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Bangladeshi Army Chief on 6-day visit to Pakistan

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So Bangladesh has no reason to be grateful

good shot munshi je

As you say there is no free lunch. Whatever India did for Bangladesh was paid back with interest

remember they even take carpets from gov offices in 1971 because they say we pay alot on this war
If this is true then I think Pakistan will be having some seconds thoughts about selling any sensitive military equipment to BD i.e. JF-17, Al-Khalid etc

sir they already show intrest in jf-17 and al-zarar tanks
The military is very much pro-left, for it largely comprises people who were once in or are related to those who fought in the Mukti Bahini.

While I agree with the overall context of your analysis I cannot agree on some specific points made by Vish in the text you qouted. The vast majority of the BD army are rightist and this extends to the officer class. Simply because certain army officers were Mukti Bahini does not mean that they are not nationalist. Both Gen. M.A. Matin and Gen. Imamzzzuman are Mukti Bahini but they stood against the RAW backed coup of Gen. Nasim in 1996 and I doubt anyone would contest their patriotism or their stand against Indian interference in BD. The same may be said about Gen. Fazlur Rahman who as BDR chief chased out BSF from our territory in 2001 killing 19 of them. The present army chief came into the army in 1975 and there is some doubt whether he took part in 1971 but you describe him as pro-Indian. I will not comment on that issue. I will only remark that while the majority of the army is rightist and wary of India they lack leadership. Most of the top officers have not shown much discretion or intelligence in their recent activities and have clearly helped the pro-Indian CTG in their agenda but probably unwittingly.

Since you seem to know certain things about the present situation in BD you will probably know that Gen. Masud has been sidelined and he is a former Mujib Bahini/Rakkhi Bahini which are RAW formations of 1971. Similarly rightists have also been moved aside such as Brig. Bari, Gen. Amin, Gen. Zahirul Alam, Gen. Karim as well as Lt. Col. Saiful Islam so is it your assessment that these changes reflect a pro-Indian agenda?

Lastly do you think BD is going for election or should we expect something else?
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Bangladesh is a playground for RAW and ISI, where the two play their trivial games. Recent events have, however, skewed up the scene a lot.

i don't think so i tnink frist graund is afghanistan

Plus, why does everybody underestimate RAW and the GoI's strategic think tanks? Just because RAW is less visible it does not mean it is less potent

but sir they lose always final match why they underestimate our nukes in 13 may 1998.babur missle test is simple exemple
As far as Sri Lanka goes, the reason they buy weapons from you is that we do not sell it to them.

It's not only Sri Lanka. We have a list of satisfied customers like SA, UAE, Iraq and Malaysia.

One last thing, Bangladesh has no adversary.

It seems you live in a dream world. Why do you see a skirmish every few days on that border area?
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sir they already show intrest in jf-17 and al-zarar tanks

I know, I'm no BD expert so I cant say...but I am sure if pro-Indian feelings were so strong in BD Military then our guyz would not really consider selling them any serious military hardware. However I doubt it, there are people in Pakistan too who say we should have peace with India and forget about Kashmir. But they are a minority compared to most Pakistanis, I can see how Indians would say, "look people of Pakistan like us" but thats just not true. There is no pro-Indian lobby in Pakistan, politicans only use lack of peace with India as a scoring point, but when they come in power they are same old. I suspect something around the same lines takes place in case of BD. I guess the only people who could really clarify the situation of us are the Bengladeshis on this forum...
Please see my post #33 on this thread. Still waiting for a reply from T-Rex.
In short, if things persist as such, and it does look like the right is going to the dogs, then pretty soon Bangladesh will be a liberal pro-India country.

Wishful thinking.

There is also a big pro-Israel section in the Bangladeshi society.

A stupendous exaggeration.

The clashes that you see on the border are gang-wars between individual BSF and BR commanders; do not read much into that.

The frequent killing of civilians by BSF tends to aggravate tensions.

non-existence of any threat.

India is perceived as a threat. Just because an Indian says India is not a threat does not resolve the issue for BD.

Plus, why does everybody underestimate RAW and the GoI's strategic think tanks? Just because RAW is less visible it does not mean it is less potent...

No one underestimates RAW. Indians are still 'aggrieved' over my RAW posts.
As things are going on in Bangladesh there's no certainty that a country called Bangladesh will exist by the year 2010. The economy is in ruins, there's no sign of political stability and corruption is going on as usual, thanks to the care-taker government run by some idiots. BTW what will BD do with some scraps of iron in the form of weapons ? BD needs its own defence industry but the friends of India won't let that happen in Bangladesh, and this man who's visiting Pakistan, is a reliable friend of India.

