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BD: Standoff PGM Bombs for F-7PG

Here is how I think the PGs could be employed in actual combat. They will sit on the tarmac ready to intercept. The F-16s and JF-17s will be on CAP dealing with the enemy aircraft, and the PGs will come in to support them.

Imagine 24 boggies eggressing towards a PAF base, intercepted by F-16s and JFTs. They launch BVRs and then a dogfight ensues. The PGs arrive just as the opponents are merging and throw a monkey ranch into the fray, taking out the IAF fighters who are busy engaging in combat maneuvering.

The main upgrade I can think of is to give them a better missile than the sidewinders.
So this is the storyline fed to u chaps :(
It is coupled with the absolute subjugation under the Hindus on the Permanent Settlement basis!!! The last one lasted for 200 years during the British Raj!! Let’s see how BD Muslims break this shackle. One caveat - no Jinnah will show up this time.....
It is coupled with the absolute subjugation under the Hindus on the Permanent Settlement basis!!! The last one lasted for 200 years during the British Raj!! Let’s see how BD Muslims break this shackle. One caveat - no Jinnah will show up this time.....

Amazing insight into the topic of this thread.

Come on man....
Sometimes I wonder if these people are hallucinating, but then I realize, that this is 'normal' for a lot of people of his ilk. A 'new' reality, if you will.

Pot shots like his are not productive.

The reality is the muslim world is under seige.

Infighting like we see here doesnt help.

Also, its a two way street.

If muslims dont rectify this pettiness, we are in for a world of hurt.
Perhaps if u ask family members of some biharis they could give witness if what yr family members did to em ;)
It was an absolute genocide and ethnic cleansing of a million folks!! Communities after communities of the Muhajirs simply vanished. Babies, kids, females, elderly - none was spared!!! And, no words can express the torture done on the females. What happened to Mujib’s family in 1975 was repeated in every Muhajir home under attack!!! And, it all started from the first week of March, ‘71 in an extremely systematic and pre planned manner. The Pak Ordu absolutely failed in this regard. The operation on the 25th March was done to put a stop this holocaust. However, it was too little too late...

*Even the Indian journalists got appalled at the magnitude of the killing, raping and maiming of the Muhajirs!! One good read - Inside Bangladesh Today by Basant Chaterjee, New Delhi, 1973
** The magnitude of the horror was so humongous that the Pak authority put a full stop on passing the news to the West Pak!!! For they feared not a single Bengali in the West Pak would have remained alive if the true pictures were projected....
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It was an absolute genocide and ethnic cleansing of a million folks!! Communities after communities of the Muhajirs simply vanished. Babies, kids, females, elderly - none was spared!!! And, no words can express the torture done on the females. What happened to Mujib’s family in 1975 was repeated in every Muhajir home under attack!!! And, it all started from the first week of March, ‘71 in an extremely systematic and pre planned manner. The Pak Ordu absolutely failed in this regard. The operation on the 25th March was done to put a stop this holocaust. However, it was too little too late...

*Even the Indian journalists got appalled at the magnitude of the killing, raping and maiming of the Muhajirs!! One good read - Inside Bangladesh Today by Basant Chaterjee, New Delhi, 1973
** The magnitude of the horror was so humongous that the Pak authority put a full stop on passing the news to the West Pak!!! For they feared not a single Bengali in the West Pak would have remained alive if the true pictures were projected....

What’s the Turkish word for quack.
PAF F-7PGs are strictly air combat platforms, for ground attacks, we have plenty of other options. PGs are deadly in close air combat and are thus, focused to remain on air combat roles.
Pot shots like his are not productive.

The reality is the muslim world is under seige.

Infighting like we see here doesnt help.

Also, its a two way street.

If muslims dont rectify this pettiness, we are in for a world of hurt.

After attacking and dividing a muslim state with the support of pagans in the name of ethnic nationalism and language I don't think any muslim would trust bangladesh, we dont
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