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Bangladesh to put former Pakistan army officer on trial for 1971 war crimes

Jama'atis are hilarious jokers.
Once they're all bumped off, Bangladeshi/Bangladeshi Muslim culture can gain much respect.
India has to do its part by sending retards such as Zakir Naik to some Andaman island.

why are you so concerned, you are'nt part of the UMMAH rofl, neither your shameless PM. Your history comes form stupid sources.

Rohingya who are Bengali speaking and muslim have been subjected to persecution since 1982 and most of the curbs a citizen enjoys like a national card, having a bank account, basic things that an individual citizen has every tight to have been taken from them and they are thrown in modern version of concentration camps. All theses measures were known to Bangladesh govt. and they never did anything. Bangladesh is part of the genocide of Rohingya due to its involvement in silence. Chines in Burma also face persecution with no military and civil jobs being given to them. Still they dominate business in Mandalay and rest of Burma due to the involvement of China in making Burma behave. Burmese back in 60s and 70s in East Pakistan were allowed in by then PAkistani authorities which is'nt the case anymore. Looks like Bangla nationalism of muktijoddha cowards goes to sleep when Burma and India are mentioned. The cultural amity, common values all goes out the window, the alien culture to Bangla, muslims from Turkey, Malaysia, Pakistan are trying to do more on this issue whereas Bangladesh govt. has reduced itself in a shameful position around the world.It does'nt deserve to be part of OIC.

why are you so concerned, you are'nt part of the UMMAH rofl, neither your shameless PM. Your history comes form stupid sources.

Rohingya who are Bengali speaking and muslim have been subjected to persecution since 1982 and most of the curbs a citizen enjoys like a national card, having a bank account, basic things that an individual citizen has every tight to have been taken from them and they are thrown in modern version of concentration camps. All theses measures were known to Bangladesh govt. and they never did anything. Bangladesh is part of the genocide of Rohingya due to its involvement in silence. Chines in Burma also face persecution with no military and civil jobs being given to them. Still they dominate business in Mandalay and rest of Burma due to the involvement of China in making Burma behave. Burmese back in 60s and 70s in East Pakistan were allowed in by then PAkistani authorities which is'nt the case anymore. Looks like Bangla nationalism of muktijoddha cowards goes to sleep when Burma and India are mentioned. The cultural amity, common values all goes out the window, the alien culture to Bangla, muslims from Turkey, Malaysia, Pakistan are trying to do more on this issue whereas Bangladesh govt. has reduced itself in a shameful position around the world.It does'nt deserve to be part of OIC.

Turkey - yes, Malaysia - yes, but Pakistan did nothing in this Rohingya issue. Please don't make a fool out of yourself through this stupid self-flattery.

why are you so concerned, you are'nt part of the UMMAH rofl, neither your shameless PM. Your history comes form stupid sources.

Rohingya who are Bengali speaking and muslim have been subjected to persecution since 1982 and most of the curbs a citizen enjoys like a national card, having a bank account, basic things that an individual citizen has every tight to have been taken from them and they are thrown in modern version of concentration camps. All theses measures were known to Bangladesh govt. and they never did anything. Bangladesh is part of the genocide of Rohingya due to its involvement in silence. Chines in Burma also face persecution with no military and civil jobs being given to them. Still they dominate business in Mandalay and rest of Burma due to the involvement of China in making Burma behave. Burmese back in 60s and 70s in East Pakistan were allowed in by then PAkistani authorities which is'nt the case anymore. Looks like Bangla nationalism of muktijoddha cowards goes to sleep when Burma and India are mentioned. The cultural amity, common values all goes out the window, the alien culture to Bangla, muslims from Turkey, Malaysia, Pakistan are trying to do more on this issue whereas Bangladesh govt. has reduced itself in a shameful position around the world.It does'nt deserve to be part of OIC.
bharat and burma will alway be hostile with us because 200 million Bengali muslims are too much for them.But Pakistan have a chance to make Bangladesh a close friendly country in south asia.Our demand to Pakistan is not something which Pakistan will find damaging or out of reach in anyways.You have to just put aside your Himalayan size ego and acknowledge that Pakistan did wrong in 1971,give an official apology and put under trial of those 195 war criminal who are now in Pakistan(those are still alive).Then only we can move on and forge a closer relationship.But I know what Pakistani will say in this suggestion,that 'BD is not any significant country,we don't care or we don't even think about you'.So I think this mutual hatred will goes on and on and will increase in each passing generation.
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bharat and burma will alway be hostile to us because 200 million Bengal muslims are too much for them.But Pakistan have a chance to make Bangladesh a close friendly country in south asia.Our demand to Pakistan is not something which Pakistan will find damaging in anyways.You have to just put aside your himalayan size ego and acknowledge that Pakistan did wrong in 1971,give an official apology and put under trial of those 195 war criminal who are now in Pakistan(those are still alive).Then only we can move on and forge a closer relationship.But I know what Pakistani will say in this demand,that 'BD is not any significant country,we don't care or we don't even think about you'.So I think this mutual hatred will goes on and on and will increase in each passing generation.

Yah Burma, India, Pakistan are all the bad guys that did "wrong"......and BD has only done good. Of course its obviously 3 times unlucky....and 3 time coincidence.....instead of a single common denominator (BD) using occam's razor.

