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Bangladeshis going to India in huge number every day

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Bangladeshis really consider India their second home. Trust me. Nothing is stopping Bangladeshi to go India every day. Indian BJP may rant on Bangladeshis for cow smuggling and illegal migration but legal migrants are also huge in number. Every day it is increasing. Indians and Bangladeshis are really twin brothers. :cheers:

Bangladeshis going to India in huge number every day


Though the passage of the passport passengers traveling on the pilgrimage trip to Benapole check post Immigration and custom officials from both countries are happy to manage the passengers.

Even after the Eid holiday, every day Bangladeshis going to India from the Benapole checkpost, 5 to 6 thousand passengers every day. Someone is going to visit India for treatment, someone to visit the country, someone to visit relatives. Bangladeshi going to India from different districts after entering the country after the formation of the Benapole checkpost immigration, Indian police set them on line in the no-mansland area for a long time in the passport and bag serial. Indian police have questioned these passenger addresses of long line people, visa tenure, where to stay in India.

Passengers complained that Indian laborers are making money from the passenger and they have the opportunity to enter India by line. As a result, the delayed entry of passengers in India is delayed. Passengers are suffering from this. Women, children, patients and old people are being victimized more.

It takes longer time in India to take the time to seal a passport in Bangladesh. Every day passengers entering the no-man land area to enter India at 8 am, they are entering India at noon. In no-man's land area, passengers are getting sick due to sun and sunset due to no passenger camps.

Benapole Sonali Bank Manager ARM Rakibul Hasan said that on the 6th of June from 9th June, 15 thousand 931 passengers of the country have collected traveler from the bank booths, which amounted to Tk 80 lakh from government revenue.

Read more: Accepting chargesheet in Nusrat murder case, next hearing on June 20

Benapole Check Post Immigration OC Md. Abul Bashar Mia said that after the Eid, every 5 to 6 thousand passengers going to India every day with the Benapole check post. Almost equal number of passengers coming from India. From June 6 to June 9, 3 to 51 minutes, there were 32 thousand 630 passport passengers in India and Bangladesh. Passengers are suffering due to lack of arrangement for the passengers in the No-Mansland area. In Benapole immigration, there is no problem, but due to the slow pace of the Indian immigration authorities, the passengers who arrived in the morning were entering India on noon.


বেনাপোলে ভারতগামী যাত্রীদের ঢল

কাজী শাহ্জাহান সবুজ, বেনাপোল (যশোর) সংবাদদাতা
১৪:৪৯, ১০ জুন, ২০১৯

বাংলাদেশ-ভারত নো-ম্যান্সল্যান্ডে যাত্রীদের দীর্ঘলাইন। ছবি : ইত্তেফাক

ঈদের ছুটি শেষ হলেও ভ্রমণ পিপাসু ভারতগামী পাসপোর্ট যাত্রীদের ঢল নেমেছে বেনাপোল চেকপোস্টে। যাত্রীদের সামাল দিতে হিমসিম খাচ্ছে দুদেশের ইমিগ্রেশন ও কাস্টম কর্মকর্তারা।

ঈদের ছুটি শেষ হলেও প্রতিদিন বেনাপোল চেকপোস্ট দিয়ে ভারতে যাচ্ছে ৫ থেকে ৬ হাজার পাসপোর্ট যাত্রী। কেউ চিকিৎসা, কেউ বেড়াতে, কেউ বা যাচ্ছে আত্মীয় স্বজনের সঙ্গে দেখা করতে। দেশের বিভিন্ন জেলা থেকে আসা এসব যাত্রীরা ভারতে যাওয়ার সময় বেনাপোল চেকপোস্ট ইমিগ্রেশনের আনুষ্ঠানিকতা শেষে ভারতে ঢুকতেই নো-ম্যান্সল্যান্ড এলাকায় ভারতীয় পুলিশ তাদেরকে লাইনে দাড় করিয়ে পাসপোর্ট ও ব্যাগ সিরিয়ালে দেখছে দীর্ঘক্ষন ধরে। দীর্ঘলাইনের এসব যাত্রীদের পাসপোর্টের ঠিকানা, ভিসার মেয়াদ, ভারতে কোথায় অবস্থান করবেন এসব নানা প্রশ্ন করছে ভারতীয় পুলিশ।

