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BBC: Can technology fix India's filth and corruption?

You are mocking India on this but you know very well that this is prevalent in Pakistan as well and even in China until recently. You should address problems in a neutral perspective.

It is illegal in Pakistan and was banned way back in 1949. And I am not mocking. I am informing. Your subjectively rendering it as "mocking". We have to put up with Indian's calling us "terrorist" or "failed" while they apparently they are on Mars. This is "human beasts" of India is a un-gentle reminder of what "fail" looks like. Look below is image of abject failure of India.

"Failed" Pakistan bans Rickshaw 1949 > Lakeland Ledger - Google News Archive Search

However "Shining Mars-India" 2015 > Man as Beast - India

It is illegal in Pakistan and was banned way back in 1949. And I am not mocking. I am informing. Your subjectively rendering it as "mocking". We have to put up with Indian's calling us "terrorist" or "failed" while they apparently they are on Mars. This is "human beasts" of India is a un-gentle reminder of what "fail" looks like. Look below is image of abject failure of India.

"Failed" Pakistan bans Rickshaw 1949 > Lakeland Ledger - Google News Archive Search

However "Shining Mars-India" 2015 > Man as Beast - India

That is one specific problem that is dwarfs in comparison when compared to many other grave issues like forced child labour. I am not defending this particular issue India is facing. All I am saying is, if one is to find an issue regarding poverty in Pakiatan, it's a very simple task so is posting it over and over again in threads of this forum given that there's enough time to waste. The point is, the entire South Asian region has so much to solve rather than mocking one another childishly. This is the 21st century and the century of trade and investment. Performance of South Asia as a region is extremely disappointing when compared to for instance, East Asia. Let's not carry the same disastrous attitudes that made South Asia what it is today.
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It is illegal in Pakistan and was banned way back in 1949. And I am not mocking. I am informing. Your subjectively rendering it as "mocking". We have to put up with Indian's calling us "terrorist" or "failed" while they apparently they are on Mars. This is "human beasts" of India is a un-gentle reminder of what "fail" looks like. Look below is image of abject failure of India.

"Failed" Pakistan bans Rickshaw 1949 > Lakeland Ledger - Google News Archive Search

However "Shining Mars-India" 2015 > Man as Beast - India


well sir, we can post 100s of such human slavery in pakistan... but whats the point? will throwing mud on each other solve the problem??? its better if we concentrate on our own problems rather than our neighbours..... it will make our country better for our fellow countrymen......

He just got divorced and taken to cleaners by his second wife. Give him a break!!

please avoid personal attacks.... thanks...
That is one specific problem that is dwarfs in comparison when compared to many other grave issues like forced child labour. I am not defending this particular issue India is facing. All I am saying is, if one is to find an issue regarding poverty in Pakiatan, it's a very simple task so is posting it over and over again in threads of this forum given that there's enough time to waste. The point is, the entire South Asian region has so much to solve rather than mocking one another childishly. This is the 21st century and the century of trade and investment. Performance of South Asia as a region is extremely disappointing when compared to for instance, East Asia. Let's not carry the same disastrous attitudes that made South Asia what it is today.

Spare me the patronizing lecture. Everything is "just one specific problem" if looked at in isolation. One and one make two with another one making three. I alluded to one daming example of "Mars India". Do you want to give you more more in the long list of litany?

And only you could describe a man ( woman) barefoot pulling like a animal to buy some dall in the evening as "childish". I tell you what is bloody childish. Come here to PDF and opening thread after thread on "Mars, the billionaires, the dazzling Indian exp pat community in USA" and while at home India has 2 milion people that have made the donkeys unemployed because they are cheaper then the donkeys.

I make no fun of the sad, desperate Indian's who have to do this. Rather I dam the Indian government and the wider Indian society that talks of "superpower" or bracket themselves witrh China when this is the sad pathetic state of their unforyunate citizens that would have been better served if fortune had deliverd them in Sub Saharan Africa.

And I take it your some Tamil Sri Kankan apologist for India?

