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Bangladesh starts building first nuclear plant

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Hey Griff,

What's up? :smart: I haven't seen you for a while, hope you're doing well.

Burma doesn't have a Nuclear weapons program(atleast nobody knows about it apart from you)..

The US accused Russia for assisting Burma to develop atomic weapons. In 2008, it said that the Burma armed forces did conduct research on developing atomic weapons as well, which pushed the US to impose tougher sanctions. Another issue that disturbed the US - in addition to Russia's move on Iran - was the nuclear-energy agreement Burma signed with Russia, something that angered the US, and China as both wish not to spark an arm race in one of the most strategic part on this planet.

Burma doesn't have a Nuclear weapons program(atleast nobody knows about it apart from you)..and nor you want nuclear weapons programs(BD simply can't afford the cost,believe me),atleast if not want to get bombed by other countries,if not by India itself.
So are we gonna see Bongla-Attum-Bums soon? :D

What's up Loki ma man!

I'm not your man.

We should start exporting radioactive Ilish.THe perfect weapon!

Yes, I was thinking of something more subtle :devil:


With all fairness both India and Pakistan screwed the ambition of other countries to achieve nuclear weapons. Bangladesh, at current can't make the nuclear weapons because the reactor and the fissile material will be under the control of Russia or the IAEA, which means if anything happens it would bring bad rep. against Russia. Keeping that in mind I doubt Russia would do anything that will bring its nuclear treaties with other country in the light.

Why they even bothered with nukes is beyond me.

Hey Griff,

What's up? :smart: I haven't seen you for a while, hope you're doing well.

The US accused Russia for assisting Burma to develop atomic weapons. In 2008, it said that the Burma armed forces did conduct research on developing atomic weapons as well, which pushed the US to impose tougher sanctions. Another issue that disturbed the US - in addition to Russia's move on Iran - was the nuclear-energy agreement Burma signed with Russia, something that angered the US, and China as both wish not to spark an arm race in one of the most strategic part on this planet.

Read the articles I posted. The whole thing was a hoax from the beginning. The Burmese have enough problems of their own. They cannot afford a nuclear program.
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There is a world of a difference i.e quite a few steps, between going for nuclear power generation & building a nuke !

You've got no idea what Pakistan went through to build the bomb !

At any rate Pakistan & Pakistanis don't care either way whether Bangladesh goes for a Bomb or not partly because its not going to happen & partly because we don't have a monopoly on the Bomb otherwise we wouldn't have shared some stuff with 'other countries' some of whom ratted us out later.

Just to be a little bit fair, I don't think the world powers would have ever wanted India or Pakistan possessing the bombs, but the world failed to stop both, India took a big risk when it conducted its first test, the whole world was shocked, and Pakistan had to fallow suit.

Many countries tried to isolate Pakistan, but no one dared to mess with them because of you-know-who ;).
That would mean eternity! You just don't train a dozen people in nuclear engineering.... they'd need to establish institutes, or bring the ones already there up to standards. You guys will need all sorts of technical hands, specially if you plan to put a whole lotta reactors online........ better start now.......

Btw, who would be supplying the fuel? Process it yourselves or import @ NSG?

Russians are going to stay here until our people are adequately trained.
Read the articles I posted. The whole thing was a hoax from the beginning. The Burmese have enough problems of their own. They cannot afford a nuclear program.

With all due respect but I was taught not to open my mouth haphazardly, I can speak with the authority on that.

You will want to check what was the Senate reaction when the Intelligence committee brought the news, if it helps.
Russians are going to stay here until our people are adequately trained.

That doesn't negate the risks involved. Fact is BD people are not aware of hazards associated with nuclear plants. It's easy to convince them because they think a nuclear plant is something prestegious for a nation, to them it's akin to possessing nuclear weapons.
That would mean eternity! You just don't train a dozen people in nuclear engineering.... they'd need to establish institutes, or bring the ones already there up to standards. You guys will need all sorts of technical hands, specially if you plan to put a whole lotta reactors online........ better start now.......

Btw, who would be supplying the fuel? Process it yourselves or import @ NSG?

Who's going to process the fuel? Who's going to store it? The training will be for handling and maintenance. With that someone wishes to build a nuke, this should be fun. I am looking forward to this. :tup:

An IAEA safeguarded reactor CANNOT be used for this, India and Pakistan ensured that.:bunny:
What have you consumed recently? What sort of narcotics to be precise!

