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Barkha Dutt slams Arnab Goswami, says 'ashamed to be from same industry as him'

I think you are confusing two different things.. if the question is whether arnab is stupid.. I would say he is not, he wins TRP war hands down.. if I was a businessman i will probably hire him..
however I am thinking from consumer point of view.. do I have to buy the car thats most people buy.. or the toothpaste most people prefer.. not really.. in a market place when multiple products are on offer, i will chose the one suitable to me... so colgate may be number 1 toothpaste brand but i might prefer close up...

you might watch khan starrer movie and I guess they beat the box office hands down, but I might prefer some indie movie by rajat kapoor... (and I would argue my choice is classier but thats just an opinion)...

The problem is not so simple as u are making it out to be.rnab is a loudmouth,he does not believe in much of a debate and regularly bullies the people on his show.That is all 100 percent true.

But he is the only journalist who takes on cow bhakts,left jholawalas,right wing guys etc all at once.The opinion that he expresses is shared by a vast majority of people and not everyone is non classy or less educated as u and shearer are making it to be.Many of his claims are wrong,no doubt but everyone does mistakes.

The ndtv lead by barkha on the other hand is actually a bastion of the left thinking which is just bad for us.The extreme right is equally bad but if i have to pick a lesser evil i will pick latter because i am not a muslim.If i am a muslim or christian i will side with former though.See its not so easy to pick a side.We need a balance in this thinking
It is the format, The Daily Show since Jon took it over was a satirical show and not a 24 news network show and comparing a Giant like Jon with a loudmouth is not really fair. Jon Stewart from day one has been hammering the hyppocrissy in the 24 hour news network, and if there was someone of Jon's caliber in India's scene, Barkha's Dutts career would be long over after radia tapes. But what Arnab mentioned I am group of people who made Burhan Wani in to a poster boy of Kashmir. did not specifically mention Barkha Dutt, inference by everyone was made to be Barkha Dutt... what does that tell you....

The format does not matter. I have not seen a format like Arnab Goswami's anywhere else. He is quite unique in that sense and he is not a small fish. His show is the most watched English news show in India, if you can call it that. What he is doing right now is adding fuel to the already polarizing fire. He is trying to persuade people that journalists should be tried for treason. What are we now? North Korea? Do you remember how many people opposed the Iraq war? Were they all anti nationals? Should they have been tried for treason? Personally I have no problem with what the government is doing in Kashmir. But I also don't want people to be called anti-nationals and worse, tried and punished because they happen to have a different view on this. My world is not divided among nationalists and anti-nationals. This was never an issue until recently. The government policy in Kashmir has not changed and it has been consistent for decades regardless of the party in power. There were bleeding hearts before too, yet India is in a much better position now than it was 10-15 years ago. But I can't remember a time when there was so much polarization in the society, when every opposing voice was labeled anti-national. Arnab Goswami is just milking the whole anti-national drama but it has long term consequences.

As for Bakha Dutt, I have no love lost for her and yes she should have definitely resigned after the Radia tapes although I am pretty sure that almost every journalist has such ties with politicians and that is true everywhere (DNC leaks?); but when it came out in the public she had a moral obligation to resign. The reason why she is getting targeted here is because this is not the first time Arnab has indirectly aimed at her and he has been consistently after her for a while. Arnab wants to roast her on the Radia issue or other issues? Be my guest. But this whole anti-national drama is way over the top and very dangerous for the society in the long run.
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When will you get it? I don't want your advice (not advise; your lack of basic education is one reason I don't want to hear your opinion on social trends, a far more complicated issue).

And I am not concerned with who has what TRP. You are. Your associates, hangers on and chamchas are.

You should probably cool down,stop taking this seriously.She is not ISI agent or paid by pakistan but she has leftist inclinations which is all very obvious in the way she conducts debates.
If this nation has to survive there are some things which are not upto debate.............and that includes kashmir.Kashmiris dont want to live with us,fine but we wont part with 1 inch of land.If u try to unnecessarily needle people on this emotive tissue and try to go against the national consensus u will get bitten.

But I can't remember a time when there was so much polarization in the society, when every opposing voice was labeled anti-national. Arnab Goswami is just milking the whole anti-national drama but it has long term consequences

This is true,right now we are polarized to the hilt.And yes goswami needs to find his marbles.
Perhaps. I am always open to correction. Never to equivocation

Sorry for being late, was caught up with multiple conversations......

