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BBC World News blocked in Pakistan

Didn't a few of your boys blow up in London?

I think 90% of the plots against the UK have come from Pakistan.

Obviously their priority is targeting Afghanistan and Pakistan - apart from the fact it's a lot easier, it's suits their ideology.

You're making the mistake of adding 2+2 and getting 5.

If you knew how many resources we pour into Pakistan to help you fight terrorism, you'll realise how ludicrous it is that you suggest we promote it.

Britain recently also increased its aid to Pakistan for social projects like schooling.

We send little kids to school, the Talibans blow up schools.

Their accents and passports would suggest they were British. You must have missed their videos.

Taliban have never blown a school or bus stop in Britain yet Britian has been blowing up parts of Afghanistan inlcuding killing women and children for the last 10 years.

You need to wake up to reality, too much Fox and BBC I think.
Didn't a few of your boys blow up in London?

I think 90% of the plots against the UK have come from Pakistan.

Obviously their priority is targeting Afghanistan and Pakistan - apart from the fact it's a lot easier, it's suits their ideology.

You're making the mistake of adding 2+2 and getting 5.

If you knew how many resources we pour into Pakistan to help you fight terrorism, you'll realise how ludicrous it is that you suggest we promote it.

Britain recently also increased its aid to Pakistan for social projects like schooling.

We send little kids to school, the Talibans blow up schools.

I suppose the British Empire was a Sunday School - and all the natives ate cornflakes. A bharti in disguise is still a bharti.
you're feeding a troll.

normally allowing foreign news channels to broadcast in a host country would be alright.

however as Pakistan is currently in a war situation and being bombed, i think it should curb media freedom and only promote the pov that is best for the country.

under less stressful times freedom of speech/media, for now, no.
Their accents and passports would suggest they were British. You must have missed their videos.

Taliban have never blown a school or bus stop in Britain yet Britian has been blowing up parts of Afghanistan inlcuding killing women and children for the last 10 years.

You need to wake up to reality, too much Fox and BBC I think.

The bombers were trained by you. That's what Pakistan does and has done for a long time. They train terrorists and send them on their way to India etc.

You let clerics preach hatred, you allowed Madrasas to spread hatred. You fermented it against your enemies and at the same time this bought you a false immunity from the terrorists you created.

But as soon as Pakistan took some actions that the terrorists didn't like, they turned on you.

Now many of you in a slightly cowardly way, want to go back to the days where you appeased the terrorists and other people outside of Pakistan paid with their lives.

Now in your country a judge can't even speak out in defence of a woman being executed for blasphemy, without being gunned down.

Is that the kind of society you guys want?

The most worrying thing is that just at a time when Iran is the world's biggest pariah - I see many of you guys saying you should form an alliance with them.

Talk about taking your country backwards.

You're hotheads. You're too aggressive. Too fanatical. You burned effigies of our PM David Cameron because he said you had to work harder against terrorists or something. Very primitive.

Your country is as young as India and Israel - yet look how much further behind you are from them in every department. Socially, economically and politically.

Pakistanis should be forming alliances with India and Israel, not Iran.
Ok, now it's an obvious case of a bharati in disguise. Why did I waste my time... :(
you're feeding a troll.

normally allowing foreign news channels to broadcast in a host country would be alright.

however as Pakistan is currently in a war situation and being bombed, i think it should curb media freedom and only promote the pov that is best for the country.

under less stressful times freedom of speech, for now, no.

Ah, censorship under the guise of national security? :lol:

I think there was a German bloke in the 1930's who had those ideas.
The bombers were trained by you. That's what Pakistan does and has done for a long time. They train terrorists and send them on their way to India etc.

You let clerics preach hatred, you allowed Madrasas to spread hatred. You fermented it against your enemies and at the same time this bought you a false immunity from the terrorists you created.

But as soon as Pakistan took some actions that the terrorists didn't like, they turned on you.

Now many of you in a slightly cowardly way, want to go back to the days where you appeased the terrorists and other people outside of Pakistan paid with their lives.

Now in your country a judge can't even speak out in defence of a woman being executed for blasphemy, without being gunned down.

Is that the kind of society you guys want?

The most worrying thing is that just at a time when Iran is the world's biggest pariah - I see many of you guys saying you should form an alliance with them.

