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Bangladesh will be the nuclear country?

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Just as I suspected. There is no reactor. Just plans to build one. Idiot.

Why do you have to bad mouth you retard. 2 MW Reactor was there.. I did not know you were looking for the old reactor.

Too many news on that subject made it difficult to find
Bengali Nationalism was there, it was there when we defeated Mansingh, the raja of Rajputs. Get that clear.

I said we are going to use it for peaceful purpose. If India strike, go for Military purpose. Do you even read my posts why you are jumping! Read the posts first.

First off, there is no such thing as "Bengali Nationalism". There never was, and never will be. Case closed.

And I did read your posts. Is there any indication of India attacking us any time soon? And if true, then yes; it may be justified. But it is unlikely if that'd happen under the current circumstances. India simply wouldn't risk it.

The Russians have been abundantly clear about our nuclear deal.

Why keep bringing India into the equation? India not only has a very reliable and open policy of "no first use" and only using nukes on other nuclear states meaning India only uses nukes in response to a nuclear threat from another nuclear country. As it stands right now if BD has no nukes there is 0 threat of Indian nuclear weapons being a threat to BD.

Let's be honest, BD is a relativly insignificant nation and does not have the expertise, wealth,standing,economy or need to develop nuclear weapons.
Jump monkeys,jump!
funny to see these clowns everyday.
@Loki Since you are asking serious question. Below is serous answer.

Answer is NO. India doesn't support any more Nuclear armed nations. You can see our stand on Iran on this.
Also India won't allow any more of her neighbors to have nuclear arms. China developed nukes before us and Pakistan was USAs favorite ally in the 90s (during afghan war with soviets) It was special circumstance that Pakistan used very well to build their weapons. No such thing happening for any other neighbor of India.

Myanmar is trying to get back into the World system. What makes you think they will take a U turn now. If they really wanted to build nukes wouldn't they have done it before. Don't you think they have most likely they have abandoned their nuclear dreams and want to integrate into world economy instead continue being a pariah nation.

And nobody was cheering Rohingya suffering. Its sad what happened to them. And if someone was then it was wrong. But those who fire on fleeing refuges using helicopter gunships don't have rights to tell others what to do. First you treat them well and only then ask others to do the same.

Do you think Thailand live on grass! Do you think China will ever provide you with such facilities? We do know your army was working on Missile Technology but couldn't afford it. No need to take a saint look. Monks
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Just as I suspected. There is no reactor. Just plans to build one. Idiot.

Here we go.. I found the reference idiot and to those idiots who thanked him.

(455.4508) WISE-Amsterdam - The IAEA is willing to provide consultancy in the installation and operation of the plant. Since years, Bangladesh officials are advocates of nuclear technology and nuclear energy. In 1987, the head of the Bangladesh delegation to the United Nations conference for the promotion of international co-operation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, Ataul Karim said: "Bangladesh is convinced that if used in a planned manner with adequate care and caution, the nuclear technology can usher in a new era of progress and prosperity for the developing world (...).

Already in the mid-sixties, before Bangladesh became independence from Pakistan (December 1971), there were talks of constructing a 125MW nuclear reactor at Rooppur, supplied by first the USA, then Canada, then the Soviet Union and when that didn't succeed also, France. Even Saudi Arabia was (in 1981) said to be willing to finance the whole project. But it didn't work out.

Currently, one 3MW research reactor is in operation in Bangladesh. On 14 Sept. 1986, the Triga Mark II (supplied by the US company GA Technologies) became critical at Rooppur.

Wanted: Investors for Bangladesh nuke | Wise International

And unfortunately that was an Uncle Sam reactor

They probably shut that down after it became unstable in 1986
It is stupid to assume that Bangladeshis would foolish enough to even attempt to develop nuclear weapons.

1) Unlike India, Pakistan and Israel, they are signatories of NPT.

2) They do not have any scientific base to develop nuclear weapons, not even nuclear reactor.

