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Bangladesh will be the nuclear country?

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Purify to certain extent?

Is it sand and cement we are talking about, Idiot Bangladeshi?

And we gave them Blue Print, who exactly are we here? Delusional Bangladeshi lungi soldiers, who doesn't even have any operational nuclear reactor?

And any traces of exceeding unit particle ppm Uranium can be traced easily, when will bangladeshis quit Madrassah and learn some basic science. :hitwall:
brother why are you even replying to his idiotic posts!according to him,anyone can enrich weapon grade uranium with the help of a coffee grinder!damn if building a nuclear bomb is that easy i wonder why only a handful of nations have been successful in developing nuclear weapons:azn:!these pole vaulters are purely delusional and have no idea about the reality:lol:!but then again they don't have anything to cheer about so let them live in their wet dream world:rofl:!after all there is an old saying in Bengali which is"chera kanthay suey lakh takar sopno dekha"!;)
Now I know you started shiitting your pants... run dhuti run... :D

I heard 1/2 of WB already occupied by brave soldiers of Mao. ;)
we bengalis are not that stupid to let those illeterate traitors running freely inside our state:azn:!we have nearly killed all of them slowly but surely for the past two years:cool:!you'll be happy to know that this year there haven't been a single maoist related death in Paschimbanga!our police have made it sure that these scums won't dare again to set foot inside our state!:coffee:
The only technological base Bangladeshis has is of Making Under-wears ,Nothing more Nothing less Period.
If it happens then somehow if will be very good for Us in the long run.

You forgot to mention advantages for Muslim Ummah, huh! They are suppose to protect their interests not ours..
There are plenty of other countries that have a huge textile industry including Pakistan, Vietnam, China etc.

How? their government doesn't even 'talk' to ours
stupid man thing BIG think for the future!!!
Another Muslim Country With Nukes.
The pressure will divert from Pak on Nukes as well as now west will have to engage with two 'Islamic Bombs'
instead of one.

Now the most important part is that Indians will find another country in the neighborhood with Nukes so its hegemony will reduce on them very much as they will also have a weapon to retaliate the indian blackmail to their Gov.

So keeping in view the above the Bengali Gov will somehow will be liberated from indian pressure which will give us a Good Chance to peruse with them in Diplomatic levels as we will be sure then that now indians have got little to do in influencing their Foreign Policy!.

Then we will be eventually Making some kind of Good Relations with them then.
It can be very Good for us in the long run.
Just think out of the Box for a second.
stupid man thing BIG think for the future!!!
Another Muslim Country With Nukes.
The pressure will divert from Pak on Nukes as well as now west will have to engage with two 'Islamic Bombs'
instead of one.

Now the most important part is that Indians will find another country in the neighborhood with Nukes so its hegemony will reduce on them very much as they will also have a weapon to retaliate the indian blackmail to their Gov.

So keeping in view the above the Bengali Gov will somehow will be liberated from indian pressure which will give us a Good Chance to peruse with them in Diplomatic levels as we will be sure then that now indians have got little to do in influencing their Foreign Policy!.

Then we will be eventually Making some kind of Good Relations with them then.
It can be very Good for us in the long run.
Just think out of the Box for a second.
and then awami leage will come in power and give their nuclear bombs to india .and everybody then live in peace .story finished :lol:
stupid man thing BIG think for the future!!!
Another Muslim Country With Nukes.
The pressure will divert from Pak on Nukes as well as now west will have to engage with two 'Islamic Bombs'
instead of one.

Now the most important part is that Indians will find another country in the neighborhood with Nukes so its hegemony will reduce on them very much as they will also have a weapon to retaliate the indian blackmail to their Gov.

So keeping in view the above the Bengali Gov will somehow will be liberated from indian pressure which will give us a Good Chance to peruse with them in Diplomatic levels as we will be sure then that now indians have got little to do in influencing their Foreign Policy!.

Then we will be eventually Making some kind of Good Relations with them then.
It can be very Good for us in the long run.
Just think out of the Box for a second.
woaa, calm down tiger, lets not forget that BD isn't really making any nukes and certainly not against india, lastly, BD is a secular country not an islamic republic.
refer to post no 563

Let me come this way - Oh, the risk has became doubled now. Radicals and radicals and radicals and more radicals in fact radical he radical everywhere in these countries.
So keeping in view the above the Bengali Gov will somehow will be liberated from indian pressure which will give us a Good Chance to peruse with them in Diplomatic levels as we will be sure then that now indians have got little to do in influencing their Foreign Policy!.

Chinese pressure? How about the pressure that our nukes are already exerting? Equation won't change, if by chance it changes then it's going to change for B'desh not for us.
1. BD is a Muslim country where even the Awami League government is currently in power with Islamic-orientated parties and enjoys the support of certain Islamic groups e.g. Tableeghi Jamat (Tableeghis in Bangladesh, well at least in Sylhet, are more orientated towards the Awami League).

The Awami League is secular and has within it some "intellectuals" hostile to Islam, but even they cannot cancel Quranic based inheritance laws.

