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Bangladesh to become the 2nd biggest economy in SA

Captain and sarthak, this topic is about Bangladesh and 2nd biggest economy in SA. If you want to continue discuss something else in this thread let me know. I can arrange that for you two.

Thanks Webmaster for your judgement and reply back to me including banning of Sarthak. But this is unfortunate that he is likely to be the alternate id of one of the senior member KS. This is not expected from a senior member like him.

Lastly I am sorry for my earlier comments...:).
and you guys daily did it jist with your tiny country and huge population which is homeless .Bangladeshis have no control on tongue only its the problem . your GDP is half of pakistan at war time and peace time you guys stay 100s of kms behind us still no chance you left for bash us. work and services PAK gov provide to public you guys can dream them . no need to talk to you guys .aik bridge ke liye sari duya se mang rahy ho or baat kerty hain .out motor way have such 50 bridges :azn:

A lil bit off topic here imran bhai, and sincerely no dick measuring, but I saw only one motorway of six lane in one off your capt,s office map recently, when i asked him about others , he replied that there is only one such motor way in pakistan. I think that is also less than 1000km of length, dont you think that you should have at least three or four more such roads if not like india,s north south east west and many connecting express ways ? at least extend it up to karachi. it is a basic need. seriously you people should improve your roads
Captain and sarthak, this topic is about Bangladesh and 2nd biggest economy in SA. If you want to continue discuss something else in this thread let me know. I can arrange that for you two.

Sorry Sir , and thanks for not banning me :smitten: . Though that other guy really deserves to get banned for a month or 2. As for his accusations about an alternate ID , I'm sure a person of his intellect has no idea how to track an IP. You may track my IP and confirm if I have an alternate ID.
So what?

We should nt forgot Bangladesh is like our own country Pakistan
we should never forgot there sacrifices in 1947

I wish We could unite once again..because of some fcking generals and leaders we got seperated

beleive me together we would have alot of respect in this world
*a bigger economy(231+120=roughly 350billions)
*a much better and more modern military

I can just wish for this.
Historical per Capita GDP from 1960 - 1969

Country Name 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969
Afghanistan 56 56 54 73 76 94 128 150 120 121
Bangladesh 85 93 96 98 96 102 108 118 117 129
India 84 59 58 65 75 121 91 97 100 108
Pakistan 81 86 88 92 101 113 121 135 144 149
Sri Lanka 142 142 139 116 121 151 153 158 150 160

China 92 76 70 74 84 97 103 95 90 99

So you can see India was the worst performer in South Asia and it is no wonder why Indian soldiers even stole furniture and sink from Bangladesh.

How much Bangladesh's economy was damaged by the 1971 war can be seen from the data that from 132 usd per capita GDP of 1970 it has dropped to 92 USD in 1972. In other word it went back to the level of 1961 again which means it lost a decade of development.

I included the data of China also to show Bangladesh was even far ahead of China in 1960s. But 1971 war caused serious damage to the economy at that time which took another 1-2 decades to come to the normal condition. So in other word Bangladesh lost around 3 decades of development.

@Captain, I am sorry to tell that although I will accept your data as it is for our Sub-continent countries, but will not accept the conclusion that because Indian per capita GDP was less than ours, therefore, our economy was better than India. This assumption is quite flawed because it does not take into account the manufacturing base and social indexes.

Before 1971, we, in east Pakistan, had no real manufacturing base, but India had. So, when we were exporting jute products and were purchasing finished Japanese polyesters and other high class chemical fiber clothings, Indians were wearing low quality clothings. We used to laugh at them. But, important point is they were wearing their own made-in-India clothes.

Almost all other sectors were same. India did not indulge into importing luxurious finished goods, but we did. In the process we kept on losing our precious foreign exchange that we earned by selling jute. So, we kept on lagging behind India.

Even if India's per capita GDP was lower than us in those days, it had the higher potentiality to grow bigger, and BD had no such possibility because instead of importing factries and machines it buyed finished foreign goods. Only now BD has accumulated momentum to grow further. But, note because of belt tightening in the past, India is now building cars, buses and many other things, while we cannot.

To me, our present position is almost at par with what India was in the 90's. BD's present policy is pragmatic, BD people are remitting too big an amount of dollars, BD manufacturing base is getting stronger day by day. So, it may take ONLY another 10 to 20 years for us to reach the position that India is holding today.
@Captain, I am sorry to tell that although I will accept your data as it is for our Sub-continent countries, but will not accept the conclusion that because Indian per capita GDP was less than ours, therefore, our economy was better than India. This assumption is quite flawed because it does not take into account the manufacturing base and social indexes.

Before 1971, we, in east Pakistan, had no real manufacturing base, but India had. So, when we were exporting jute products and were purchasing finished Japanese polyesters and other high class chemical fiber clothings, Indians were wearing low quality clothings. We used to laugh at them. But, important point is they were wearing their own made-in-India clothes.

