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Bangladesh secretly recruiting Indians in Bangladeshi police service

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Apr 8, 2013
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The reports and video are in Bengali, the content basically says that Bangladesh is recruiting Indians in police service secretly by fudging their identity and residence addresses.
Editor of one Bangladeshi news media has been issued arrest warrant for spilling the beans on "Hinduization of Police" in Bangladesh.


বাংলাদেশ পুলিশে পরিচয় গোপন করে নিয়োগ দেওয়া হচ্ছে ভারতীয়দের ! (ভিডিও সহ)

বাংলাদেশের বিভিন্ন জায়গার ভুয়া ঠিকানা ব্যবহার করে ভুয়া নাগরিকরা পুলিশে নিয়োগ দেয়া হচ্ছে গণহারে । যাদের নিয়োগ দেয়া হচ্ছে তাদের কাউকেই চিনেন না সেই সব এলাকার স্থানীয় লোকজন। চেনেন না, স্থানীয় ইউনিয়ন চেয়ারম্যান, এলাকার বয়স্করা লোকজন । সম্প্রতি যমুনা টিভি’র অনুসন্ধানী রিপোর্টে বেরিয়ে এসেছে এসব চাঞ্চল্যকর তথ্য।

সেখানে দেখা যাচ্ছে ঢাকার কয়েকটি উপজেলা যেমন দোহার, ধামরাই এলাকার দেড় শতাধিক যুবক সম্প্রতি পুলিশে নিয়োগ পেয়েছেন। কিন্তু তারা ঐ এলাকার বাসিন্দা নন । এলাকার কেউই তাদের চিনেনও না । এমনকি তাদের দেয়া সব ঠিকানাই ভুয়া ।
একই সময় পুলিশের চাকরীর জন্য লাইনে দাঁড়ানো এক যুবকের ভাষ্য মতে, সেই অপরিচিত ব্যক্তিদের আচরণ রহস্যজনক। তাদের ভাষাও বোধগম্য নয়।

তাহলে এরা কারা?
পরিচয় গোপন করে এক জেলার লোকজন আরেক জেলার বলে পরিচয় দিচ্ছে কেন? এভাবে কোন বাংলাদেশীর চাকরী নেয়ার দরকার হয়না । অসাধু পন্থায় নিয়োগ পেতে স্থানীয় ঠিকানাইবা ভুয়া দেখাতে হবে কেন? তাদের ভাষা ভিন্ন কেন?


পুলিশে হিন্দুকরণ নিয়ে সংবাদ প্রকাশ, ইনকিলাব সম্পাদককে গ্রেপ্তারে পরোয়ানা


Now the question is, are they complaining about Bangladeshi Hindus getting recruited in police service, or is it really "Operation Takeover"!!

@rainman get a life. Why so obsessed with BD? Troll thread posting from these toilet paper worth sources. I suspect rainman maintains several other ids here, another one of him is ryiad.
@rainman get a life. Why so obsessed with BD? Troll thread posting from these toilet paper worth sources.

That video is an investigating journalism report from Jamuna TV Bangladesh, is it also a toilet paper worth TV channel?

I suspect rainman maintains several other ids here, another one of him is ryiad.

My Goodness...!! :o:
That video is an investigating journalism report from Jamuna TV Bangladesh, is it also a toilet paper worth TV channel?

My Goodness...!! :o:

Jamaatis made that video cutting from original program of Jamuna TV. Used first half discarding second. In second half it shows people of other districts getting employed on district quotas of shown districts. So the language dissimilarities etc. Apparently work of corrupt officers. But as an Indian you are too much and disgusting talking internal petty insignificant issues.
Jamaatis made that video cutting from original program of Jamuna TV. Used first half discarding second. In second half it shows people of other districts getting employed on district quotas of shown districts. So the language dissimilarities etc. Apparently work of corrupt officers. But as an Indian you are too much and disgusting talking internal petty insignificant issues.
Why the burn from the truth,huh.
Your fellow countrymen post all kind of stupid and troll threads especially that Luffy500 fellow and now posting of a news clip from a Bangladeshi News channel is Indian trolling....
Jamaatis made that video cutting from original program of Jamuna TV. Used first half discarding second. In second half it shows people of other districts getting employed on district quotas of shown districts. So the language dissimilarities etc. Apparently work of corrupt officers. But as an Indian you are too much and disgusting talking internal petty insignificant issues.

As if Jamatis are not Bangladeshis, the report shows what it shows, and I am sure many Bangladeshis here have contrary view to that of yours. Remember, it's a forum. :) The report and headline mentioned "Indians", besides this forum does discuss the so called internal issues of all countries, Bangladesh is no exception. So stay on the topic in case you have anything to speak...on the topic. I will ignore the personal insults and abuses for the sake of a healthy discussion here.
Rainman, what is exactly your problem with Bangladesh, your original homeland?
I am certain these are infiltrated cadre of RAW outlets - Bangobhumi and Mohajir Sangho of Kolkata.
I am certain these are infiltrated cadre of RAW outlets - Bangobhumi and Mohajir Sangho of Kolkata.

And what is the purpose? :)

Brw, never heard of Mohajir Sangho, who are they?
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Why the burn from the truth,huh.
Your fellow countrymen post all kind of stupid and troll threads especially that Luffy500 fellow and now posting of a news clip from a Bangladeshi News channel is Indian trolling....

Where is the truth. I objected it as I already knew its a propaganda news. And rainman already knows this. But he deliberately put such stuffs to troll. The intention is important. If the thread purpose is to troll on serious matters then its not welcome. And as an Indian your fellow countryman has taken this work as sole purpose of his life, its disgusting. But Luffy and Munshi those guys are dumb, so they take it seriously whatever $hit they post. There is difference.

