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Bangladeshi campus turned into breeding ground of Ji hadists

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Another nation going on path of getting behind the world by following Jihadists' path. Don't let this happen if you guys want to develop. You have seen many examples of how Jihadist path destroy a nation.

Bangladesh won't go jihadist path, unless she wants to be pawn of bigger geopolitical games.

However there are and will be delusional elements.
It's not stupid, ask Farhan(kobiraj) if I'm wrong. Hijb is more popular among educated middle class in bd than peasantry. Although I have no idea if this guy was inspired by hijb.

the stupidest is the notion about the hijab and terrorism
Fundamentalism & radicalism is like a drug.

Easy to get addicted to , very very difficult to detox yourself from it, long term damaging effects and ruins generations.

Worser than Drugs ! As it disturbs peace & harmony of neighbours house too
Yeah! Hizbt Tahrir is mainly followed by educated class.... But its not a terrorist organisation in western countries. Muslim countries banned it because they consider it threat to power... Anyway Salafists, MB, tahrir, al qaida they hate each other. Nafis was follower of Awlaki and Osama. Clearly he is not linked with Tahrir.

Which is worse ?
the stupidest is the notion about the hijab and terrorism

I think you are mistaken. I'm talking about Hijb Ut Tahir the anarchist organisation, not hijab the dress code. :/
bangladesh is another Pakistan/Afganistan is making. It should look into Turkey, Indonesia like countires.
I think you are mistaken. I'm talking about Hijb Ut Tahir the anarchist organisation, not hijab the dress code. :/

next time use Tahrir. Cause Hizbut sounds silly. It means Party! like Justice party - Tahrir Party- Hizbut Tahrir.....

I just scored this awesome back volley in fifa13 legendery mood. yeah!

As I predicted, Indians will make the best of it, but looks like Salahuddin Shoaib Choudhry is making his zionist masters happy. Never trust this slimy traitor, he will do anything for money and fame, including selling out his country and people.

We do have a problem, as mentioned in the other thread, which is to educate and coach naive young foreign students, before they make their journey abroad, on how to avoid getting into traps of:

1. Internet Jihadist sites brainwashing, while they are lonely and vulnerable abroad
2. FBI officers looking for suckers

This stupid effing idiot and his stupid act is the stuff of dream come true for Islamophobes for their campaigns of propaganda. This thread is a good example of it, Shoaib making zionists happy and Indians doing their part and running with it.
bangladesh current government knows extremism will only destroy their country. There economy is doing good,investment is comming only because of this. They should not chose that path.
As I predicted, Indians will make the best of it, but looks like Salahuddin Shoaib Choudhry is making his zionist masters happy. Never trust this slimy traitor, he will do anything for money and fame, including selling out his country and people.

We do have a problem, as mentioned in the other thread, which is to educate and coach naive young foreign students, before they make their journey abroad, on how to avoid getting into traps of:

1. Internet Jihadist sites brainwashing, while they are lonely and vulnerable abroad
2. FBI officers looking for suckers

This stupid effing idiot and his stupid act is the stuff of dream come true for Islamophobes for their campaigns of propaganda. This thread is a good example of it, Shoaib making zionists happy and Indians doing their part and running with it.

He is after tablighi Jamat which is dangerous. Bangladesh is full of them. And they have checked radicalization of Bangladesh. I dont know why he is after these peaceful people.
FFS !!!.........Sonia ji......please seal our borders before jihadis turn our dysfunctional-functional democracy into a caliphate after polevaulting en-masse.
He is after tablighi Jamat which is dangerous. Bangladesh is full of them. And they have checked radicalization of Bangladesh. I dont know why he is after these peaceful people.

He will pimp his sister to get more attention, money and circulation of his crap blitz website. He is making the best of it just like Indians. Just more ammunition of propaganda for traitors and enemies.
We do have a problem, as mentioned in the other thread, which is to educate and coach naive young foreign students, before they make their journey abroad, on how to avoid getting into traps of:

1. Internet Jihadist sites brainwashing, while they are lonely and vulnerable abroad
2. FBI officers looking for suckers

A valid point raised here - the only sensible part of the post actually.

Most boys & girls in our part of the world do not leave home till after school even after college . Going abroad is a step even further away.

Formal education in some form or another must be given to these young minds on what to expect , what not to expect and how not to fall prey to orgnisations looking for young minds to fulfill their own political ends.

In fact , this should be included in the clearance process before leaving the shores of their nation. Changes could be made as felt.

It just may help.
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