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Bangladesh to become the 2nd biggest economy in SA

For India if it just rely on service industry but not manufacturing industry for its development and dnt try to develop the poor states like bihar, up, wb etc. more it has no future. I was surprised to see still more then 70% rural india dnt have sanitation. It is just showing the pathetic life condition of the Indians. Recent poverty reduction report is also deception as they just lowered the bar. How can a person with 22 rupee per day survive in rural India and 29 rupee in urban India???
onl y razakars dont like al

That's not true. Loads of people in BD don't like AL for various reasons. Think of it something like , loads of people in India don't like Gandhiji or BJP, does that make them ISI agents???

I don't understand how come some people make stupid assumptions just based on what other write on PDF?? Don't forget to read my post #76 . I am still waiting for the golden boys to reply something. :cheers:
Do not forget Pakistan has around 190 million people which is much more then Bangladesh. However Bangladesh is counting GDP based on 1995 year. With the up-gradation of base year to 2005 GDP is expected to see a huge boost and could be around 180 billion. If not in full GDP but in terms of nominal per capita GDP Bangladesh in the next couple of years will cross Pakistan that is for sure.

On top of it our export is on rise but this is not the case with Pakistan. Not only that our human resources is our best asset where Paksitan is lagged behind muchand has a much lower literacy rate then Bangladesh and in higher education only half then student of Bangladesh are enrolled. It's education budget is also a fraction of Bangladesh' one. This is clearly showing where Pakistan is heading to.

But we all want development of Pakistan but it needs to change its way. Needs to give economy and education more priority then war and fundamentalism.

How much GDP size hike is being expected by Bangladesh with the change of base year
For India if it just rely on service industry but not manufacturing industry for its development and dnt try to develop the poor states like bihar, up, wb etc. more it has no future. I was surprised to see still more then 70% rural india dnt have sanitation. It is just showing the pathetic life condition of the Indians. Recent poverty reduction report is also deception as they just lowered the bar. How can a person with 22 rupee per day survive in rural India and 29 rupee in urban India???

India as a whole has more advanced manufacturing and servicing Industry compared to Bangladesh.So I really don't understand what the fuss.But since you live in Canada I forgive you for ignorance.Also according to the latest data Bihar and Uttrakhand are some of the fastest growing states in India.Also don't forget India has higher HDI than BD,which means an average Indian has better life expectancy, literacy, education, standards of living, and higher quality of life.The lack of toilets are because of lack of priority from policy makers and lack of awareness among people.They are no means a measure of standard of living.Hope they will take necessary measures to solve this problem.

And the planning commission's poverty line is stupid and everybody knows it.
How much GDP size hike is being expected by Bangladesh with the change of base year

In 2000 when base year was changed from 1985 to 1995 30% GDP was hiked. This time more GDP hike is expected as a big chunk of industries from private bank, real state, trading houses, private universities, mobile companies, private television and radio companies etc. are not defined correctly in GDP and hence are not counted.

This is from IMF...



11 The estimated overvaluation of the taka may be exaggerated to the extent that per capita GDP is
underestimated. Bangladesh’s national accounts are based on an outdated base year (1995/96) and structural
changes that have taken place since then are not adequately reflected in GDP estimates.
The national accounts
base year was last updated in April 2000, from 1984/85 to 1995/96. At that time, the level of GDP was revised
upward by about 30 percent.
Higher per capita GDP would cause a shift to the right and move Bangladesh
closer to the regression line, implying a smaller overvaluation or even some undervaluation of the taka.

Recently Finance Monister said GDP is terribly underestimated..

Muhith finds flaws in GDP calculation

Muhith finds flaws in GDP calculation

FE Report

Finance minister AMA Muhith Saturday claimed that the gross domestic product (GDP) of Bangladesh was "terribly underestimated".

"The base-year is 15 years' old. Many products are kept away from the lists of the GDP calculation. It has to be updated," he said.

Exactly how much rise there will be no body knows but we are expecting 50% considering the huge change that has taken place in the last 17 years. Even with 30% hike Bangladesh will be already very near to the middle income country limit which is 1095 usd per capita gdp.
Whats the point of moving the base year up? we want to remain an LDC nation for years to come;)
India as a whole has more advanced manufacturing and servicing Industry compared to Bangladesh.So I really don't understand what the fuss.But since you live in Canada I forgive you for ignorance.Also according to the latest data Bihar and Uttrakhand are some of the fastest growing states in India.Also don't forget India has higher HDI than BD,which means an average Indian has better life expectancy, literacy, education, standards of living, and higher quality of life.The lack of toilets are because of lack of priority from policy makers and lack of awareness among people.They are no means a measure of standard of living.Hope they will take necessary measures to solve this problem.

