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Bangladesh starts monitoring mosques, madrasas

No then you will self destruct.

And they've lived here for 40+ years, and still surviving.

Thanks though :lol:

You have failed to understand the topic. It has nothing to do with education or curriculum in madrasa. Why do you keep talking about monitoring and ensuring the set curriculum is being taught. Read the original article.

It is about BAL govt giving guidelines to mosques and imams about what they can talk about during sermons and monitoring it. This is religious censorship and curtailing imams during jaamat, nothing to do with classes in a madrasa. It is anti people, anti free speech thought control to achieve a one party state.

We are at cross purpose discussing apples and oranges, where I am commenting against the original news article you are grinding axe against perhaps educational quality in Madrasha.

Extremisim, fanatism, fundamentalism all are against the fundamental spirit of Islam. But, many of you here propagate all those that are against Islam.

Don't be smart alec and try to slip and slide; you accused me so show the proof I did. Not your make up lie but statement I have made with time date and thread. Oh you have allergy to the holy Quran and Hadith so you have no credibility on anything "Islamic" from your mouth.I guess that how secular extremist work and talk

If you dont keep an eye on them, those small groups could create mayhem in the country. Forgot about Bangla Bhai gangue? They were let loose by BNP/Jamat and took almost a decade to eradicate them.

Here you are talking about "may" but no real proof and imposing indian branded secular garbage. But Awami thugs are attacking, killing and looting everyday, have Awami League regime done anything to monitor or curtail that? You are as good Awami terrorist supporting their act.
1. No monitoring of BAL meetings?
2. No monitoring of churches and temples?
3. No monitoring of Hindutva-radicals' embassies and espionage dens?
4. No monitoring of "Chhatra League" and other associated cadres ? Did somebody forget "Logi-boitha tandob"?
5. How about monitoring RAB for its extra-judicial murders?
6. No monitoring of road networks all around the country and poor drivers with low skills who cause dozens of death around the country daily?

Can somebody answer these questions first?
Don't be smart alec and try to slip and slide; you accused me so show the proof I did. Not your make up lie but statement I have made with time date and thread. Oh you have allergy to the holy Quran and Hadith so you have no credibility on anything "Islamic" from your mouth.I guess that how secular extremist work and talk

Here you are talking about "may" but no real proof and imposing indian branded secular garbage. But Awami thugs are attacking, killing and looting everyday, have Awami League regime done anything to monitor or curtail that? You are as good Awami terrorist supporting their act.

Why are you even feeding them?

Those guys are kinda weird anyways.

Oh, and we can see who the real terrorists are :lol:
1. No monitoring of BAL meetings?
2. No monitoring of churches and temples?
3. No monitoring of Hindutva-radicals' embassies and espionage dens?
4. No monitoring of "Chhatra League" and other associated cadres ? Did somebody forget "Logi-boitha tandob"?
5. How about monitoring RAB for its extra-judicial murders?
6. No monitoring of road networks all around the country and poor drivers with low skills who cause dozens of death around the country daily?

Can somebody answer these questions first?

thats what police is for dummy
Dude, watch the link I provided.

Trust me, you'd change your mind about Bangladesh Police! :lol:

Indians are here for trolling nothing else, so don't even bother.

If you dont keep an eye on them, those small groups could create mayhem in the country. Forgot about Bangla Bhai gangue? They were let loose by BNP/Jamat and took almost a decade to eradicate them.

You are a typical shameless lair and you know that very well don't you? At least give credit to BNP-Jammat that they hanged those JMB thugs that your BAL unleashed on BD to prove BD as a
terror hub. Lying like a pathetic awamiliger, doesn't get any lower than this.
Damn, didn't know things were so tense between Bangladeshis and Indians.

What happened to the solidarity that led to India giving Bangladesh its independence :D
Damn, didn't know things were so tense between Bangladeshis and Indians.

What happened to the solidarity that led to India giving Bangladesh its independence :D

India never gave Bangladesh its independence, they had no power to do so. It's just some cheap propaganda stunt their dhoti clad "babus" in Delhi spread around to fool their ignorant masses into believing they are a powerful country that gained some victory of note in warfare. They do not even publicize the results of their 1962 loss, those classified documents remain classified today. Worse yet, they keep deluding themselves into thinking they fought off the US and British navy in 1971, while in reality, all of them were probably praying for their "Lord Hanuman" to save them, until the Soviet Union sent its Navy's pacific fleet to avert any misadventures by the Anglo American axis.

thats what police is for dummy

You dont know a thing about Bangladeshi legislative structure or ground realities, or both, if you think so.
Damn, didn't know things were so tense between Bangladeshis and Indians.

What happened to the solidarity that led to India giving Bangladesh its independence :D

I don't have any problem with Indians or their country.

My problem is the kind of propaganda they and their media spread about my country. Albeit, from intellectual writers. Not random forum dwellers.

