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Bangladesh to become the 2nd biggest economy in SA

It is very difficult but not impossible. To become 1st despite being 17 times smaller in size than India, BD govt. has to be completely corruption free. Its nearly impossible but not impossible.

Great going India by the way..

In the long term, say 100 years the country size is one of the biggest factor in its economy...i guarantee Bangladesh cannot overtake Pakistan for a very long time but we need some good leaders for our country.
In the long term, say 100 years the country size is one of the biggest factor in its economy...i guarantee Bangladesh cannot overtake Pakistan for a very long time but we need some good leaders for our country.

I would respectfully disagree. If all things were the same then your hypothesis would certainly hold true. However Pakistan and Bangladesh have some glaring dissimilarities. Geography wise Pakistani is certainly larger then Bangladesh, it has more natural resources and historically had a bigger industrial base. But with size comes difficulties in communication and movement in people, goods and resources. Pakistan also has lots of different peoples and cultures within it.

Bangladesh on the other hand is culturally homogenous, it's relatively small size makes communications easy, it's geography is generally flatlands also helps. It's developments to date has been highly distributed across the country, and it has relatively few external pressures.

In terms of economic velocity I believe Bangladesh would score higher. Economic velocity is a very basic economic theory which is a measure of how much let's say one dollar/taka changes hands over a period of time. The more concentrated a population, the easier communication a country has, more homogenious a polulation, the more economic activity is possible and therefore and greater economic velocity. To summarise the more stability and nation has, the more instruments of economic-development a nation has such as people, ease of movement of goods and services, stable government etc the quicker it develops and the development becomes permanently ingrained.

In these terms Bangladesh has greater potential than Pakistan. It would come down I believe to a matter governance.... Which ever country had better governance will do better than the other. Both countries have strengths and weaknesses that they can utilise. Bangladeshs biggest advantage is its homogenious population and deeply ingrained belief in democracy. for Pakistan its immense natural resources.
hehehe delusional people..... Lolz.... Don't forget tamils, telugu, gujarathi, malayali,punjabi etc.......

I am surprised at the naivity of some of the Indian posters. They do not know their history as well as their geography and the namings of their country in different historical contexts. When the northern India of today was called Hindustan, the part south of Bindhya Mountain was called Deccan (we say 'Dakkhinatya' in Bengali). The naming has nothing to do with Hindu religion. This was what India was (were) called before. All the southern Rajyas of today were combinedly denoted with this popular name.

Stupid fellow, today's India is your country, although yesterday's was mine, too. You should have a clear-cut knowledge about your country's history. So, read books and check who is irrational and remains half-educated.
you can use what you want, but we like to be called Indians, because thats the secular name. even bangladesh is a misnomer as there is a bangladesh in india ( iam not talking about the illegal Bdeshis in india, but calling WBengal as bangladesh)

I remember reading an article in 2002 that infosys will become trillion dollar company soon . all this will happen if growth rates are same as when you start from a low base.
i can see BD becoming 2nd largest economy only if they develop services industry and take to technology not by manufacturing.

As the saying goes, "Power comes out of the barrel of guns." So is money and economic clout coming out of manufacturing." Manufacturing should remain the foremost because it creates more productive employments. Manufacturing creates wealth of a nation. BD is almost void of its own technology although some BD agriculture scientists are innovating food production technolgy. Note BD food production has increased about three-folds during the last three decades.

Research and innovation require money, and manufacturing and trade can supply those money. So, everything goes hand in hand. But, we cannot afford to invest in technology whereby our poors die of starvation is not our people's development philosophy. We want a just society. We want a small pie to go bigger, but at the same time, it should keep on paying dividends to the entire population. This is already happening in BD. That is why our social indexes are high comparing to our neighbours. Let other countries brag about their technology while we kep on progressing in manufacturing. However, a day will certainly arrive when a strong economy will enable us to do research on technologies.
All Subcontinent countries are performing far below their potential, so we all have a lot of work to do. At the end of the day as has been mentioned several times in this thread, good governance plays a big role. Specifically with regards to a Bangladesh Pakistan comparison, it must be stated that the two are very different in so many ways. Some differences that result in Bangladesh performing far better than Pakistan at the moment are:

The fact that Bangladesh is pretty much homogenous as far as ethnicities and languages go meaning that it doesnt have to deal with annoying and painful delays in projects due to inter ethnic rivalry (compare with e.g. the Kalabagh Dam in Pakistan).

