official report was submitted.And as far as I know,even the newspapers at that time did not report it.(Actually they were in no position to report just after the war)So if one has to believe it,it has to be from the account of eyewitnesses.

Now believing it or not depends on you.But let's not derail the thread with off topic discussions.Let us get back to the topic.
Bangladesh faces tension sparked by Myanmar's reported military and refugee build-up on the border - Indian Military ready to help in case of need

Kiran Chaube
Oct. 19, 2009

Yangon had brought in tanks, artillery and warships to to push 15,000 Rohingyas refugees into Bangladesh.

The Bangladesh Rifles have been kept on high alert along the southeast frontier.Officials said over 3,000 border guards were deployed to reinforce BDR positions at Cox's Bazaar-Teknaf fronts along the 271 km.

Bangladesh is looking towards India for assistance in case of a conflict. In addition, the country is negotiating with China and requesting help from the United Nations.

Indian Army Eastern Command headquartered in Fort Williams of Kolkata is watching the situation very closely.

Indiadaily.com - Bangladesh faces tension sparked by Myanmar's reported military and refugee build-up on the border - Indian Military ready to help in case of need
Is Indiadaily.com a reliable source for news?

the website didn't look good to me.Can anyone give some light on it?
Bharat wages proxy war on Bangladesh using Burma

Bharat wages proxy war on Bangladesh using Burma RUPEE NEWS: Recording History, Narrating Archives, Strategic Intellibrief Analysis: Noticias de Rupia | Nouvelles de Roupie | Rupiennachrichten | ??????? ????? | ???? | Rupi Nyhet


Bangladesh turned into a theatre of covert war .......
Why Tripura?
On October 5, concerned ministers and officials from Tripura and Bangladesh inaugurated a new land custom station at Feni-Belonia border while, within months, at least eight such custom stations are slated to be built along the 856 km. long, largely natural- barrier-free Tripura- Bangladesh border, according to a reliable source.
Although four of the northeastern states-Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya and Mizoram - share about 1,879 km border with Bangladesh, the extra priority being accorded to Tripura is for reasons which are purely geopolitical. Besides having accessible borders with Bangladesh, Myanmar-China lines of communication can be choked off from stronger military presence in Tripura alone.
The source says the other mapped out destinations of Bangladesh for uses as conduits for India's military manoeuvres are: Agartala-Dhaka (150 km); Kailashahr-Sylhet (90 km); Sabroom-Chittagong (75 km); Sonamura-Comilla (25 km).
Meanwhile, the Akhaurah land port, only 150 km east of Dhaka and just 5 km west of Tripura capital Agartala, has already been inaugurated as a common border port and is being geared as a major launching pad for trade, and, for troop manoeuvring between mainland India and Tripura via Bangladesh, when needed.
One of the other main undertakings in this grand strategy is to connect Agartala and Kolkata via Bangladesh to reduce over 1500 km distance between the two Indian cities into over 330 km, and, to connect Tripura's Sabroom with Chittagong port.
While the regime in Dhaka may either be ignorant of the consequences of these acts, or is beholden to foreign powers, the message from one of the secessionist leaders of India's Northeast could not be prompter and clearer.
Barely 48 hours before the inauguration of the joint custom station at Feni-Belonia on October 5 by the Shipping and Commerce Ministers of Bangladesh and an Indian counterpart, Ranjan Daimary alias D R Nabla, president of the outlawed National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB), said in a statement, "I would like to request the government of Bangladesh to extend helping hands in our struggle for freedom."
In a rare display of emotion by any separatist leader of his likes, Nabla said, "If our people have helped Bangladeshis on all counts for freedom from Pakistan without questioning their legitimacy or whatsoever, it becomes an obligation for the people and the government of Bangladesh too to help us in our freedom struggle against India."
Nabla added, "Particularly, I would like to request the security forces of Bangladesh not to harass or arrest our cadres and members when they sometimes cross to Bangladesh for their safety and security." The rebel leader turned nostalgic when he claimed, "Even my parents had adopted a destitute and hapless young Bangladeshi boy in 1972. His name was Quiddos Mia."
Like many other insurgent groups operating in the troubled region, the NDFB has been fighting for an independent homeland for the Bodo tribe of Assam since 1986 and the statement of Nabla coincided with the celebration of the NDFB's 23 years of founding anniversary.
Bangladesh faces tension sparked by Myanmar's reported military and refugee build-up on the border - Indian Military ready to help in case of need

Kiran Chaube
Oct. 19, 2009

Yangon had brought in tanks, artillery and warships to to push 15,000 Rohingyas refugees into Bangladesh.

The Bangladesh Rifles have been kept on high alert along the southeast frontier.Officials said over 3,000 border guards were deployed to reinforce BDR positions at Cox's Bazaar-Teknaf fronts along the 271 km.

Bangladesh is looking towards India for assistance in case of a conflict. In addition, the country is negotiating with China and requesting help from the United Nations.

Indian Army Eastern Command headquartered in Fort Williams of Kolkata is watching the situation very closely.

Indiadaily.com - Bangladesh faces tension sparked by Myanmar's reported military and refugee build-up on the border - Indian Military ready to help in case of need

Ofcourse India will help BD in case of need. I donno BD can take help from China but not from India? Ridiculous. I know I know some conspiracy theorist will suggest this is all staged drama to get into BD and loot. BTW I wish no war happens and the tension gets diffused through diplomacy and even if the War breaks out, India should not get involved directly
Indian army taking armaments from defeated Pakistan army can be seen as war booty not looting.But there were reports of Indian army looting Industrial machineries from Bangladeshi factories.
But the problem is no official report was submitted.And as far as I know,even the newspapers at that time did not report it.(Actually they were in no position to report just after the war)So if one has to believe it,it has to be from the account of eyewitnesses.

Now believing it or not depends on you.But let's not derail the thread with off topic discussions.Let us get back to the topic.
Leon, as you said, this is hear say. In this world where conspiracy theories abound, its easy to float such rumors, why .. just read our and pak's textbook and you will see two different version's of same event. No Rocket science here. Possible, unruly soldiers indulging in acts of hooliganism, in individual capacity, is believable... but not as a state policy.

Second, looting of Industrial Machinery by Armed forces, needs to have some reason behind it. Its fairly common for rouge elements in Armed forces to do vandalizing, rapes, etc on the attacked land. But Industrial Machinery, to be looted for void/lack of such in domestic area, transported to home land and then put to practical use.... stretches imagination.
rupeenews. :rofl:

In indian definition only desireable proof is what does not implicate india. For such venture you should look for proof just in yourself.

How ironic though indiadaily news corroborate the article
"Bharat wages proxy war on Bangladesh using Burma"
Is Indiadaily.com a reliable source for news?

the website didn't look good to me.Can anyone give some light on it?

I know, I will be flamed for asking this question but still I need to ask this to idune.
Idune sir, Whats the filter you use in google to find such sources? :azn:

LieDune, if you are referring to me, im still awaiting the independent source of your false claim's.

stinker scroll up, several articles posted including one from indiadaily proving indian intention of using BD to impose its hemonic desire. Then again nothing will be independent or desireable unless it does not implicate india. For such venture you should look for proof just in yourself.
How ironic though indiadaily news corroborate the article
"Bharat wages proxy war on Bangladesh using Burma"

Corroborate? They are simply quoting DailyStar article. Is that your idea of a INDEPENDENT source?
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