Well i have mentioned 2 things.....

1) Pressitutes 2) Nationalists ...... That was not in my eyes, in the eyes of RW guy (which is quite popular in this forum and elsewhere)....... I was never equating both of them and or comparing them myself...... now let me explain how i feel about the 2 journalists in question....

1) Barkha was the face of Indian journalism after kargil (probably the other guy i could remember before her would be Pranay roy and his world this week), i used to admire her and her way of journalism, one cannot ignore the importance of her reporting during kargil, and the kind of public opinion it gathered...... But these days she has been remembered for what ever wrong thing she did during kargil, just like Indira is remembered for emergency....But over a period of time she has been actively playing a part in Indian politics, which was evident in radia tapes....... While it is perfectly alrite to have a political affiliation, then that would have its impact on her work too, that is when you start doubting her programs.....We all know how political parties use journalists to drive their agenda's and propaganda.....

2) Arnab Goswami was the new face of indian Journalism a 5 or 6 years ago when he started his news hour in times now.... I used to be fan of him, and i really liked the way he took issues and debated it...... i always used to watch his shows, to the level i used to be the only person in my living room at 9, rest of the family would retire as they did not like news on prime time........ But over a period of time arnab started over doing things and became self righteous..... His setting of agenda and lack of respect towards his guest made me sick of his show...... I always used to wonder, why Pakistani guests comes to his show (by the there are few very decent guys who get bashed up) i am sure they get paid well if not, i wont go to a show where my opinions are not valued or listened to...... Today he is a perfect example how a show should not be hosted.......... Now when it comes to political inclination, he is pro BJP or i would say he is more of a pro Modi guy..... I am sure he must have seen his latest PM interview, and compare it with his previous interviews including that of modi..... You will get your answers....

I would say both are different side of the same coin.........

Now coming to the point of hugging middle of the road: I guess you are right here, and i have been that way....... have never shied away from criticising both RW's from both the sides...... Why middle road, probably the way i brought up or the way i lived in...... I lived in a place where Hindu's are minority... ..and have seen the best part of muslims in my child hood, and have seen the worst part later stage...... I live in an apartment which has all the religion living together.... Probably one of the most secular society you could see......
If this nation has to survive there are some things which are not upto debate.............and that includes kashmir.Kashmiris dont want to live with us,fine but we wont part with 1 inch of land.If u try to unnecessarily needle people on this emotive tissue and try to go against the national consensus u will get bitten.

I usually don't agree with you, but this i agree with

This is true,right now we are polarized to the hilt.And yes goswami needs to find his marbles.


Don't blame the Sanghi's , Almost every opposing view point in National media seems to bash the army and support freedom for Kashmir. From Jyotiraja Scindia asking for Plebesite to kanhaiya Kumar to all the Left wing lunatics and others which are given great importance by the Media...

And @Joe Shearer calling terrorists freedom fighters and Army as "Occupation Army" does not help at all.

The Truth many of you self proclaimed neutrals don't like to accept is, Its Either NDA which is development oriented or Third front which will turn India into Bihar. Being neutral in such circumstances is self defeatist.
calling terrorists freedom fighters and Army as "Occupation Army" does not help at all

I dont know who shearer is but he should stop bashing people and stop behaving like that.They are terrorists and kashmir is not debatable.I f we start debate on every state,india will disintegrate in a decade.I dont know why people re so stupid to understand this simple fact.

Plus what is attracting kashmiris to pakistan??Religion is the name of the game there.
The problem is not so simple as u are making it out to be.rnab is a loudmouth,he does not believe in much of a debate and regularly bullies the people on his show.That is all 100 percent true.

But he is the only journalist who takes on cow bhakts,left jholawalas,right wing guys etc all at once.The opinion that he expresses is shared by a vast majority of people and not everyone is non classy or less educated as u and shearer are making it to be.Many of his claims are wrong,no doubt but everyone does mistakes.