And the planning commission's poverty line is stupid and everybody knows it.

I wont go much into detail... but regarding HDI if you go into the sub category you will see India is lagged behind Bangladesh in most of the sub category. Only cause of GDP India is ahead. in terms of education it was little ahead but recent data is showing Bangladesh ha caught up India but only concern is some older people those who left out in between 1970-1990 are still illiterate which will continue to affect the HDI but in primary level enrollment rate Bangladesh has achieved 99% success which is higher then India. Current number of student enrolled in higher education in Bangladesh has almost caught up India where Bangladesh has 2 million students and India 16.9 million. In the next 2 year or so Bangladesh will cross India ratio wise as well.
In health sector India lagged behind in each and every category and there are many.

Bottom line there is not much difference in HDI between Bangladesh and India. It is .5 vs. .54. The way Bangladesh is doing social development it wont be surprising if Bangladesh overtakes India within next couple of years. With the upgrade of GDP base year itself will change the HDI score which will bring very close to India or may even cross it.

Whats the point of moving the base year up? we want to remain an LDC nation for years to come;)

Well we can stay in LDC as many countries in LDC has middle income GDP but still in the LDC such as Angola where per capita GDP is 5200 USD and Guinea which has a per cpita GDP of 20200 usd. But for a country like Bangladesh it will be difficult to justify remaining in LDC as it is Bangladesh which gets most of the benefit for exporting remaining in LDC.
Economy stats: Bangladesh vs Pakistan
Bangladeshi Economy stats Pakistani Economy stats
Aid as % of GDP 2.5% 1.1%
Ranked 63rd. 127% more than Pakistan Ranked 84th.
Economic freedom 1.5 1.7
Ranked 121st. Ranked 101st. 13% more than Bangladesh
GDP $336,100,000,000.00 $437,500,000,000.00
Ranked 32nd in 2006. Ranked 27th in 2006. 30% more than Bangladesh
GDP growth > annual % 5.96 annual % 7.78 annual %
Ranked 55th in 2005. Ranked 22nd in 2005. 31% more than Bangladesh
GDP (per capita) $2,328.45 per capita $2,751.54 per capita
Ranked 142nd in 2006. Ranked 131st in 2006. 18% more than Banglades
GDP per capita $478.00 $981.00
Ranked 54th. Ranked 48th. 105% more than Bangladesh
GDP > PPP $263,434,000,000.00 $336,050,000,000.00
Ranked 32nd. Ranked 25th. 28% more than Bangladesh
Gross National Income $48,616,900,000.00 $60,047,300,000.00
Ranked 46th. Ranked 39th. 24% more than Bangladesh
Gross National Income (per $ GDP) $17.63 per $100 $17.29 per $100
Ranked 139th. 2% more than Pakistan Ranked 143rd.
Human Development Index 0.52 0.527
Ranked 140th. Ranked 136th. 1% more than Bangladesh
Income category Low income Low income
Population under $1 a day 29.1 31
Ranked 22nd. Ranked 21st. 7% more than Bangladesh
Poverty > Share of all poor people
3.49 % of world's poor 3.86 % of world's poor
Ranked 5th. Ranked 4th. 11% more than Bangladesh

This is what i have got.......
For India if it just rely on service industry but not manufacturing industry for its development and dnt try to develop the poor states like bihar, up, wb etc. more it has no future. I was surprised to see still more then 70% rural india dnt have sanitation. It is just showing the pathetic life condition of the Indians. Recent poverty reduction report is also deception as they just lowered the bar. How can a person with 22 rupee per day survive in rural India and 29 rupee in urban India???

Do u know the GDP per capita of WB is more GDP per capita of BD n Bihar is growing at 13-14% pa which is twice as fast as that of BD...

Just for ur info -
GDP - $96.50 billion
Per Capita - $902
HDI - 0.625
Population - 91 million

GDP - $113 billion
Per Capita - $700
HDI - 0.500
Population - 160 million

So think twice next time u open ur mouth....:hitwall:

India's top 25 states with highest GDP - Rediff.com Business

PS - Unless u wanna ruin ur own country's achievements thread ur most welcome to compare urself with India
Do u know the GDP per capita of WB is more GDP per capita of BD n Bihar is growing at 13-14% pa which is twice as fast as that of BD...

Just for ur info -
GDP - $96.50 billion
Per Capita - $902
HDI - 0.625
Population - 91 million

GDP - $113 billion
Per Capita - $700
HDI - 0.500
Population - 160 million

So think twice next time u open ur mouth....:hitwall:

India's top 25 states with highest GDP - Rediff.com Business

PS - Unless u wanna ruin ur own country's achievements thread ur most welcome to compare urself with India

Look at post 95... with the revision of base year GDP of Bangladesh will be way above to that of WB...