Almost all other sectors were same. India did not indulge into importing luxurious finished goods, but we did. In the process we kept on losing our precious foreign exchange that we earned by selling jute. So, we kept on lagging behind India.

Even if India's per capita GDP was lower than us in those days, it had the higher potentiality to grow bigger, and BD had no such possibility because instead of importing factries and machines it buyed finished foreign goods. Only now BD has accumulated momentum to grow further. But, note because of belt tightening in the past, India is now building cars, buses and many other things, while we cannot.

To me, our present position is almost at par with what India was in the 90's. BD's present policy is pragmatic, BD people are remitting too big an amount of dollars, BD manufacturing base is getting stronger day by day. So, it may take ONLY another 10 to 20 years for us to reach the position that India is holding today.

My final conclusion was not meant to compare it with India but to quantify the damage done by the 1971 war. Without 1971 war even with present independent Bangladesh situation Bangladesh would have much higher per capita GDP. Sri Lanka is also not producing much stuff but it has one of the highest per capita GDP of south asia.

Regarding India no one denied it had some earlier industrial base. But the big question is to what extent it helped overall Indian population. This is no wonder the states which had or currently has industrial base only those states which are selected few propelling Indian growth and rest are lagging way far behind. This is only possible present in India where one State like Goa has 5000 USD per capita GDP where 25% of Indian population are living with only 500 and 300 usd per capita at UP and Bihar respectively. The inequality that is present in India even with addition of manufacturing base in some states will still be there for a long time. That was the point.

While saying so Bangladesh's social development no one denied the big concerns as well which are hindering the development of Bangladesh those are corruption, party centric politics, failing to implement even a single project successfully, lack of electricity and infrastructure etc.

Hope you have got my point.
he is not a muslim pakistani he is a sikh

now i dont have 2 u where his true loyalty lies ;)

anyway this thread is about BDs developing not 2 comparing with pakistan

He is not a non-Muslim and you're wrong in thinking people always pledge their allegiance according to religious belief in contrast with loyalty to their country of origin/adoption.
Captain and sarthak, this topic is about Bangladesh and 2nd biggest economy in SA. If you want to continue discuss something else in this thread let me know. I can arrange that for you two.

Webmaster why did you delete my post? It was not off topic at all.
@Captain, I am sorry to tell that although I will accept your data as it is for our Sub-continent countries, but will not accept the conclusion that because Indian per capita GDP was less than ours, therefore, our economy was better than India. This assumption is quite flawed because it does not take into account the manufacturing base and social indexes.

Before 1971, we, in east Pakistan, had no real manufacturing base, but India had. So, when we were exporting jute products and were purchasing finished Japanese polyesters and other high class chemical fiber clothings, Indians were wearing low quality clothings. We used to laugh at them. But, important point is they were wearing their own made-in-India clothes.

Almost all other sectors were same. India did not indulge into importing luxurious finished goods, but we did. In the process we kept on losing our precious foreign exchange that we earned by selling jute. So, we kept on lagging behind India.

Even if India's per capita GDP was lower than us in those days, it had the higher potentiality to grow bigger, and BD had no such possibility because instead of importing factries and machines it buyed finished foreign goods. Only now BD has accumulated momentum to grow further. But, note because of belt tightening in the past, India is now building cars, buses and many other things, while we cannot.

To me, our present position is almost at par with what India was in the 90's. BD's present policy is pragmatic, BD people are remitting too big an amount of dollars, BD manufacturing base is getting stronger day by day. So, it may take ONLY another 10 to 20 years for us to reach the position that India is holding today.

YOu are wrong. India never had sufficient manufacturing base to visibly alter the social fabrics not even today. Sure their government did invest in heavy industry and mining but those are low labor intensive and never created enough jobs for the poor. Even big conglomerate like TATA were interested in big bucks and gone for mining and steel and autos which only fattened their pocket but never brought real benefits to the poor.
My final conclusion was not meant to compare it with India but to quantify the damage done by the 1971 war. Without 1971 war even with present independent Bangladesh situation Bangladesh would have much higher per capita GDP. Sri Lanka is also not producing much stuff but it has one of the highest per capita GDP of south asia.

Regarding India no one denied it had some earlier industrial base. But the big question is to what extent it helped overall Indian population. This is no wonder the states which had or currently has industrial base only those states which are selected few propelling Indian growth and rest are lagging way far behind. This is only possible present in India where one State like Goa has 5000 USD per capita GDP where 25% of Indian population are living with only 500 and 300 usd per capita at UP and Bihar respectively. The inequality that is present in India even with addition of manufacturing base in some states will still be there for a long time. That was the point.

While saying so Bangladesh's social development no one denied the big concerns as well which are hindering the development of Bangladesh those are corruption, party centric politics, failing to implement even a single project successfully, lack of electricity and infrastructure etc.