যাত্রীরা অভিযোগ করেন, ভারতীয় লেবার যাত্রীদের কাছ থেকে টাকা নিয়ে লাইনের পাশ দিয়ে ভারতে প্রবেশের সুযোগ সৃষ্টি করে দিচ্ছে। ফলে লাইনে থাকা যাত্রীদের ভারতে প্রবেশ করতে বিলম্ব হচ্ছে। এতে ভোগান্তিতে পড়েছেন যাত্রীরা। বেশি ভোগান্তির শিকার হচ্ছে নারী-শিশু, রোগী ও বৃদ্ধরা।

বাংলাদেশে একটি পাসপোর্টে সিল মারতে যে সময় লাগে সেখানে ভারতে তার থেকে সময় বেশি লাগে। প্রতিদিন যে সব যাত্রী সকাল ৮টার সময় ভারতে ঢোকার জন্য নো-ম্যান্স ল্যান্ড এলাকায় লাইনে দাঁড়ায় তারা দুপুরের দিকে ভারতে প্রবেশ করছে। নো-ম্যান্স ল্যান্ড এলাকায় কোন যাত্রী ছাউনি না থাকায় রোদ ও গরমে যাত্রীরা অসুস্থ হয়ে পড়ছে।

বেনাপোল সোনালী ব্যাংকের ম্যানেজার এ আর এম রকিবুল হাসান জানান, গত ৬ থেকে ৯ জুন দুপুর ৩টা ৪৫ মিনিট পর্যন্ত ভারতগামী ১৫ হাজার ৯৩১ জন পাসপোর্ট যাত্রী এ ব্যাংক বুথ থেকে ভ্রমণকর সংগ্রহ করেছে, যা থেকে সরকারের রাজস্ব আয় হয়েছে ৮০ লাখ টাকা।

এ ব্যাপারে বেনাপোল চেকপোস্ট ইমিগ্রেশন ওসি মো. আবুল বাশার মিয়া জানান, ঈদের পর বেনাপোল চেকপোস্ট দিয়ে প্রতিদিন ৫ থেকে ৬ হাজার যাত্রী ভারতে যাচ্ছে। ভারত থেকে আসছেও প্রায় সম পরিমাণ যাত্রী। ৬ জুন থেকে ৯ জুন দুপুর ৩টা ৫১ মিনিট পর্যন্ত এ পথে ভারত-বাংলাদেশ যাতায়াত করেছে ৩২ হাজার ৬৩০ জন পাসপোর্ট যাত্রী। নো-ম্যান্সল্যান্ড এলাকায় যাত্রী ছাউনির ব্যবস্থা না থাকায় যাত্রীরা কষ্ট পাচ্ছে। বেনাপোল ইমিগ্রেশনে তেমন কোন সমস্যা না হলেও ভারতীয় ইমিগ্রেশন কর্তৃপক্ষের ধীর গতির কারণে সকালে আসা যাত্রীরা দুপুরে ভারতে প্রবেশ করছে।

It can become first home, jolly easily..
It's all about money dude.

Chinese are now investing over 2 billion US dollars in a single steel mill.
Just the power sector in BD has attracted a cool 7 billion US dollars from China.

The WHOLE world is now rushing into BD to take a slice of the fastest growing large economy in the world and the Chinese do not want to lose out. BD can openly criticise and undermine China in the international arena and still they have to come to BD.;)

Evidence that the whole world is rushing to bangladesh for it's economic miracle and streets of gold? Also, evidence that the Global Chinese superpower is reliant on the bangladeshi economy. Do you also have evidence that the American economy is reliant on that of bangladesh's?
Evidence that the whole world is rushing to bangladesh for it's economic miracle and streets of gold? Also, evidence that the Global Chinese superpower is reliant on the bangladeshi economy. Do you also have evidence that the American economy is reliant on that of bangladesh's?


"According to the MoU details, the Switzerland unit of GE will own 30 per cent of the joint venture, while BPDB will hold 51 per cent with the remaining 19 per cent left for a future strategic investor.

The development of 5,600-acre land is estimated to cost $1.6 billion and the power plant will cost $2.8 billion"

So GE puts nearly 1 and a half billion US dollars of it's own money into this massive power plant. This is what kind of calibre that BD is able to attract being the FASTEST growing large economy in the planet.


Want to know how the whole world(including China) now wants in on the 16-18 billion US dollar contract for the 2nd power station to be built by 2030?

