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Bangladesh Victory Day Parade 2017

You lost 3,000,000 men, if you consider that something to celebrate, God knows what you would mourn over.
although bloody we achieved our objective. Thus the celebration.
Still enjoying the benefits of a Pakistani forum I see.
Sure. Since it is open to foreign nationals with internet connection. Also has a separate section for Bangladesh.
We're not clowns like you guys, no thanks.
16th December is the day when current Pakistan emerged.Then why not? Just forget about the surrender ceremony as a bad dream and think about all the goods that happened in Pakistan as a result of independence in 16th December.West Pakistan or current Pakistan emerged as a much powerful and prosperous nuclear country.14th August was the independence day of a country which no longer exist, so why celebrate that day? Do Czech Republic celebrate the national day of Czechoslovakia now? No, than why West Pakistan aka current Pakistan?
although bloody we achieved our objective. Thus the celebration.

Still lost 3,000,000 men.

16th December is the day when current Pakistan emerged.Then why not? Just forget about the surrender ceremony as a bad dream and think about all the goods that happened in Pakistan as a result of independence in 16th December.West Pakistan or current Pakistan emerged as a much powerful and prosperous nuclear country.14th August was the independence day of a country which no longer exist, so why celebrate that day? Do Czech Republic celebrate the national day of Czechoslovakia now? No, than why West Pakistan aka current Pakistan?

Because Bangladesh was always the side piece that never mattered and was never really part of Pakistan

ecause Bangladesh was always the side piece that never mattered
How come 55 percent citizen of a country became side piece?

When 55 percent citizen of a country reject that country, that country is no longer the country it used to be.Do Serbia still claim to represent Yugoslavia? No.Neither is Russia or Czech Republic claiming the continuation of USSR or Czechoslovakia.Isn't it better and more logical for West Pakistan aka current Pakistan to give itself a fresh journey rather than pretending to carry an old legacy and burden? Currently neither Pakistan nor Bangladesh is the homeland for the Sub continental muslim, which the old Pakistan was.Does current Pakistan or Bangladesh accept Indian muslim as a citizen just because of Religion? No, so the original premise of Pakistan is dead now, in fact died in 16th December, 1971.Before that day, Old Pakistan was open for Sub-continental Muslim to claim as a homeland.Which is no longer the case.So current Pakistan(West) is not the Pakistan of pre-1971.Just plain and simple.
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*1947 Death of One Nation Theory
*1971 Death of Two Nation Theory

An the emergence of "Three Nation Theory". Congrats to Banglas for exposing the sham of the ummah chumma and 2NT.

While the ummah chummah theory was a joke but it was a great way for us people in the Northern subcontinent to stay away from the rest of riff raff, I'm sorry but I just can't imagine my Grandfathers ancestral city Khushab being over run by bihari babus. Thanks but no thanks. I will always stick up for Pakistani Sikhs, Christian, Hindus or Muslims because we are the same not some Muslim Bengali living thousands of miles away.

The Qaid was a genius and clever a politician he used the Muslim card to rescue us from these lungi clowns.:lol:
1971 = Birth of "Actual Nation Theory", Bangladesh is the only nation-state in the subcontinent.
Very, very true. And that is why you will do well. I am convinced that Bangladesh will be first out of the three large SA countries to become developed.

Think of a shoe. A shoe is primarily a functional item. It's meant for simple purpose. To protect your feet, be comfortable, provide grip for articulation. A shoe so designed with that in mind will afford you comfort and articulate you effectively. The moment you start adding elements of fashion to it you begin degrading it's functional purpose. Too much and you will have a show for "show" but it will be useless to walk in and will damage the wearers feet.

Similarly a state is primarily functional abstraction. It is meant to provide the average citizen safety, protection, health, home, education and food. If it can do that it has been successful. Bangladesh today is primarily a functional abstraction that exists to advance the lives of Bengalis within it's borders. It's goal is simple. a simple shoe that does what it is supposed to do - enable walking. And it is making remarkable progress in improving lives of it's citizens.

Pakistan on the other hand is like shoe that has gotten trapped in chasing fashion. Is it for Islam, is it for Muslims, is it for Muslims of British India, is it for Muslims of the world, Pak Matlab kiya??? etc etc etc.
It should actually be "Hindustanis and Bangladeshis saved us" day for Pakistanis

Had India not chosen to disarm Mukti bahani and Mukti Bhani not cooperating at the end of the war. The fate of 90,000 POWs very bad.

There wouldn't have been any Bengalis left for that 90,000 to surrender to if Hindustan didn't intervene.

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