Seriously, some of those people have an agenda :D
Show the proof I did. Not your make up lie but statement I have made with time date and thread. Oh you have allergy to the holy Quran and Hadith so you have no credibility on anything "Islamic" from your mouth.I guess that how secular extremist work and talk.

You are a pathological liar and are now trying to hide behind religion. Jamaati guys have one track mind, and you are no exception. What proof do you need? Read all your posts and see how you are anti-progressive, how you want to solve today's issues with religious Fatwas. Who can change your mindset? Has anyone been able to change the mindset of illiterate Afghan talibans?

You are so blind that you are lesser a Muslim and more like those Hindus of old time. You are what a Hindu is supposed to be. Yet, you think you are holding the mantle of Islam. A Muslim must be broad minded and shall not confine himself to the teaching of his religion. Re-learn what Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, 'Go even to a far away China to learn knowledge.'

But, you guys want us to confine knowledge on theology only. This is why Muslims are at the lowest rung of the ladder of progress.
You are a pathological liar and are now trying to hide behind religion. Jamaati guys have one track mind, and you are no exception. What proof do you need? Read all your posts and see how you are anti-progressive, how you want to solve today's issues with religious Fatwas. Who can change your mindset? Has anyone been able to change the mindset of illiterate Afghan talibans?

You are so blind that you are lesser a Muslim and more like those Hindus of old time. You are what a Hindu is supposed to be. Yet, you think you are holding the mantle of Islam. A Muslim must be broad minded and shall not confine himself to the teaching of his religion. Re-learn what Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, 'Go even to a far away China to learn knowledge.'

But, you guys want us to confine knowledge on theology only. This is why Muslims are at the lowest rung of the ladder of progress.

proves your knowledge on Islam and capability of giving lecture on it! Muhammad (s) never said anything related to china! Just don't make yourself laughing stock!
proves your knowledge on Islam and capability of giving lecture on it! Muhammad (s) never said anything related to china! Just don't make yourself laughing stock!

So, you should learn from me and other knoweledgeable people, you ignorant fool! Don't lecture others with your shallow knowledge. You are just another superstitious mullah with no Islamic knowledge.

Islam also said an evening of learning is above a night of worshipping. There are hundred other guidelines that the Prophet(saw)has introduced. But, the fundamentalists like you avoid these teachings and cling to and spread superstitions in his name. Muslims must educate themselves with science, technology, medicines and many other subjects that are relevant to the present day.

I am not an islamic scholar, but, I will remain vigilant to the ill adivses given by the ignorants, because these people are responsible for downgrading the Muslim society below all other religious groups that include Hindu and Jews. This is how our youths have been ruined with ill or no education, and then are forced to go to and water date trees in the deserts of Arabia.

It is a shame, and this is why the half-literate and non-educated Mullahs must be rooted out to give entrance to the more enlightened ones in the society. GoB is doing a great job not to allow them freedom of teaching any trashes that are not compatible with 21st Century world where all the muslims must acquire knowledge because only knowledge is power.
Given below is a quote from Dr. Mahatir Muhammad the former prime minister of Malaysia regarding this hadith. I would like to acknowledge that Dr. Mahatir is not a scholar of hadith but his stance on this matter seems to be different from other so I thought it would be helpful to reproduce it here.

A hadith says: “Seek knowledge even as far as China.” It was pointed out by detractors that this was just a saying of the Prophet and it was not a command from God. When they disagreed with a particular hadith, they were quick to discredit it and refused to acknowledge it as a source of Islamic teaching. But if they subscribed to it, then they would not cease to highlight it repeatedly, even if it’s authenticity is doubted. Surely seeking knowledge in China does not mean Islamic knowledge. During the Prophet’s period, China was also known to have deep knowledge in such fields as medicine, literature and paper, explosives and many others.
The fact that eastwatch can ONLY think about Taliban/Pakistan/backward village mullahs when talking about Islam shows his mentality. As though if you are a Muslim, being a Taliban/Wahhabi mullah is the ONLY thing you can be, while if you are secular, it automatically makes you as advanced as America. If you want to preserve our Islamic culture and heritage, it AUTOMATICALLY means that we want BD to become some sort of Afghanistan, while if you want to sacrifice this country for the enjoyment of foreigners, you are automatically a great patriot who will lead his country to fame. Which is absolute nonsense, because the secular Awami League has resulted in absolutely 0 scientific or industrial advancement. Same with "secular" regimes of Ben Ali or Mubarak. But they all used this illusion to stay in power.

"We are absolute failures in running the country, we loot all the natural resources, and we have resulted in ZERO development, but you must vote for us because if the Islamists come to power, they will turn the country into Afghanistan." - This is their logic, the logic they used to stay in power. Which we are clever enough to see through and reject in the case of Awami League/leftists.

I suggest Mr. eastwatch you go to the Iranian Defence forum and look at a thread, called "Made In Iran", to get rid of your deep prejudices and see what Iran has achieved under the leadership of Khomeini.
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