As if Jamatis are not Bangladeshis, the report shows what it shows, and I am sure many Bangladeshis here have contrary view to that of yours. Remember, it's a forum. :) The report and headline mentioned "Indians", besides this forum does discuss the so called internal issues of all countries, Bangladesh is no exception. So stay on the topic in case you have anything to speak...on the topic. I will ignore the personal insults and abuses for the sake of a healthy discussion here.

Its a forum but not your paradise. I think people should maintain a certain level of quality before posting threads. Btw here is the remaining part.

Well that would explain their incompetence, wouldn't you say?
Rainman, what is exactly your problem with Bangladesh, your original homeland?
Dude why u suddenly question rainman. We know you both are same person. Get a life bru :coffee:

Do what if Indians or Hindus join police force?
Where is the truth. I objected it as I already knew its a propaganda news. And rainman already knows this. But he deliberately put such stuffs to troll. The intention is important. If the thread purpose is to troll on serious matters then its not welcome. And as an Indian your fellow countryman has taken this work as sole purpose of his life, its disgusting. But Luffy and Munshi those guys are dumb, so they take it seriously whatever $hit they post. There is difference.

Its a forum but not your paradise. I think people should maintain a certain level of quality before posting threads. Btw here is the remaining part.

I am hurt by the barrage of accusations you are pounding on me! :( The world is a complicated place, more often than not it is not what it looks like, there are serious conspiracies and geopolitical games always going on that common population are completely oblivious of...

Here the Government of Bangladesh is being accused of recruiting Indians in their police forces by hiding their true identity, common people of Bangladesh have confirmed it in TV interviews. So instead of brushing it under the carpet as Jamati propaganda, we should make an attempt to explore the truths and facts in it. The news may not be as per your liking @bongbang , but its is a news.

There can be three possibilities that I can think of:

1. The news is false, those people are common Bangladeshi Hindus being recruited in the police force legitimately, and Jamatis are being anti-Hindu crying foul. Maybe Sk Hasina is handing out some doles to her Hindu votebank, but nothing more than that.

2. The news is true, and Sk Hasina is trying to secure power by closely working with the Indian government and by recruiting Indians in Bangladeshi police force, who will come handy in case of a crisis or coup. Maybe these guys have some connection with RAW, as @asad71 sir has already mentioned. He is a 'professional' and he knows these stuff, I always had great respect for him and trust him more than a clueless Bangladeshi civilian.

3. The news is true, and the design is far more sinister than what was mentioned in the point no.-2. These Indians being recruited in Bangladeshi police force are trained RAW agents, as @asad71 sir has already mentioned, and Sk Hasina is working with India to prepare Bangladesh for some 'takeover' sort of a thing....something that many Bangladeshis have always suspected and named Akhand.......I mean you know it better!!

@bongbang I request you not to be so hostile to a messenger, I am a friendly neighbour who never indulge in name calling, insults, abuse, and racist comments against Bangladeshis (barring maybe 1 or 2 times, if at all, when I was seriously provoked), I mean no harm to our friendly neighbour Bangladesh, something that @BDforever @Anubis @Doyalbaba @Riyad @SHK can confirm. I didn't even hit back when @Species and @iajdani called me names. :cray:

I would like to hear inputs from other Bangladeshis on the topic. @MBI Munshi @asad71 @Saiful Islam @Luffy 500 @extra terrestrial @UKBengali and @idune if he still comes to this forum. :)
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And here we were worried of Bangladeshis infiltrating India o_O

If this is a barter, then equal amount of Indians should be given space in Bangladesh Police Services..
I am hurt by the barrage of accusations you are pounding on me! :( The world is a complicated place, more often than not it is not what it looks like, there are serious conspiracies and geopolitical games always going on that common population are completely oblivious of...

Here the Government of Bangladesh is being accused of recruiting Indians in their police forces by hiding their true identity, common people of Bangladesh have confirmed it in TV interviews. So instead of brushing it under the carpet as Jamati propaganda, we should make an attempt to explore the truths and facts in it. The news may not be as per your liking @bongbang , but its is a news.

There can be three possibilities that I can think of:

1. The news is false, those people are common Bangladeshi Hindus being recruited in the police force legitimately, and Jamatis are being anti-Hindu crying foul. Maybe Sk Hasina is handing out some doles to her Hindu votebank, but nothing more than that.

2. The news is true, and Sk Hasina is trying to secure power by closely working with the Indian government and by recruiting Indians in Bangladeshi police force, who will come handy in case of a crisis or coup. Maybe these guys have some connection with RAW, as @asad71 sir has already mentioned. He is a 'professional' and he knows these stuff, I always had great respect for him and trust him more than a clueless Bangladeshi civilian.

3. The news is true, and the design is far more sinister than what was mentioned in the point no.-2. These Indians being recruited in Bangladeshi police force are trained RAW agents, as @asad71 sir has already mentioned, and Sk Hasina is working with India to prepare Bangladesh for some 'takeover' sort of a thing....something that many Bangladeshis have always suspected and named Akhand.......I mean you know it better!!

@bongbang I request you not to be so hostile to a messenger, I am a friendly neighbour who never indulge in name calling, insults, abuse, and racist comments against Bangladeshis (barring maybe 1 or 2 times, if at all, when I was seriously provoked), I mean no harm to our friendly neighbour Bangladesh, something that @BDforever @Anubis @Doyalbaba @Riyad @SHK can confirm. I didn't even hit back when @Species and @iajdani called me names. :cray:

I would like to hear inputs from other Bangladeshis on the topic. @MBI Munshi @asad71 @Saiful Islam @Luffy 500 @extra terrestrial @UKBengali and @idune if he still comes to this forum. :)
hoise ar natok korte hobe na , ami ato natok dekhi na :rolleyes:
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