@indianBong This is not anomaly. Rickshaw pulling is not a aberration. No sir it is a industry in India with 2 million, yes 2 million and over half million in New Delhi alone.

Pedaling for Bread: Rickshaw Pullers of Delhi Struggle for a Living - Ritimo

Click > Pedaling for Bread: Rickshaw Pullers of Delhi Struggle for a Living - Ritimo
It is illegal in Pakistan and was banned way back in 1949. And I am not mocking. I am informing. Your subjectively rendering it as "mocking". We have to put up with Indian's calling us "terrorist" or "failed" while they apparently they are on Mars. This is "human beasts" of India is a un-gentle reminder of what "fail" looks like. Look below is image of abject failure of India.

"Failed" Pakistan bans Rickshaw 1949 > Lakeland Ledger - Google News Archive Search

However "Shining Mars-India" 2015 > Man as Beast - India


That's a rickshaw in Japan, pretty much present day. Are we missing something here ? The point ?

BTW.. the word rickshaw originated from the word Jinrikisha. I am no expert on Japanese language, but I believe, that's the Japanese word for it.

With all due respect, you have grown old, but not grown up. You still try to judge others based on what you are, or the way your upbringing has been, perhaps. Guess what ? people are different. They have different cultures and different cultural and traditional professions!

BTW, are you aware of the connection between Tokyo and Kolkata, so far as rickshaws are concerned ? Or can you spot a rickshaw in, say, Bangalore ? Or Hyderabad ? No.. Guess why not ?
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That's a rickshaw in Japan, pretty much present day. Are we missing something here ? The point ?

BTW.. the word rickshaw originated from the word Jinrikisha. I am no expert on Japanese, but I believe, that's the Japanese word for it.

With all due respect, you have grown old, but not grown up. You still try to judge others based on what you are, or the way your upbringing has been, perhaps. Guess what ? people are different. They have different cultures and different cultural and traditional professions!

Very clever. Those are tourist novelties. Try not to compare novelty with what is enforced normality in India. That eway they have small hippy communes in West where group of disenchanted middle class brats live like beggars on the streets. You can't equate that beggary with third world beggary.

And @Samudra Manthan My dog has more style then you. You demonstrate singular inability to defend the points I made and then resort to some pathetic low life attacks on my person. Are you some emasculated eunuch? I got taken to cleaners? I bounce back within a year. Thats what men do. Not pussy bitch like your doing. Your classic South Asian emasculated animal. You would give your right arm for my lifestyle.

Now go find yourself a Rickshaw to pull. Shoo. Have fun and see you later. The stench is too much here.
@indianBong This is not anomaly. Rickshaw pulling is not a aberration. No sir it is a industry in India with 2 million, yes 2 million and over half million in New Delhi alone.

i understand that sir, but you have to understand we aren't a developed country... govt is trying hard to decrease poverty and results have been shown.... at least 2million are not resorting to stealing and dacoity... its hard earned money they have.....nothing wrong in it !! western developed people find them wrong and think it as a form of slavery... well technically it is but it also provides emloyment to a large amount of unskilled illiterate workers....
in delhi alone govt have given rickshaw pullers soft loans for electric autos.. etc etc.... in westbengal large no of rickshaw pullers are there but most are bangladeshi migrants....
and trust me riding rickshaws aren't cheap... there is a sizable amount of money!!! specially during festive season....
And @Samudra Manthan My dog has more style then you. You demonstrate singular inability to defend the points I made and then resort to some pathetic low life attacks on my person. Are you some emasculated eunuch? I got taken to cleaners? I bounce back within a year. Thats what mean do. Not pussy bitch like your doing. Your classic South Asian emasculated animal. You would give your right arm for my lifestyle.

Do not take it out on me just because life has been a bitch to you. See a counsellor, get it off your chest. I understand your agony and wish you well.
Very clever. Those are tourist novelties. Try not to compare novelty with what is enforced normality in India. That eway they have small hippy communes in West where group of disenchanted middle class brats live like beggars on the streets. You can't equate that beggary with third world beggary.