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Let me be honest. I am Muslim. Practicing Muslim. I like Indians and Pakistanis also. I have met some of the nicest Indians and Pakistanis in my life. How? I met Indians in my office. They work in my office. First I thought they are Bangladeshis but I got surprised when I hear they are Indian citizens. They give salaam to us whenever we meet. I met Pakistanis also. They are also nice. I only dislike some Sylheti Bangladeshis as some are so racist and extremist type people. I met some of them. Horrible. They spread extremism to other Bangladeshi people. If you read news related to Bangladeshi militants most have Sylheti background. I don't like them at all. Believe me, other Bangladeshis are nice people and most people love India as if its their second home.
Agree with your post word by word.
I only dislike some Sylheti Bangladeshis as some are so racist and extremist type people.
When you can't beat us on anything, only thing you can do is hate us. Inferior people...:rofl:
I met some of them. Horrible.
Thanks pappu... :lol:
They spread extremism to other Bangladeshi people. If you read news related to Bangladeshi militants most have Sylheti background
I would like to ask you backup your claim with data.
I don't like them at all
The feeling is mutual...:D
Believe me, other Bangladeshis are nice people and most people love India as if its their second home.
Speak for yourself pappu. You're the only one claiming this shit...:disagree:

Oh BTW, for your knowledge this year's business person of the year is Azam J Chowdhury a Sylheti. Currently his company is the second largest private employer of Bangladesh...:enjoy:
When you can't beat us on anything, only thing you can do is hate us. Inferior people...:rofl:

Thanks pappu... :lol:

I would like to ask you backup your claim with data.

The feeling is mutual...:D

Speak for yourself pappu. You're the only one claiming this shit...:disagree:

Oh BTW, for your knowledge this year's business person of the year is Azam J Chowdhury a Sylheti. Currently his company is the second largest private employer of Bangladesh...:enjoy:

You should ignore my threads and posts. My posts may speak the harsh truth about your district Sylhet.

It is very well known that Sylhet has been a militant paradise for years.

'Londoni homes' in Sylhet built by expatriate Bangladeshis now under police watch

Monjur Ahmed, Sylhet Correspondent, bdnews24.com

Published: 04 Apr 2017 12:31 AM BdST Updated: 04 Apr 2017 06:56 PM BdST

  • moulvibazar-borhat-jongi-house-01.jpg

'Londoni houses' in Sylhet owned by the expatriate Bangladeshis are now under police watch after militants were found hiding in two houses that belong to the same owner.

Finding it easy to rent, militants have been using these empty houses managed by caretakers in the absence of owners, police officials have said.

There are many such houses in Sylhet town, and villages known locally as 'Londoni house'.

Three militant suspects including a woman were found dead inside the hideout at Barahaat.

There has been a competition in Sylhet among expatriates on building these luxury houses during the last two decades, said Samsul Alam, executive officer at Sylhet Overseas Centre.

“We are watching these houses on suspicion that there may be more militant hideouts.”

There are allegations that there are expatriates who have been funding terror back home. Police are also checking if there are such cases in Sylhet.

Meanwhile, Sylhet families living abroad are worried about the militants and surveillance on their houses, said Alam from Sylhet Overseas Centre.

“They’ll lose interest in investing here if this trend continues.”


Army-led Operation in Sylhet: Two militants killed, raid on


Two militants were killed during the army-led operation inside the terror den at Atia Mahal in Sylhet yesterday, as the raid to take on the terrorists holed up there entered its third day, making it one of the longest anti-terror operations.

However, the operation codenamed “Operation Twilight” was far from over as more militants were believed to be still inside the five-storey apartment.

The Para Commandos are taking time because of the high risk involved as the militants have planted a huge stash of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) in the building, mostly on the ground floor and the staircase, the army said.

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"According to the MoU details, the Switzerland unit of GE will own 30 per cent of the joint venture, while BPDB will hold 51 per cent with the remaining 19 per cent left for a future strategic investor.

The development of 5,600-acre land is estimated to cost $1.6 billion and the power plant will cost $2.8 billion"

So GE puts nearly 1 and a half billion US dollars of it's own money into this massive power plant. This is what kind of calibre that BD is able to attract being the FASTEST growing large economy in the planet.


Want to know how the whole world(including China) now wants in on the 16-18 billion US dollar contract for the 2nd power station to be built by 2030?