When did having a nuclear power plant become "one step" closer to having the bomb? There are literally 56,000 unique processes, and about a million "unique" components involved in making the bomb! Don't forget the "physics" part. It requires a pool of thousand upon thousands of brilliant and trained physicists in the field to come to a viable solution. Unless someone gifts you the "package".

Why does it make some Pakistani's upset when Bangladesh goes for nuclear power generation, which is one short step away from bomb technology? Does it have something to do with being the sole Muslim nuke power? Just curious.

LMFAO.... you mean FMCT? :D

Bhawawawwawawawawwa..... everyone got screwed other than us! :yay:

Who's going to process the fuel? Who's going to store it? The training will be for handling and maintenance. With that someone wishes to build a nuke, this should be fun. I am looking forward to this. :tup:

An IAEA safeguarded reactor CANNOT be used for this, India and Pakistan ensured that.:bunny:
What have you consumed recently? What sort of narcotics to be precise!

When did having a nuclear power plant become "one step" closer to having the bomb? There are literally 56,000 unique processes, and about a million "unique" components involved in making the bomb! Don't forget the "physics" part. It requires a pool of thousand upon thousands of brilliant and trained physicists in the field to come to a viable solution. Unless someone gifts you the "package".

LMFAO.... you mean FMCT? :D

Bhawawawwawawawawwa..... everyone got screwed other than us! :yay:

Well you folks have a little baniya in you and we a little pukhtoon in us, ergo everyone else can eat $hit till the end of days- as Iran just found out.
That would mean eternity! You just don't train a dozen people in nuclear engineering.... they'd need to establish institutes, or bring the ones already there up to standards. You guys will need all sorts of technical hands, specially if you plan to put a whole lotta reactors online........ better start now.......

Btw, who would be supplying the fuel? Process it yourselves or import @ NSG?

They are going to start sending professors to our universities.I don't think we will be processing our own fuel.We will probably buy them from the Russians.
@Yzd Khalifa

how are you bro??I was lil busy last few days,though paid regular visit here..thanks for asking..

as for Mayanmar's Nuclear Ambition,it was more of a hoax that was published in Sydney Morning Herald and somewhat supported by Democratic Voice of Burma.but didn't trigger much of International activity.the info they published is came from 2 defectors,who can give false info anyway.plus,Burma just started its Nuclear reactor in 2007,no way the can build it so fast(even if they've bought blueprints from NK as alleged).Neither any international watchdog(their nuclear reactor is under IAEA's watch),nor any other country accused them so.so,I think its more of a hoax than truth.

can you post the link of USA imposing tougher sanctions on Mayanmar based on this??

by the way,Mayanmar tried to come clean on this...

www.dvb.no/news/burma-agrees-to-let-in-un-nuclear-weapons-inspectors-burma-myanmar/32540+&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=in]Burma agrees to let in UN nuclear weapons inspectors | DVB Multimedia Group[/url]

US welcomes Myanmar signing nuclear agreement with UN atomic watchdog group | Fox News

I don't think USA is covinced.or else,they'd not congratulate them so early..

even if they had plans of making nuclear weapons,I think they didn't pursued it later.
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@Hyperion No offense to my bangla brothers here, when we say that it is beyond Bangladesh's capacity to fab a tamper assembly or a fast/slow explosive lense it is a reflection on the fact that Bangladesh so far does not have the wideband research base in this area to attempt fabricating such things. It is not a comment on someone's intelligence or potential. It would be akin to me saying that we are supplying high power magnets to CERN for the LHC so now we can build an LHC.:)
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You know just because of our enmity, both of us actually saved each other!

Because of each other we refused to sign CTBT/NPT.
Because of you guys, till hell freezes over, will we ratify FMCT!

Win win win..... rest of the world can eat **** :yay:

Well you folks have a little baniya in you and we a little pukhtoon in us, ergo everyone else can eat $hit till the end of days- as Iran just found out.
They are going to start sending professors to our universities.I don't think we will be processing our own fuel.We will probably buy them from the Russians.

Reprocessing is where many restrictions lie and rest assured the IAEA will ensure that they are stringent, even India has to abide by them on our safeguarded reactors.
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