3) No NPT member(Russia or even China) will provide even a blue print for a peaceful nuclear reactor, if they even got a whiff of Bangldesh attempting to develop weapons.You can forget about India(because of our Non proliferation principals) or Pakistan(because of obvious reasons).

4) Breach of NPT come with debilitating sanctions, which Bangladesh can not endure, as they have no natural resources like Iran or Godfather like N.Korea.

5)They do not have any nuclear armed foe, to provide them with necessary incentive to take upon the painstaking process of developing nukes.
@Loki Since you are asking serious question. Below is serous answer.

Answer is NO. India doesn't support any more Nuclear armed nations. You can see our stand on Iran on this.
Also India won't allow any more of her neighbors to have nuclear arms. China developed nukes before us and Pakistan was USAs favorite ally in the 90s (during afghan war with soviets) It was special circumstance that Pakistan used very well to build their weapons. No such thing happening for any other neighbor of India.


Myanmar is trying to get back into the World system. What makes you think they will take a U turn now. If they really wanted to build nukes wouldn't they have done it before. Don't you think they have most likely they have abandoned their nuclear dreams and want to integrate into world economy instead continue being a pariah nation.

Makes sense. But need more verification :D

And nobody was cheering Rohingya suffering. Its sad what happened to them. And if someone was then it was wrong. But those who fire on fleeing refuges using helicopter gunships don't have rights to tell others what to do. First you treat them well and only then ask others to do the same.

Never happened on both sides :no:

And yes, Indians (not all) did support the persecution.
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First off, there is no such thing as "Bengali Nationalism". There never was, and never will be. Case closed.

And I did read your posts. Is there any indication of India attacking us any time soon? And if true, then yes; it may be justified. But it is unlikely if that'd happen under the current circumstances. India simply wouldn't risk it.

The Russians have been abundantly clear about our nuclear deal.

I don't think you had enough knowledge of battles against Mughals. I don't think you know much about Palashi. I do think you are trying to humiliate Sirajuddaula, Isa Khan. Bangla was always a different part of Sub-Continent. We did have stability to Mughal Empire only because they were Muslims. Only because Dhaka would be built. We had richer Economy when we shifted from Sonargoan. Simple stupidity.
If you read my post, I said we are using Nuclear facilities for peaceful purpose. If only India strikes, then go for Military purpose.

The last question is Will you live in blackout! You can't afford to buy energy! It's a simple joke. Bangladesh need 1000s times Energy near future, starting from 2020. Where are you standing! Simple nonsense.
Why keep bringing India into the equation? India not only has a very reliable and open policy of "no first use" and only using nukes on other nuclear states meaning India only uses nukes in response to a nuclear threat from another nuclear country. As it stands right now if BD has no nukes there is 0 threat of Indian nuclear weapons being a threat to BD.

Let's be honest, BD is a relativly insignificant nation and does not have the expertise, wealth,standing,economy or need to develop nuclear weapons.

I simply posted it for general discussion since there aren't any threads related to this issue. I thought it'd be interesting. And it was written by an Indian.

Didn't expect it to be some sort of mud-slinging contest to this level :woot:
It is stupid to assume that Bangladeshis would foolish enough to even attempt to develop nuclear weapons.

1) Unlike India, Pakistan and Israel, they are signatories of NPT.

2) They do not have any scientific base to develop nuclear weapons, not even nuclear reactor.

3) No NPT member(Russia or even China) will provide even a blue print for a peaceful nuclear reactor, if they even got a whiff of Bangldesh attempting to develop weapons.You can forget about India(because of our Non proliferation principals) or Pakistan(because of obvious reasons).

4) Breach of NPT come with debilitating sanctions, which Bangladesh can not endure, as they have no natural resources like Iran or Godfather like N.Korea.

5)They do not have any nuclear armed foe, to provide them with necessary incentive to take upon the painstaking process of developing nukes.