2. As a Muslim I do not think the nuclear bomb is a good thing, and would only support it out of extreme necessity.

- It is ugly and a cowards weapon. A coward can press a button or drop it from above the sky (e.g. Hiroshima) and kill millions. A real man is prepared to die or take some bruises whilst fighting.

- Islamically speaking (Hindus will not be able to follow this) I doubt whether it has baraka, and probably contains la'ana (curses).

- North Korea, nuclear state but a dictatorship with immense suffering.

- Pakistan, no offence, a nuclear state but getting pis*ed on by America, left, right and centre, unstable and war-torn.

- Israel, war torn and even Kissinger thinks it may not exist beyond a decade.

Non-nuclear states with historically powerful militaries.

Germany - economic power house non-nuclear but more powerful than nuclear France or UK in the EU, just as non-nuclear Turkey or Iran are more powerful than Pakistan.

Japan - economic powerhouse and until China's recent rise was by far the strongest economy in east Asia, the Japanese as a whole still have a far higher quality of living than the Chinese.

3. Even the Iranian leader, Khamenei says Islamically-speaking nukes are incompatible with Islam.

Though that does not mean I trust the Iranian regime and it is still possible they would build one, I am pointing to their theology.

4. For me Bangladesh getting nukes is a non-issue apart from the maverick Burmese.

Other than that I am pretty confident that the Bangladesh ruling elite i.e.

- Military
- Business elite
- Senior intelligentsia, literati

would be opposed to this notion.

We can defend our territory from Indian/Burmese invasion and that is fine.

What I would however be keen on rather than the nuclear bomb is a powerful navy which can project power all over the south Asia sea including up to east Africa where we are increasing our power e.g. land for food security.
and then awami leage will come in power and give their nuclear bombs to india .and everybody then live in peace .story finished :lol:

Sir plz not underestimate them.

Close gov circles say that bengalis want to have good relations with us but they fear indian blackmail, That is well known.
If they somehow get these Nuke deterrent that means they could also talk side by side n atleast reduce that hegemony.

Moreover just think if we could guide them in nukes under the shadows then it can be good for us in future as somehow the insecure nature of indians will make them think that they r being encircled by nukes n that will be very good for us n them as psychologically they will fear all time n this can be exploited by us during negotiations.

Now a days They r not the same innocent bengalis of 1971 that we used to know!!! they r now educated n as the World is becoming a Global Village they also now have access of internet n free source of info, they can also learn the truth n educate themselves as who is their real enemy Pakistan or India.

The same ones will then come in gov n can talk to us in a befitting manner.
We hold no thread to them nor they to us but they do to the Indians.
woaa, calm down tiger, lets not forget that BD isn't really making any nukes and certainly not against india, lastly, BD is a secular country not an islamic republic.

Sir in papers only it is just like india which is actually a Hindu county as it has 83% hindu population. So their say dominates in parliament specially when we talk in democratic way.

All u guys r thinking is just by holding the present scenario only, yr not thinking about future of lets say 25-40 years after.
at that time we will also be in a better position Economically and diplomatically.

This present scenario is just a dark patch but it will defiantly end eventually!!!
Moreover we n Bengalis pose NO thread against eachother but we both do against India atleast.

Let me come this way - Oh, the risk has became doubled now. Radicals and radicals and radicals and more radicals in fact radical he radical everywhere in these countries.

Chinese pressure? How about the pressure that our nukes are already exerting? Equation won't change, if by chance it changes then it's going to change for B'desh not for us.

Chinese wont be able to do much if it doesnt disturbs their interests n keeping indian at bay is their MIGHTY BIG interest.
Just think for a while.
Sir plz not underestimate them.

Close gov circles say that bengalis want to have good relations with us but they fear indian blackmail, That is well known.
If they somehow get these Nuke deterrent that means they could also talk side by side n atleast reduce that hegemony.

Moreover just think if we could guide them in nukes under the shadows then it can be good for us in future as somehow the insecure nature of indians will make them think that they r being encircled by nukes n that will be very good for us n them as psychologically they will fear all time n this can be exploited by us during negotiations.

Now a days They r not the same innocent bengalis of 1971 that we used to know!!! they r now educated n as the World is becoming a Global Village they also now have access of internet n free source of info, they can also learn the truth n educate themselves as who is their real enemy Pakistan or India.

The same ones will then come in gov n can talk to us in a befitting manner.
We hold no thread to them nor they to us but they do to the Indians.

Yes u r right I remember my Bengali friend telling me the importance of Bangladesh being a part of Pakistan & The first Thing he said was that Pakistan was a Nuclear Armed State.
secondly he told me that the Bengali's thought the attacks were being carried out by West Pakistan on them or we were allowing india to attack, which later lead to CHAOS between us and later realized that India had launched an attack on East Pakistan and the plan was to divide Muslims as usual and he feels guilty for it, well they regret it and he accepted it. He accepts India as a sworn enemy to his country..
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