Talk about taking your country backwards.

You're hotheads. You're too aggressive. Too fanatical. You burned effigies of our PM David Cameron because he said you had to work harder against terrorists or something. Very primitive.

Your country is as young as India and Israel - yet look how much further behind you are from them in every department. Socially, economically and politically.

Pakistanis should be forming alliances with India and Israel, not Iran.

In your dreams BHARITI FANBOY.......
I'm not Indian. I just admire India.

I was in Israel a few weeks ago. I think it's time Pakistan made peace with Israel.
The bombers were trained by you. That's what Pakistan does and has done for a long time. They train terrorists and send them on their way to India etc.

You let clerics preach hatred, you allowed Madrasas to spread hatred. You fermented it against your enemies and at the same time this bought you a false immunity from the terrorists you created.

But as soon as Pakistan took some actions that the terrorists didn't like, they turned on you.

Now many of you in a slightly cowardly way, want to go back to the days where you appeased the terrorists and other people outside of Pakistan paid with their lives.

Now in your country a judge can't even speak out in defence of a woman being executed for blasphemy, without being gunned down.

Is that the kind of society you guys want?

The most worrying thing is that just at a time when Iran is the world's biggest pariah - I see many of you guys saying you should form an alliance with them.

Talk about taking your country backwards.

You're hotheads. You're too aggressive. Too fanatical. You burned effigies of our PM David Cameron because he said you had to work harder against terrorists or something. Very primitive.

Your country is as young as India and Israel - yet look how much further behind you are from them in every department. Socially, economically and politically.

Pakistanis should be forming alliances with India and Israel, not Iran.

Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah,


Irony LoL
Ah, censorship under the guise of national security? :lol:

I think there was a German bloke in the 1930's who had those ideas.

or perhaps censorship in the interests on national security.

If you could make a sensible argument, you wouldnt look like an a$$ as you currently do.

---------- Post added at 02:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:04 AM ----------

In your dreams BHARITI FANBOY.......

probably a farti bharati fanboy with all the wind he's coming out with.
Yeah right, like bans on BBC is actually going to stop BBC from being broadcast in Pakistan.
or perhaps censorship in the interests on national security.

If you could make a sensible argument, you wouldnt look like an a$$ as you currently do.

---------- Post added at 02:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:04 AM ----------

He's more like a farti bharati fanboy with all the wind he's coming out with.

Yes, the censoring of text is for national security.

Don't you guys wish you could live in a country where you can be totally free? Where you can decide to drop your religion or change to something else? where if you chose to, you can sit by the beach with a G&T?

Where you can walk hand in hand with your girlfriend in the street without secret police or some morality squad coming after you? I know parts of Pakistan are quite westernised as are parts of Iran - but it's time to move on from all this totalitarian nonsense.

I saw Arab couples in Israel walk hand in hand along the beach having a smooch too.

I think we can all be friends.

The beers are on me.
I know a fair bit about terrorism as it goes. The war will end when we stop Islamists blowing themselves up and the groups/countries that fund them.

I'm sure your economy could do well with regards to providing cheap labour as the Chinese are now starting to outsource because their people don't want to do crap jobs.

What you really need to do is innovate. Muslim countries don't do that. India I think is the second biggest producer of computer software.

You should hook up with India and Israel. Leave the cave-dwellers behind and join us in the developed world.

I think you'll find the west to be very welcoming if you genuinely stop funding and promoting terrorism. Outlaw all Islamist extremist groups who preach death.

India is developed? India is innovative? Compared to China? WTF are you smoking? Did you graduate from Fox News school of neocons or something? I know facts aren't your type's strong point but have some shame :lol:

China has a higher electrification rate than Israel (99% to 97%) btw.
India is developed? India is innovative? Compared to China? WTF are you smoking? Did you graduate from Fox News school of neocons or something? I know facts aren't your type's strong point but have some shame :lol:

China has a higher electrification rate than Israel (99% to 97%) btw.

You can thank Western Media for that. :lol:

They can make Somalia look like an innovative and developed country if they want, and Malaysia or Indonesia look like a poor sub-sahara Africa-like country if they want... in the minds of Western people and the Bharatis.
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