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BD: Standoff PGM Bombs for F-7PG

While they don't need to be upgraded, LS-6s would certainly add a useful capability along with MERs. F-7PGs should stay till 2025-30 to help with minting new pilots and having something to get some flying hours on. They are dirt cheap with very low cost and easily accessible spares.
Same way you guys says joy Bangla while Joy Bangladesh make much more sense.
Joy Bangla is simply a historical slogan. Mujib said joy Bangla in the sense of Bengali speaking part of Pakistan.
And after independent they didn't change the slogan, so it's no big deal imo.
Language issue resolved in 1954 when Bengali was declared one the official language. Thereafter there was no agitation for language. Ethnicity was also not a big issue. Whatever issue surrounding ethnicity was created by your people. Bengalis who used to go West Pakistan for any necessity, faced prejudice and hostility. Which gradually cemented mental distance.

And we did not go for war. War was imposed upon us by your genocidal military junta at the night of 25th March, 1971. We had no alternative other than to resist and counter attack by guerrilla means.
whatever makes you sleep at night ............. enjoy your dependent independence
Why not go for a Bison-type upgrade instead? For example upgrading the radar, integrating SD-10, HMD and a 5th-gen WVRAAM. Is it more expensive in the long run as compared to a new JF-17 Block-II?

You can put as much lipstick on a pig as you want....it’s still a pig. If the IAF Bison got mauled on feb 27 despite all the add-ons, what makes you think PAF will fare better? More prudent to divert funds to JF-17
You can put as much lipstick on a pig as you want....it’s still a pig. If the IAF Bison got mauled on feb 27 despite all the add-ons, what makes you think PAF will fare better? More prudent to divert funds to JF-17

Because the PAF intends to employ the F7PG's very differently then the way IAF employed the Bisons. PAF intends to employ the F7PG's as an interceptor in a defensive role. The PG's are extremely deadly in WVR and limited BVR engagements. The F16 pilots in PAF fear the PG's the most, and during exercises on multiple occasions, the PG's had the upper hand against the F16's.
Because the PAF intends to employ the F7PG's very differently then the way IAF employed the Bisons. PAF intends to employ the F7PG's as an interceptor in a defensive role. The PG's are extremely deadly in WVR and limited BVR engagements. The F16 pilots in PAF fear the PG's the most, and during exercises on multiple occasions, the PG's had the upper hand against the F16's.
Sir the probability of a WVR battle between india and pakistan is very low in God forbid all out war yes but in reality and in one off low intensity skirmishes bvr is and will be the norm so.
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some of these BAFf7 were inducted as late as 2012.if iam not wrong.so upgrading them may be feasible for them.not for us.
Language issue resolved in 1954 when Bengali was declared one the official language. Thereafter there was no agitation for language. Ethnicity was also not a big issue. Whatever issue surrounding ethnicity was created by your people. Bengalis who used to go West Pakistan for any necessity, faced prejudice and hostility. Which gradually cemented mental distance.

And we did not go for war. War was imposed upon us by your genocidal military junta at the night of 25th March, 1971. We had no alternative other than to resist and counter attack by guerrilla means.
So this is the storyline fed to u chaps :(
F7 is their Frontline fighter. We have a good fleet of multirole F-16s, JF-17s and Mirages which are used for bomb delivery.

You are forgetting about our MiG-29's (some are being upgraded I believe).

@Ronin knows a bit more.

So this is the storyline fed to u chaps :(

No - it is what was WITNESSED by my family members.
Because the PAF intends to employ the F7PG's very differently then the way IAF employed the Bisons. PAF intends to employ the F7PG's as an interceptor in a defensive role. The PG's are extremely deadly in WVR and limited BVR engagements. The F16 pilots in PAF fear the PG's the most, and during exercises on multiple occasions, the PG's had the upper hand against the F16's.

I agree, I have written multiple threads on the virtues of the new double-delta wing design on the PG's as well as BG's. The double-delta planform (and adjoined flaps/slats used during tight high-G maneuvers) affords no less flexibility and agility during WVR dogfights and other maneuvers than an early F-16 version. Weight to thrust ratio is probably equal or better than an F-16. It is a shame they shut down the BG line this early, we'd have seen shaped conformal tanks on the darned things and that would've given the birds some 50% more range at least.

Latest BG birds supplied to BAF also have glass cockpits which is a significant improvement in detection and fire control for an 'interim design' compared to early F-7's, but integrating BVR electronics on these probably would have been overkill and a waste of money and effort.
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