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Barkha Dutt slams Arnab Goswami, says 'ashamed to be from same industry as him'

I think you are misconstruing here, correct me but I think the loudmouth said put on trial (which could be various communication made with malice, libel or defamation, ) and then Section 124A of the 1860 penal code, outlaws expression that can cause “hatred or contempt, or excites or attempts to excite disaffection,” but did not say treason specifically. He said terrorist sympathizers should be on trial, it's a suggestion made to his panelists and viewers by him. The government did not take him seriously.

I have to be honest here. I have not watched his show and I do not have the patience to sit through his verbal diarrhea for an hour. But it seems even you are not clear what kind of trial he exactly wants and more importantly against whom and on what charges. Who are these terrorist sympathizers he is talking about? Why does not he name them? That is precisely the point I was making. He lacks specificity. It's an anonymous hitjob which is nothing but cowardice in my eyes. It's a typical scare mongering tactic to create hysteria, fuel polarization and earn higher TRPs.

BTW on a different topic, NDTV did report out sensitive classified drills operation of nuclear sub. If anything that should be something for which there should have been a probe of why NDTV got out classified information and published it without clearance.


And irrespective, he has not named Barkha, if Barkha is the name that pops out when it comes to Pro-Pakistan Psuedo Secular, then maybe there is more to know here.

Maybe but Arnab's tactics of slowly and systematically bullying someone are despicable. As I said before, this is not the first time he has done it. It is a carefully crafted campaign. He would give subtle hints such as Radia-famed journalist etc but wouldn't name her. Then his social media team, along with the usual army of right wing trolls would trend #ArnabSlapsBurkha with often vile, vulgar tweets. Sorry, that does not have my support. If he has something concrete against her, he should come forward and present them like a true journalist would. His current tactics are nothing but below the belt bullying.

And why are Journalists above questioning, if Ministers are corrupt and attempt to excite disaffection, there is no problem when Arnab calls them out to be put under trial, same for corrupt bureaucrats and businessman, no one cries foul there. Now here is a journalist who actively tags a Hizbul Mujhahideen Commander as "Poster boy of Kashmir jihad", for three days the news in NDTV - Oh look at the terrible horrible government in the center that HSC topper becomes a terrorist, headmasters son picked up a gun, budding cricketer now has picked u weapons.... Arnab's show is opinionated, his opinion is such yellow journalism seems to have a well defined agenda behind it, and should be put on trial.

I may not agree to what he is saying, but he has the right to put his opinion forward just like JNU's students have say "Har ghar se Afzal Nikelega", JNU professor has the right to say "40% of India is under military occupation and Kashmir is illegaly occupied by Indian Armed forces" and Barkha has the right call Burhan Wani as "Poster boy of kashmir Jihad" - Why have different yardsticks , freedom of speech protections not just meant for jhola chaap left wing puppies

No, journalists are not above questioning and that is why I am questioning Arnab and his bullying tactics. Arnab has a right to make his point and I have a right to criticize him. I did not call for a ban on his show or to put him on trial for expressing his opinion.

Anyway, I am going off on a vacation today and won't be here for a while. Have a great day!
"If he has something concrete against her, he should come forward and present them like a true journalist would"
Well said @jaunty
So Wani was not a terrorist according to some, openly associating himself with Hizbul was a small anamoly, asking people to kill armed forces is his anger speaking.

Carrying ak-47 and grenades is after all what normal people do. Thanks for showing that we in India are so bigoted that a call for caliphate being set up is peaceful.
I have to be honest here. I have not watched his show and I do not have the patience to sit through his verbal diarrhea for an hour. But it seems even you are not clear what kind of trial he exactly wants and more importantly against whom and on what charges. Who are these terrorist sympathizers he is talking about? Why does not he name them? That is precisely the point I was making. He lacks specificity. It's an anonymous hitjob which is nothing but cowardice in my eyes. It's a typical scare mongering tactic to create hysteria, fuel polarization and earn higher TRPs.


Maybe but Arnab's tactics of slowly and systematically bullying someone are despicable. As I said before, this is not the first time he has done it. It is a carefully crafted campaign. He would give subtle hints such as Radia-famed journalist etc but wouldn't name her. Then his social media team, along with the usual army of right wing trolls would trend #ArnabSlapsBurkha with often vile, vulgar tweets. Sorry, that does not have my support. If he has something concrete against her, he should come forward and present them like a true journalist would. His current tactics are nothing but below the belt bullying.

