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Bangovax human trial officially approved

Pre-clinical studies have shown that the vaccine is tolerable and safe in human cells and animals. Globe Biotech claims that this vaccine will protect the human body for at least 6 months.
Is this 6 months limitation applies to all other corona vaccines so far developed here and there? I am surprised because, in my school days when I got vaccinated multiple times against many diseases, I heard that a vaccine lasts lifelong.

So, I wonder why they say it is for 6 months only? Please someone with knowledge come out to say a few words.

Is this 6 months limitation applies to all other corona vaccines so far developed here and there? I am surprised because, in my school days when I got vaccinated multiple times against many diseases, I heard that a vaccine lasts lifelong.

So, I wonder why they say it is for 6 months only? Please someone with knowledge come out to say a few words.

None of the vaccines are expected to provide lifelong protection:

Is this 6 months limitation applies to all other corona vaccines so far developed here and there? I am surprised because, in my school days when I got vaccinated multiple times against many diseases, I heard that a vaccine lasts lifelong.

So, I wonder why they say it is for 6 months only? Please someone with knowledge come out to say a few words.


Korona is a version of the common cold... it is mutating and changing all the time. Hence vaccine dont work. Just like for the common cold the elderly get a flu jab before winter each year for covid we are likely to need booster jab once on twice a year for atleast the next few years until globally it has been contained. The composition of the flu jab changes each year.
Korona is a version of the common cold... it is mutating and changing all the time. Hence vaccine dont work. Just like for the common cold the elderly get a flu jab before winter each year for covid we are likely to need booster jab once on twice a year for atleast the next few years until globally it has been contained. The composition of the flu jab changes each year.

Good explanation.

One thing to add is that it may be possible to not give a booster till maybe 2 years later as it all depends on how long immunity lasts and also what new variants are in circulation.

This mRNA vaccine that BD has developed could potentially be able to target a very broad range of possible variants and so if immunity can be mantained for a long time(> 1 year) it will stop the need to give yearly boosters. One advantage of this virus is that it cannot mutate as much as the flu as otherwise it will no longer be able to bind to human host cells and so become harmless.

BD needs to build a genome-sequencing infrastructure like the UK already has in order to keep track of the variants in circulation in the country.
Good explanation.

One thing to add is that it may be possible to not give a booster till maybe 2 years later as it all depends on how long immunity lasts and also what new variants are in circulation.

This mRNA vaccine that BD has developed could potentially be able to target a very broad range of possible variants and so if immunity can be mantained for a long time(> 1 year) it will stop the need to give yearly boosters. One advantage of this virus is that it cannot mutate as much as the flu as otherwise it will no longer be able to bind to human host cells and so become harmless.

BD needs to build a genome-sequencing infrastructure like the UK already has in order to keep track of the variants in circulation in the country.

I have had the phizer vaccine.... i was told i would be getting a booster around november... the vaccine efficacy is around 6 months after the second jab...
I have had the phizer vaccine.... i was told i would be getting a booster around november... the vaccine efficacy is around 6 months after the second jab...

No-one knows how long the efficacy lasts after 2nd dose for obvious reasons.

They are probably going to give you a tweaked booster to better cater for new variants as Pfizer gives lower efficacy for variants like the S African etc.

AstraZeneca are also planning to have a modified vaccine ready for September better able to deal with the S African and other similar variants.

2nd gen of vaccines currently in development will maybe able to offer protection against all theoretical variants that can bind to human host cells.
No-one knows how long the efficacy lasts after 2nd dose for obvious reasons.

They are probably going to give you a tweaked booster to better cater for new variants as Pfizer gives lower efficacy for variants like the S African etc.

AstraZeneca are also planning to have a modified vaccine ready for September better able to deal with the S African and other similar variants.

2nd gen of vaccines currently in development will maybe able to offer protection against all theoretical variants that can bind to human host cells.
Do the boosters need to be of the same brand as the original ones?? Since BD has no access to Astrazeneca anymore would a booster from sino or bongo work for people who already took astrazeneca?
Do the boosters need to be of the same brand as the original ones?? Since BD has no access to Astrazeneca anymore would a booster from sino or bongo work for people who already took astrazeneca?