Hope you have got my point.

Now, you have come with another topic of today's India's many uneven developments. About 1971 as the sole reason of our downfall is certainly incorrect. But, you say the same thing in many other posts. It is really a lame excuse. India fought wars in 1948, 1962,1965 and in 1971. But, it kept on developing afterwards because it had built the manufacturing base.

On the other hand, east Pakistan, having no such base could not develop after 1971. Jute industry was almost the only sector in BD before 1971. However, jute lost its glitter and its market after 1971 because of the invention of chemical fiber throughout the world. This could be sited as the main reason for the next stage of underdevelopment. BD virtually had nothing to export after 1971.
Similarly, Pakistan fought in 1948, 1965 and 1971. It is still fighting a long war in Afghanistan. But, how came its economy is still about double of ours? It is because it already had built a strong high value manufacturing base before 1971, and the momentum has not yet been totally lost. Even a 2% Pakistani growth means a 4% growth in terms of Bangladesh because its economy is double ours.

Also, take note of England, Germany, France and all other west european countries as well as USA. Why the economy of these countries returned to its normal position within a few years and then started a robust expansion, but why Bangladesh economy could not cope with a single 1971 war? It is just because BD had not yet built any important manufacturing base.

So, we should not indulge in lame excuses for our past inability. We are forging ahead anow and we will do much better in the future, this is today's reality. The present economic dynamism in the country has already built up an export-oriented strong manufacturing base. Although textile is a rather low value sector, nevertheless, it is working as the locomotive to pull the economy forward. Anyway, we will still have to build up many other manufacturing sectors after which we can compare ourselves with Pakistan and India.
Regarding India no one denied it had some earlier industrial base. But the big question is to what extent it helped overall Indian population. This is no wonder the states which had or currently has industrial base only those states which are selected few propelling Indian growth and rest are lagging way far behind. This is only possible present in India where one State like Goa has 5000 USD per capita GDP where 25% of Indian population are living with only 500 and 300 usd per capita at UP and Bihar respectively. The inequality that is present in India even with addition of manufacturing base in some states will still be there for a long time. That was the point.

Wrong bro. Lemme educate you. The bimaru states you are talking about are now the propellors of Indian growth. They are now the fastest growing states and are getting 70% of Indian investments. Sorry to say but the Bimaru states are now killing the more advanced states of Indian. In 5 more years they will over take those states in overall industrial growth.
Bihar, orissa, chhatisgarh is now the fastest growing states in India.
Wrong bro. Lemme educate you. The bimaru states you are talking about are not the propellors of Indian growth. They are now the fastest growing states and are getting 70% of Indian investments. Sorry to say but the Bimaru states are now killing the more advanced states of Indian. In 5 more years they will over take those states in overall industrial growth.
Bihar, orissa, chhatisgarh is now the fastest growing states in India.

Those states were lagged behind by a big margin. Even if those states able to get a higher growth rate it will take decades to reach to the level of other states. Just would like to add Indian growth rate has already slowed and not likely to pick up in next couple of years. It will be interesting to see how much the states that you mentioned grow under that circumstances.
Those states were lagged behind by a big margin. Even if those states able to get a higher growth rate it will take decades to reach to the level of other states. Just would like to add Indian growth rate has already slowed and not likely to pick up in next couple of years. It will be interesting to see how much the states that you mentioned grow under that circumstances.

Lol it most of the bimaru states are now growing over 11-12% while the most advanced states in India have slowed a bit. And these states have not lagged behind. these Bimaru states have massive industrial houses. Within 5 yrs next cycle of Indian growth will start, where the advanced states will enter middle income levels and the bimaru states will become hulks of Indian economy.
Bihar is country's fastest growing state at 13.1% - Times Of India

Chhattisgarh`s growth highest last fiscal, surpasses Bihar

Chhattisgarh government signs investment pacts worth Rs 1.22 lakh crore - Economic Times
Bihar at take-off stage, says India Inc - The Times of India

@Eastwatch what I said was not fully the reason of our economic woes but illustrated the 1971 war did a big damage to our economy. You have brought the example of India's war but India was not damaged so badly overall for those war. Yes you right we did not have any manufacturing base which we are still lacking but if the war would not have happened we might have done the things by now that we are planning to do after 10-20 years. That was my point. Yes India has a manufacturing base but its export is now only 1.5 times to that of Bangladesh population ratio wise. This is not a very rosy picture of a country which has a big manufacturing base and three time electricity consumption. As iajdani indicated India's manufacturing base is still not enough to bring all the population under that coverage for it's development. Look at China it even did not have any manufacturing base like that of India even upto 1980 but see what happened in 3 decade time with good leadership and planning. But one thing is true for sure Bangladesh lacks good leadership and planner which is likely to hamper the growth of Bangladesh to a great extent.
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