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Bangladesh starts building first nuclear plant

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To counter the big fat bully we need nukes.Even Burma is working towards that. If there is a political will, and we maintain good relations with China and Pakistan, it should be difficult to own some nukes. In the interim we should come under the nuclear shield of China/Pakistan.

Burma doesn't have a Nuclear weapons program(atleast nobody knows about it apart from you)..and nor you want nuclear weapons programs(BD simply can't afford the cost,believe me),atleast if not want to get bombed by other countries,if not by India itself.
If India can sign nuclear deal with USA, Russia can do the same with Bangladesh. This means only one thing that eventually we will have nukes and no power in the world will be able to stop it. We should also sign a mutual defense pact with China, just in case any neighbor get adventurous.;)
If India can sign nuclear deal with USA, Russia can do the same with Bangladesh. This means only one thing that eventually we will have nukes and no power in the world will be able to stop it. We should also sign a mutual defense pact with China, just in case any neighbor get adventurous.;)

you got it all wrong... :omghaha:
Burma doesn't have a Nuclear weapons program(atleast nobody knows about it apart from you)..and nor you want nuclear weapons programs(ND simply can't afford the cost,believe me),atleast if not want to get bombed by other countries,if not by India itself.

Bombs will not be required, just need to open flood gates of all the dams at once! :D

For other Bangladeshis who are not planning to nuke "The big fat bully"; Congrats if this is true!! Just don't make the Hilsas radioactive! :D
Whats wrong with Bangladeshis of pdf? They build a boat and say next year aircraft carrier. Assemble a primitive satellite which is to be launched by another country and say next year spy satellite. Develop a java app and say we are IT power. And now they bring in Russia to build a Nuclear plant and say nuclear bomb and what not. Damn!
If India can sign nuclear deal with USA, Russia can do the same with Bangladesh. This means only one thing that eventually we will have nukes and no power in the world will be able to stop it. We should also sign a mutual defense pact with China, just in case any neighbor get adventurous.;)
Ever wonder why even during their bedding days with America, Pakistan was never offered such a deal---But within a few years of improving relations India signed the deal. Not only with US but Russia,France,Canada. And recently a reluctant Australia joined the group. Geo-Politics is not a fight of boudis(aunties) like you percieve.
If India can sign nuclear deal with USA, Russia can do the same with Bangladesh. This means only one thing that eventually we will have nukes and no power in the world will be able to stop it. We should also sign a mutual defense pact with China, just in case any neighbor get adventurous.;)

all just i can do is only laugh at your post :omghaha: Sir, India going to be a major ally and sheriff of USA in the ASIA to counter china. They are emerging power and they have geographic and economic importance. What Bangladesh gonna offer to Russia or any other country.?? So before you start your nuclear ambitions, its better to spend billions of $$$ on your air defence because US, israeli or French Fighter planes are not far from you now... !!!
I wonder why Pakistan and Saudi Arabia(potential) didn't get the same treatment???you're missing one point.Iraq did have a nuclear weapons program,just like Libya and Iran(Pakistan sold the tech).how close were they to make it is a subject of debate,but its not right to assume that West is stopping only Musilm countries(North Korea)..they're stopping every rogue countries from having this tech.but peaceful nuclear program is always welcome.

North Korea is getting hard penalty because they are all weather enemy of US. as far as you mentioned Pakistan, Israel and India tried to bomb Kahuta facilities in the past but India was afraid of the strict reaction of Pakistan, so the programme was cancelled.. as far as US is concerned at that time we were their allies and were beating Soviet Union in Afghanistan,so they didnt yelled at us. Saudi Arabia has other case they are major ally of the US and they are their oil feeders so they can do whatever they want.. !!!
Are Bangladesh disaster responses units and training is good enough to handle what ever Nuclear related accident maybe happened in the future (like Fukushima accident or Chernobyl)?

No, actually. We have zero experience ppl working for this project with little or no background on working in nuclear power plants.this whole project is faulty and mismanaged from the planing board.Our gov has (for well known reasons) decided to buy the nuclear reactor itself from the feeder country which other countries in the past rejected as faulty and not up to the international safety standards. This whole plant will be a ticking time bomb in no time for this whole subcontinent.
Title should be corrected - Russia building Nuclear Reactor on the Land provided by BD.
Title should be corrected - Russia building Nuclear Reactor on the Land provided by BD.
The title is correct.Russia is building, but with some of BD money,in BD, for BD,the sole owner is BD.the power/electricity will used for BD,in BD.:whistle:
1.We are far way off. BAL govt will never undertake a project which could upset its masters. These exercises of Hasina are targeted at the ensuing elections, and there is money to be made scooping off the Russian funding.

2. But the fact is that we need nuclear stations for power generation. We must,as a nation, also aim at acquiring nuclear arms.

Exactly, this is another Padma bridge like Awami League signboard project with wholesale looting option.
To counter the big fat bully we need nukes.Even Burma is working towards that. If there is a political will, and we maintain good relations with China and Pakistan, it should be difficult to own some nukes. In the interim we should come under the nuclear shield of China/Pakistan.
Do you realy think the US would allow it?
Whats wrong with Bangladeshis of pdf? They build a boat and say next year aircraft carrier. Assemble a primitive satellite which is to be launched by another country and say next year spy satellite. Develop a java app and say we are IT power. And now they bring in Russia to build a Nuclear plant and say nuclear bomb and what not. Damn!
They can make an RDD Radioactive despersal device!
Just as an intimidation weapon!
They can make an RDD Radioactive despersal device!
Just as an intimidation weapon!

Nope. You should realize that safeguarding the fissile material ruins any such idea, blame us for it, you'd actually be correct. We ruined the party for everyone after our first test. :devil:
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