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Bangladesh signs $1 billion deal with India

I don't understand why bangladeshis hate india. I can understand if a pakistani or chinese do so.
can any one point out some genuine reason ?

Islamic brotherhood ...and also the fact that some of them still have their hearts bleeding for erstwhile Pakistan...thats the only reason i can see !! .... Anyways ..def.pk is the one place where they can vent their frustrations ..and people can sell their book (read india doctrine)... so let them do ...

Bangladesh is relatively a new indpendent country -- let them find their boots and vision in the next 10 years...and the same people will begin to say something different.
Islamic brotherhood ...and also the fact that some of them still have their hearts bleeding for erstwhile Pakistan...thats the only reason i can see !! .... Anyways ..def.pk is the one place where they can vent their frustrations ..and people can sell their book (read india doctrine)... so let them do ...

Bangladesh is relatively a new indpendent country -- let them find their boots and vision in the next 10 years...and the same people will begin to say something different.

Many of these "Bangladeshis" are just Rezakaars who indulged in rape and killing of Bengalis and were then later killed in the Dhaka parade ground by bayoneting in public by the patriotic Bengalis in revenge. Then the AL decided to pardon them and see how they are repaying that mercy!

They wanted to go to Pakistan but even Pakistan didn't accept them. So they lived in camps for decades before Bangladesh allowed them out of those shitty camps.

Naturally they hate Bangladesh and they hate India.

Let them be. They are immaterial.
give me a positive explaination and maybe I could undertand what your saying, if I re-call I didn't join to start wars or argument against my own people, I joined because I am hear to help and mainly help people understand the state bangladesh is in.

You are right, you did not go personally against anyone. But, there are two notions: one group thinks Indian loan is good and another group thinks Indian loan is not good offer. So if you say (post#3) this loan will accelerate our economy then ultimately some one (who believes that this loan is not good) can charge you to proof it and if you fail to proof it then he can ask about your credibility.

But whatever it is: enjoy this forum, I like your presence till you talk against hell-AL's deception, lol.

Cheers :cheers:
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