I think there are trials currently going on of various different combinations of vaccines. Hopefully efficacy results will be out later this year that prove a mix and match of vaccines work.

In theory it should work but this unchartered territory with these new vaccines of course.
Do the boosters need to be of the same brand as the original ones?? Since BD has no access to Astrazeneca anymore would a booster from sino or bongo work for people who already took astrazeneca?
I think there are trials currently going on of various different combinations of vaccines. Hopefully efficacy results will be out later this year that prove a mix and match of vaccines work.

In theory it should work but this unchartered territory with these new vaccines of course.

Once you have had the second dose of a two-shot vaccine, I don't think it would hurt to switch to a different vaccine for boosters. It would ease logistics significantly for the government if people switch vaccines around in pairs for two shot vaccines.
Once you have had the second dose of a two-shot vaccine, I don't think it would hurt to switch to a different vaccine for boosters. It would ease logistics significantly for the government if people switch vaccines around in pairs for two shot vaccines.

Yes but as the vaccines use different types of tech and they work in slightly different ways, you need to know whether it actually works before going ahead.

Remember theory is not the same always as what happens in reality.
No-one knows how long the efficacy lasts after 2nd dose for obvious reasons.

They are probably going to give you a tweaked booster to better cater for new variants as Pfizer gives lower efficacy for variants like the S African etc.

AstraZeneca are also planning to have a modified vaccine ready for September better able to deal with the S African and other similar variants.

2nd gen of vaccines currently in development will maybe able to offer protection against all theoretical variants that can bind to human host cells.

I would not stop wearing the masks and sanitize everything, just to be safe.

The world has changed, the sooner we realize this, the better.

No back to normal anytime soon.
I would not stop wearing the masks and sanitize everything, just to be safe.

For the relatively young and healthy, exposure to pathogens helps keep the immune system fighting fit.
Everything in moderation is probably best. Oh yes, as always seek medical advise from a qualified health care professional and don't listen to random nobodies on the internet. :enjoy:
Let us take a step back here.

There is no guarantee right now on the effectiveness of this vaccine. The German Curavac mRNA vaccine had only 47% effectiveness against infection and so missing the WHO's 50% floor.

This only shows how much BionTech/Pfizer and Moderna have achieved with their mRNA vaccines.

While we all hope that this vaccine succeeds when the results of the phase 3 human trials are annouced at the end of this year, there can be no complacency that it is a dead-cert to be successful.

PS - Remember that Sanofi's vaccine was also shown to not be effective in phase 1/2 trials and so vaccines can and do fail to hit minimum efficacy levels to be approved by the regulators.

Even so, real experience in mRNA techniques is still a valuable outcome for Bangladesh even if the Bongo vaccine itself isn't as efficacious as Pfizer or Moderna. At least you will be ahead of the curve when the next pandemic hits.
For the relatively young and healthy, exposure to pathogens helps keep the immune system fighting fit.
Everything in moderation is probably best. Oh yes, as always seek medical advise from a qualified health care professional and don't listen to random nobodies on the internet. :enjoy:

Even so, real experience in mRNA techniques is still a valuable outcome for Bangladesh even if the Bongo vaccine itself isn't as efficacious as Pfizer or Moderna. At least you will be ahead of the curve when the next pandemic hits.

Here is there production facility. They may not have images of Globe Biotech division yet, which is a new facility.

I don't want to rain on everyone's parade here, but Globe Biotech doesn't have any history of drug development. From going zero to a succesful mRNA vaccine production is going to be hard. But props to them for taking the initiative
I would not stop wearing the masks and sanitize everything, just to be safe.

The world has changed, the sooner we realize this, the better.

No back to normal anytime soon.

I used to get terrible allergies. Once I started wearing masks they all went away. COVID really woke me up to just how absolutely filthy the air is everywhere.

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