So the trillions of dollars worth economies of the Global superpowers of China and america pale in comparison to the might of bangladesh. They are all fighting for 16-18 billion dollars worth of the bangladeshi energy sector. Great stuff...........:lol:

PS Where in the article does it say that the whole world is rushing to cash in on the bangladeshi economy?
You should ignore my threads and posts. My posts may speak the harsh truth about your district Sylhet.

It is very well known that Sylhet has been a militant paradise for years.

'Londoni homes' in Sylhet built by expatriate Bangladeshis now under police watch

Monjur Ahmed, Sylhet Correspondent, bdnews24.com

Published: 04 Apr 2017 12:31 AM BdST Updated: 04 Apr 2017 06:56 PM BdST

  • moulvibazar-borhat-jongi-house-01.jpg

'Londoni houses' in Sylhet owned by the expatriate Bangladeshis are now under police watch after militants were found hiding in two houses that belong to the same owner.

Finding it easy to rent, militants have been using these empty houses managed by caretakers in the absence of owners, police officials have said.

There are many such houses in Sylhet town, and villages known locally as 'Londoni house'.

Three militant suspects including a woman were found dead inside the hideout at Barahaat.

There has been a competition in Sylhet among expatriates on building these luxury houses during the last two decades, said Samsul Alam, executive officer at Sylhet Overseas Centre.

“We are watching these houses on suspicion that there may be more militant hideouts.”

There are allegations that there are expatriates who have been funding terror back home. Police are also checking if there are such cases in Sylhet.

Meanwhile, Sylhet families living abroad are worried about the militants and surveillance on their houses, said Alam from Sylhet Overseas Centre.

“They’ll lose interest in investing here if this trend continues.”


Army-led Operation in Sylhet: Two militants killed, raid on


Two militants were killed during the army-led operation inside the terror den at Atia Mahal in Sylhet yesterday, as the raid to take on the terrorists holed up there entered its third day, making it one of the longest anti-terror operations.

However, the operation codenamed “Operation Twilight” was far from over as more militants were believed to be still inside the five-storey apartment.

The Para Commandos are taking time because of the high risk involved as the militants have planted a huge stash of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) in the building, mostly on the ground floor and the staircase, the army said.

I asked you about data not some random news article. And, none of those terrorists mentioned in your article are Sylheti...

You should ignore my threads and posts. My posts may speak the harsh truth about your district Sylhet.
Nope whatever you're claiming you have to backup with data.
It is very well known that Sylhet has been a militant paradise for years.
To whom? You?

Last time, backup your claim with proper data else I will take the matter to the mods...
When you can't beat us on anything, only thing you can do is hate us. Inferior people...:rofl:

Thanks pappu... :lol:

I would like to ask you backup your claim with data.

Published: 12:28 AM, 28 March 2017
Militancy in Sylhet is not a new issue
AA Correspondent

Bomb deposal experts in special suit and army commandos approaching to Atia Mahal, the suspected militants' den in Sylhet yesterday. Photo: Ratna Ahmed Tamanna

People of Sylhet are anxious about the ongoing crackdown, especially the fresh attack on the law enforcers and common people. This sort of attack has happened for very first time in the country. The tenants of Sylhet no longer believe their neighbors as they did previously. On the other hand, the landlords are also in a fix.

Sylhet dwellers are well-known for their attitude navigated by affluence and religious attributes. However, the division experienced another horror of militancy more than 12 years ago.

In May 2004, the then British High Commi-ssioner in Bangladesh Anwar Choudhury came under a grenade attack when he was coming out of the Hazrat Shahjalal's shrine in his hometown Sylhet. Investigators found Harkat-ul-Jiahi Al Islami Bangladesh (HuJI,B) responsible for the carnage in which Police's Assistant Sub-inspector Kamal Uddin died on the spot.

In the incident, Constable Rubel Ahmed and one Habil Miah succumbed to their injuries in a hospital later. The envoy was also critically injured. The former Finance Minister in Awami League's 1996-2001 regime, Shah AMS Kibria, came under another grenade attack on a public rally at Habiganj's Baidya Bazar on January 27 in 2005. Four others also succumbed in the incident.

The people of Sylhet witnessed the major success of the law enforcers while Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) chief Shaikh Abdur Rahman and his associates were found in a house called Surjadighal Bari.

However, the stand-off between Abdur Rahman, his two associates and his wife and children, and about 2,000 law enforcement officials, which went from February 28 till March 2, 2006, had ended without bloodshed.