So what you are suggesting is that Bangladesh would merge with India or rejoin Pakistan.
While I agree with the overall context of your analysis I cannot agree on some specific points made by Vish in the text you qouted. The vast majority of the BD army are rightist and this extends to the officer class. Simply because certain army officers were Mukti Bahini does not mean that they are not nationalist. Both Gen. M.A. Matin and Gen. Imamzzzuman are Mukti Bahini but they stood against the RAW backed coup of Gen. Nasim in 1996 and I doubt anyone would contest their patriotism or their stand against Indian interference in BD. The same may be said about Gen. Fazlur Rahman who as BDR chief chased out BSF from our territory in 2001 killing 19 of them. The present army chief came into the army in 1975 and there is some doubt whether he took part in 1971 but you describe him as pro-Indian. I will not comment on that issue. I will only remark that while the majority of the army is rightist and wary of India they lack leadership. Most of the top officers have not shown much discretion or intelligence in their recent activities and have clearly helped the pro-Indian CTG in their agenda but probably unwittingly.

Since you seem to know certain things about the present situation in BD you will probably know that Gen. Masud has been sidelined and he is a former Mujib Bahini/Rakkhi Bahini which are RAW formations of 1971. Similarly rightists have also been moved aside such as Brig. Bari, Gen. Amin, Gen. Zahirul Alam, Gen. Karim as well as Lt. Col. Saiful Islam so is it your assessment that these changes reflect a pro-Indian agenda?

Lastly do you think BD is going for election or should we expect something else?

Munshi, you know you are wrong. The Bangladeshi Army is leftist, and majorly so. There was a significant rightist presence, but in the past 14 years, the right has virtually been swiped off the map. The lower-most ranks of the Bangladeshi Army are not at all politicized. Theses soldiers are soldiers: they follow their orders. The mid-level and senior-level officer corps are pro-India; this does not mean that these guys are not nationalist or do not have Bangladesh’s interests at hand.

Gen. M.A. Matin is pro-money; I have no clue about Gen. Imamzzzuman. Also, isn’t Matin in charge of Home affairs?

Gen. Fazlur Rahman had nothing to do with those killings; the local commanders in the sectors did. Plus, why do you read too much into these gang wars?

I’m not saying your army chief is pro-India; I’m saying your whole (yes, whole) army is pro India. The reason for this is simple: Bangladeshi Army, since its inception, comprises people from Mukti Bahini (The Sheikh ensured this).

Gen. Masud was sidelined because he spoke too much. The others (Brig. Bari, Gen. Amin, Gen. Zahirul Alam, Gen. Karim as well as Lt. Col. Saiful Islam) were sidelined for reasons largely other than their political stance.

Your army is pro-India; so are many of your country’s political parties.

The elections will be conducted, but will the right survive? I think the radical right will be weakened very very badly.

Wishful thinking.

A stupendous exaggeration.

The frequent killing of civilians by BSF tends to aggravate tensions.

India is perceived as a threat. Just because an Indian says India is not a threat does not resolve the issue for BD.

No one underestimates RAW. Indians are still 'aggrieved' over my RAW posts.

Munshi that's not my wishful thinking. The right is being cornered, and also its foreign backers are no where in sight.

As far as the Israel remark goes, why did Mossad start poking into Bangladesh? Surely you are aware of that episode, right...

And please stop all the BSF-as-murderers propaganda. You know it is more show than go.

Also as far as India being a threat to Bangladesh is concerned, please check the troop deployments on both sides of the border before jumping the gun.

Also, you very much over-exaggerate the RAW too. My comment was aimed toward my fellow Indians who often underestimate RAW.
I know, I'm no BD expert so I cant say...but I am sure if pro-Indian feelings were so strong in BD Military then our guyz would not really consider selling them any serious military hardware. However I doubt it, there are people in Pakistan too who say we should have peace with India and forget about Kashmir. But they are a minority compared to most Pakistanis, I can see how Indians would say, "look people of Pakistan like us" but thats just not true. There is no pro-Indian lobby in Pakistan, politicans only use lack of peace with India as a scoring point, but when they come in power they are same old. I suspect something around the same lines takes place in case of BD. I guess the only people who could really clarify the situation of us are the Bengladeshis on this forum...
Dear,Kasrkin; sir
if, they can pay us, why dont we should stop selling anything they might need, i guss even , we dont sell them, whast after, if india want to sell them? the same deal?
we should , make us more closer towards growing , muslims countries like bangladesh, and iran. i see no harm in, that & if it makes some one uneasy, its not our problum, cause no body cares nothing, when we feel distrubed ! because of thier stratagic deal for thier stratagic intersts?:tup:
batmannow all I'm saying is that none of our beloved technology should fall into the hands of the Indians. I too am all for the deal, but only if we are sure it will 100% stay in BD hands.
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