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Bangladeshi Army Chief on 6-day visit to Pakistan

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Yeah so let’s get back to the topic. Do you guys think it is possible for Pakistan and Bangladesh to have a French/Russian type alliance like in the First World War? It was France and Russia who, despite all their differences, allied against Germany and Austria in the middle because both of them were vary of growing German ambitions. This was called the Dual Alliance, and the Germans...thinking they could handle both of these countries militarily came up with the Schlieffen plan...which called for the containment of Russia first while the German Army eliminated the French. It almost worked but soon the British, fearful of German hegemony in Europe jumped in at the side of the Dual Alliance. Despite Germany's formidable military prowess, and booming economy...she could not sustain a war on 2 fronts and was defeated.

Well a little history lesson for you there, but it’s a question…especially for our Bangladeshi friends. Do you Pakistan and Bangladesh can come up with a similar alliance where one country promises to come to the aid of the other in case of war or violent aggression against either, given our common threat perceptions I'm sure some of you have thought about it. Such a treaty will have its pros and cons no doubt, and is perhaps not workable, but what do you guys think?[/QUOTE

Bro, It defiantly possible. I think dual military alliance should be establish. May be even informal alliance. It extremely necessary to form this to survive in south Asia from the demon between us. After all we used to be same nation one time.

Tell me which country that has land boundary with China is being bullied by China:

N. Korea

Hopefully it'd be greatly helpful for you to know that only India still has land dispute with China.

Don't tell us that China always picks on the weakest to bully and India is the weakest in the list. :lol:

Gee... the cat is out of the bag isn't it? Glad to know which flag you salute to.

And haven't we gone over China's trouble-free borders list already once?

Well rationalizing that you have forgotten I shall proceed:

North Korea: The Korea run by Dear Leader? Enough said.

Russia: Remember the island trade that took place recently?

Vietnam: Remember the Sino-Vietnam Wars?

Pakistan: Would you guys vacate if Islamabad wants you to?

Bhutan: Wonder what all the hoopla about a few rocks was then?

What about Spartly Islands?

PS: You can't pick on us.
I have read Chinese writings where they are prepared to sacrifice their whole populations for some imaginary Chinese territory that they claim. And their claims boggle the mind!

Mongols were of course Chinese, we all know that. But I read somewhere that those guys actually planned to massacre the whole Chinese countryside once which thankfully they did not execute. But of course they were Chinese.

The Chinese territorial claims are humongous and bewildering. They may not be pressing all of them now but that doesn't mean they will never do that.
^^^i was wondering when this thread will ever end. what a waste of energy and time!
LOL, I meant to distract people from all that useless bickering by posting my Dual Alliance suggestion...but I didnt realize it would work so well and bore them all into a bloody coma!:lol:;)
i think here on our forum bangladeshi army chef never wana go back to BD:D.thread now go to chaina mangolia and wetnam.come back to topic and topic was bangladeshi army chef visit pakistan and visit is finish almost 1 week before so thats mean topic is finish :taz:

Look at how deplorably flawed your logic is:


North Korea: The Korea run by Dear Leader? Enough said.
Nothing is said about the land distupe.

Is there a land dispute now? NO!

Russia: Remember the island trade that took place recently?
Is there a land dispute now? NO!

Vietnam: Remember the Sino-Vietnam Wars?
Is there a land dispute now? NO!

Pakistan: Would you guys vacate if Islamabad wants you to?
Is there a land dispute now? NO!

Bhutan: Wonder what all the hoopla about a few rocks was then?
Is there a land dispute now? NO!

What about Spartly Islands?
Is it a land dispute? NO!

PS: You can't pick on us.


As enumerated above, China now has NO land dispute with its land-connected neighbors EXCEPT INDIA.

In a sharp contrast, India has land dispute with 4 of its 6 land-connected neighbors: Pakistan, Nepal, BD, and China. So please wake up!

Though India’s perpetual boundary troubles with most of its neighbors can much be attributed to its colonist master UK, isn’t it thought-provoking that: why it has not been solved in a slightest meaningful way after India 60 year’s independence? While India inherits the land properties from UK, does it also inherit the colonist/imperialist ideology which leads to current loss-loss situation?

Think about it.
This thread seems to have gone on far longer than the chiefs visit. In fact he managed to go to South Korea and Saudi Arabia and return to BD with this thread still going on. So what was the outcome of the visit or its purpose? Anyone know?
This thread seems to have gone on far longer than the chiefs visit. In fact he managed to go to South Korea and Saudi Arabia and return to BD with this thread still going on. So what was the outcome of the visit or its purpose? Anyone know?

Perhaps the purpose was to start a thread war between India-Pakistan-Bangladesh and spread it to other countries.

I guess the purpose has been well served and acomplished.:lol:
^^^i was wondering when this thread will ever end. what a waste of energy and time!

I agree. Seriously though. Where you people get all the time to waste on nonsense?

This reminds me... that forum needs some cleaning. :undecided:
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