WB is one of the 7 state where 78% of the poors of India reside.
Look at post 95... with the revision of base year GDP of Bangladesh will be way above to that of WB...

WB is one of the 7 state where 78% of the poors of India reside.

you still have a 160 million population but WB is at 90 million right???

you can also look at HDI....
please dont compare with India...it is offensive...
you still have a 160 million population but WB is at 90 million right???

you can also look at HDI....
please dont compare with India...it is offensive...

I was talking about per capita GDP... GDP of Bangladesh is already higher then WB...

Yes we do not want to compare with India.... it is offensive as it is a country which has 51% open defection, 70% village with no sanitation coverage, 44% under 4 years age child are malnourished, one third poor go to bed hungry, it has more poor then total population of sub saharan countries combined. It is really offensive.
I was talking about per capita GDP... GDP of Bangladesh is already higher then WB...

Yes we do not want to compare with India.... it is offensive as it is a country which has 51% open defection, 70% village with no sanitation coverage, 44% under 4 years age child are malnourished, one third poor go to bed hungry, it has more poor then total population of sub saharan countries combined. It is really offensive.

No one want to compare with bangladesh 49% below poverty line and
0 infrastructure....dats why they are begging before chinese....:woot:

''Bangladesh is one of the world's most densely populated countries with 150 million people, 49 percent of whom live below the national poverty line. In addition, child malnutrition rate rates of 48 percent, the second highest in the world, in condition that is tied to the low social status of women in Bangladeshi society.''
some times i really feel tht this so called journalist need to get some basic economics education when writing articles on intl level with letting their idiotic emotions to themselfs.....i means sometimes some idiot says looks bangladesh currency is up Pakistan's down it means Bangladesh economy is bigger:D some times some idiot quote exports .......i means please just look at the data

Pakistan GDP $ 512 billion
Bangladesh GDP $ 302 billion

& as per IMF conservative figures in 2017 Pakistan GDP will be $659 billion, where Bangla GDP will be $ 458 billion

Pakistan is in war & people are comparing her....i mean please if indians do this BS we all can understand tht but plzz i dont expect this kinda stupidity from sane peoples....once we are out of this mess than world will see real Pakistan.

Don't u guys claim that 40% of India landmass is under maoists ? Come on.. atleast be consistent in your arguments.. By that logic, India should have least development.. ;) do u see the idiocy in your post now ?

1. In 1969-70, the ratio of per capita incomes between West and East Pakistan was 1.6, as detailed by Mr. Khan in Bangladeshi paper The Daily Star. In 2011, however, this ratio has increased to 1.7, according to the IMF data.

2. Bangladesh is still categorized by the World Bank among low income and least developed countries of the world, while Pakistan is a middle income country and classified well above the list of least developed countries of the world.


Bangladesh is ranked as 11th poorest country in the world by the World Bank in terms of the percentage of population living on $1.25 or less a day. Neighboring India is the 14th poorest on this list, while Pakistan does not show up on it. The rest of the nations on this list are all in sub-Saharan Africa.

Haq's Musings: Economic Disparity Between Bangladesh & Pakistan

Any more idiocy from you ? Don't pass of your blog links as something worthwhile.. i have gone through your articles.. it's total cr@p.

I was talking about per capita GDP... GDP of Bangladesh is already higher then WB...

Yes we do not want to compare with India.... it is offensive as it is a country which has 51% open defection, 70% village with no sanitation coverage, 44% under 4 years age child are malnourished, one third poor go to bed hungry, it has more poor then total population of sub saharan countries combined. It is really offensive.

Still has more HDI than you guys.. seriously, u guys have to seriously fcuked up in some category for the HDI to be lower than us :lol:
No one want to compare with bangladesh 49% below poverty line and
0 infrastructure....dats why they are begging before chinese....:woot:

''Bangladesh is one of the world's most densely populated countries with 150 million people, 49 percent of whom live below the national poverty line. In addition, child malnutrition rate rates of 48 percent, the second highest in the world, in condition that is tied to the low social status of women in Bangladeshi society.''

Do you want to get banned again like the last time??? as you came with old data once again. 49% poverty reduced to 31% in between 2005-2010. It is much lower now. But in India it is 37% based on 2010 data.

Poverty declines to 31 pct: UN

Poverty declines to 31 pct: UN | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com

Thu, Nov 3rd, 2011 12:55 pm BdST

Dhaka, Nov 3 (bdnews24.com) – Poverty rate in Bangladesh has declined sharply from 49 per cent to 31 per cent as Bangladesh has progressed in various categories of human development, a new report by the United Nations has said.
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