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Banu CTD Siege ends with 2 SSG personnel martyred along with all Terrorists

When SpecOps of other countries carry out operations they do not have as many casualties as ours do.. why ?..
SAS/USNS etc..
AT tactics and strategies need to be revised and lot of introspection done.. loss if 1 SSG is too much..
Twat generals should spend allocated money on equipment and training and not DHA and wedding halls…
Because the reality is that our army is decent at best with the resources we have. Nowhere near as well trained and equipped as first world country's special forces. We still live in a false fantasy of being lumber1 army.
May Allah swt shower his blessings on the brave sons of soil who embraced shahadat and gave the ultimate sacrifice. May they be granted paradise inshAllah.
Extremely sad to hear of the loss of life of our jawans. They’ve proven yet again their lionheart valiant love for the country.
We will always be indebted to them.
As for the khanzeer scum, i strongly think its time we either nuke them or time to send some thunders to light em up in their hideouts in the entire region, make living a pure hell for them!!
As for ops in these situations, time to get and use specialized robots and weaponry to use on such terrorists
Or use proxies. Many groups and stakeholders in Afghanistan will do tasks for you for the right price. Exploit the fault lines in Afghanistan and use them to your advantage to eliminate your enemies by using your enemies. For Taliban or other groups, a common enemy unites them like we seen with usa. Pakistan being an enemy will unite them. But right now we see so much friction in TB and TB vs other groups, we shouldn’t interfere and be the cause to unite them. We should exploit their divisions and keep them engaged with each other so they don’t turn our guns on us. Even if ssg is required for special ops, why do it openly? Send them in disguised as some militia groups and do the task. Also we have many pro Pakistani state, Pakistani citizens who are veterans who fought in Afghanistan against many different enemies. Learn to use them and not make them your enemy. If needed create a HTS style group in Afghanistan loyal to us like HTS is to Turkey. We can truly make Afghanistan our backyard and tame them at a fraction of the cost if we invaded. We can even have the benefit of the ones loyal to us helping us on our eastern front (even tho already many Afghans have fought for us in Kashmir).
Solution to Afghanistan is strengthen ISI and let them do whatever they want in Afghanistan to keep out western front pacified.
ISI has been active like this.

the purpose of raising LCB was to relieve SSG from COIN operations but since it was raised I have not seen if SSG has been completely replaced.
just like our ability to provide security to Chinese working on CPEC , the promise of LCB seems to have fizzled out.

UNLESS, UNLESS it is just misreporting and all or most of these IBO's and this curent hostage rescue operation was indeed conducted by LCB but was misquoted as SSG by ignorant reporting.

SSG is our top tier special forces unit which is trained for much bigger and complex operations that hurt a conventional enemy but it is being expended (true loss of specialist personnel trained to fight Indian military) on fighting the TTP for over 20 years .

the LCB must take on the specialist role of Urban warfare and COIN ops without the need for specialist courses like UTD, HALO, Mountain warfare etc. they can always train with the premier special forces branches but they should be the ultimate goto force for all hostage rescue, COIN and IBO operations within the country.
You are right, LCBs were raised as COIN units to replace SSG in SF Ops.

I have been checking, MRAPs have foremost been granted to LCB units in Army.
Aren't other units within SSG as efficiently trained as Zarrar for hostage rescue ops ?? Are there other particular specializations of other units, where Zarrar isn't as efficient??
All other formations of different forces are trained by SSG.

Zarrar ATU is premier unit and other ones come after that.
Wah, this is SSG ? American Traffic Police is better fighting force than our Top Tier SF, the amount SSG soldiers died in such incidents raise a serious question on their training, they can't fight TTP without loss, and they intend to fight IA ? Allah Khair kare.
We can run successful operation after operation but our foundation is weak. We need stable government, stable economy and focus on law and order. Every institution needs to focus on their primary job and only then we can have long term success.
besides three arrests, seven terrorists surrendered

This will lead to IBOs in future. That is the starting step for further operations. Other things can be speculated at this stage.
... they can't fight TTP without loss, and they intend to fight IA ?

No worry. Thy don't have any intention, whatsoever, to fight IA. Their main target would remain, for quite some time, IK/PTI. Territorial battles would be restricted to DHAs.
A few years ago a black man was killed in St. Louis by police, I followed that event closely. There were some protests around some business districts and threats made to stop the businesses to run until the "white man" was put in jail. I was shocked, they deployed Army reserves (they call them national guards I think). Humvees with tactical machine guns and full gear. It looked like Afghanistan. Why? You can't challenge a country's system and state's writ, period! Same was the case here. What was most embarrassing was that this is CTD's regional HQ. You'd expect the anti-terrorism force would know how to ensure safety internally.....

i am not going to argue one way or the other. We are not deploying Delta Forces or Navy Seals
No worry. Thy don't have any intention, whatsoever, to fight IA. Their main target would remain, for quite some time, IK/PTI. Territorial battles would be restricted to DHAs.
This is SSG man, they are dying like Sindh Police, where is their Top tier gear ? or training or drones ? or those useless robots with guns and other BS ? seriously weak Prisoners manage to took out 2 SSG, I doubt this SF can do anything behind enemy lines if War is to be fought with India, RSS chaddi Army with Lathi's will be giving our SSG tough times. Who is training them ? why is there are hundreds of SSG died in operations without a single inquiry or accountability on SSG training and top General ? oh wait....
This is SSG man, they are dying like Sindh Police, where is their Top tier gear ? or training or drones ? or those useless robots with guns and other BS ? seriously weak Prisoners manage to took out 2 SSG, I doubt this SF can do anything behind enemy lines if War is to be fought with India, RSS chaddi Army with Lathi's will be giving our SSG tough times. Who is training them ? why is there are hundreds of SSG died in operations without a single inquiry or accountability on SSG training and top General ? oh wait....

We must accept this bitter fact that security and defense are not the top priorities of our Generals. They are fully concentrated on politics and property management, besides involved in criminal activities. That is all. I have no confusion, in this regard.
The cost of complacency, dirty politics and incompetence of ruling elite is paid by young men by their blood. This has been a story since the inception of Pakistan and unfortunately this seems to be a future strategy as well.

The comments from some posters crosses all the limits of disrespect towards their own soldiers, others are blaming only one stakeholder while all others are being presented as some king of angels.

I don't know why this forum has allowed the stereotypical statements against institutions and groups.
Khawaja Asif made a statement that the oerpation has ended. all terrorists are killed while about 10 or more commands are injured and 2 SSG commandos also died.


Sir, Wit due respect, I request you to please edit and use appropriate word for our Shaheeds. Thank you.
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