No, journalists are not above questioning and that is why I am questioning Arnab and his bullying tactics. Arnab has a right to make his point and I have a right to criticize him. I did not call for a ban on his show or to put him on trial for expressing his opinion.

Anyway, I am going off on a vacation today and won't be here for a while. Have a great day!

When the 'fight against Arnab’s tyranny' morphed into another Newshour

Who would have thought? The media, TV anchors to be more specific, are now important enough, to merit a full-fledged raging, "ideological" debate that has consumed the country.

Chalo, I will live with that. But what is amusing, is the hypocrisy of this debate.

First, the caveat. This is in no way an endorsement of what Arnab Goswami says, or asks for. The limited point is that the outrage against him, takes exactly the same trajectory, uses exactly the same devices, that Arnab does each night. And which earns him a lot of hate.

Sample 1: To confront people, and demand that they take a stand.

Once unaffiliated people land up on "The Newshour", they have nowhere to run or hide. It’s always, A and B vs C and D. A and B "support Burhan encounter", C and D "call it extra-judicial killing".


Likewise, l’affaire Arnab and Barkha.


Also read: Barkha Dutt rips apart Arnab Goswami in an FB post

To drive people into a corner, and practically harangue them into taking a side, is unfair, and borderline bullying. It helps also, when you have a number of like-minded people online, also backing you up in this campaign.

Anyone who just wants to take his time to join the debate, or not take a stand at all, is branded as cowardly or disingenuous.

Sample 2: Boil the debate down to binaries.

Isn’t this the "you’re either with us or against us" mechanism, used by Arnab as a template for his debates, that most people find unacceptable?

What happened to nuance in a debate?


Barkha Dutt has even asked a prominent columnist, 'what could possibly be the other side of this debate?'
In fact, in the exchanges we see online, Dutt has even asked a prominent columnist, "what could possibly be the other side of this debate?"

Well, the other side could be, that while a third person doesn’t subscribe to the language used by Goswami, he/she could agree with him to the extent that Dutt’s reportage has seemed lop-sided/biased/even unfair to him/her. (This, again, is only to give an example.)

Sample 3: Look down and ridicule any opposing point of view.

Goswami has a habit of deciding the outcome of a debate beforehand. It’s not really a debate at all, in fact. The right answer is pre-decided, and all participants have the option of agreeing, or be ridiculed as corrupt/misguided/anti-national/liars.

So, in the narrative around the present debate runs thus: Who is Goswami to tell us what our opinion should be? He’s a boorish, "ignorant" man at best. And the "government’s rottweiler" at worst.

Also read: The anti-national’s guide to Indian nationalists

Don’t miss either the snide, "we reported XYZ side of the story from the ground, not from behind the table of his A/C studio".

Now, while Dutt’s wide repertoire of reporting is well-respected, Goswami also deserves credit for re-inventing his channel almost single-handedly "from behind his table in his A/C studio".

The people who have railed against Arnab’s use of strong language have not shied away from calling him "a threat to national security", and "a dirty troll".

Not to mention the fact, that Dutt has even gone on to tell fellow anchors who took up this issue on air that they "haven’t framed the debate correctly", or "are asking the wrong questions".

To sum up, no one is above board in this "debate". There are problems on both sides.

And everyone has the right to NOT TAKE A BLOODY SIDE IF THEY DON’T WANT TO.

So when you want to "take down" Arnab Goswami, you will do well to not sound like Arnab minus the spectacles... Burning questions and all.

Barha is getting desperate now. She should drink lassi and relax. She used to be a journalist, now is a news anchor. No comment was pointed at her :lol::lol:
Only if egoistic Arknob Cowswami was dalit, alas bad luck. Till BJP and darinda Modi is in power its all bad news for India. Barkha and friends were right, they proved their intellect. Just wish this tenure ends quick so we all can take a fresh deep breath.
Self created controversy by Barkha to take the spot light off the fact that Hafeez Saeed, a known terrorist, thanked her for her "good work" in Kashmir!

She hopes to stir up enough trouble so that everyone ends up discussing the" facist" ways of the right and nobody looks closely at why she is being thanked and supported so lovingly from across the border. Arnab never called for curbs on free press in India.
Only if egoistic Arknob Cowswami was dalit, alas bad luck. Till BJP and darinda Modi is in power its all bad news for India. Barkha and friends were right, they proved their intellect. Just wish this tenure ends quick so we all can take a fresh deep breath.

LOL ; That was a joke ; Right
Can anyone post a video of her about wani??
I,nowadays rarely follow or watch news as i used to due to professional commitments.
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