The Afghanistan + "War on Terror" factor has wrought immense damage to the Pakistani economy, the most notable effect being the decrease in FDI into Pakistan. (compare the FDI in Bangladesh and Pakistan over the years):
Foreign investment
Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh

The fact that Pakistan has to maintain an expensive standoff with India in Kashmir means precious money which could have been spent on education and infrastructure ends up being spent on the military. Bangladesh has no real territorial disputes and hence has greater freedom to spend more of its budget on its people.

Having said all of this however Pakistans geographical position puts it in a good position for the future with regards to trade and commerce. Pakistan is South Asia definitely, but also Central Asia and Middle East in other ways. As the economies of South Asia grow, Pakistan will become the entry point for trade into South Asia. An example would be the proposed gas pipelines from Central Asia. What Pakistan requires however is peace in the region. Our western neighbour has been at war (including civil wars) for pretty much the past 30-40 years non stop. The effects naturally seep across the border. Lets hope peace returns to the region so that our economies can grow and the people of our countries can benefit.
pakistan with .9% GDP being spent on education can never do jack. It is just waiting to blow away into oblivion ;)
Only if wet dreams ever translated into real time future events.

One thing needs to be pointed out per capita GDP of Bangladesh was substantially higher then India up to 1970 and almost neck to neck up to 1993. War of independence of 1971 caused Bangladesh to little lagged behind then other country in South Asia. But Bangladesh is catching up quickly and for sure will cross the jaat paat manifested India and Pakistan for sure.
ok, bangladesh is better than India, Happy?

and btw, large glass and concrete building is not a symbol of peoples prosperity , nor is just money. prosperity is has many components both tangible and intangible.
I dont think people consider mental stress when talking about prosperty or environemental weel being , or freedom or democracy. in china you may have all the glass and stell buildings, but ask them why they cant have a brother or sister. japan may be the 2nd richest, but they are becoming the oldest and cant revert. singapore has the highest per capita but are some of the most stressed.
the way we measure development is flawed

If you think the present method of measuring prosperity of a antion is flawed because it is the GDP/per capita is taken as the main barometer, well, then, I think, Bangladesh has already reached above all other countries of South Asia because all its social indexes are higher than any of the other countries.
Historical per Capita GDP from 1960 - 1969

Country Name 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969
Afghanistan 56 56 54 73 76 94 128 150 120 121
Bangladesh 85 93 96 98 96 102 108 118 117 129
India 84 59 58 65 75 121 91 97 100 108
Pakistan 81 86 88 92 101 113 121 135 144 149
Sri Lanka 142 142 139 116 121 151 153 158 150 160

China 92 76 70 74 84 97 103 95 90 99

So you can see India was the worst performer in South Asia and it is no wonder why Indian soldiers even stole furniture and sink from Bangladesh.

How much Bangladesh's economy was damaged by the 1971 war can be seen from the data that from 132 usd per capita GDP of 1970 it has dropped to 92 USD in 1972. In other word it went back to the level of 1961 again which means it lost a decade of development.

I included the data of China also to show Bangladesh was even far ahead of China in 1960s. But 1971 war caused serious damage to the economy at that time which took another 1-2 decades to come to the normal condition. So in other word Bangladesh lost around 3 decades of development.
*clap clap* great post! Good job, you scored a point against us! You can stop now, kid. :)

he is not a muslim pakistani he is a sikh

now i dont have 2 u where his true loyalty lies ;)

anyway this thread is about BDs developing not 2 comparing with pakistan
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