Notorious Abdur Rahman, known as Bangla Bhai, ordered simultaneous bombing in 64 districts on August 17 in 2005. Sylhet dwellers lived in the division for ten years without any major unwanted occurrence related to militancy except murder of blogger Ananta Bijoy Das.

Muslim radicals were blamed for the machete killing.Atia Mahal, the latest militants den found in Sylhet, more than four days' impasse, 10 including the suspect militants have been killed.

Published: 12:28 AM, 28 March 2017
Militancy in Sylhet is not a new issue
AA Correspondent

Bomb deposal experts in special suit and army commandos approaching to Atia Mahal, the suspected militants' den in Sylhet yesterday. Photo: Ratna Ahmed Tamanna

People of Sylhet are anxious about the ongoing crackdown, especially the fresh attack on the law enforcers and common people. This sort of attack has happened for very first time in the country. The tenants of Sylhet no longer believe their neighbors as they did previously. On the other hand, the landlords are also in a fix.

Sylhet dwellers are well-known for their attitude navigated by affluence and religious attributes. However, the division experienced another horror of militancy more than 12 years ago.

In May 2004, the then British High Commi-ssioner in Bangladesh Anwar Choudhury came under a grenade attack when he was coming out of the Hazrat Shahjalal's shrine in his hometown Sylhet. Investigators found Harkat-ul-Jiahi Al Islami Bangladesh (HuJI,B) responsible for the carnage in which Police's Assistant Sub-inspector Kamal Uddin died on the spot.

In the incident, Constable Rubel Ahmed and one Habil Miah succumbed to their injuries in a hospital later. The envoy was also critically injured. The former Finance Minister in Awami League's 1996-2001 regime, Shah AMS Kibria, came under another grenade attack on a public rally at Habiganj's Baidya Bazar on January 27 in 2005. Four others also succumbed in the incident.

The people of Sylhet witnessed the major success of the law enforcers while Jama'atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) chief Shaikh Abdur Rahman and his associates were found in a house called Surjadighal Bari.

However, the stand-off between Abdur Rahman, his two associates and his wife and children, and about 2,000 law enforcement officials, which went from February 28 till March 2, 2006, had ended without bloodshed.

Notorious Abdur Rahman, known as Bangla Bhai, ordered simultaneous bombing in 64 districts on August 17 in 2005. Sylhet dwellers lived in the division for ten years without any major unwanted occurrence related to militancy except murder of blogger Ananta Bijoy Das.

Muslim radicals were blamed for the machete killing.Atia Mahal, the latest militants den found in Sylhet, more than four days' impasse, 10 including the suspect militants have been killed.

Stop posting articles from non reliable sources. Backup your claim with data not some random news posts...
What about Iran and turkey? Do you have power and influence over these countries too? ;)

With Iran, we have cordial relations and at least 20% of our population is racially and genetically Iranian/Persian. Not much influence over the Shia theocracy though. With Turkey we have very strong cultural, military and increasingly economic relations. Also, Turks and Pakistanis consider each other as brothers and sisters:

It can become first home, jolly easily..
For your kind information, here peoples are discussing about such a topic that is completely irrelevant to this news. Even this hypocrite scum @Riyad has changed the title too of this news link.
This title has nothing to do with India is our second or third or damn fourth and fifth home, but the title simply is Benapole border is crowded with people who are going to India with tourists visa or medical visa .

And this guy @Riyad, changed this thread title to, "India is the second home for Bangladeshis".
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With Iran, we have cordial relations and at least 20% of our population is racially and genetically Iranian/Persian. Not much influence over the Shia theocracy though. With Turkey we have very strong cultural, military and increasingly economic relations. Also, Turks and Pakistanis consider each other as brothers and sisters:

True, Turks and Azerbaijanis show lots of love to Pakistanis on social media :tup:

Pakistan should have chosen Dari/Farsi or Pasto as national language instead of Urdu. That would have made Pakistan's cultural integration with Iran/Afghanistan/Tajikistan lot easier. Urdu has made Pakistanis addicted to bollywood.
With Turkey we have very strong cultural, military and increasingly economic relations.

We don't have any type of cultural relations with Turkey Pakistan and Turkey have nothing in common except religion and moon and star on flags and any Pakistani hardly ever thinks about Turkey or don't thinks at all
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