Anyways no one is going to give you squat other than a good hiding when its called for...you have started to get used to it as the new normal....good....more is on the way.
@Aung Zaya

From your own article (dating from 2011):

In the past, New Delhi has discreetly discussed the minority issue with Myanmar and successfully gained citizenship for approximately 20,000 stateless persons of Indian descent. India must use its increased business investment in Myanmar to press for equality for the rest.


The total population of Burmese Indians is firstly nearly 1 million people. So about 40% were originally highlighted by Burma as stateless after the new citizenship law.

Its been 6 years since 2011, want a further update...esp considering increasing Indian investment and trade with Burma?



Renewed Integration
Publisher Ko Myo Tun said that he didn’t feel Tamils were particularly alienated within Yangon. “We are discriminated against, but less than other minority groups because we are Hindu, but partly Buddhist. It is all very similar.”

While Tamils maintain their separate temples in Yangon, Buddha worship is quite common as a part of their religion, and Buddha images are often prominently displayed in Hindu processions.

In the past few decades, there have been fewer problems with integrating with the Bamar community, U Aung Myint said. “When a [Buddhist] monk comes to my family’s door, we give them money. We are working to achieve harmony.”

After decades of laying low, lower Myanmar’s Indians gravitated back towards business when the economy began to open up in the 1990s, and have once again become a prominent force in society.

“In my opinion, [Indians] became interested in business because many felt they wouldn’t be treated equally if they joined government service,” U Aung Myint said. “We are a hard-working people. We have always been bankers and traders. There was a time when you could look around and see every bank filled with Indian faces, but now people are hesitant about large institutions.”

In the end, it may have been the decades of mutual hardship that is bringing the Indian community back into the fold.

“It is hard to say that the jealousy and mistrust is gone, but relations have greatly improved,” he said, “We lost everything, then we regrouped, and now all we can do is look to the future.”

They sound really oppressed and stateless don't they?

Really being chased out like the low grade Bangladeshi Rohingya:

Wow, Burmese people taking part in Hindu processions.....completely like how they integrated with BD-Rohingya religion right (because BD-Rohingya totally allowed it of course)?

Look at this gutted and destroyed Hindu temple in downtown Yangon:

Reminds me totally of the way rohingya worship places were treated so reverently by the Arakanese in the current clampdown right?

It is why India is continually filing complaints at the UN etc of the treatment of the Indian minority in Burma....just like BD is with their minority in Burma (Rohingya)......and we have so many Burmese Indians that flee each year nowadays back to India right?....all because Burmese Indians have not integrated at all, have started terrorist activities and Indian govt has no mettle in negotiation with Burmese govt about their status.

Yes completely the same scenario!

Most of the Tamils have already fled Burma and the remaining will leave very soon. Tamils are timid bunch which is why they are easy to persecute. Rohingyas, on the other hand, are reluctant to leave their land.
The Burmese Indians who never went home

He is among thousands of Burmese Tamils living in the north-eastern Indian town of Moreh in Manipur state, which borders Myanmar, also known as Burma.

Mr Sarlan and other Indian-origin people were forced to leave the country following a military coup in the 1960s. Their businesses were nationalised and Mr Sarlan, who used to live in Rangoon (now called Yangon), and others became penniless refugees overnight.

It is estimated that nearly 300,000 Indians fled the country following the coup.

Burmese nationalists always viewed them with suspicion and there were a series of anti-Indian riots in the 1930s. Once the British left in 1948, Indian-origin people became increasingly vulnerable and they were swiftly forced to leave following the 1962 coup.
bharat and burma will alway be hostile to us because 200 million Bengal muslims are too much for them.But Pakistan have a chance to make Bangladesh a close friendly country in south asia.Our demand to Pakistan is not something which Pakistan will find damaging or out of reach in anyways.You have to just put aside your Himalayan size ego and acknowledge that Pakistan did wrong in 1971,give an official apology and put under trial of those 195 war criminal who are now in Pakistan(those are still alive).Then only we can move on and forge a closer relationship.But I know what Pakistani will say in this suggestion,that 'BD is not any significant country,we don't care or we don't even think about you'.So I think this mutual hatred will goes on and on and will increase in each passing generation.
Mere acceptance of Bangladesh by Pakistan as a country and admission in OIC held in Pakistan subsequent to which KSA and other countries accept Bangladesh a sovereign country was not enough ?Mushraf already did it..What else do you guys need day and night saga of 1971 issues ?Your admission in OIC was only due to Pakistan..
It is Bangladesh poisoning there next generation not pakistan..Ask any common pakistani he will either be neutral or a positive vibes for Bangla..But what do you have ? Simple hate...And why do you need Pakistan to be opposite to India ?Rather Bangladesh and India are in good terms ..Watching hassena sometimes reflect balgadesh is just another state of India..
In contrast Pakistan fought several times post 1971 with India..But Bangladesh just looks like a mere extension of India now..
Thanks GOD we don't share border otherwise we have another Afghanistan on our border..Inflicted with jealousy and loud shouting of what happened decades ago..
Where does Bangladesh stand and Pakistan stands in OIC and UN
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Can't cut relation with one of world fastest growing economy. :P

Whatever you achieved thus far will collapse soon if democratic process is not restored immediately.

Hasina has created a deep scar in society. Hate for Hasina and Awami league is all time high.

Hasina has no intention to restore CTG and BNP is not allowed to practice its democratic rights. It's like suffocating condition all over the country. Only Awami and leftist chamcha lurking around.

BNP supporters (Jamat included) will not wait till eternity. They are gradually being force to take violent path and when these guys decide to go all out, it will not be happy ending for any one.

I see a dark future for Bd people.
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