And @Samudra Manthan My dog has more style then you. You demonstrate singular inability to defend the points I made and then resort to some pathetic low life attacks on my person. Are you some emasculated eunuch? I got taken to cleaners? I bounce back within a year. Thats what men do. Not pussy bitch like your doing. Your classic South Asian emasculated animal. You would give your right arm for my lifestyle.

No, its not just about tourists. You visit Tokyo, you will see many of them. Probably the city has grew up and out. But, the pointer here, is they do exist. There could have been candy sellers or other souvenir shops. Why the rickshaw ? Can you see them in Finland ? or Brazil ? Why in Japan ? Let's have a proper answer to that first.

Hence, I later edited my previous post, asking again, "are you aware of the connection between Tokyo and Kolkata, so far as rickshaws are concerned ? Or can you spot a rickshaw in, say, Bangalore ? Or Hyderabad ? No.. Guess why not ?"
you have a point sir, if you see any place where kolkata is shown as a brand, those hand held rickshaws definitely come up in the picture,.....maybe its somewhat became amalgamated with daily culture of a particular place....

Hence, I later edited my previous post, asking again, "are you aware of the connection between Tokyo and Kolkata, so far as rickshaws are concerned ? Or can you spot a rickshaw in, say, Bangalore ? Or Hyderabad ? No.. Guess why not ?
you have a point sir, if you see any place where kolkata is shown as a brand, those hand held rickshaws definitely come up in the picture,.....maybe its somewhat became amalgamated with daily culture of a particular place....
In case it interests you... Brief history of rickshaw

Some guys like @Atanz are using it for scoring some cheap points, without fully understanding it's history. There are more than enough pointers to showcase poverty starting from the highest to the lowest level, in his own country of origin, no rocket science there. The Pakistani govt. had to take loans to pay their govt. staff, in not too distant past. I will not go into all that.
This is a very interesting watch. I'm very encouraged that India is applying advanced technologies to solve these social problems. These efforts are commendable. I'm confident that Modi-ji's 'Clean India' campaign will transform India into a sanitation superpower by 2020!

I find it difficult that india can ever be a clean nation as filth is part of their culture and ideology.

Just imagine people who actually drinks cow piss considering it sacred they are beyond any help.

India makes cola from cow urine - Telegraph
Hindu worshippers drink cow URINE in India to help prevent cancer - Mirror Online

India's river of filth, East Asia News & Top Stories - The Straits Times

what I heard is most of india is not having clean drinking water and they use cow piss as an alternative. I feel like vomiting just writing it . Imagine the smell n all.

Filthy India – not for sensitive viewers! (47 pictures) | memolition
And I take it your some Tamil Sri Kankan apologist for India?

You're very wrong there.. He would be the last person to be a apologist for India.. And I would agree with him word to word in this case, And no i'm not an apologist either.. Rest assure about that, Ask any of those PDF Indians here (PDF Indians tend to be highly jingoistic college kids living in Bollywood fantasies, Among the Indian posters here) that have come across me.. :-)

And only you could describe a man ( woman) barefoot pulling like a animal to buy some dall in the evening as "childish". I tell you what is bloody childish. Come here to PDF and opening thread after thread on "Mars, the billionaires, the dazzling Indian exp pat community in USA" and while at home India has 2 milion people that have made the donkeys unemployed because they are cheaper then the donkeys.

Well those jokers are the other side of the same coin as some posters here putting up innumerable threads on human misery either rape or poverty in India

Remember the best testament of your nation is not from how you view it but from how others do.. So why would you get so worked up about it ? Let them feel good about themselves.. Wont change the realities

But it is not to say that as fellow human beings we should down play every achievement any nation makes in regard to the betterment of their citizens either in India or elsewhere.. If not we are just as petty as those that look down upon us

No, its not just about tourists. You visit Tokyo, you will see many of them.

Still solely as tourist excursions, Mostly done by College kids etc making a extra buck for few hours not as a means of livelihood or employment.. You cant compare them with Rickshaw pullers in India or Dhaka
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