The ndtv lead by barkha on the other hand is actually a bastion of the left thinking which is just bad for us.The extreme right is equally bad but if i have to pick a lesser evil i will pick latter because i am not a muslim.If i am a muslim or christian i will side with former though.See its not so easy to pick a side.We need a balance in this thinking
I did not say people who subscribe to conservative right wing ideology are not classy(or less educated), I was specifically pointing to people who watch his show. Its one thing to consider him neutral(I beg to differ and agree with @Adil minhas) and argue that journalist should be visibly neutral, but another to actually watch the circus...

its the difference between supporting the idea of betting in a village market to boost local economy and actually watching cock fight while wearling lungi and scraching balls... and I dont mind the later but dont want to be one.. :)
Its Either NDA which is development oriented or Third front which will turn India into Bihar....
Amen,Truth has been spoken.
There is no absolute best here but lesser of the two evils and third front means india is fucked to put it mildly.
I dont know who shearer is but he should stop bashing people and stop behaving like that.They are terrorists and kashmir is not debatable.I f we start debate on every state,india will disintegrate in a decade.I dont know why people re so stupid to understand this simple fact.

Plus what is attracting kashmiris to pakistan??Religion is the name of the game there.
everything in the world is debatable... why is it not debatable? do you trust everything your govt says? if yes, why?
everything in the world is debatable... why is it not debatable? do you trust everything your govt says? if yes, why?

The society is not mature enough for such debates.
Plus we have different problems here unlike the west with a very homogeneous population made of 1 major religion and a way of life.None of that is applicable in india.

And lastly secession is not debatable when the reason given is different religion,when those very people want to join ur sworn enemy and are inspired by ISIS thugs.That is just relpolitik.

do you trust everything your govt says

I dont but then not everyone is as educated or well read as me.Accept the facts here.90 percent of people in subcontinent are too stupid to even know what they stand for and why.:sarcastic:
The society is not mature enough for such debates.
Plus we have different problems here unlike the west with a very homogeneous population made of 1 major religion and a way of life.None of that is applicable in india.

And lastly secession is not debatable when the reason given is different religion,when those very people want to join ur sworn enemy and are inspired by ISIS thugs.That is just relpolitik.
well then, be my guest and change the law.. mention that once govt calls somebody terrorist, he/she is terrorist....
or in short term, why not go to court and get people arrested for opposing govt's view?

The reason why India is still livable by variety of people who may not like each other very much, is because we still got some freedom.. you take that away, you bring more terrorism in.... as a minority yourself you should know this better... tomorrow situation may change and govt can say xyz singh is terrorist... are we just supposed to say yes and not even dissent? for what? unity?
India is not north korea or china... and should not even try to be.

India is doing pretty well and can afford dissent.. there is no national calamity or coup... our society is used to political dissent.. we are politically more mature than many countries in the world... we should take the next logical step and become more open like west...
well then, be my guest and change the law.. mention that once govt calls somebody terrorist, he/she is terrorists....
or in short term, why not go to court and get people arrested for opposing govt's view?

The reason why India is still livable by variety of people who may not like each other very much, is because we still got some freedom.. you take that away, you bring more terrorism in.... as a minority yourself you should know this better... tomorrow situation may change and govt can say xyz singh is terrorist... are we just supposed to say yes and not even dissent? for what? unity?
India is not north korea or china... and should not even try to be.

I dont support that shit,as i said people are not naunced to get this and it will take decades to drive home this point.Not just right wing,the other party is to be blamed too.

I am just commenting on issues of kashmir or assam.The rest of the bullshit of bjp like cow slaughter ban etc does not get my support and neither does the stupid statements from loudmouths.
There should be a trial by combat between these Barkha Dutt and arnab Goswami :pop:
I dont support that shit,as i said people are not naunced to get this and it will take decades to drive home this point.Not just right wing,the other party is to be blamed too.

I am just commenting on issues of kashmir or assam.The rest of the bullshit of bjp like cow slaughter ban etc does not get my support and neither does the stupid statements from loudmouths.
I am specifically talking about kashmir.. why saying wani is not terrorist(actually she did not say that.. she only missed the terrorist bit, possibly on purpose)... is so dangerous... govt thinks he is terrorist.. you think he is terrorist... I think he is not.... tomorrow more info comes I might change my mind and call him terrorist... kya paap kar diya?

I know with 24/7 news everything looks scary.. oh if you allow leftists to say this tomorrow every indians will agree and then kashmir goes and hindus and sikhs deadbodies in train.... just relax.... even with ISIS and terrorism we are at much better place now than ever before.. in your excitement to make everything the way you want, don't destroy whatever you got..
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