Bangladesh is not going for weapons but for nuclear energy. We will built one in 2018. If you bomb it, we will go for Military purpose. Not to mention, we will even install warheads in every places in Bangladesh. Come and annex us!
I don't think you had enough knowledge of battles against Mughals. I don't think you know much about Palashi. I do think you are trying to humiliate Sirajuddaula, Isa Khan. Bangla was always a different part of Sub-Continent. We did have stability to Mughal Empire only because they were Muslims. Only because Dhaka would be built. We had richer Economy when we shifted from Sonargoan. Simple stupidity.

Sorry, I thought you were referring to the version of the Awami League. Which by the way is a dead ideology, and not sustainable.

Acknowledging the full history of Bengal is a different matter.

If you read my post, I said we are using Nuclear facilities for peaceful purpose. If only India strikes, then go for Military purpose.

And you didn't answer my question :no:

Why and how?

The last question is Will you live in blackout! You can't afford to buy energy! It's a simple joke. Bangladesh need 1000s times Energy near future, starting from 2020. Where are you standing! Simple nonsense.

Easy young fella.
Nuclear power plans

Building a nuclear power plant in the west of the country was proposed in 1961. Since then a number of reports have affirmed the technical and economic feasibility. The Rooppur site in Pabna district about 200 km north of Dhaka was selected in 1963 and land was acquired. The government gave formal approval for a succession of plant proposals, then after independence a 125 MWe nuclear power plant proposal was approved in 1980 but not built.

With growth in demand and grid capacity since then, a much larger plant looked feasible, and the government in 1999 expressed its firm commitment to build this Rooppur plant. In 2001 it adopted a national Nuclear Power Action Plan and in 2005 it signed a nuclear cooperation agreement with China.

In 2007 the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission proposed two 500 MWe nuclear reactors for Rooppur by 2015, quoting likely costs of US$ 0.9-1.2 billion for a 600 MWe unit and US$ 1.5-2.0 billion for 1000 MWe. In April 2008 the government reiterated its intention to work with China in building the Rooppur plant and China offered funding for the project. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) approved a Technical Assistance Project for Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant to be initiated between 2009 and 2011, and it then appeared that an 1100 MWe plant was envisaged.

Russia, China and South Korea had earlier offered financial and technical help to establish nuclear power, and in March 2009 Russia made a formal proposal to build a nuclear power plant in the country. In May 2009 a bilateral nuclear cooperation agreement was signed with Russia. In April 2009 the government approved the Russian proposal to build a 1000 MWe nuclear plant at Rooppur for about $2 billion, and a year later this had become two such reactors by 2017. A nuclear energy bill was introduced into parliament in May 2012, with work to begin in 2013, and setting up a Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority. Parliament was told that 5000 MWe of nuclear capacity was envisaged by 2030, and a second plant would be built in the south once Rooppur was operating.

In May 2010 an intergovernmental agreement was signed with Russia, providing a legal basis for nuclear cooperation in areas such as siting, design, construction and operation of power and research nuclear reactors, water desalination plants, and elementary particle accelerators. Other areas covered included fuel supply and wastes. An agreement with Rosatom was signed in February 2011 for two 1000 MWe-class reactors to be built at Rooppur for the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission. In line with standard Russian practice this included fuel supply and return of used fuel to Russia. Another intergovernmental agreement was signed in November 2011 for the project to be built by Atomstroyexport.

In February 2012 the Ministry of Science and Technology signed an agreement with Russia's Rostechnadzor related to regulation and safety "and the provision of advisory support to the Bangladesh Nuclear Regulatory Commission on regulation, licensing and supervision". Staff will be trained in Russia. A further agreement will be for Russian finance. Construction of the first unit is expected from 2013, with operation in about 2018.

In August 2012 a financing agreement was finalized under which Bangladesh would borrow $500 million for a 2-year technical and economic study together with design, documentation and training, at not less than 4% interest. Russia will then fund 85% of the estimated $1.5 billion for the first unit’s construction. The $500 million loan will be repaid in 12 years with five years grace period, and the final construction cost will be repaid in 28 years with 10 years grace period. The IAEA continues its close involvement with the project.

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